COLLEGIESTYLES Whlere wiill yio find tle at its top-most bitch? In the gr eat iinixversities, to he sure The college ,'mtti knows fashion a- the small lox' knows the farthest corner of the jai]closet. "College Clothe-' is a phrase wihl fails trippiiigly froim scores of' tongues. Mane- tailor- 'laim thi s i msighityfew priodure tlieiii WVe inivite xro to 'size" us lip -tyoir judgmieiit wxill dlo the re st. iituiinxiaiixd\5Wiiter wxiolens reaxlx' in the freshest xweaves aiidh "classie-t" coloiringsx. in iAerate prixces--that' s outrs. Perfect tailoiring at rsA MICIdANt DA~ILY C'I StN 1)tl ixx ml .laa builihu ,i t 8 o'lock 16 iiC ller-ity IHall, .1: clxuiiii iii itropiiilam iat 7:30 for :111 peros interexteil xiic2__ oaii' Iraguart " ill karbir xiii" S o'clock. NO. i6(eeingi \ xcatioixx legins7 lix / S-li hal societix iiceion and xii UiNIVE3RSITY NOTICES lxxi xxiil bea nxxiix ofxi thei lic icox X11lncxiimittrix x -xi iit fencinig axxi xx xxx xx i' xx t i lix' iroxphyix ixomxxox xxx hiiiii [i 'lii iii ;xtc xandcixiiti c N x. i xr)iiexi -t iixixi xixi i 'xx ifioi ca't iiiilixi>i Si xiix-mw(iiie with.2oder xi : i"' '1 x ''' ' I' 11 xxii -ii ii' i i \f, Thaxxiii Sixix aixi xoixelx-x ATTER8 S IT HENRY Q CO. High Class Merchandise Popular Prices aatest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Ouir $5 Boot Directly North of Law Btdldin.,g 09-711 NORTH UNIVER.SITY AVENUE THE PICKWICK I Billiard and Bowling Parlor*' xxve x thixig of thi hest and thx hist'forIyi u.xxii n limx of Pipes .Cigarc sx.oacc;a nddxixies.- ( t te ait.i Fiorteenc ihowlin. ticket- for $i l00 Merchant ' r S. Rottemnsteira 707 N. University Ave. Tailors Bell Phone 176. 118 E. liberty St. J. KARL. MALCOLM. Prop. FRED W. GROSS The Home of Ma Suits, Overcoats, Good Clothes CU OTH UO Raincoats and 'Trousers AMUSEMENTS lhc Majcstic lhcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearinag completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE aiad it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. TA etoruin119 E. LIBERTY ST. NwShows each Tuesday, Thurs- dyand Saturday. Continuouxi Performance. 2 to 10l p. mn. JOE GILLARD, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. , Press Building 5ubsrciptionix takenby mail check, drat or money order. G dPdLR0LU 17P OLCIN N ut SaisfationEUGENE SMITH THE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent WIT TEKS' LAUNDR.Y Saginaw, Mich. OFFIC oilEast William S5ree. -lHoer Phone, 72 Blck LAW BOOKS sot*. year Ditonaries 36th year~ in .QuizRBooks in Ann Arbor Legal Miscellany Ammo Arbor CALLAGHAN (Q CO. CHICAGO A.eon Arbor Branch, State Street Opposite Law Bld. Ltberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. AnainArbor lw- t i' icĀ° it i5 1 'x-illx' o lx ,- ix-(tixto S. i ai l it. W e Mk I); Clc-p i cxx ix lx i llyxxx()x(,dk ixi:toSr\\' wantxxithli --all tecx -x'xil lithe fs Silixie ellxxiii' i furish W~lebb's For High Grade Candies' (j x(;earn, Iixit fxx,.x iiiixiereii. lirioxxin- 1i u/u i a 1O lfox- ill (Occx-asis. laiixnev xixkii)'aix xxilil ix x i-:=ZLxtk'd 'Ctil 1 i-a Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. lok t. 1 '''lxx xxxi lxx- xiiil I.i li xxii Itetirxxxim I ii eft ccc i e r arc 54 jxx-x ixxxixxxl xxxxxxxl 1ii' style"ix of xakt: I thei lxx-cep Storei. xxxiii S;;t 7 .154 Twio idollarsinisuxres yea against all loss by fire. Gee. J. Haller & Co. keal Estate sodtInxsrance, 216 Sooth Mxiii street. tf : AN TRKROW CCLUPECO SHRUNK C O L LA Ft. Quarter Sizes, isc each, 2 for 25c. CLUETT PEASOOY & CO., Makers of C;.ett and Monarch Shirts. t!'+{ . r r Carriage and Baggage Foreah Cople o ian ifro paies,iix befoxre oxi'xlixx'i$1.50. aftex Pix ''itl $2.00. i'ii o i'l'c'x'runkto xorifromx doorxiixxx hei iii Swi 5Cents. If carried ito s ro rsa eqiedtoxo.t1ea, 1V, IS L s Iin' xx i JiAliVSxi' Rix Y. Ptixrit franies at Foster's. tf xx-p ix Six x hasx-ax lxxix' lef i ichx it is 'lxxxii t xx ii ii iii xxxiii 5Si-4 Sti ssIXV1'sxii olo ~l will yxxiii ''llx ci' co lors, andii xxion l itheC'rrt'x'x'i --i .)1' 133-2 S Sixte i.) i ii lxx "x - o e' xxuii' cowhxide: xac it Ss.xixi Sihie lxoxthiler x. 51 iihlianuxcmered jewvelry at Fosterns. 'Thex Co-oxixShire lxaixa felexerinixg 'aner hx't htxlichl xwil l berhi closed li '1t caniisx'xixch ihileix ihixasxt. 5- lxxxi x ltra iiixxoercoaxts xwitxcav exiexiexshh\1e11, the C.lxothier,mxait.x Al1lIxte hooks for rexi t xiFoster'.t 1111y youixr cigxxrs liethe to-x dtirexx alxxxie}'We 'haveraxx -xixrxxxcshowxx'case xILLIARIIS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES. TOBACCO. : 2 S. Stole - 311 Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Morthn University Ave. 0. A. MOE. ELECTRICITY S spplied to College Mezi e .md Women for All WASHTENAW LIGHT 1& POWER CO. 200 East Wmshiuigton Street FORl DAILY ADVt-RIISING RATES KEEP YOUR DATES adidriexxssuixness aniner Ni. S tis cxxx}ii iii vo0 up) xiif iii'ei xxxi iiix Press BaiidixxcHANDBOOKii iii youxpo ckexx t xx. Sinceiforixixixi- orandia. caeairixxi, xspxex'x c xi.nts, ' rsit)t Ciaxlenaiti s 150iix page xxiii t ;liven away Subipxxextionls niken xbyuxmai. -lxxxi, xix'xft xor ostudents ox the tiniversity I'. M. C. A. ISC mxoney orerx. Milian 'toll.- VISIT THE International Live Stock ' Exposition CHICAGO Nov. 30 to Dec. 7, 1907, Inc. Attractions Greater, Facilities Better axnd Entries More Nuxmer- ous than Ever. The Greatest Educational Institu' tion of its kind. Michiopum Central A direct line to Chicago I ~I _________________________________________ ALWAYS AHEAD I'N STYLES IL WA D, TE TAILjOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAI LORING