?IRVICH!GAM VfAIItY I G. II. Wild Comfpally 1 . r 1 IHE MICIGAN DAILY. The Largest Stock 1 in the Cityt of Exolilsive Styles inl WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Year Eery thing required for Suits, Overcoats, Lancy Vestings, and 1 Trouserings, and of high class fahrics and special styles. Fuil Dress Suits a] Specialty G. H. Wild Coumpally 311 South Siate Street Early mcaybe to mentiom books for Christmas Gifts but now is a good time to be- gin to select them while lines arc unbroken and you'll finsd a fine assort- ineiit of the nwest aud popular ones AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores ( pal i S PAL DI N QQL ,t._1_ & BROS. q A~ The Largeit Manufacturers in the Worldj of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Glolf, Lswn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Otticial tImplemernts for Track aod Field Sports Uoiformos for all Spiets. Spalding's Haodsoely Ilusiraied Catalogue of ail spoti cootatns nu- meroossogesiions. Srodtforii.-I'stfrrr. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yurk, Chiceago, St. Louis, San Francico, litnueapolits, Denver, iBuffalo. Syraruse, Pitts- burg, Phiiladeliphia, Biostoii, Cincinnati, Balti- more, Washigton, Kfansas City, Cleveland, New Orleans, Detroit, Mlontreal, Canada. i i C Mianaging Editor-PAUs, SeOrMuwueA. Business Manager-C. E. WNSEA. News.... .............A. F. Rithie Athletics....William F. Gradolph Sprting....'. Clarence E. Eldridge Exchange.H.. . E John Wambold Music and Drama.....Roy D. Welch Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDIOIAi STAFF J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams John F. Wr Robert H-. CEaoy David F. Stevenson NIGHT EDITOR Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher gROTRS L. C. Reid Lee A White H. 1. McHugh J. H Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Tosers Louis Kraft Leswis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland Patti Greer Samuel I. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, exept Sunday. Both phones 96c" TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, t07. iONOR AMONs. MEsCS. The aopiotn of the honor sysemt ly th' freshmsiasiclass i tiresiedial ie- patet is the best indiccatioth Ie sys- tmcou itlid ass. Tlhttsifotheisclass shotuld l eect to follow a course alng whtich ttree oters are alrady travelitg. secems to troe ciisclusively that te latrdshipits to le encotttered are sisaller thanstiile benefits hoped lfs. The itedical deatenit is sow solid fior "hoioii.''Dhecociversions sibeest slisws.but isoitutial and tiifircei that ino tactssiiing is to le appreheded. The hime is certainly ear at hadilsoi, whlens some oler depsirttestisl catch the infectiiuthItrotghia sigle class, stnid, ini tie cuirse of years.iwholly seicuemilb. Suichi assplenidc iea is boessielto ae its sa. And this gradual class-I-class suffusiosiof a sinssgle esllege Ial a time is probably tie most effective mtethod iii chsloug eru. W. ole foriard to a dsyswhses the etirie Uisiesity will have beeniesolledin iisepprt of tie losos prinicitle. wsciOMl FROM AROA. Our search siter wisdom brought uis, the oler iday, to an exmination of th pages of te Daily M~atoosn. Itioe nismbie especisslly the pape's . alread teesinsgcoleisns ad teii eiriced lby at csntibuetion frssms ac"siee ciai." Tet atticle ini qluestiocn isca cotpositions uf elite power asd eegasce; asd the orta miental desigtt of its exteior fascinate' the reader only that le ay be ccn- tronted wills a fesv gentle but fimtndtl iscccsnpotiisiig idictsttitoti a vexiing quiestioni. \We feet that we would betray ouse litersary responsibities, and as welt the moral atid social trusts which we hold from the L'niversity, it we did hint publish this letter for our own readers. It follows sin full: "Deiar Me. Editot : I tead with si good hit of sutrptise the editorial in a recent Maroosnaboiuit what your paper seems to blieeethe duty of varsity mcii to tsikeitmore vartsity girls to the college hiips. It is impossile tcc believe thasi this eititisirilciseld save beesi suggested 'sue1 oftie- lsidieslotfte university. 'fhey hasse, Iamsc ur eie, too usuceh iridle tcc edsos suc atinig. 'fhe chivalry of the eitoriaul boardel is dollltess the cause of its bieigprnted. I think this chis- slty is uully idevelopsed. "ust youishouildlremiemsber, icIr. Edi- toe, t11at the Reynouluds clibacid the Sciste clubli sre organiizations, slot of the miesn scd ltehelsomenicithileuciirsity, 'scs cit the smiensisicly. 'fhe swomencof thie uiciersity hasve inc right, per se, to gol tiivarsity affairs. 'lThe oclyrecasosi thieysoldilh ave foe expectisig to lie inivitedl lies iii the attralctiventess which thiey clay poses They hase only thcemsselves ticitank it they aren't iii- sited. I think it is a perfectly taft thicig Ito say, andi a tinlg well-titoveni by the laces, thast nicocitmaci stueest among uts iced dlespcair iof beincg icitedl to Rey- colds clbliops andi to Score clech dascees. it she will only talecaesre: (i) ciot to be sncobblishs oci lie cscsipecs ;(a2) to act as it she tescesiblereed that we poor mcci iisve somsie slight excuse for livisig. anid 13) ti cecssb etrIsair in thce smorninog, so1 as sot sic disillussion cevety smicntshe kniows. Yours truly. 'A Mete Mac.'" Nows it's hack tos the biooiks and turkey boinies. CONFERENCE HOLDS FUTILE MEETING (Continued trues Pace Duel) striving to regain the power, and with expectations of success. It the balance of powser does change hands, Michigan wrill -comie back and will agree to abide by the laws of the big eighct. "The electiocn ot 'Germany' Schulz tic the captailicy of the cqoff Michiigasi eleven is not looktd on as a biaerierlie- twec'nithi Wolverines and the othet Confereicce niembiers. The hoard cit cocntrol has sot ratified the electioci, aned in all probiability will siot. Schitlz seas Ice choice of the smescbers of the teams. hut will not lie recognized as captain usless the. faculty and the hoard of con- trot sancetiosi his elections." And right here that paper went astracy. "Germaiciy" Schlz is sicw recogniized. as catptaini citMihcigsan's cent football leans cust as surely sis was lilly Hestosinic his palmsiest days-asnd while Michigass stuc- dents are not averse to goisig sack its active alliascee with the westerns schoiols, usny attempclt to debsar Schlzl front Iis fairly won hconor is stcre to causse 051 uproar whtichc miay upset all ot the feel- inc of comcpromiise whicht is sow evisdenit. EXERCISES PLANNED FOR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDIAY 'fhi commicittee in ecarge of ltce'Nas icngton's birthday exercises has already bseguns to llac for scsi sttractive tirogramc to be given ini the last buiildinsg oti Satcir- slay. Febc. 22. Thce cossmnittee is isi cor- respondesce with several prominenit speakers antI tully expects to seccire an1 tnsueally able icaic for the orator of the day. As ito definite arrangemesnts have beest maide, the stances of the stestusider coccsi'lersctioss are withheld. cut assucr- slice is given thcat the final choice will lie scmnsof scote assilability. VIoSioting Cards- Everyone uses some visiting cards. Why not get the best, it is as cheap as the ordinary printed cards. We eitgrave new plate and ioo cards for $1.25: If you bave your* own plate, 75c per. iou cards. We do Stationery Stamping, Wedding An- icotinieentts and Mono-= grain Work. Get ou r estimaltes. WAHR'S Bookstores State Street Mainc Street hi C. [.ARIB[[Li A'TRACTlIVE PUBLICATION -________ ISSU.ES FROM HOSPITALS O31.3 DRINKING FOUNTAIN ____CONSIGNED TO U. I1. CELLAR 'Thie Dececmbec.rumbcher of thie Plcysi-, can acid Surgeonc, the pubiicationsoiste Univeersity hiospital. hisiasppee. Edi- ltst Kesaticcg tils at last, with the collabo- ration esfltce clicnicah professorts, 11111this isournsal ciscass equial tfooting with the best publciationis of its kisndhini the coucn- try. Thie issue coniss aci articleIcy tDe. Msarshcall L. Cucshmsns,ion "Resmoval of the Fatucial Tonusils." All scientifically inclintedlwithlhueinterested us "Meinoirs of thue Life aindl Work of Dr. 'N. D. Millet," wsrittens hy Dr. Nesille S. Hoff, DO.S., aind publishied throughc ehe court- esy of the Altumnuss. This is anu extesnd- ed account of the remarkable researches of the late deass of the dental depart- msent. Thse cliicalhdeptatmtstotthie Or- cetmber issue site conteducted bcy Protes- sons Peterson,. Canfield, Parker, Oath- iug, ansdl Breakey, asid hby Doctors Smsithies andu Loree. .\lr. WYihley, direr- toe of the X-ray labosratouries, constrihutes somue noetes. 'rie Ipersoni ihso took the overcoat frotm gymniuasieumssSsturday atternsooss, whsether Iby mstsake cr sot, wihl save trlelcibyh 'returnsinig it. His edescriptions is ksnowsns. 'Th isappearansce osf the old iriinkinsg founctsain whsichsfisrmterly stood tear the nsorthc eutrance icnthe umaincorisridor (if University Hall has cattsed muechu inuiry conscerninig it. Whsen the new stairways were bucilt lash summer, the foeuntainsIs h to lie ttuved aindi since theun it has lsaits ini the lbasemuentt. It was intended tuo placr thur oldtfseutaits bace ini the same call, hush to prepatrationo hissvet seen mcade toe it. Freqenut edisorders of l te tmechanlsism antI a persisteust difficulty in keecpintg thur ivater cool preventted thse fountaitn froms gaining auty great popularity. The water cad teo le pipedi the rutirer length of the buildinig. thsus reniderinig it somsewhtat ull palatable. The old focutain, presented to the University as a class irenmorial, is re- posing us thue basement of University Hall, awaiting a mote forteunate disposal. LADIE'S-Have you seeun ihe latest us footwear-"Auto Boots-us the lat- est hrowns shade. and also lack-at Per- iclehi, t11o 5. MacinsSt. 54-61 Fraterniity andi sorority sesils out leaths- er pillows, at Dlarlinig & Malleauxs. Call asid see. Law and Medical Books Treves Alsatomy, New Edition. (just received.) Stimsoii's Fracturesand Dielocations, New Edit- ion. Morris Anotomny, 3rd Ed. hsalf leather, $2.50, h al1f isorocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-h or exchsange your Law, Medical and Dental Books. C. E. BARTHELL . Tel 161. 326 S. Stale St. Largest collection of ordiniary and the oiily collection of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Qutality Best - Prices Righut Michuigan alid Feat. Stinues. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler 220 S. Malin Sc. 5EG0Do ADE O~DiF UOERNETFORMULAE Flusic Every day one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do more iii the line of cul- ture, I would learn some- thing about music sonas to appreciate good m u s I c when I bear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the Ube Ztuaents' 7lecture tssociation Dr. William J. Dawison London, lEng. Friday Eveiz1z, Dec. 6,1907, at 8:15 "SOUSA AND HIS BAND Monday Evenisng December 9, -1907 University Hall Iq University School of Music Maynard Street 'I Tickets for Entire Course - - Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - Single Admission Tickets for Dec. 6 - Single Admission Tickets for SOUSA $.0 .50 $1.00 __ i E 121 Washington F. The Randall Stludio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 590