* Th MiciganDaily vl. Vok: . AN~N ARBOR, MAICHJIGAN SATURDAY. SIEPI'I\IMRR 28 , 107. No. 5. FOOTBALL SEASON WILL OPEN TODAY Varsity Meets the Reserves This Afternoon in Initial Clash of Regular Schedule. For the first time since the fatal var- sity-alumni game-fatal becas it sounded the tdethi knell of Michigan's chances, bringing as it del the injry to Joc Curtis-Michigan students will have an opportunity to see a football game on erry Field.The game sede~ulel for this afternoont between the varsity ansI reserves is the curtain-raiser for the real footal season svhics begiiss with the annual invasion y Cases eleven next Saturday. Todays game will e played on Nei erry Fiedt and will be caledt at 3 o'clock. Already wos scrimmages hae een heist oustseeral iof the serus'hae sdenonstrated -teir rigt ts be siteds to the varsity squad. tnasmscs as the promotions uittltbr musi ccoerding to the work done in tec.game today, the otener niluttlhiess furnish sous spicy suls. Nassaly the liiieup of the var sity at this early stage of the' seaon is but a tentative arrangemsnt, aulnot' only will the members of ti' res'rse e igting for a trout wits the vanrits. buit some' sf the men ss'o apear itthe regalia of the first teamn tody will loser to extemd themseves to escaetirngci rlegated to, Assitat Coach Wn'ellt' squad sf reseres. lirector IBaird last night announced the officiass for the first game. Roe andt Elsrisge will aterntte, essch acig as refereone half an uprigites uter. It is liey that hatves(f not soretan twenty instes will le.statyd. 'The rsgslar admiiisssinpric' i tssesty- fis'esets, lbii sit essrse ticason555i tiket whiict accompanies Athletic assis ciation meie r sitstiehts itgodsssifsr this gamie. Practically sitl5f the mieii sisthe sr- site squas inih te sses in tie'gasiesft Coah Ysst said last iigt the tos teaiis swouls ine spssimeting like tisi; Varsity. iReserves. Casey, 1. e. Langley r c, Crumpacker, 1. t. tPriseas, r t. Wsatkins, 1. g. Bessirook, r Schulz, c. Bfrena,, c. Grahfam, r. g. Flanagan. 1.g Davison, r. t. Joyce, 1. t. Dosugas, r e. Parks I. c. ;Mliter, Wsmussins,sit. Cunninghiasm, Greei Magoffin, 1. h. Lct, r. i. Rumney, Aerice, r. It. Rolee, L1.is Llc, fl. 1Hardsing, fs. Destite the heavy rsin swhic isreiches the players asitd left te foistdss sea of mud, the varsity was again seit against the scrubs yesterday i as ierce scrimi- mage. Mliller wsused at quatiser anil while le is harsly as aggressive as 'Was- mud in resring pisits, ifsaiilig of the tenm ias wel-igs perfect aiid he did grat iork inforiniig ierfer ence. our tuicbdsosnsu-ereinsase lby the varsity in afsssit twentyuintes, asids agaiii the successful exeutitoin sf the forward pass layes as trosiniestpart in the scoring. * NtTt E. The Student Council winfshes it under- stootd that freshmsoen are ot to get out posters until after te sophiossre pof- Ses are ot. C. C. C. OFFICERS CALL, FOR MORE hgECtUiTS Sixty-tire esns repovrtesd for the pee- tituufuary crsso counutry rsiii Thursday afternoossn. 'Tsissnmserwiltl prsbably ho' masteriallIy isncreassesdtossay. iDestite the rain yestersday, I~sitl aiss a few of thse faitfufii'sere on hiaisd to tsske the 'T'sgethser ssis the isirge siuastdtiess- muaterial, Csse, Dulil, Siuftrsstls, West andssi ulle rare ssut trainiiig Caiptasini Rsswe swili assussiss'chsarge ssf sue squiads siextsi-ets. Inceaslinug fssr imosre'canidastes fsr the chits, Capitasins itsswe sais: I 't is es-cia- tial thait every isasiswvho asplires isacas- csspnishtianuyhinsg ini istaisise insfs shaouit ursns suit5at sure.i'Experience'a-s across cossintry runiniir is usnnsecessasry. Alt thtia anneeisssto sdsis tsorepioit at tir'gymiiaif4:15 sdaily. liv ssillre ceisve tis'assiice' ssf fir olsd 1CC isismen asisd siit 'sirs-stplcedinithesquadi sr best 'Siter''to 'ss'evesisi en,s-yt" issas osughtto5 cosisisethif s opportun iiiity us deveop hIis athslsticastility.s Mflly ofs ,Micisigais's bsest istanuces iisisin iithe pasti lassesbess-In sensi hents steredtcrosss csuintry wsrksit. sitisit pisil's-s exisr-uii I"'restsisiss stssso s' ip'-tsor crisis s5l5i- sr practics' faity si-ittbis'cucsedi fromis allgyr iwrk. it'Ni) 'l''ffiCt' f )lVF;i,t)'tiS dsarrts fsrty sasidaisfsrss the s-r- sits banasif pesfsaredstasti'e ti-souit sseis yerd asy initsiser'sity Hll Lecasder l igisfr- so r-sasi stiesrthe houisr'-s practices-: 'isis/s ve thebset muatee-iasf that ssesevrisassi. .\Most o1 ts'ittaersus f siseisare'' bas'c.andsiwic'hass enossugfunesw-smatserial iioimakse upsfor ties' ssofstie oslstpsasyers.'' An ieffosrt i siig msasses'tossass' thes ti insist fy the baidsIisibisis e 5- fisssdi-sfattiecudsisofsthfir sollege seas. Sc'svsrsl Regensi have,5555been-siaisiroaed- silthe ur biject anssiesrs-sissftos-favosisi Thei- basdsill s afppeai-cr ct as ftbsiall gamssss this s-ass.-It is tissisgist likls-y tht its is isss firoiwill fsbe rtar-iseithsr isa Nashiltic, isiss., sr tosWaas Isf ncil., suiniig shiv irsssri tfssstfsallse-aisoni. JONES 'IiEAi)S TICiKJ' IN SPif1f1itt' CLA.'SS YEAR AB OADiSH WSuase ty, life aiid freusness ihsot mesiitiiies redheenis event ther worst 1 L o.Scoatt biroirghit sucs a large num- cierioficiriss anin iterestiing pictures to Prof. Scott Tells Anecdotes of 12 '1t tshe coltlection.in ftNest i-ill. Months in Europe-Prepares Material for Book and Lectures Aftier spseninknieriy' fousrteeisnmsoithis asisoaid,tirisf. Scosttsassietuiiniediasgasinss to fits wsorkailthe riietosricsfeipartimeint. The trip cssveresd fousr isonatis iniCus- dhois,sight in. 'tsusiefi, rund this'rest ini fGermianuy. Swsizerlandiii dsIuttalty. Xtuds sit Prsof. Sisatt's tiime isass shest ini studry, srfpainig iiaterialtfoirs assook, wvhichi is 55555nirsey comipitedr, snd finelectuirs whsichi ie soill git-c inithe searts urses'. Proft. Scsstt saird yesterday: 'All say- w-srtkii i ~lsii iswassshoise fir the tBritishi 'tuseiss. iHerr' Iisworkedr fromssMondasyitaosisFristay, alwsasy-ssend- inthesr-is-e ndushssitshima famuily hiy-the 'esoe ise readsig;-roomsiii fsthess \l usesiism ssisthlargest in this wour'ldi anis salitys ill aedh iiths literairy stuideists. From LondoinstsIi wscnt iiti aris:truss thes-re, astir-a shosts tsasy, I enoil to5 s usicts. "I fmsatfricultedf'sIinthie'Uivsissity sit .11 sist. fire-ctherei'arsic' sue'5,ooo sin- detrussitiof sis siie silsy thirtyars' Asisericanis. 'Miartricultatisoiilsas tsw'osadsf v antasge-.fsr tic'sistdent : ist, aireduhics iionillitheic'ierositihseatfer tirfcets, assd s'consdi, exeiimptionii fssissass'st'ythie Mtiunichlicser. '''isir t o uls-asd isceisi ssiiy as iitisss' imittesrs'toius-, hut sliertsr thieatcirs'sr lpen. all this-htie surfsnly frs-clraiss starys airs- Irsenited. lWagiier's opierass are g ciiliuonce sir tn-ice easel week snd alwsasys ltocrisi-dsedhouse55s. 'h'ises'osis exemisptionaissutsie asr'lie'f:ssi' as trav-el- lere,ass ie si 1tv' a-the n tsrbe ssteredif tire miciip~alf ficerss. ''Vilin ii \uiuictu I astenidedsiecturs- fs yu iauit, Sc'hickh, iRorinski, t,itiis, surf otte i l' ecirir sois pilosspy itieratusr asissh aestheicr. .I speist imost osilsiy-timei si-srkoig iin hic Royalh Libsrairy, ones' si the largest ill Euiropie. firerthiere is as groat del-asy ini osbiaissisig Ibooks. If as stuisdeit apis rsras ]losok nil ,'toiisass, hr. satiso is,--itflie is forunsaste,--sis \''rsdsasy.Thre eeriin the hUnivser- sity l ibrary is csoiiparativelcy rapidis. If aiasttionusis usmuadeliniithor rfts'riisioni, thr hssossioc-an is sualls' ur'iehdthu s't iuusuu- "ii rusersosithfle fascusty rails srawsvout Ssomerssf these re studsi sketches by famussaretists, purchaser for a few ccnts ct thu r uilt, a fair held every sr-cr in as sublsurbi of Munsich., Altogether Prof. Scsott seresd Ito greatly enjoy the ecu-ginug lie of fle Germsanoutituser- its-assist fsrom all apptearansces theris- tniesisud -hichottseustsudseits tpur- sir hsadsnoiieril efects. fPffOF. WIII tiAS DISCUSSES HI STORhY (SF ENGtNEERING P'rsof. Cainesre . I'silliamius adressed this' Fuungiueriug ssciety last ight io it first rgulairussertig of the year. ''fengeesivsri'ng ptrofessions has be- come t tehmostulearnh sitfcll miodserna p -osss" saishe. "Mo ri' knowlege ussfaited frssms slur engiserthan sis requifussf hiss-wyrcr ii'dscr. "lthis torsyiwsusckassststhirt he hso playesd u a niporanut sut. Six of ths lee otsift hiss'orldhuhre enegis- ic-igfets ihae Anugloi was ass fnieradtieii-ivetsr sit te' whel harssous tshrderric'ka, anduuthur anual ock. "This'nineusras rmuade possile the natin'facqisitionii of hterriory iby his improvementillimthosiossittranssporta- ssion. iinrsgieerro rugt thor Oregots safelIsDser itsii uoon umie crusie. The Mito us as usdesig'ned Iandusibuilt hby en- gineersus ''hssut 55fnsotny-iushistouury laie heef- fectssitfsaur iprsfsisni becn felt. Our lihtfodhat, andustdreinkig water aesec-res-sthle egieer. 'Tle pur- ioe fthfis sdeiartmentris to suplay te ut-muasiss tsr muiseirl1trained liiitis psi~fss sIass MAINYS S''h'SIKX'S ATT~ENDI 'iNNI, -li C. iA. RECEPIP'iON TIheiffsecullsanuiash rcepions rutthur studen'st' Chistuiasisasssssiatioiwasasheld lst ight ius iNechesrres[Thall. Destite thus bushdweathesrbftweusscs qo andsoofn studsst his' majority- freshmuen,lar. taask f this'assoscia tin's hoisitaity. JsssgeVifctr H. Lane h1esadedh thor re- cing isneus-. Ifis wassassistedl by Dean Josrdhanu, hessftandssi:'1.. DC'iOoge, Prof. ands1 Mrs5U. C. Grsdduar, Posa.ids frs cc. J ,. 'Markaley. Pheis. adsi Mrs. Johsn R. Alhen, irisf. suit Mrs. W. W. heuuas, IDeans asiss Mris. IHarry- i. IHuthis, trof. Ia'tMrs. I. J. Ilhussy, anduostfsi. . S. faurficrt. ight rrteshmeinuts were srveda.a CIHSS IAND CH-tCKERS oCCCII1IKCC'S OFFICERSI 'h hfless ransulChekers ciib naet rridhavs-afterinisasausrtthur V. ill. C. A. 'heilsect-ronisuof officers resutedt as fol- los: Presidenit, C. X. Merritt; vice- iresidcntu, CL. 't. Cosss; seceetary ad frerrs ursr. D_'.La). Anotaheurnmeting wil he helIOct. 4, wihens' it is planned toisiperfect a wosking isrg anizioin. XCIV lINEINEERING BUICODING NCEEDS EX:TRA QUARTERS 'lie fresshmaniuienugieering class this year is fully thirty ter crut greater than last year's rt this ina. Tis large is urses cssitating the securing of ausdsitionsasl rssoom.other lan the egi- eerinug hbuiinugs, for the case. A larsge addsitisa sill be added to the e engineerinigIbuildig iso the ear future. MEMORIAL BUILDING GETS CAMPUS CORNER Board of Regents Holds Annual fleeting-New Structure to be Located Near Museum. 'Tie Bouardl of Regent'sf theUinivr- sity, at their msonthly meeting ysserdsay, selectesd thur southnest crnor sit thor camspus as the locations oe thurnosw 'teuorial buidng 'le contract foe thur samne was awarded to Koch broters, buuilding countacos of Amtos Arbor Allt the muemubers of sle o ardnuersee trnseu ntit rice uxeptions of Regents Franuk Fetchser, f 'Alpena, 'aho was de- tainsedhbucause of u siness, asn Regent cArthour Hili, sit Saginarw, who is aroad. Mostsat the u sinss sitthur mnsrning was slet iii appointitng sew sinstructse andl assistants, maneahs cessary by thur incecasisng ouumbsruofsatstidents at thur Usniersity. The ,,fairs of the eginener- ig detartmnucoscuptiedh a large sut fl thur msorsingAftuneweeks' eave of obsece crass gatued to Dre C' L fir Mturalt, in orde thirt he umay acut as consuting engineer us thin electrificationu of the Alsterg tunneluhnichs is beig buuilt hy'the Aisusriaunsgoernentssiu. 'The Regeints received andshacerped thu rersig- natiosn nflProf. W. S. I aertninocuthsun engineeritng faculsty Tie acauncy caused by Prof.l'arltoi'a suddensresig- nations will be filled as soonusas posilse bus thur umeantinuc Ass istauut Pofessor Knightr wil burnecr-e ofparut sf hi classes. AssociateoDen a ~v'n i'tn lau-ve assistast 'usAlfred X. tHansonu~ ulros-apa~pointurent was cofirmaI Onmma-cvcsnt t thueincreasruttusr'! anace us thur engineerisng drpartsssĀ° ' a nusy sew instructcrs ad assistanuts wee-'em- gaged. 'ble folowitng apoitmuets n-nec msade:a Iscii eugieeiit".liaghs Btrady, C. J. reen, J. I. Sie I. I. Shiustine;ino ees sal ensgineeing~,CI M. Rakestraw, F. rujita; isncarin - gneerring, EC V'Walace; ii tochasnical enginering,R JtBraner, 1-I. ,. C'uri, P. R Hicks, R. R totteirn usgometury- assistdreawisg, E.Ms. Simmuwons, C E Stillson;n in shops, C l. . Wise; itsut- veyinig, J. R. Brooks, H. K. Hlanbuud, R J Reed, C.CH. Russell, L. tG, Susith, T X.Williams Fred C.'Purell reeivedl the apuoit- meo fstinstructor usnecanica egin- eerinug at a salary of $iaao. Tie sary of R . 'Turned, clerk iso thc shops, was inceasedl troums$oo tt$500. DrossniC E', Coley is giveno the [till timse of a stenougraphse. Miss Fischer will do the work n is otaut.' Tb"esut of $20 usosapprotriafor 'tile upucas nut cd- ditionsal chirs andottables'su inteen-Ci.i eerinug departmiet lDe, S. . Big.'owosfi thur cepatur'ut of chri try wan manl- ful protesor. WaltuiceMlford, asspf'tart professor of forestr+T, ,sas seer Iunsideprofesor 'T'oe fioiowitga S'sthor other rassitantis appointed a R K.Walker and 'hi.J. lowk, its interna meodicine;t WVJ. nf r- shahl, in physiological chemistry; Paul Shlne, iii bacteriology;t1. S. Hilu, iii electric therapeutics;t CF Ranmsy, iso pharmacy;blrryE. horffier, in chm- cat detistry R E.Knapp econes instructor in bacteriology'Ie saay of Dr.-F. XV Smithies, demonstrator in clinica ineoicine, was increasedl froms $iyoo to $,20oo The request ofi ProfthiM. t'Ooge that the art gallery- be eft opensfousrs hours in thue day nas approved. Snaiphosmorus its.asic nowi nes-tim'irtflirsptrsods. 'shnuPrunt. Dinhgs's, lathfan- anltivun utInohlas plitics. iHarry Joneos,iiths theonlorgian ,dsiest itsL'tsuuicluit urns chirmaniusu f,tlIst ,cso sosncial commuuuittnee, fosundsthirt lef dir-rstis hut o mse neruls- is thoescandidte inorsrsidentufandsheIsads i 25((10 sut us IbelonugiungIns shinRaoyal a atlicke uttfuuisu largely onuthanletclndt sub iisnsisy lblraries. Someu nf these stuns.fulimithad rkepttunefifteen yenars. 'T'ile oJnse s ticketlat:preinntifus than- "Stsudentus hurst-nhueturfsilegs- nf sdrawc- ossiy- alsoius thusfilancsd us. compaousedhig outsrsisy busk lnaCtreerves mnIdnsf ass folloss Fot presid'ent, 1harry B. ks-cpstng itfotrn a osnustll." Sillss'ics-sr esuidntus ilnosie R. iters I hishtsv-nntis uonstrust. Scosttsi-as seceotary , AI. XI sususaucls treassurer, partieclary-fotnasunates, as argen unsnre SCouis"B. West;t football manauage, Nor- nut thin Ibonks that Inn desiredl benin u muan Ihilt; fbasebaull msansagen, isiilbuur DI.the inbirarey nut.iDr.Schsiic, proesssor sat Ellliotit ;track nmanage, J. Xeilttuse- Eniglishlihteractiune, wossconrily ini suits agirls' luanolcefutbl umnaunge; Sopianluis toinsantonfteeusircuthelms Steushsuas-re; Ibaskntblsalimanuacger, Muse-' Spenakitng of thin schluaruly abilities sit risnun Slouffrsuui ; oseatorsical sdelegatse,I the studtsnos, Prosf. Scott says:a"'Thin Lees A1 Wiftn. cssuuussiiuusuosatsho e Ermancst hudents is on assthan wholeicmutdo sore corret thns CAPsFTA.IN RISXVCCA[LLS linutotAisesricanst iudents. Thur shoe- QS'I' TRACK A''ICCt'ES ousghs srill sit the gymaursiutos hrings abossut ascernes un usiformssity nfl style. CaptsainsFlosydsRohon- nthue vrssity '11re is soottshuas raggednesithtitits- trauck teamoshass issuseda cal-ltoIn all truck evnnss, those startling contarsts ot athletes toirenporetrt Ferry Field at to goodsnuess and lbadness which suie notices o'clackr Ibis smorsitng. Director Keense itsthur writinig orutnserienu stuidents. FPituairic withlibe present t ash address hut, 5555 thinotlier hsandr, there is a goon theien , ess.smutittwoodhennsess' anud consventisonal- 1 Ii HOURS: 1:30 to 2:30 P. M. 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. O drT eD iyT d y Per Year, - , $2.50 Delivery, Starts Immediately. No Back Numbers Furnished Cash wih order, $2.00 II