T'HE MICHPMAW IAYLOY GATHER YO~VK CO-R'N-. EARLY If gathered before the fr osts of noeglect harden and dry it the 'work is easy, better gather it withont fuither delay. ASK HOW QUARRY'S ner SitteSt.'iind'N.leis.Ase. Money Loaned On Watches, Diamconds. Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 3i1 E Liberty Si Ann Arbor. Hours:P ii3 :0a. m.,1to04:30and 7to ALL BUiSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHER Watch Fob with Foot Ball chiarmis ini colleg-p coloro. Price 25 cents AT DARLING &- MALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St. College, Steins HLLIIR'S JEWI.RY STOREI, 216 S. Main Si. lelan to iHandle Clean 10 Cnris lelan to bill MOORE'S NON - LEAKALEi FOUJNTAIN PEN The Best Fonntain Pens Ever made at Any Price. For sale by East University Pharmacy 1219 . University Avene. Bell Phonie416 Home Phone 749Bluse Vof M. Barber Shop and Bath Roomfs Evrythimil Firscloos. Lsrdot shop ina ths.City J R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. "GERMANY' SCHULZ. IS CHAOSEN CAIPTAIN (Cosninued irons Page Ove) ton, Princeton_ from lbsh Indians, accd Ills Indians in tuen from. Pennsylvansia; 1111 wh~ern Pennsy met Penis State, a game whlich, if comparative scores were t0 lbe dependedl uponi, shlold 1havc re- sltediil ilanoeerwh'lelminlg defect for Penlnsylvanlia, the Qulakers turnled tile taibles 011111111028 Ito 0. Unlsatisfactory as thley arc, comapara- live sclers 11111stitutele eloly sis110for a1 compjarisone of Ilhe i'iicliganl a1111Clii- cagoi elevenls. Early ill til eason1111when Pelnnsylv'ania w0s adm~littedly seeas, the Ind1ians5 triumphedfllo, sr Iher iby 11score if 26 Is 6. 'Mulchl more Crecelille Pennl- style of footblall.,11011 homle Itle lon~g endilof 1a 6 Iso 0score, gin lst Michliganl. (Oly Saturday, Chlicagol, poinlted espe- cially' for itiat (ole gamie, olIlloItle Carlisle Indlliansl, mlinuls lie services of 11101 aggregationl's star, 21111111t Pleasanlt, bly tlhe decisive scorc of 18 1o 4. More thall that the Indsians were freshl when thley plalyedl Penni; wilie beforemoeetin~g ChlicagoI theeyIiasd defeated Harvard, lost 1o Princetonlandll wo1n1froisa Minnesota ill raplid successioln, onlly one wseek filler- -elillg betwseenlany tIsleof 1115'fiebig Wih all 11tills ill Inlindl. Michigsoi ap- piles 1o be the stron~gest teaml iinIthe west. The *Wilserines' b~ackield was doubtliless less folrmlidlable than11 Stagg's, 11111 tso lig factolrs ill Ilth elkeuip If itie 11tw ro elensmore Illanl offset 11101 11h is'the reatlest cochilelil l Xeriell,-lnot isin~ilg 1to 1take llythinlg frollI Ille'wily Stagginor thie self-estceeed Camp. No'l ne wishoiih1111 the Iprivilege if 011y'indl~ cfintlimatels know~s'ledge if 1the replertoire f p lalys 'lost idevisedldulring Illsepresentl season1 call faill olmarvel at1 the woder- ful knledl5ge' iii the gam~le possessedl I y Y1151, desplite the statemlent~s of a fess 'iisgllieiI critics to thle effect t11at1It v is lie coachs's failuetoIallke adv1an- I ge If Ithe chan~ge ill rules 11tha15 llt 1 ieligall'sldownlfall. .\Iichliganl. Chicago.,\WisconlsinI, tile facIt11111t1Ilinolis ldefeatedll Wiscolnsini fter gettinig a11ba11start, VW'iscllnlill ctule forrdlelraplidlly 't111 l oss' of Ills O 'lire. layedlrin~gs laroundl the giantI Goepher elevenl. Althou~lghI defeateld11y Ame15s, Iolwa r'anks alcovle Illinoiis becaul~se l1i118's leam l11111t.111eIle aiskeves 0111 fai11le itoshowl5 class.11atlaly tile illthe '1151111. Their defet of Wiscon~sin camie early ill the season- illfaies, Iiiiashe 111s1 game o' f Ills'yearl'fori' Ils'BadigerIs, an a nnlel~lot is' conisidleerdl. From 1 Oliclligall standlpointlthellea1- Soniwa115em~inlently succeessfull..'lthlough bete-o a tte 11 1111r hsow-inlthe crulcil gaiille osithlbs yealr, theeam5101miade a lsjlilee-fulrecordl. Ircs'iosit1oIitheiiiin gamie.11111at four first dolwels were regis- 3BRINKS IK lereil againist itielagniiiieeit sdefeiise o l t thie Wsov'eriiie's aiidof couirse 111o111111-LI E & 2 M I. nent had been able to score. 'The 5111'- To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, jest dip 1110n ny son's. record. folOis : ink, press the Crcscrnt=Filler and sce it fillis own Niihigali, 'or; Case, 0o. The CnElege tank like a camcl slaking its thirst. That's al:thee i~iiciiigan, 0I6; Miciiigaii Agies, o. Standard is to it!I No dropper-no mess-no bothae 11)1 it M\ichiigan,. 22, 'Wabsashi, o. . anywshere-any time. -.6licliigaii.22; Ohio State, o. Afieiiigaii. o : 1eliisyiI'iia, . oal- T ii-hiig'niii.10; tppentsas, 6I. "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" Intersecionlly, he wile osstIfairedl badlly ean be filled instantly v-ithout the least inconvenliene. Toul iin Ilie seasonl. 'T'hree gaiies were could filli it wcithlwhitl,',id gloves on withiostsdaisger 'of flayesd beltweell teamils repire sening tlie soiling. Blesidles its c 'nveniee, io the spleisiid writing 'liii and11tle we'll, .and1the eliteieiortionqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed. ot tile cotltryl won111ev'ery econtest. Leadineg dealers hanidle hec Cocklin. Ifyoers does not,orere The recori olowiiiiis:iiresS Prices, 53.00 andaup. :',sd acioeeo h somuei ewc atalsg. Cl~risi. 1; Mllilsila. ii.The Conklin Pen Co., t'10 Manhattan Blob., Toledo, OhiE Pennsyisllllia. b6; .\ieli ian o. Carlisle Indlianls, i8; Chicago, 4. - WORI-tK Sll I tiC)Ttlh)ShS'IRI)SM, 'T'he L'iisersiiy tFencingub heil itshi ii iipeniingimeetinig last eieiiiig it1 Water- A RED p B k? I'll Irn1s'siul. .'V.ieIrseinulvaseen opeisoie andS.abo'. tteess -le tu'Ill're outeinhierhlii ii e te cluhs copeined 0 oyfl ln fcleegosisio opeewt h Iiis.eninioifil iflenigbu is yea~ilr, hocstan"os-are -nw-hig- ee sowR L-}ON Tefllie iiinoice,;hahte be11nele & is ,crs orpatclraioaii o hi tlebc pa ill lie R leesi resr Iei.iletiflie o e eigsu ahatnSus 1 sil 1w111 ieelilgs 'Ililillix s. X (1iiiis- Q, 11111nd riilhy,.atI4 o'cloecsk are lie Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading snakes re'gularilh t11 hllSa s iindi at 111111tile Ili- sielhiilhh11wi1lb ivenb the ldhlmieni Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear to all illte'estedl. A lull variety of new styles of these worlcd-fatioiis11.1s to WIilil prty1511111t11111oliath'''' 11 select from: Stetson. Carlton, Howards. raie wlithlthis officecfr011 mptonofMen's Fall Caps, prices from, 5Oc up. I ,0T-Ahleicssoiaionl Rell eule, Conlin Fie el 1,1151 - ' 1ns'l111111 o10 heI'ililie, ipear-'' huh -111 1.1i3 lhhiphsfi t. 54 -;; 1,1)81'Watch f111, iiials ..,. 1. ResIr to 11 6.361E. Uivrii ty Avis.. 1and1 rc'IIivc'rewardl. seerl copihies5 hit-hiseould1to)1Dam- lisculsan1111lale ibookhs lt iticCo-op cir- per I''51 we; hothesI2 centls per' 1111. Pyrography goods at Foster's, tf 12(11illgesineI .tanII ShewIsburyeehril his' iliei'herhilii is as 515solft. o ill Si.n 611V461riedsijoS -Mi . _-.r...,. .M, At MACK'S " TE$1.00 Il MONARCH SHIRI $1.00 Is the Advance Spring Styles, Attached and Dec- (ached Cuffs-the Materials and styles are as good as $1.50 will purchase-see thems. MACK (ft Co. Man St. - a a+ia a s 7+7 " M ON[Y LOAN[D On ae,',iliio ei onlil.ds, wlus ani a Eii lahsssCliatl i anolateralhcIhhs'ecii- is i.lBsiniss strictly c'onlideiIteII. 'Iwo doors south o1 City Y. M. C. A. W -L V I The Evening Dress suit is a thing of Wag er Co. Our Winter Overcoats are seasonable, the beauty when properly cut and made, An fabrics we are showing are desireable, and early order insures prompt delivery. We Importing Tailors our work will surely please you. are well equipped to serve you. 303-305 South State Street Your inspection is solicited. The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry THIOMAS ROW, Prop. G a St d a ri s 444 South State Street 326 N. Fifth Ae. Why the Jews Rejected Jesvs; a Study of New Phone 457 Bcll Phone 457-L F Insure a steady, soft glow. the First Twelve Chapteirs of t John's Gospel. SCOTT'S D~ANCING ACADEMY A special lecture by G. P. COLEIt.36 sothsate Sret Sunday Nov. 24, 12 to 1 Ca.... atisday, t0 A. M. ad Easy on the eyes. ____730 P. M. Mloderate in price. Th"eiitsEdealno h As emly S o'eiosk. Cheaper than oil or electricity. Child ..WAh K64(i LOO---t. A series of lectures by G. P CoLFR' Chinese Co uyRsarn Tedy,7:10 P. M. Co-nyRsarn Get the bet fromr the largest aaaortmoat. TuedasChinese 1ancy is e, A ean LooLuches o1 All Bible Chair Courses and Lecture s ate free. 'Students all kins. blerything citlass oe p ladies adi getemon. she Ar Arbor Gas Co. aoft others are cordially invited. Chinee andJ'panseiBric-abrsc pSars1111o .HstnBo~ 1 .Stt t PuI Stairs, one doorS.fuiesste, H u roSan S STUDI-RENTCULE,319 Es HrnStreet