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November 24, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-24

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owl THlE-MICHIGAN DAILY. Imln hoe ci udie' for others mor1
W id an1IIlVmd tiithieitirres.'. elietve ft isatt
Wild pn ,1c iagi~g diorP~ ' r 1uzx thsbime that s an trat n sfer their
BtuLites Mattttge -C. E.XWtxoeeii alegianciato the law departm~ent. If
I iliiy-tloinot go Cat ontce into tieete;oig--
iti . ge (tohs .(Leiiii tilmb ildintg. tiheyselect tite coutrtss
il teCiyAtltis ,.....1ilim F. G ao il eadling tt hithier. XNeedles' to pointtout.
of ~Spoetiog.....Clarette EF. Eldridlge his trnd lof atfairs is fatltoo astrong
Feehunge . I.IJ. John Wambtolil developmttti of thi culture dtepatent.
iLtoI it1~andaa....lRot 1).'\Vcl Thi~ e totiec ametii.tllie witdoest iiawake,

Exclusive tyle l
For Geolenels Wear
(i'a~ ~ ~ (i ioL.ayh-fgsuii
Full Dress Suits a
GH.Wild Comipanly
3tll South Statte Street

J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adatms
Tohta F. \Vurz Rohert 1. Clattcy
Dav i F. Stevenson)
T-1 foam S. Cody GeorgeIH. Hiohart
Chatucey Bottcher B. G. R. Williamos
I'fonds I i'Scher
L. C. Reid Lee A White
\f. 1. (Id f 11 h .1. 1 reseot
A. L. Jlainlite Rohert Mountsier
1,0)ell J. ('are Donald L. Khtttey
\V, liie I. VOL 0 Louis 1Keaf'
1ie.i'T. x'ofel. cii If:oheni Iorelandi
John P. Wttrz Carl H. Adam
Ilarold 1'. Could
, Address: MICItAN DAItY, Prees Bldg.,

ai))1l)LiL)LLLfor anideal101 titht powertoIL
leai l L ari, Lie) ie,,twhotliiiiiILf Li
Wi le the free ilictivv CsistlIcantnot
ich ldie ))nti d torelctils if lie ai
ieartnwntitu is lerl)imicaedi
scn tbealif~t 1)1 'if Gl ofYIheld
M'tynar Street1lii )turdi)o)c inStees trii il the reied-

'I'lt e tNeteligihility rttutltith gov-
ernL utnitersity orgaiztiationthtiier thatt
athletie. tave lbeetnprinted ant itlstrihiit-
'I lt the tmanagers of te variouts or-
(Lant7atfitt atLKassctuiversity. By
tese rules th~eeattttrttee itas potter to
itt a itutlic terforttate oi iaty iif thtt
oirgaititotns if heis fodefieiettifttaLi)
ir eturrent)tittisersiti twork, andit LLleast
ttiiitttlt hefore ee eth pbic terform-
Leoritllt, it list oftte tiossibtle' patr-
itiiats msttttb e sttititedto ti ltecots
itittee for its iapprovati~ attdl o tersoat
shli e eligible toi tak. parot wititotiitte
Tie eclraslea unieer'ity debtatitig
;iqttttlwaLsifiaiiredl recently by W\\illiam)
J. Brynanttti talengthy tdiscutssioo
hr cotrol of inttrs'tate ttansportation
iLotttLLttte. Nebraska la prepaintot i
lieliati thfis )L'le.ioitwtithl hut i anid
'111 ittettileeCiofLGrager'silaise' III
datfigare reqttested to e itese
tiue idiLL)eL ctitlt 7yoclocke sharp~. A
revitt if work wifll tathe tplace ndtier
Lifrecit ioffliiis fGrger.




Maynard Street. III , rc:ccilt c nti enticm of they reprc.-


Manager's HourL: t-2 p. tm.,7-8 P. m. .itiii esmi'of lie dilnisfaitiuit l i-
diy exet Siutday. Both photaes , i' i liIc ieClefifiiiig ac ( 1' Flti-ehaitetl roisaryithltamz-
0 r e wdaly exepbLer le ad'. Ret it itto L803 IL vtneit
96o Ill1ts yer' lla c t (e1 lcstrtiate te
ps evc oftifs kind of educai)tfional - ________ -
VqfM _ _ istuis' :,118e'dnttl oft ieekiacetiper
1ih oftenines tiaeis if tihe 'iu 'ithtted amtetyst fats)teed tto nial..ie-
L L 10) '. L~a~i ii i~ lit tiai I. ntfilSaesUnitedcolegettid ret ur
Z L '' , S'Lteac1t:a1Ic ii Lii',:ltl1 un51's oleneiel; ieLio e efgt ar fon
,C 1011111 i itfL iatli i 1a1)1collegesiit C i
. 04tver u Aiuiueu 0 L cil a VCt: I ltie ii iL iit L Lweti) si\c rempi nt l ii ii i-.th \tc ssoi at'in t t
1 ~ it its Liii late ii) ii i i 4 ed o1 i- fiLL)tle Untd )Maes acti egae Linleel li))i ltl Lt lL )01 L
fo at ow it L' evdiii y li pcii thatsifet 1iicarii fesh si \le fahe ieightfeea e fgom em hati Si (li
" .a i4 u lo to er liida cffcut e br; o i oi dice gith teni5utyip:reoi zed 1'1iiii' i titiL 0 hi uti o,<i ll ilel-
'l-ree ith ti (Vood r1<uly years te liteary (((liii lLteriin inlttrs re gcollegeLe) sittee t808 trae hdaeso ble iut i 1?e-
ia ti i n wa' lrthshe u ffrn fo h l bed5eeten o hDegten wr ller sfietee.loyinStore 54S.Mai
0 oth ill liii LiL ture;iqi frot i ll i i I1'L\Icolleget.et eod
,sae a t1 Ill idid (NircctiidS
(> . 1111e e atoLi'ccd3a ftve 'as t s tem.i We'iIt ft heLmLmbers ofiongresLus Of t)1) oo t it Lhtone'sf hats--cil g leb-(F e. ta
t e1!I. tCae d ry t lc(1 he f ed lis hn o bra, Ifely ii) ing Co lee L))leti in iiwho ( iucrc h Co heN i i f St. te ' -532
Imi i Li(iihe riii ii.it 'e Le et iam 1olte e u) tutu ipro iet lIii igi ti e e ti onedic l ) in S ~
situ)n it'odeen tits'areisoieersetad «'ho. ii t h 'e)i re grit duates SLi i nce '155 _whav_ made_____Re
Oit i) t ti l t u c ie utch- Y RK.I'iit'ittheCiflithose,(Ititior
e~~~~. 'a. -- "e( ay dae' t sL i t-i i L '' i ii iiufL htlt 1 e k tii. eeioa----ate-ip er p rtr
S PA~l IN G 'ee Liineffiltieny n te iteluci ;ifiiii) g~lini'a a sh em. Sprfi3tg tien a h litta s s-eo .ei ptaid r
ai d .arts curses.$363.00 hare ben mad to N w- l Ee. rei ai t'ig t Iteto o, or seut
Ih'S i 1 i1 ite aeiol ftel Lil 13i S Iii tli ii i r L h p s i c al yer aSat~e'o St tl (t us 2 iie
oh ;md Iofnain si te 'i whai i i i iiL t iiuS 1 i uot- 6 -Int-iL' iii ito the e iotc maieoiL 3tre lrpitr
r lOfcilAhi=eSupis life hn pee lydintic iLrec tt outhe il ofste uivi e tit. itiiLLLiLo hs
yeati.iall, Inotetal, (jol, Lasvn Ii ithitcurs m liy a bee oit irLLLLLLe by o n~lite. l i oeert seueIlLe itteR
Slii t udeli ne t BoToktor el u ".ii i li a B i lene c s ii) e t~ ) LiILius eora r h fp ore sseti pei al ( .atttiont i v e nrec o rivte0 -
for theatfdeChmatneeerthaslteitodtter-ianatoffsnt-
uLL10i ~ge~i~oL tud n, t Ii t~i iii aide cordanc le LLwail t It lllesarne of ied kt itlt h~i erallworki artLiesti t heLi Cli ft s o. uiise i tmho rsei
A fC PAL IN & s.0 1 <4 ii, ith p r etiii i) it i aii i ' a tlirtgi a ek $ g,' Li)0.SLingcthkenulwlieer ed en or
-iii S pri.)anduc is a) Lniwhat'lieLexpectsito suii. isis of ofteers, ttidetls.or ie r10 cia
-Iiiis L-iget Manufid Li)acure r nth od t whe) ich -W )i iie iti l a i-he i thest t111.i"wlla igeit"'yiteti"att triadtat or i ~tor's.t 73 I oo i ods', t
Base Bl iLL ode L ot a5 lel, (o eiawnu i tel is way LL LL liihitheieIfiirt ea ' wo ti e il ii- m lt tihasi bt etu pronouni cetatt itre. e Int o rd rt ecrtl ce n t e oR.el
""ei lL ile ntfor or. Turaakt an i eldan Fed Ststsjhl-oe nr fehmn P l<&C.tu ntd ec ryfr197S

l.vrioite ito. someo
'siing arts. Why not
get thte best, it is as cheap
as thte ordinary pinoitedl
cartds. We engrave netw
plate and teoo cards for
$125. If ytnhae oun
owen plate, 75c pinrILL)
We dta Statioinery
Stamping Wedding Ait-
itttnements anid toio-
gratmt Work.CG e' ti u
A Nesy Michigant
Scrap Book
Larger uitd eter 40
leavtes gtuartiteedcl t~
to come loose
With ati S x i o pictre
of PinsAntgell, astaa
Speiail Pten.rte.
IfIyou ito ILkeelp a
Seoul) Book Lof College
7)a}s, oilegrti
College Pictures, Kodaks and
Photo Supplies.
Amateur Einishing etc
Zporttno3 Gooe
Chafing Dishes
A Iai, e t Oti t dw l
'nt " al w,$.00.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler

a 0
:30 EACH
7HE U0 OF 37ao RCS
mlo 00=0p



Every day one hears
people say"If I were in
college again, I would do
moure in the line of cnl-
lure. I would learn some'
thing about music soas to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of miusic are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonabile rates
at the
University School of Music
Mtaynardt Street


Cbe !Btubents' lecture Association
Dr. William J. Dawson
London, Eng.
Friday Evezihwg, Dec. 6.,1907, at 8:15
Mon~day Eveznn December 9, 1907
University Hall
Tickets for Entire Course - - - $2.00
Tickets Reserved' for Entire Course - .50
Single Admission Tickets for Dec. 6 - .50,
Single Admission Tickets for SOUSA $1.00


Phone 598

121 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, props.

Phone 598

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