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September 28, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-09-28

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S e eU N T I M E L Y H A Z I N G A c a s k m y og hts s .n d s s e s i t a t S c o t t ' sI N
SelfFillingA GAIN CENSURED Some very nice rooms very reason- LK A E
SefFligabl Er6 Church street. - 3-9 To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any
____ink, press the CrescentFiller and see it ill its own
FABER President and ex-President of rtcetiest stditontsm for tte least The College tank like a camel saking its thirst Thats all there
monyinttis market. ickel iplated Snndnd is to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it
N he Student Council Give Their Perfecction stuucnt lamtps, whie shade, anywhere-any time
FOUNTAIN PEN Views on the Subject. $2.75 act; do. Berlii, $. Fall ine
liitIiitrcstciiiso of lamsichimnseys, shades. wsicks aiiul S SELF PEN'
Deemo 1-r tl tireadohpesnt ciiyo ilt cs siitsciquality aid luosest prices. . .+ ~ IL E
11J1Uatic undelsse A.ill\ Peacersis-pitDe~as & Co., lt., 72 South Mai St. "TrHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FLLER
at detfth tucstCounici,. sal yes - 2iS c n be fited instantly without the least inconvenience. You
c o ay:--- -- - __.-'ciiid ill it witi white kid gloves on without danger of
sAR ' h noiesil b1etweceis the oser Jcwelry aid wtch repairing at IHeni soiling. Besiies its convenience, is the splendid writing
Q 9 ls eswihtaecocccusrcedithis esisngqio tic, Ira R.. Lbrty- . )t(Iqualities f the Conklin-the perfect feed.
Conrillidmbe ly lipcesaure aiid are 5to- Ieadtngseales hanlethe Cnkin. If yeuse ns nt, cder
Coo t 0ati 0Stan Nniiii \\e. he epord I eiese thastiiemibesrs of Tyicy .\l iclig & Schiid(.fr cutlery diret. Peices, X3.t0 ansiup. Sed at onfee hasomune new caaog.
th ne lsss shld iigo inoiithe aisdisupllies in geiieral tharwsar, t 20 h oki e o,30Mahta ldTldOi
-z~p' ichcrescecled tfor teIsi- SouisthuAlaltsstrit. 4-5ThCokiPeC.,30MnaanBd olohi
Loaned _________________________ pa-crsiof csi is ccl i tsih s energi"cs--
Mon y .O~ld hsits 1 is thesi.petusiasre lastis, 1(ST A Isrownslatter trunk sculh
Money Loant on thicontlesisrars recsyit o isis it te initials BeW. lilt phisse 33. Ies
OnW tceDimnsicw[los, sisften lvs h ajoity of sa. ti
or oter persos-alproety. biithi uteri sits is favsoictic iisciiitii-
Watcheoanod Jewolry repaired. t-usicssotflhostilitis fsc thec presenst, and 1(1ST Ciiopy cit IDon Qinilarge cjw
imsjoity sshutishlivsecits iweigt wsithit issifyis .702 Souhics v Cssersity- Ave.A AB E
Office at residence 331 I;. Libeticsy 5 .S sctiii is s-5i lc r-sswlahs. i.siir.I
Ann Arhu. -hs h ntgt h rsn lse.Poe6,t
flours to ii:30 a. . i ts 4u3t ansi 7 tos iii ossriss it mi stil , ii upsspier classines, -- -
s P. m. t bliee his Is5tse Din of 55 sutO d igl i 1(ST-$o ill. Fider plascclssve
JOSEPHlG. XW ATTS siss lit t ocisis ilsiiisssciss anisy fil- is Iiss ofice assdtrccie resari. 4-
Vier hostil5itiesit sil t e ine st eet.''9
____________________________________ Hrry Hill fiormsir prcesicnt f thelOc R RCN'T A i-ry idsiale suite
Ionclsidi"he p ematiure out- O ossat 331 Pachar,withs alirsiedi-
ccreaks (f tisus lrclass lhostilitis swhtih isbi-i-is i-si-ssscits. f
if 'cciics I mis d ilsy cssrseisu IsenSt rireliis usiisss The ew fallI liie of college goods is now complete with the
Baffl~p Cners ll n~ i llows iinof iltheiUiwit. ~'ilcy ari-ist: of lass lsiiltisFridaiySp. 2. Rtichcosicest and h ost vaied new things ever shown. R 'u,,COIN
le sorcOfithe lassldes having risto324 1. -ibrt. eward. 45 & Fhi, mdrao atiulr tetion to tersuerbdipa
ccc ie f ti(,corganizatiosiosit se classes - ---- -of sewvdesigns in Manhattan Shits.
f s ir te ruis, aindl as-i-heisisy itdisp- Wheni-iy isisarc' too lie forreaickasst
I v f bl theimisas usell s by tipprcat omeI susi e. sstc hatsiea 'isalCssli ltiiMen's New Fall Gloves of all leading iakes
Al i-siuci. Iles ssisishussicilssssrssd-is- i'slus-ukfi-i riis q isss3u 1 Men's New Fall Neckwear Mn's New Fall Underwear
DARLING & .MtALLE.AULX ierais1who imake11sitheusiess crusghli-____
224226 s. Stafe S. is-m mesucs ociif the is vaisl clasisssre io ry Krissses homes-iside cndisis. his
-hitavnly this suiiinsshattey are Castsihoillimstsisre. i1-'i A fll aiey of n' styles of these world-famous hats to
_______________mu____h____oli rilatec-he Spirstnouf the -selct frosissStetson. Carlton, fowards.-
a-n sisirsh ndunless stsy ccase sll FOR ~R NI' -A Fii'suits of rosms
Collegen we scishliwreckishoiheny cii- ficllies Inquhire st33.11F1Liberty Mi's Fall Caps, prices from oc up.
tn uc aciitis polytht blegin:, schiss
Steins >tlcl bi .iii loisee that ithe isltr
Stems N uprsad" I muR N cub e e i Conlin F'ieje1.
& Sons. All nssscnsulis. News lo-
NiALLER'S J[WELRY STORE, 216 S Min 5Si. cion, Uss. iS. hots istsred. tf
r~n ~ sao~~iai yussasre looking usr goo n o h a
A HANDY DRUG6 STORE Iswis'doltls isi sirs-s suitsisst ll $.50soter isek, ryIHI IN\ORTlON
h is b slri-.tacoi j tatlost& to,' 6r5Chunsrc eccc.3- M A K S T A W O
Stadensrats h ve us i .fst iisdore ti-t l st iic.- antdslssuits sf516Sottthi____ __ '' A R O
the U iii ores.iy ilt. intind u soec
aady Wplut u tuu i rhis-c a iss sI ce 5. if IIAhoNfSS FR RENT - h usshs f
Drugs, Toilet Articles - - -- cosic usewipinso ss satRots t 5 \httFor Fin7est CuTisine
Stationery, Candies h 1 ho fss sus Kodak ast t akens frotms lout ltlis'iseon asist criss. Ftt tis gtiti fu
anid Cigars. SI' of 1Ihi tsltsuits is' Musts i Sciui2"Served e k. la Cfrte
51 aimtouuk-sp sversiahuingu sos-it-siis, letirisii i.t touiis itor i '1 tS i T uy hVe tpayIyou tohiscmes itosnus tout fis
oor hiss. 'rues-uigt. .scentus-st str lsabortoiry suptatlis (oda r'yts
Try our soda The Best i the coty. - - - - Ofiu ,Sfootci. 51-2
East University Pharnmaey Sart 5 i lCit. t3aAic5hotiri t Srapt - - -Prices Most Reasona.be.. MACK & Co.
IS~si S. l~is-esiy sli s-ii's'- t k now. Spec-i lpicttire teswit h it f yiiu s-situ ue Ies founssistai tusnil
__________________________________ book_____ ut ,lits itu, Pht' ograisu-phers-719q N st' city, gus ts Cusslusug's, 33 Souths
Barber IShoierand5Stath shRcims' M N N [D S itu Wachs, Diamonds Jweryaid alt
Shpal at ofi 1 hfStItIN' I ! Strc rit-ba Sic hos XNi'l) 1illyseiccnd-[YndOAo- ii e.s5a'~ isuues s Choii la It)l ec
E u't i g ulici' tsis-s thus-si steiill a-sti a k s ltls i rsde tossd e o lieat-il ~55 Businsst,'5 ritly soufds'siat
Lar'gst Shop i tn th i ty illysityle,-:-itu( smonessy1aheasigti S sualowasnuuc. Lyn,s-i deas, lessin oas"N1 ul cni i pps 5 M 5 W Jhouse.
ST DE TOU FTT R l very man seeks style. Our garments at-
Class Caps tract attention wherever seen. 'We take p1 as-
- Gynuasittm Suits~
Laoratory Suits W~AGNER & CO. tire it shlowiig our goods at all times.
Gymnasisums Shoes STATE STREET-SIGN OF THE B10 SHOE Qj We have maiy eclive novelties at popi-
Hlospital Cots___________________
D~ental Coats lan prices aid will be glad to have you see
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 South State Street THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. Gas Stuzdy3 J.rnps
326 N. Fith Ae.
Fifteenth Annual Announcement of Bible Classes for Students New 'honee 4u7 Bell Photo 47-k Insure a steady, soft glow.

The following courses are offered by U. P. Coler: SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
1. tntroduction to New Testament Study. Sundays, 12 noon, beginning Sp- tps niesns
tember 29.Opnndrnwmaget
2. Old Testament History. Tuesday, 4:10 p in., beginning Otoer 1. Classes open Saturday, 10 a. m. Easy on the eyes.
3. The Life of Christ, Wednesdays, 4:10 p in, beginning October 9, ldrt npie
4. The Life and Writing- of Pl. Thursdays, 4:10 p.e1i., beginnintg Oct. 17 Assemblies, Wednesdays lidrt npie
S. The Reigious Educa tion of the Child. Tuedays 7:10 p, mi., beginning and Saturdays, 9 to is Cheaper than oil or electricity.
October 22. _______________
6. The Beginnings of Christianity. Tisu:'oday, 7:10 p.,- beginning Oct. 10.wiKIO O
The purpose of the Ann Arbor Bible Chairs is ao provide instructio of
University grade in the tileand about the Bible for tUniversity students and Chinese Chop-Sey Restaurant Got th bet from the Isiret aeortmrorat.
thus to co-operate with chuches and sther religious organizations of Ann Chinese fancy Dishes. AmoeicaniLucesfuiu
Arbor in promoting the religious ife of the student body: and with the Cn- aul kinds. eEery d iing foesS-classrboteas C o
'versity in promoting the caose oh higher educatio, raidis ad genteent. o e n r i s o
Chinese ad apanese Brie-a-bre.
A Full Announcement w lll be furnished on application. p Stals, one done S. uson rs~, 314 S. Stae St.
-Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It

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