_Th __ htgan Daily ANNARBOR,\II C1II[GA \\ I LM)Y\ NOVEMBIER 22, 1907. v-oL. XVIII. No. S. NATIONAL COLLEGE SEEMS PROBABLE Congress will be Asked for Funds to Establish Institution as Planned by Washington. The National Association of State univ ersities. at anteeting hel last aCtes ay in Washingoi, adopted a ee rttnendatioii mate by a joittcemmit- tee of the association anti of the Na tion at'dncational associaioni that a n- tionauniversiy he saisedl 1 at f Congress in the Distict of Cotumiaia te spptotedt to the government sont tn serve as a postgraduate sehool of colleges maintainet by the stoes. 'this action will 1(e(1 to the bringig before he next sessinttof Congress a itt e- boying this recomtnedation. The following argamnts ar d 'tnced lin favor of the estoblismtent of totstional aiersits: . Snech siatiiivtesity is ieedel t comiplete and to cn rnathe edcaittionl cstrut of the United States. _. Such a niversitv fs need to sup- peetthe re.courees of exi tinensi ttons and to otffer tpp tnites fo motic dvatced itvestigationotd rc- eacithant arctnow oferdbiithcuti- critics oithticconitr. 3.Suchtiatiniversity witourtids1hi Wshintgtn,. mnt ha betnergid to dititi i of te giiie rmtnt t, ;is eial itt necessr. na~ tttfitonal tu cc sit is neededritin triter ito co-ortdinate le sctitiicisoirk ititetiniig crriedtoiilliiitic srivral 'iii' met dueatmeu tnts t \Washtintontsti and is to pt titewrktiiithetdtu ol of adiaced and adeqrtitl' utlytainetiit iiti tio ill ldo tlt i ttiii'rtter itiltp lose the iesthliishtingi1ofisuch a tii' th NationalTst '.ucatiuiiitttassocito broughttbeftier tt titdyat aoeing il Detroit si reotrt iwhicti ias unfaitvor attic to a ti uonalsitti ut rsit. Olyt "levl mnciof the commititte f four teen sigtedt the reprt.tOf these ticsvci siners, seteniwtre ptresitets f tie citnnectedt i stte itay iithiprisatei ii 'titttiono'. Presidtent Jamsiii I. Agel f Mich-t 'ian,tw'onwstissitthis sti nnts iiitte, refuseditottsignithel'repottithttecust'it wsas not ini accorttitee wiittis iewas55. Previou to this Detrsit meietig, te til swrittni ottarticle whtici tresntedthe lt probatitle attitudie tof thetritcitial uier- sfies (f the conttrtwistrt the Inoject toi rittilitsti ai ntionunivertintyi. Somite'of those whtosextressed titi- 'rlces sheinitg opposed toi this scetie aere tti' late Without R. I-eter, tres- dent of tte University iot Cicatgo, rs- idett Nihiotas 'Mturray Btlter of Cittuti- hifa, PresidenttCares Eitt of hocr cart, sittiPresidentitJ,.C;. Seuttittiiof iot. Andtrewv 1. Whlite, ii aniartice writtletn iiqoo, offers stotg faotirot argutnents. tHe beleves tttt a naitio uniiversity wouldtittisie ottliluieuceits utniting tlttparts iof the Ciiteit States: that it swouldit ernie the ettutai of the 'iniversity of Berini that it wolisnt i eveynay stpptlement iaid xiesstig univiersities Tresitdent Jordana of Statftri urges le tied of a nationa utiversit, He wrote in the Forum for 1897 : "A greti university in Anerica woldttte a school for tte studty tfiie freedoti. A na- tiontal iniversity it the aita f the retpublici wotldtttrttact the free-miindeds f alt the earth. It wotlidiraw tlttart ofi alt lantds to the study of detocrac. It is the necd of the nationtanaditnot tf the nation alone, bitt of the weorlud. It is thne ditty of the people of the uited Sttates 1t' meet this neet. 'there is tn t ttttictics' f si tt yompsiatut iriti IU K YA D FIXINS thii nlie oftatonal ifs etstyit PROMISED OLD JIMY Ict nt desctt ete tie c o JsTame . titilker sif Colotradotid:l -Venerable Custodian of Hats and tutioal r'it u ini tich Nsiti 'attthie peiple 'til srest t bic fithe ttuds, 'ic1t1ihit Coats at Library Has Growing -itc this' hurihcsss tutu stuhetts ofit, Fund. atruesr souse f Ameiirictnismitnthantu ldetit hie itevel' eint an uy thter iirec tiu.' , iitti it tthe hit.. f itGot. War t ut'p igiuientilfliii' eit tinauu pcI ts t" ''stli yet s his thes sotut uiverusity tl id hs n xrittesuyu Cea-tutu of 1i auIt t s u t i . 'is 5it e tintty ututd csu i t'us' M le, wh a e tt itjlst -t., cs tii iis it that I. stlt Jim"i lutthttth u ben nsid tomforufitt1111 t utu ouerIwihhsituraltkes than affrm tie'. e '.lustsre ca t s tut th t su tclit hue uss litcit hut no se- Jimihasusrutidetutu ill(' liray ltaik mote the istaihm ient oitf tist ius i it 55 f h nm l fe as be 's' f thei I. ittidS tatIes' is" s rmed.uest ira is tldted1'by theap u at sof isl stt- It e'mbracedsuh besds s'this' pressie ta5 of sciltio isheet Meer stwo utudred's'lecuting; cotll'ges amtu Oas t''y ''a 'te's' i's ''is o 'e OniesteSateitsitu , ii sts sihlis tru t ha th wisits spl uit oa acit's uid t ateits snptiiuutc t tss o it itt 5 ii i n istallmetitt publtic i i tnt tst u itt u'''tion. sittstiltmber ofufournth d corbil a p i foribiss id s lis' ske ocr ing; is pa. hiisied( I aums aqr dillc t ofo s's uof th litcli'slutaui c on m eudrim ,ary e h telssed ithmselvtes a t ugi. rf --- -tut 11 i S. Wsitneyl oad it eprt nliior a a ion i i v i tilt hits al-i i ,v;tys us e le > n .ittm a s f i i i l sutl tristsh o fist it iti bahcts it . \t the l t lentrofthtu es nas ttiosliti } aut tlu t sits all th e"titlhisi ti hu is'cil bfwsh stor il ed ts i o a- ins. slit do t tutu t i wealthy enou o ui t tt hil, t itti hi ch co uu' it iroidstc ht m i t it litehut foits' t ttuth'i tutur uttih tutuin tuhe ttuttush uit Intis St ' fausttutu'' the sCs' 'esui ' i br ' arussut ist.( s'ail i s t' iiit tf h d piut S t . toi pittagteior'ta t iltituti'on'sinthe tuhs'. \tttl isl n tintS hisuld st tussutcn sti "tta hcsc wit a I'.ilm itu crit ati o slit sa ~ h 11 i f t tutu'l d si 1 tt i ' t uthis pohf'ii'nt itt sustics stolil tisi ;uIr ulis sitttuitugt sluci I Is ob' t ch l hut' ofall 'rieiuuu'su f atisluitIe uut''t u t itit ssiuss siut tu fist'e ev ethu f ouri atg Iion tuual1 life.ussil s tuittlla'h fitheI d unind kihsh Afte isfel i u ir' c t ti s t hilci \ l 5 n 'Zo ino .dl arts o the stitdS' aes hn ig tthe t lslusths ta st uuttih itfmh'Ii \ t t hu 11 s ''this'ables~hiui' f t si tif sut icuu isiots 'M' ie leisin51 theiti c litkhitomi oft he 155 ues w erus outs w'' f'uit t rsuu u tuti W(orsk fl libr n 1,t'ii . i ro sit ihstil t' sit' "tint Sitrvi, tufsi t ld b a Sifics ktha st tu hshaIti ttitit-F r fry ya s ]Is Jss i t"le stue tn PENN DAILY HIARSHLY CRITICIZ.ES MICHIGAN "D~rsater platyed u riousy, tearing huge tites in ihigan's itean tnd mtaitg iii suoponent (Rheinchid) sent a s-ry i- ferioc sort tof footbal player. Agait, st center Dwxxyer easiliy andlei the wo'in- uderfiud Schiuiz, herldued by the whoe uest s the greatest center that ee ited u Dtwtyer hadis little trouble itt get tutug hattthus'btg Wov'erinec athout the htis xw itsitch cotuutetts as thee thath Ihe Daiy IPennsyvaiiaa, iiits isu of Mon1 y Ntouv. it1i, seeks u toake viid tot its reades the great ganeon Ferry' fieldlt h ISaturay. Without rcogniz- tg au sngleMihigan thtant xxorthy of anii viduuhu ual rctomtarisonutxihtay of' this Pesum pater,this easternt contemn- listary voucsss a regret t te smual score tutusuitdhut its teamn. Oerluoking the fauts ittt it xia's gnneraly admniteu by eye-wit inses thast 7tihigant uas Pent's masteir at the neuw gamue, IlacIPenn'ts onlty scume.cani' ottaflitke, sandutthat Mi chigan r estlly'dhut crs thin esterners' -ittsutlhue iiia nwstyle tilay, thuyhpa er qute s a tys of thur gia-e: "T'hiroughu it all uet always ell thinadvatanug. Tretits neuierany'out ohutehrt-si- periority aftir thur first iemuiuutes of 1)ita. Sutnd tistwha tiks'sthu.rersult alt thiii or utsueatisfatctry is thast this victry twis leantict ainu thus tim thatiwxtn wtonthtruughi superior aufootbal ouath i sogg heud." As authority fist'siny' it' all sufiha tat uut'uunuts, referetces sre mdtusithIrec Piladuuephuiau snittwinNext York tpater. '''Fley unuitein tsyitg tat therutitvser- is-ttu shuts--utgreat suteioity tae thur Micifgtaiaggregatiits--utu'triumputht is computlete!"' Utleit s id by h)'thineasteuhrnu cllege josurnaisftsit praise tf Michignt. Btohh ht- heplyatushehi-i'spirit ctnicuin isforc tis- puaraging'compuson ku~utt hithat o -f thu' WSITHI i'EXRNhNI; ACTORS Sit imastu)'catoudiaes situtuareu t stthin Comuuedhy'clitryouts ash een-uitg tat it tits impitissibole to gixs'any' of tuetu si cheuste, andtiu prsimtrinaitry- meeing of those twishing to try- for thin fourtetent hrts wst eldt. tDiretor 1'. N. Trais ux's? prsenithanditextpresseth himusef as moure thattsatisfieud xwithnthe anteria at hasndi. hBecauuse copies of thur revisdt editioni sitthin paty tx-rclackitg, purhs fuse in)outs counldrioth be asignetd, ut thur nies antI audiresses of alt preent uwere recorded anauthueuir exteriennue Anuyosne wishingtohi at-nhis nanau aiidded to thin list shounld see G. 11. ox tufotre Thausnksgivimg. After that tinma trts swill be tssignaeud adthinandi- tdstes alloied to show their ability by sctial reaudings fronm thin pay. Then ail will he seeced for nurit andtu experi- DE AN V'SUEIlAN SPEAKS BE- FORE ENGINEERING= SOCIETY hut his itlk out "Sanitary Engiering infuser the Etginering society' ash night Desut Virtue C. Yaunghttn dwelt trin- cipallhy uptont thin prevetntiont of tytuhoid let er. "Water etpidemuis otae xxitt ex- plcsise rapidity," hesatid, "hit thin peo- ple dont reaize this ath it takes ai ter- ribuhe ounbreak tot stir (thema up to sdo thintgs. Fifty thousand people din every year ito this country of typhoid and an- other 45,000 are sick with it. Asite frusnm thin humunanitariatn standptoint, thin loss to thin iationt fromni this is lite realizeud. Estimates msdeuhnipon thin eairningcpaity of this sik list of half a tmiliont itt thin aniual oss at $ino- ooo~ooo. 'This enornmous stni is snffi- cientuto 1 t 11ansadequnattewater supply inn nt-reptowenaitt thin routntry iwithna poulauthiont of 5,ono or over." CHICAGO PAPER QUOTES DRAKE News Appreciates Law Profes- sor's Joke When lHeSaid That Roosevelt Should be King. Regardinug recent outsietn esps lin reports, to tin effet thast Proif. Dhik it class advoctiedth It'eecioni ouftC.?, cli asitkitug,the.is' caitgoil sy etsa prints thin folowin'ug euitorial: "'Fleoher day vroust'nte wsaprsu' Wave pIroinnuce toi audispiatchi trotu Stnt Arbour ttthus'sfundct:tutthin rsfs 5tr ittRomnuaw atittinhUniverity f Mihtuiganithadut siguteud seioutsly listti' hspupis i faiioin-of makinstg t'u's islitt Rouoistevelt kinigitt thi ntsti ion sandgi- tg butt full pour-i'oiwouc his ill. 'Ther astonuishmuent f is Iheescsii- feelingy' iescrihued. ''Bteliei'nuug that hrewau nohi-cs if sicollegu'e rfessors hvintg bhunt de- lIterately' inisreipresenustedby out u'uuls-- .)risinug sudientitcortespndtuuuentli oreru tuura tsalue sory- mtightt ht' concocouted, het thaily ewt s-cuotehis rnst.IDrakes iteauin uxhast hut'rueauly saidf. It tits re, il dthe tiultiuttng recu-tutu- '.,S:An Arbort, fic., :tN. tsu'. -'l'sthu' Editior:yr s fu '-temark iigdtnthe .i -ietcufnunof R'ootsvelht s kig i ts utuush ini fetituid sa sit ttu ecssiuhbyllyty 'ass. Thureprtis inithise l'nwspapsus thu-ti I reuieratedt this satemt: and'tut feredulargumtsuinuaaits defeseuar ctfalse 'Pilefideaithast I or anyithstunbl Ameiricainislthoul sobrlynt'l'irultinusuh tfatastic. tnotitnisfatbsaurl.t Yo ius's very trutty. Jstaiet It i. Itaus.' "All1oitwichitgues t's usoles sthlauit s udangseous for a nollege pro iifessrie ilske a joke." h'-SIER (N (lOt?1'I' S ItSTl "Thin;uap'ecfiaion ofsitermanuitfee- tunun ussi wholt anuut esutt hitn 's Faltt piartictulairtutusdtelesd bs'u utt swlyit En~tgand' 'ITesse swsrus cuonaunthus subtane sit a tpa''readulastatniugihtb W. I. I Iutuarthefore the Pthioogicath society, entiteud "Than Recptuintou SGuettu's Fas i En ugandii.'Thusr- sios fou'this 1tty' dev'lo'mnttaind'ui She chasrcerisicexs'pr'essns oitot puu ot Faust as shown intiistrius liiiere reviews formted thin lstiy'ofittsitf emit ut-strutniltg(theatitudtsesoft Engandsut wtrdtallttiGetrmanhltetu r e latuuteus itle- udifferetceswticihi produtucs-dhi, his tios ceededutoiiishots'htnic iute's geat wour k wvssreceisvcit "'Fhe fragutunttary- nauuresit thue- drmaus s it wisnfirsttpublishedhwasuduisppitu tg to the Entglish. Eveni after thinus- ,lirationt sitthur secondhrt iin 13, tey' couldunt autphpreciaute its altutu ssic uhoe, ut cotnuedutudIo scrch oe t mnoral." T'his nmoraliing teunency sit thurePnglihltmindsprovedh sigret stumtb- ling bthuksthutrueinterpretationu. It wss a"sonrcre sitionder thuatsFsust,atwit scarcely a good sdees to hifs cednit, uasu fiusly recies in ttu haed.iI'To tem the trit e uaing, thast "aso ul tttit strive. is ft foe further deeloptmen'ut ii thinet worls,'was uincmprhuehesible. "Eniglainddostunot eentuunow tiupreciaute hFaust;I we titlst lut t thefuture fr the greast Englishuslarittf Grmnti ht:- ratiur." ' hem text netnitg sit the Phioalogiclt societyxwitltbehueldttout 1ec. , iiwhe'n Dr. Bhn illu 'ir eadil a litter tutu H-treslic ramnua." 'tLNt5 its c OY-, at t'auiti.u. On uSiunusasy eveninug at 7:530 ortclrcs, Honuer 'F. Lane, stuperinthendehnt of thne Boys'!IHomeu at Fsurmingtonu, with stpeak itt theUrInitarian chaurch, on "'he Bosy Problemt." Studenats of sociology turn especially inuvitedutosthuesr Mr. Zane. utusutt oftsuch ditinuctiv-e escellentce thtut (Coninued oan Page Thrsee.) 'i't' N t= OtRAS''ORS tilSIh.STS'1'!,1:\t), '' IiKINtD tit'1.A1.1K WEBLL Proif. .. a.Nesvsus,lueaustositthin se- partmeuunu t oftubliuc steintg' at Amtes 'sil turasl icoils'ge, utthoiis tutw'tratvel- hung tipon a i cInuce couurse, visiteud this classtinuoay' yesterdasysftertnson. At theinvfl itationiitt Prot.'Trueblouodh, hue soketeostheus'tutents situthe theetouf elotueuunse, semphaizfingagis its lres intit chuarauctesics thuesubility ho stah, thin abliitsy hutthitnks. atnuthin abhility ttItlk. Profi. Nest uts thistenstild fiur thet stint- dents asielnechiosit entitleud "Jittii Jonets, thur 1 hutulinat .Ftia iniTowvn." He re-- stpouned ith tutuof Rituling's tpaoes us sestusty i'e tielois a Itu sit suit. It- alt uthe i omtsecaaleo taksinig-stie-ofttsuci suits luistuas usshownx' hby the ease'ith hihthi cod a hsuandlsed. 'list'uhoiuss is thiseatti sit I aedfistthe isucl t s's eenttig" t..SW'S' isfiIC INtl IsOtMf TO hthh1171,' SOlON -utu.taueusv tisuritedent ofgrouuds t mith buiuutins uvusitedl ths'lsits ufinugm tyesserdauto arrmange'sfothecostrusi- luiunsumf s canop~y Iso rncloset'thnstpace betweneiths-tau"ngsum)n hts-east sides' of the u hiilti t in. 'tu'1nclsuit portiosnis tdsigit'edli to erveis ua sestibulemndt loungtuuing rootmu inwitmcli ticstmudents s tr vay tumiulsi' n'tu h ili' atumay lt'e tiumhe lutw(t sit itasss