CLLviEGE STY LES W here wilt yoo hind ste'le at its top-most pitch' In the great universities, to he sore Tfhe college vixttl knowvs fashion as the small toy kniows the firtliest corner of the e Jain closet. "College Clothes"is a phrase which falts trippiiigly from scres of tongues. Many tailors claim them--mighty few prodtuce ttxeni. We inv ite ionl to"size"its tip--your jugmnti hers.4uun andI Winter woolens ready in f the freshest wveaves andI"classiest'' colorings. Perfect tailoriiig at in Aierate prices---that' s onrs. UNiVEFRSIT'Y NOT'iCESj $ttit t rcrc}tsTAIL4 Ttci t> i atI}. 11. iintc ii fii ;1 Ri ci 30) IKelly. 'V R ( t-i hicll' iriccic Tiursday, Novx 'T i P.M., cI sarciii 'asi ii AnclilaRdte'st hall. flI(Y aCO. )R.S To n 'ERS r High Class Merchandise Popular Prices Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot tx r-Ix lawS -itimlCnidaxccitesxcMiicei Directly North of ILaw Biildin.g )dav atcat ilm. 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE Merchant Tailors Thump)litclas x ii i O ld ii s iokir p. iii.iI liiiiiiifty Cents TheUnill innr lnane clnniii ii N M I AMiii i- ithI iii i, i I iiiii ac- -' iuntsi iitic iiireport.i Wacr nd chcer frMihia Cnio~i hnop wil he aid at toph Billiard and Bowling Parlor ttI inlxxiofiitiieibcstcand tiiheet Ciii xcii line tine of ii cip sx I i. Tbaxcii,-an Cand iii, Gietctheixabit. ii sen os liii iitic et fur $1i00, f THE PICKWICK S. Rotteinsteiri 707 N. University Ave. 11 Bell Phone I76. 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM. Prop. A.U.SEMENTS Thc Majcstic Tcar Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and tt is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. Theatoiuffi119 E. LIBERTY ST. NwShows each Tuesday, Thurs- dyand ,Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsrciptions takenby mail--check, draft or money order. PROIIPT COLLECTIONS AND Gct ati~facton UICK RETURNS. Get StisfationEUGENE SMITH THE S TUVD ENTS' LAUNDRYMA N Agient WITTEK.S' LAUNDRY Sek ginaw. Mich. 0ICE allIEast WxiiamxSe tr-eet. lame Phoe, 72 Black The Home of ""IINfl Suits, Overcoats, Good Clothes Caincoat and Trousers Liberty St.. Cor. Fouarth .Ave. Aera Arbor ID tltaile 'i1t at ie ii toH lb c ltr to dal it'i I ic iicc. <- c ic xt i a tolrnica- A1% il :fir Ilk l iit:' i'iiiitl wise, lWitmoxrec C ii1p r a tii'i. <7 ifor spciail I:14 . Ilc~rke, eb's For High GradeCade Ia c 'reaix 1 i Iclx es xnlc - xiiebehxi-, Friccen lixquid cciior:ifrl ea iioc, i xxineiapkin- ad Doi lieSaltled Nit Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. lii i-ic5 'icc grilcgoodis' at Fester's. tf x llnac i\ ii Alciiic 31. xcii ii and Scticcili rec x S-ccfirii jil clts. Inx orcl rc c -cii iicc''ixllih 13. I,. Pcik & Ck"5 -wcl-i i dir- cccxcifrcc cciii? l ill w ci cc --cc ci/aci cwiccc l cc xioi Macde of Cixiteca Sbhrxink Fcxixiis 15ic eacch, 2 for -25ec Carriage and Baggage befoix-x- --xi-cxic-i<.50is, alier 'vco $2.00. Fxx or-cdxxruinkxito orfrnor , thiixe pricx-xcil ie 25Cents. Iiecxrriedito S0 Cents. \'4A-IiTixitc LIVERY I'0iiiSO'x& iCO. xxAT-TLES'x-LIVtERY. cii cclxxiii - ci - I( , ;, lic'tkl Si --'. hi, - iiix Alar ccilocxcksx-xxiaxiteci for oxxe year, xi o. ticcilici icixeic) :Morc, xr6S. Min street i. cod P1.1 N'1 1 i --2YPCS\ iITING Electioxn ccars iandeallIindcs of punit- ing acclxi--t prices. Special price gixc icr ticket occder-c. Michxigctaxxcnd rater- nity sxtatioxnery a specialty. lteadqcuar- ters icr typesriting. Jolliffe & Kitz- miller, over Co-op. eod See ouxr eoxmpleteelhne of Miehigan pins~, fobcs anxd souivenirs. Hlaller'x heweclic Store, 2ib S. Mtabn street. eod Htaxid haxmmiered jeelery at Foxier's. Our) xx ores wxill iecopexi Sunx aytx hixsyeix tox sale f Calxis itobccoscxc.,xdi itiLLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGiARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. -i '5 . State 311 Ma ynard MOE'S - BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. Suspplied to College ,Men x ennd Womnen. foir All Pxzr-poses? WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER 200 Ea .st Wash ilmgton Street CO. [OR DAILY ADVEfRTISING RAIES KEEP YOUR DATES Pestixxxiix.x iHANDBiiiiiiii yoxxur pck elt. ixace farmaem,- _____ ciraxixia. ealexxdar, spxcial ex-exxs, iUniversixy Cat-cenrinis1i5i0ipageiiboo. Given away sucixp-tiiions t aken iii xTwill. cixehiec xl rat or to students at the University V. M. C. A. Mc- money icyrixic. M~ilan Hal. LAW BOOKS 360%hyer:- Dictionaries 3eth.year ira QiitHooks lin Aer" Arbor Legli Misceilaniy Aesra Arbor CALLUAGHAN ft CO. CHiICAGO0 Areas Arbor Braraeh. State Street, Opposite Lawv Bld1. $500 REWARD For Name of One Dissatisfied Customer! $50,000 Worth Bankrupt Jewleryl ___ LOT 1-,oo0 Silver and Heavy Plate Gold Watches.$ richly engrased. Ladies anud Gentlemen's sizes, __flute tinue keepers, at 3 LOT 2--2,000 Heavy Plate Gold Watches, beautifolly $ enigraved, excellent tinme keepers, at - - $ LOT 3-2,000 Extra Heavy Plate Gold Watches, nmarkable bargaini. at - $%5. Diamond Rinugs, $5 $1o, $15, very small Stones hot gen- tune diamonuds. All goods delivered hy nasil post-paid, and your money hack if you are not delighted. Boy your Christ- mas Gifts Now. A Chain free with first 5,ooo orders. C. E MAR HALL 384 Washington Blvd~, Chicago (L 1 mmmmwmm s t nIO-RNTSCULER, 3r9 East Huron Street