Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl & o. EAST HRNST. for$fI 120OE. Llbety St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 A I I lhst makes ndfully nrI e-. MICIGAN PINS AND) FORlS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH IREPAIRINGi A SPECIAL.TY*. THE MICM! ClW DI) LY 11 r 1 1 111;i ~l~~r 111 l~t C1,])ON L~'N~I eior 1 i l r '.their irst class At 1he 1athr IullS 1 ho1n11 oflsllll v CIll cl lllllllcllast igh Is.Iclas Is cl ll- nc!,l o, a pbi m kilr an rl law t tlllls . 1 .1 stein1111 5 [0 I 8:11 to rest ny that ave be l hld ti fll. )esient At ll Il" 10:510. V 11ic-rsienlt 1111(it hiS lA-lna Vui[yl \N'\staX si thatl th ll of the1clu chancedl tl ook ut fthll:, n in e, a l ised1 ()~- wors. aw 1"1m 111fam 1,abou11 ci 111111of1''trts 1111l-Il'1'l11,.'ml'l andIls 11, s1e f 11111and cee i llsut Si ch w m nf iendsas i'1l'l"1 111- 111 Ilaklitth sdeof teblil ) ny11 hese.IN nl berIN 11111 in Il"r;o th rar of te Ill. A o se111111 g i ihe 1op111to Ill Ien' oI .1115 f ll ilav- clld, 1.,ml af 'e1,11om 11'lay,1arrive1d1 I l ci si 1112 . mi l td 5I :31111 11o cr:3 '1 ' t ii ,1 IlI1,0 1 ll par1s1o1 thIlls i ll I (1 i', 11 cr ('11D A N1111 end ir;'I lp sl) 11111-ro lslldlll l'lho se '111, 'l' nu1m1 er11 oflCases o ola. o '). III 1 '1)111111 '11nthe 1spt by ' isl C n '5r~r ; rcm rlal sr. Io ' il ve so.l ldid e l~'-fr heCI '11ft11("r T e c Dissolutioi of Partnership Sale The firm has done business for vc enyears and has accepted as its lilotto: "Give customers Hlonest merchan- dise and at one price,1' and have alwrays lined up to t he ir advertise- Ilenitsswhen giving a clearunce sale. On Nov. 9th the doors were opened on the greatest ligitimate sale of Men's, B~oy's and Childrnen's Clothing. flIats and Furnishingu, ever held in this section of the country. Dont forget Ithe sale closes Norv.sl0th, l1ft7. We have a good stock of Clothing and Furnishing's en hanid uhich will lbe sol as acll ertised. On every dIl li you nave ~CO rentsc'ndCodnOsome iof inst years goods yot save o rents on ecvyfdollil'. theoinsiw" beforenI', f1)ly i. I remembe~hsr Iti i (tel dCl)tlio 0 If anly'thgiIs iot 1as represented'l let us know, I1111 friends. A clvIlt culstomer. b Sta ebler Q Wuertlh- Ann hArbe rr.Mich. WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SHOES We have theii,anod the kind especially macic for suchI year. Heavy double soles to heel, throughly viscolized withl rawlisi middle sole absolutely wcaler tight in Tan, Brownl 11111Flack Leathers. i vatch Inpector for the Ann Arboilr oirad J. L. CHAPMAN 2061S. AIN ST. Btranch: 304 S. Staie St. R . E. JOLLY Acada Pu.u o W. E. JOLL'Y MRS. J. R, IROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER lair Goosn,Hairdiesing, Shampooving Maniuring, Pace Massage a Sapenilty 322 S. State Si. (('1 I)stis) Bell Phone 35 Si1i Ill' boardi'of N' 1' I, areI' Ioi i1'- ' 'rC 111 'his11a 1d11tion is1'to111 8 See ot 1 ' 1o1111 l>IIs IlIICI 8111i21 JcorvSoe TC' '51111ir i lla Ililtrs'r 111e1 S'lllls'lc &'Sll Alarm lck css IC souvenC~irs3. hlailer's GS. -Min slreet. cod 0 '5S. halil SI. C1d 'Irlal clifor 0110 year, Dress POmPS The largoesi andlli Iluc assortiment ecer ishloninh Anni Arbor. Co(NynIt1111try onl a pair Itiat 151ill 11111 hleels. Coluplete 1111 o Walking Ties, Pricet.00 t: 3; 11t t< 13 ani willlheofItheSame hiht rio lw n d cid l f lly' 11111 1111 in wil uebtilt'will prob I {l' h e11sIIIhl 'ic. 1 uIs 11111 iII' vo 1.1rri 11'03. has been1 ap e s iII ii Il lctary ofthelPeit hin 111 tCreet. 01 1 '1111° ill'c Il 151 e Fittl IsrliI t t '1'V Ol I1 k 111c 111111 ti-