f# tc'AlCiA BAIL HO1 0T DRINKS Hot Chocolate witoh XX hped creamo Hot Coffei' 1-lot igori I ]-ot hceef hBouilltoni Ht Chicken tBrothl c Hot Clami Broth u Hot 1eiiioiiide Hot D-Ialted Milk H14oi oatoBloilon l1ot Egg 'hltedl Milk Hot1 hgg emua e15C H1ot Egg Chocolarte Hamlanfi iciXcli0cChicken Sndwichi o trio trokec OseXved with Coffee Xwafers Xiti all other Drinks E. 1E. C ALKINZS, bruggist. 321 Suth Stte.tretiw. AMUSEMENTS lhc Majcsic lhcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The man agement will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Kiaw& Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the manahgement for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. 119 E. LIBERTY ST. V111ato I 1 Ani Arbr'Pioeriinrutlg Pictr Thatie 1111New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. Contliuous Performance, 2 to i1) p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsreiptions takenby mail check, draft or moey order. PROIPT COLLECTIONS AND het Sti~fationEUGENE TSMITH THmE STUDENiTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent WITdTEKS' L.AUN DRY S*_irsaw. Mich. OlUC il Eas1Wil. Xliam ,.Steet. Home Phe, 72 Black LAW BOOKS 36th yea Dictionaries 36th year lea Qu.iz Books l1M Acnn Ar'bor' ILegalMisceliany Annc Arbor CALLAGHAN ft CO. CHICAGO Aa'n Ar'borBa'ratch, State.'Street, Opposite La~w Bldj. Xl Iill) XR, footall atniii Ftc 230, ou ii'XX Ferry fielit N t.2 -Ji iiic~r lii ieXiphi idebite. N'OV 2'__-"icbz~eIai ciliecir iii m illom\1 clrti cbilingi at 8oclo3 k lii i a;c -Osi n r eX ti Xlfiieci cutiu 7imrtalint ill trophy room c'Lt73 Not ii.i ii .. ii tociiii 3'. iciitrcill 'ci.bou -vlim5iat 'cok Ic 7 \c(ii. si ety I io i ou andI dTiceiClarbou iynsiyolaaistal io'.'. t~ by lire. cou3 HaIleokrat&Nco., kol leicie Oii cion, 216 South itaj street T ils frA iflm - W- Our Best Fri-ends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what -ot Lo Stein-BlochIiTailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCIIMITT, APFEL & CO. The Great Neckwear House. LIKE GClT, FOR '5 KYi Good enough for anybody, i Over five tl'onsa'iil nefoil articles at cilt pices. Whyivpay nmire thinz things are worth Co:.c a.° ad f l' A ('A ) .c and lOc Store. gtont r gfon1 [ O Home Supply Store. Webb's For High GradeCade ie t'ncaruit Ic es'. lolier. Sheibe.s 'roen lUi.uii "avrs or'allro~ltccacions. l ie 'S ipki andmuDilies So til Niii (s'ac Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Mari St. Ioctrait framies at Mister's. tf1 iii corner i in V Ir 1,001 ~= ld oa, Ccistunehas'a'feleftli-liih it i 'is ln i atI i ;cents chl. 5;- Ati lli'' 1.iii i-l''. oil'. iiill -n f d manneril honi snrd ery anteFosrters 'liii. C-op Siircth '.'i leeiti i~ lz' ii i s o)h se' , ()il l- ow id \ciiiathe S ilehilt Clotir -.lcig an m iere ewerciuai' ccii eo's 'inle'.s le. i. clilei. 'clsedSi.n at cets ccli ,hilethey ast. 5-4 XlI lleicooks foc ciii at lVoster's. tf BRIGHTONI N Flat Clasp Garters ; for sold comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piecs, pure silk FLAT ALL web. All metal parts heavy nickel= CLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASPall dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., ' 718 Market Street Philadelphia The eciasses Ir. daning g n.re now open. go.t GRANGER'kS Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res- Lidence and Academy on Maynard Street. The WMX BOLLES "STANDARD" Sell-Filling Peni No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. tAbcst~lslehs j. 3o teil tjsi tics aeon. iyuiolist dufco'. U. of M. Co-Op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE, fd0~1 fi t\he liiiioiiCk-I ill C. BILLIARDS, BIOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. '12 S. Stata - 311 Maynard MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Norths University Ave. 0. A. MOE. i ALWAYS All AD IN STYLES MIWRTHE TAil4OR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING