TH% MIC 7s15AIL!Y- _ G, . M. ild Company The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything rquired for Sufts, Overcoats, Fancy Veilsgs and Trouserings, ard of hig h class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street ROOKS Save half your money and buy Secondhand Books at 2Che University Text-Books for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for En- gineering Students. We carry all the et nakes recommended y the trofessors. Our prices always the lowest. ftseia JS0olt, stationry ann t eubctt' itppie SHEEHIAN'S LEADER FOUNTAIN PN The Best $1.00 Pen I the World SHEEHAN & CO, STAE rR i% SPALDIN'S OFFICIAL FOOTBALL GUID Cntainin the New Rles - With fll riser eplaaory pitures. didy SWaler Carp ets crlargest Fot-i ..~' bal Guide evrsepublished. Fulletffotbaislinfrmarsstiurn. eiews.tforecasschuessr,captains, rc- orsde issres foerr5.ihiiiayes'. Price to. A. O. SPALDING & BROS. New Yr,,iChica, St. teais, Srs 1rerisri, Minnseaplsnti.essr, Biuffalo. Syrause.Pits brg, Piladepiail, Bostni. Cicininati, Iat- me. . Send your ne aridgts fre cipy of the Salingsetrll siid Winter Sors Cstlgte. rotainsin pictures and pris'sofi il te ne seastuaislrathletic gonsd. THlE MICIJ~AN DAILY. Marnginig Editor-PAl'sScucrM' Ilei'iie. Bursinss Maniagr- CC.r. WINSiTD.iEnb New's..... ......A. F. Ricisir Athletics.....WillisiosF. ('railslplc Sporting......Clarere5E. L'iriig. 5Ecanige ..I .-I Joslh Wambldli 'Mu sic tatd Drama...Rivll . Wrlct wonlel's Flicr. .. . Losisi' 'VaiVoorisi BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Harry iHill CartI. Adam SATI.'I)DAY. SllP'rE;Mnim 28, T5)07. All canidisaes fr DfLsisi taffrprt at DILYii sosffice itdy,.12 :3-:30. sirs csc s is sc'1, 'SiaTCO CILt, Uiller classsess Isse fr ls seeral days siensaskinig termsselvies therassnifor tse iacivity iii the Stdtent Cusncsil ii regsardl tlc.tillsecrly sassd iss'r-strciii- ous e xcrtiions of tcsophslomossre leaders.s It secmsisosi all thandis ths icrarcred that tounssii musrstitbhrsrititothciuinerlass acivsities, seciall ieoresthe freshmenci alt' ai hleiiast opposirunity ito icomeis orgasizecd. itis clarly ipito tsc Csin- cii to act irsthis msatte, as theyre the agncyiof ue sitppec classito ak jslt sus actions as tisini cases whesre it is urgently demiaidecd. We stnssi sgty stck iiflthe ssCouncil ii ll tti it slioss a'dshltltdoin ithe sat f sit forcingip rpsesdiscitline amongltheiiist- seitlitody ans inisteby scrsig t sl-gsss'i'rrtsiritfor swhictsirhavess tit bersiminisg. It is crtaily tms' list the shes sisdlcoler ledsisofithe Uiviersity sold have ls misieting tt ayini rgardi tosthe liiirealinsactsci- citssisict hae tsi istiltbsenlseit. iWhy dois ntlthue Cuil'siacst' Tt' timie is oppori'tune' for ubilisingih siau l i in n'y f ssssse iptan~ct facts irs iirililsi' osthesacdss iof Pesidnti iuiel i C ites ut' IHll Sississseates' "shill.Althosu'ghi siy'avertiseentio f an srtile whlicshesnthue iprsiet' siamee is alsgehec spesrluouss, satns althouiigiitttm'ayrilen iencoffesiecto liii's' thos ihste.'lerseistew'sisifiants is Ihis silsst casualssiautoritsip,.lens'still plnaioss(isisretmindes. tes'shaoves suddily-e en sss'sthrust uis itclos 'gainsst ausutipllliciy of csleges'potussi ities tatiwesic sirs'aslteus'iievry ease to discrimite wisedy. All tis peatlrsi large,-sr alsitmeall, accodng to le state f mindissf theIlicbseisrer. 'IT'is appslearanrc'f Dr. Agll isa mossst esiimp rtanteessi iscasess'of tss stle std cestrs of the besreof ithe fact lthatit coesirbut souce si year. 'The tals eer Itail sf freshnsess iterst, sind aiue. T'eyirea spontiiaeousisitmple, iirect. situ pressei fullt isfracticali wisdsm. 'Thesy havieit unsial itualit cii ctinla~ing aniasun-r isscer oficomsmesosrnsieriwhics neitere is hacnrse'd nisr disiost'sinyore is _t_ doubsit its erily. hey would e wortr heriig at a cost sf heay sacrifice. I titlst be bone in indurs, too, that Ihis is ue only ine duiring te schoot termt, rxcept at commncement, wher President Angegll addresses rie whole stundent bodyi. Asci the fact that he is of secessity icicersilse to th eajoriy of the cmpus iopuslaiotsfor ayting like ai iersnal raiinsi douleis the vlesssiof she priviereiif hearing hin sit thissocaiis. It say e possihle tuha te s r tie studiects,uhssdeeloped tardilyste sensessof apreciaioni, lave coeessilid ai colege essrse wsithout ear- isle aigreetinig sitndias eeloereto lie hunicrsit. Bltint issssoeithsit lie sissssiers icc fees'andsill eviiieer increase. All sholdsila ttensd,. both for their own iaivantasge andilli t ils'wtheir regrdifor the' speaske'r. IAW D EAN sADDiRESSES PREiSIIMAN LAW CLASS DleantiiHuithins, i assressingipthe 5190 sun cassietrdaty, tool a c- csitosicrstck at prmtulsre aing. He stud thati sudnssitt ttdeipartmecnt werrersnteringip rofessiunal cusrse atd were sot epessd i ts join ii boyish 'Thietsean tltosouedisisaci wsaring aginst lie ssorening iol cusres ard addedil tha ts'e shopciieu tsese at'h ree years' colrgisate cusrse r'qusirdi fisr- sinCut's ts'eiNdpritmriient. SOPII MED~ICS CHOSE CLA.SS I51iFt["'ON COIlMIstT't' Ih anulseletionisof te. sipisi- issuermeich elctions cmmisiittee wass sadettisc ait mnseting ou hle lass itld its tile phvsiiloigcsl lcturr roost yester day. mosrnsing. '11ts cmmttsittee ctnsiss of lfst' mscbsslro f the clsss, cosie for the pusrposescof rcei'iin rnciitationrs a 'nd iconducting thersiannsialslecciocof sofficrs. Its cration stti forsthlis purcse isf dinhg siway wstills"clas politics." 'heilan wi sas usd1Last er with iciarkes success. 'hos e coisensw'er: M.. XT. Peel. A. 1. Richcardsion, A. G. Fodetn, 1). B. Philipisrnd Miss Olga Bridtgman. 5(1111 IIS 1101)D,\iETtNG AND) PLAN FtOR RUSH "We'v'se gisto leithtturus. smnt ws''rcgoing t inseiit." [,. C.'. irinstrisll, its addsressige rirs mieetitg iif risc qo liti ckss yeterday aftecrooni, thus chasracterize'.th ie spirit ini whlichs rie sphomosni wcill ginitucu tilt rush. A ess' treliminaurry plansurer formuslaed ytsttrdasy A rommnit'ee, cnsisting iol Adancs. Otis isnd tilkirs, was appinsuted toiitakr chasreioflt'e electiscnichmuing tlis wrc. t. . .. ADOTirS NeSSUsMs. W\illingness toi c-plerte is ill that is necessry fistrnrembership irs.11he'Y. M1. C. A.\thisyeri, tie old mcoeary sy'stt'mrcbiing abolusisd frttires'wplan. 'The financisal supprtuiussis lft isolie dils- ccs'uisssof it'e cmembesrs. 'ir. Smictih thinksthesurniembtiershipssill ecserdltrie boos tarak sflair yr. A desirsbsusiterasonahle for lie ftall schnoosl terme. 71o . Catherine S.. MIusic ati ]Drama In their recital last eveming Mrs. George B. Rhead and Mr. Eaurle G. Kil- lees gave arc excellent performance. Thrir program was well chosen, skilfully ancd artistically rategiteg from Bach (A minuor prelude and Fnge) and the Pag-' liacci "Prologue" through the brilliance of Liszt's "Nightingale" and MacDow- cii's C sharp "Etnuden to a group of pleasiung ballads and Irish sonegs in which Mr. Killeen u'as particnularly happy. Mrs. Rhead's technique is clear aund accunrate anti her interpretation secure. Her playitng is full of warmthc and iuc- terests rtce listenr continully thcoiughc he nmay lake issue with see tempi antI shadincg. MYr. Killeen's voice is a clear britone. He controls it well aund adapcts it to a variety of work. liesvas at his test inc thc "Prologsue" fromc "Paigliacci." SCH-OOL OF MUSIC ADDS COURSE IN PIANO TUNING Eiphlur dernsrts, enrolled is the dlepari- mntt of piano tunuitng irc the University School of .Munsic, corcstihtute a uew de- parnlucut uc lhis incstitution. The course inn ianco turning is comcplete, andctllcludes pilanococsnsructionc. W. R. Woodmni- see us st its head aurd will cave chcarge of tice Universihy Hall organ. NEWS OF THDE MEDICS. I). Wi. Meyers, 'oomc, occuipies a neely ceratedl drain of ophtihalmcoogical scieucec inc te hosnmeopaticccollege. D~r. F. P. Rotus, iucstructor is path- ology, has returned from Germny where hue sprernttne sunemer iuc research work. D~r. C. W. Merkel, a menmher of the 'o, mcedicail class, hras retnurnedh to Ancn Arbore anrdleil1 shart ituo pearliceherte. IDiuringp thur past sumcmer he heat bas charpe of D~r. Klingmane's practice. h Dt. Gesrge Crary hais been appointrud hourse phiysicianc in the Univ-ersity cos- piral in place of Dr. D~avid Kane, re- signcedh.slo has hlcd tetpositionc for .ter uahtteeyears. FOR RENT-Two hirge houses suit- sblefr l hubhrouses. George J. H'aller &oC., ral estate atnd incsurrance, 216 S. Maiin. tf haund bammeered jewelry it Foster's. Kollege Clothes for Kollege Met- $ro ho $m2o. Allen, the Clothier, Main sturret. I-6 For Laborator'y StpiPes,' buy where yourr professorsudo. Goodyear's Drag Sitore. i-ta Books why pay full prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We allow 20 per cent discount on Drafting Supplies 10 ter cent discount n Drafting Instruments. 10 pr cent dhscont on Univer- sity Text Book. We bougtut a large stock of Second-hand Law Books and will tell at underprices. Writing Paper by the Pound 20c 25ec 35e Wah's special Fountain Pen, $. Eery one is guaranteed Make or stores your eaduasrters Wahr's Book Stores Seond-hs ad ooks nughnnsold C. [. BARJN[[[ Law Medical Dental Books New and Second-hand Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 16. 326 S. Stae St. Arnold'siJewery Store Alarm Clocks, 1.00 St'arratdne year. MICHIGAN PINS . 25e Up Alt terling Stivr MICHIGAN FOBS. - 25e Up Most patterns'sttuo cse rust W5e unak a rueirnti f studet.' jeachim tat, _ _ _ _. . Portrauit frames at Poster's. tf 0. H. Lutz, Alarm Clocks, $i.oo. aou Eail Wiashington. . tf Let irs hake ysour measrure lot your trw fall- suit-$ and tip. Fred WV. Gross, corner Liberty and Fourth aye- nire. Exclusive representative fist Bu. V. Price & Co., metchant tailots, Chi- cago. end t-6 _i ii It's ornly s .Shr Step Zihe Place Where Materials of Quality are sold Ini fact, Everythin~l for the Student. Supplies of all kinds. V. of M. Co-Oop Store 66e Store with the 81,ae PFroimt the 'University Zchoo1 of MIIusic PIANO S INGING VIOLItN ORGAN .LOCCT ION AND DRAMATIC ART PUBLIC SCHOOL MRTHODS PtANO AND ORGAN TUNING Call at the office, Maynard Street, for full informnation Ube !5tubents' lecture Essociation season 1907-108 Premier Lecture Course of the \Xest SOUSA'S BAND Emil J. Htrsch, D.D., LL.D. John Temple Graves Dr. Win. J.IDawson (,London) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (Ind.) Oratorical Contest John Graham Brooks Open Number' See " Prospectus" for. dates and explanation of Open Numbner S. L. A. Office, Matn Corridor, University Hall. Teasurers Hours, 41to6 daily, Saturday excepted. Vtchetz for Entire Course, - - $2.00 Secure your Season Tickets from atudent canvseas or .at S. L. A. Office. ---- - 111 5-- ' ._ ,... , ll M,....lE ,. ... 123 Waobngton E. RANDALLw, THE P110TO GR 4-PIILR'- Php~ 548