_The Mc .."il VOL. XVIII. ANN . R , MIii fIG '\\. \VFI')\I'"S):\Y. I)I;CI'VMIIhJLR 4, zSf07. .ss o. . CAMPAIGN BEGUN VS. ATHLETIC EVILS Several Students Thing That the Graduate Director Should Not Vote for Treasurer. An organized catopaign agaist al- leged evils io te Athletic association lots resuttedi fronm the dleadlock in te election for thte office of treasurer. The thsree msemhers of tihe boarti of direcors whott suipptortetd George Kelly ate alliedl thenmseives tis cottbat existing cottdi- sue's. Th'ley claim, its general. that lihe gradultatte director should not he allotted a vote itt whtat they regard as a pustely stunt affair-thte elections of thte treas- steer. 'They asoi state thsat tite present contstittttio otf te associatison is archaic uniclear ott manisy toitts, atis inadeqisatte itt othsers. Stpecific eidettce is addsucseud by twos sirectores to shtsw htows the psliticalt gamie is bteing playedl itt the sdeadlossk sitiuai tions.' The genserail feeinig of thesmeni sehoi tke this standss seems to isle thast althttough csndsitiosssare sitw sit worse thant they Issve brts its years past, yet the' tinse liss comae tos chstnge thsest. TCrattitisit, thtey hosldl, is so reasons fse suppalortinig att cviii state of affairs. Jutst whast is the position of tse 71t(11 ishot supptisedt Josepth FIleitger isno knowsnt. Whistperstof "ntinttg buti moss- sliingiing," andi "soree-heads"s' have ects wcidely tpreevtient dsisig it lasts twsectsty- A generasl statemete iif position iby Kelly's suptttiers-Chlees Thotrntbsurghs Dosnaldl Drusmmondss, atnsi 'llbitt C'hand-sl lee-is as fosllos: "The moviiemsent whtichs lias ben stt dandt wic h wass broussght io ight by~ Me. Ifiwnseyss atrticte its yeserdhay"s DIts is surely locasl its its imporist sits puerpose.' It has aslttsely ntothiing is do weithi Cosnferensce sliestits its stil msannser, shsape sr fisrst. Its puirpoise is tos effect stints basdly nededl chaniges it ste conitiions of the Athlectic associaitions. tWe heliee, amoong othse thinsgs, slitt te gradisate directore shsosled ave sat voice its pisrely stisenest isteress, par ticuliarly its heinig aile to sdeterminise hy his vote who shsould or should ot hi the studsenat maensbers of the boarsd es dlirectors. "'lThe ese of snses its sdiscosisisg thes wvorkitngs of the associationt is ot for ste purepose of sisigisig mues sr for thes tpsspose of dealisig its tpersontalities, lass for the purpose of stating its concrtet fosrms cosnditionas wthichi have existed, whsichs site exist, ansd whiichs stutst be. remseslied before there cans le ai healhy' luocal athletic sitetstiit.' Thse foloiniig insdividuassl satemsens save bects obtaissed: Charsles At. Thsorssbsisgis "It kis iseli knsosvn fasct, that fir ai utbe lie years snseroiss politicasl sdeasls f tqtis- tiontahle charsacter havee seect msaniisulaste its tir Athlietic assoiciattion, autu it is witis the endi its viesw of chanssginsg this situsa- tions that seseral mtembiesi of tir siar if directsrs oif the assoiatio 5555 litideis tiliesi themuselves wiih the msoveent t( alter sudsh csnditioiss. Wisest te' nsi- ness sof filing te vaancy (f treassiee of the asssciatsion caessi etsose te boat( if direecsors thse chasiermasn adittedi iii'i lie wits tissues obligationto i ts ie fse ass supposrt Mr. "eitiger, andist iswess vee es'idlent thati ass attempt wvss being; siisd to usi te tote of the board ts sissy solitical ohligations, its the miannser isuts lissesd its Mlr. Dossney's article ini testes slay's I)AIs.'. Several msessibers f the hoard nausralliy sippossesd this aittempu for the reason thats we believed te tisis had souse whets te hpositiont of stOics re'presenttives ott te hottes sout Alsio, that v'acanscies sit ste bsoarsd sisisis beu filed hy the vote of te studesnt ep- suuiatvs ndntiby slestote of th DLRe gessdlsasee sirectsse. iUndtietheprisen Sii DLER j AD. c'ontdition,. te"gesasdsate sirte r vi 5A e practicallysdictat;byiis v it hoshll NA V'ALAR sit lt'e boardi, tutd sit'feel thai h ra ---- ((steir ieccitr shouuldiihive n lieiHe Gives Results of strictly sttlttqusestionis, asist(555sIlty vW hich Were M.i ltstie shosuislists'se'sits te' i inte'hite ssf studsesinteisflibees tso lte'saius Coti Tank Lust Year. tesge boardess. At. iR. Chasndlie '' "befosr's'protceevingi Profss . Ii'lsi's ii'C. S with te ptsiiicasl situattionuithe boatdts'adsuitilis 1 st's1 (if sd siseor sat teprsents'u timesIe wish to stte Ily postisn ll reard is'sh let ile' sty' nt wish toits ets th's Con-'t11'0t 1itle seene ise (ittu(htsinto s it s p ltcl man l'l Z F freses'issuhe i sritsits lis rtsetislitis ,anes 'tfoci' n edbt at bod I e ll Isil, I te i tse coltd t~i rslt s'ti s''sa l e a e ,ti iise pfist rsit e. 1cicis ihih w l s'e''siYearistilliitiits i.iIts i siles iiisit The isy (lst hshs Itl isto lithe ii is tstiilt'sf(slytresirri the 5 ssss ic ni'''tile bo rd t is squetstionts list a s be efr csctl *l i te Io r o ev rl w es a d i sjs ssiesrfroe si sel ed owas te .cl'ictyp, ri5 l jus t v s i r os us ssght p tIfsthe(((stlllis s l c~l foits ' ': '.' ass'ciati cstituionsilt si nt prois e I s,5;1) t t fo sisssio e e n h ul i h,. t al frs el it seici s tltis t sls's doci sie t Iist i a f t 1 " \l : tit' s I evt' , ' puttlsalsiiti].te tis slisireatils islC Is is 5all impor(its thit suse itt stts .h i Il sic~ ~ Eylits'uis. 'ft'sutiis es t' 5 is st'r i~siis i ts'.way; sbtun crthe l s en t Cil-is I ] ' ? eihtitso o airs' itthereushue nite ;om o5' cflel '-. en;l lie ally ssss 5(5fieiher std vilt' its site -tl e {t7et 5s ,*-'lt titus theistisisaleilsits' I h ts'tc sisi 's astude ti sssesris 's elcinits is nsuitsed IIIthe ii v rs i i'is svery siuastanedsitsitcsiean t shodhec'i s~ tintstl iip nd'tts ma'ti itlesr i itw ithac stdent. I ettl m d lct fe firmsly'bitv ta eer thdeint int fite 1ctrnolc =.~ 'ivieci'sity s atile tos.vste fIsi 1 self hal heii 51 ~ r o if..I. it ssssssstsitleit l ).e P. 1)cetie'' ste'1 itiitisi situaison s (~ sits iiits' etussle5 (t(ssilertstt 51 5 isuiiste i I os o cetes tsselists stef nis-ii move-5 iiimentssoriscousterimovemest of ai s iti Isis in cst >,tec t naturss'e iThse rits'u' s e ps"(snthedeii istitt~erlli sysiessi. sitmolie face' if ii, is (ts strii fits- ssdee s'iediate 'hen 'its. Pit icaeltist ssis se ; sytm il th'eusfacteuoflit it heits ig alw icutu\ r t ." . ro l f ('1 i 1 ' t 't - t t 1"- 1 C' it. lit Id 'r. Id l3-_y ('iii. 5 5 'iAVA su;1 ; s us si,.?