THE MICHIGAN DAILY HO0TDRIK Hot, Chocolate with whipped dream Hot Coffee Hot Vigoral Hot Beef Bouillon Hot Chicken Broth l C Hot Clamn Broth ' Hot Lemonade Hot Malted Milk Hot Tomato Bouillon Hot Egg Malted Milk Hot Egg Lem-onadeI Hot Egg Chocolate15 Hot Egg Phosphite ' 11am Sandwich 5c Chicken Sandwich ioc Friedeakes served with Coffee \Wafers with all other Drinks Ei. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 Soath State Street. AMU5EMENTS CAtF,,NIDA).\. Nor. ,2 -Ju nor lit smoker at tnion clubhlouse, Not'. 21-'Falk ott "Le'Thteatre F5rant- cais," toy Prof. Johni R. tSftnger, int Tap- pan IHall lecture roomn, at 4 o'clock. Xtlttissiots free. N;ot'22 -PFacts and(I Fictiont Contcern- ittg thte Jews."' by Rtabi lirsch, ont S. L. A..cottrsc. ittUniversity tall. NOVt. al6 (evetnting) - Vacatitoti Ieglits. IDltc. 2 Vt ark resuiittct UNIVERSITY NOTICES tFreshtlits, meet Fridayatt 4 t'clock ittect at Xltllt illst'ataa.rtttttt toter Slta'a'lait's 1bottk ste,. ttitighit at 7 :30. lDt. Vauightantsill spteak tat santat'y will be ttf espeacial1 itterest ttottmttticttpal entgitteetrs. Un iversity ttrchetsrat Iracticec test Suttttt Uandttsltencefotrtht, ttill cttotiaetce at :45 ittnsttadttf 3 o'cltck, Thlistwill tse ftolloswed, a ttefttre, ly te -lesiali Thlattksgivintg dancstitng Iarty ''utesdlay 0,0titig,NtNO t2.l eatgtue itmettbers cattt se'ctts'eticketsIf'otmI[)ctttlttrtdttt ott tto~rtntngfrttttt to tt12 t'cttck. Wt. IF. I fatuhtart of thtt Gerttmtattepart- scl ill 'teatdSt Italetr tnt "Thaeeett- ore t'ePtiltoltogicasl soty'a, itt Rotttt ;.ttite'rsity a' ll, at 7oItontiight. Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what t Stein-.Bloclh Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO.11 The Great Neckwear House. LK CUT, FOR75 Good enough for anybody. (?v er five thousan-d useftul articles at cnt lances. Whly payitmore ltai thIings ate wsorthl? Corner Main and 77OAG' ~o ct and I0c Store" 'Washan 'ion kYHoeSupply Store. Webb's For High Grade Cnies IreeV(t;ettm, Frt ttGees PtuchtesShettes, Frozen Litquid lav ors fttr .all0eastuns. Parses N .ttkt's and leiliet Stalteid N it t V sts. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Mattn 'St. Th it ras t' Is t a s t 's tttt-ttheruy asateI' re pattets are is ttte Btirilttat. Ditt- g et r y entottght to satisty unof muttltt owthitts-tbty n, ' U er oduty. Alltasl tarts themtiattttwear bth . Ttt ear a ar at' tiaeynite l-laltedt bras. is tere, anti they ucost, tnly a qusarter if o"'Stetale r aint 'isttptply'yu a a patr e. mb herit. pai t tt I te settntupatnrecetiptttf price. PIOfIEER SUiPENDER CO .718 MAKET ST. PtAA..V Ni EXTA CHRtE FiN HANiiiME HiLIiiY BiXES MAKERS it PIONEER SUSPENDERS The Maj e stic Theatre Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be, one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. lflA.. Arbor's Pioneer Moinelg Picture Theatre Theat rium New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsrciptiones takenby mail--check, draft or money order. PROIIPT COLLECTIONS AND Gct ati~-fa tion QUIK RETURNS. Get atifacionEUGENESMITH THE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent WITTERKS' LAUNDRY Se glraaw. Mich. OFFICE btl Easi William Sireei. name Phone, 72 Back LAW BOOKS, 36th year Dictionaries 36th year Ira Qs"Iz Book.slIa Aran Arbor Legal Miscellany Ann Arbor CALLUAGHAN ft CO. CHICAGO Ann. Arbor Branich, State Street, Opposite Law Bldg. "coottl ttttsccot-ketilte,-'' mto tl-kngasad kept '"tight"''ittstttt' Iass tahulk: ttttts tee kept ittwtot In .rraltgced. BILLIARDS, BtOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 112 S. Stata - 311 Maynerd I The clase In. dancing a~re now open eAt GRANGERK'S Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res- idence and Academy on Maynard Street. The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Sell-Filling 'Pen No ink under cap when you -are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Ahtotltttely s!atotetftrtljt tio Ieait tojttttttl defet