CW~ !C1!QA~ 9A._ 0. IH. Wild Comfpally TeLargs t Sock inithe Cty of Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear Yv 'irĀ« reuirediissfoi Suit, ifs si (sts, Iansv C stisg- and 1i~j- ilt- ad of high clas falti isandfspeial 1style,. C-7 Full Dress Soits a Specalty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South Sate Sree Run A Michigan Flag Upa iai you iihousetil)the dayi Ii lgaiiipluys I siis. Weare (ffer so.tiebst-o Sale in the t oiiacnvs ib ound its se-slitd flag ,;xa $2.50 Weshvelustst fts of ihiifn s -(1 ntiidS beter AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A.G. S SPALDiING ALI & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OiiImiittpeenit foTrak nd Fild Sports UnifsoI toolltSpots. Spodio's Hndomtely Iltteid Cataogue of alt sport coitir oiiioiiosapiiiiio . Sndori.-Itte. A. ti. StALlIti & BROS. -iii i fi l s. ii 5555 iii ai t. :,Pt i t.' i- aisa ii ashIii. ioio.(s iti l1. i - lamisssias Gaiiy, Cleveiang, Ni-aor U s , ,, loiln tr isea, Canadia. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Man aging Editfor-PAUt. SCOci MOWRIvti Business Manager-f.. E. Wisrcest Nes............ ..A. F. Ritchie athletics.......Villiam F. Gradolpti Spotting......Clarence E. Eldridgr Exhainge.... h.. -f. John Wamotlds Musaiaiid IDranma-...Roy t). Welch Women's Editor....- Louise Vaii Voorlh EDIcORIAL STArF J. W. McCandlesElmer C. Adams John F. Wurz Robiert 14. Clancy l-lirato S. Cody George H. Hobart Chattncey Botucher B. G. R. Williams tL. C. Reid Lee A White NI. litM-I lluau J.I. .rscott A. L. Hainline Robert Moutioer torell J. Carr IDonald tL. Kininey \Vahl(,1 IK. fTs > Lois-.ICraft 1es T. 2kisislss W~rsi Ild Mo Nsrelawsl l1o11f o-cri-i Soaoue 1L Iorr Oltt o s]-I Pac-l ;. Gooin(ii BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wunrz Carl H. Adam I latollP. Coislid Addrless: ICHIADAttY, Press Bld~g., Mayntarid Street. Manager's Hours: 1-a P. in., 7-8 daily, except Sunday. Bath phones' 96o.NJi NN i)V1fti ~i ao actionlMiAibisdilso i s-liaiwdissassy Ipower privsisiexerii---it ys theiii. Tie- miai framedisila s-loii-iiii-hich-fiji- pari'u-ariresolt-ittoiiscliiiedtforish omsit tdfmiiibIris II iitis cepcrt of lbs Iegei-sa etig,.ia iliioiiside plapicrs hiav ii trkiiif s aofflsify- A.isthatlions thitndon f iuiiiiioiiiesaper.i Iiaet i he ai f - ppear ationssiiss dsicuilosi' andscrminal here iheresoluitiioi, ini till: li sie s l . thaitiis i te sse of fteI aid isofseges th~liatltheIBuard it C ssiti il ofi:Ntlils. ifs sall bI i s-c-pon-, ile tofsthesteshig fiscos of iti- LUni- iiiiir isis an thatfacultyscontrollie fire- serve ibytsissscs masof aCtli-if repr suii isiflsacuhsyills bessss anfslthieisil Board inControl f tei sinnilt The folow te rsoltio ss ib-s Nv iihaiis s ardip o if cotrsoliibe Ifd iecltor ofN\siis uan gymnsumt bei a sssiis-r ibsstastsu-sicuilty isem- bers,- oneichsutfrosmsthi-fsillsswinsu; fas ulis- -lasw, e-nginiiinsig. asni me if. 1 illiliiifili c. sdi-tsilfilisrntiii3 1ointlb Ipp.ififl'iilby ,their respfecivej deansi cIi sut isis n ll sith hepresident::l tha ogle graduate member besi appostiintee, : is l ti ll a ssci-tis-; aisd twislinil ri sidet tuhflets ic boar, anssTialtliihissoa1 's cosituted be -i clss- isi s-sI so ihesi- r ofi Res- tsf. .Ate tin is Ia lle t teilsi- atth .Auni a1111s.sosiationl.not ifhe itistis. Is toi aitthe gradus-i s assei Iienilsit CIlisO ss O'-TS.\isis 1)s\sC s isoA:. iiel ail far broadelr effects tan ttitii ots-usls cotsil pss~iboly iirig about.'Thie itiitris siiiliassoI cstsisletssltlc thoutght. ItiS1siss owltistisso su 'ifhere-iiso -issdel-tii lii nitsiisity itprnt nori iisinit-sifussnts of recnt iar' s who will sal hail iwiti ielihtsits iiflsols iesnt' isthe shoiesi-of thie-gmt- iiasiistis. Thessconitiiioi iof thei- shoiw- illsr somtime iipsaisst Ihas beeno delr sfb1le and hat~senteifais-esiis-of n ileul -ise csomment'tl-t siostg memcoies-i- sf iii ~sudentslliiody. 'Tfe-crittsilt-itsiturel histy sthe ssant ii f is tsead of joinings thei C iisisi sisiti iatoil iihit sweitn loyaltysto almamatert-y lasints-osis mose islii ls i s i ts itse gaiisi Intercollegiate Notes. 5555-.- cr si s its -v ttea eth-l sitscholoy t nfour t oilnsst-hassff milsei-osei Fril i t- I iii soit f 27 Prf. ll. R- Deweysu. iheds of te if- isitisess Sosits-i-its tsi lasssacliiie-si- I tihftfi- f Tls-i-litistsufl-hiti lstiltb lihda sof nifilil C"Natiotrb lemis.' C totswiauditsrium setig Ivir 2.00 asddctd asitsliii- litists osi I si i i s--sla istw laitisisil-tt- cal prtogrami isas .arrange-d Ioritheiiocs stient--. anonce ftat si flniis silft forfste eretsit f a ineti-s5t ifs-- ii \Cfin stt s .Yortklfor -thelisst it sts I-sti iutof T cititisusgs CC i-a l ai-si tisilsi-nuosiltatiffsatsOhiot sit-i provsise is-l ishi fit l tiketi. Ilhe clas-ishs i-ifcltslis t-e largcst nttuiiofi tisksis rcis tn -foot sifart5 ii its ru-s fist- alst- Coiii til t -sf Iii SCORN i 5115 tiii Capstasints fagsisslof te iissartil fei h;mearprt- fittotsil- The-iic i li at id- partset icli shosatha sudetisiass nti airactedl by t figting ifs. ifs isrisic fto 12 iofthes-prciciipasl sisfgcts askiig forithei iamets f graduasfs who ls desitedsuappoitmentlstss, soid li-utn-i ant. si its, li ddnt giltit singes-ely.Ini- conequnc, te utmbit-i-of cslits-i iisiediofitics 555sisno lirstisgly o-wit fGrantges so iteuiy till have ts ifirst lissn tFriday a sfttnoin. Nivt.22 af to:3 . $3 ms-srItirmu teif I cii s i Seceasic cotmpete lhne of tMichigatn tin-, fots ansI soveenir- fHallero jeweclry- Store, ai16 S. Maiti street. od Visiting Cards Everyotne uses some visiting cards. Why not get the best, it is as eeap as te ordinary printed cardhs, We engrave news plate and to cards for $1.25. If yonu have your ownt plate, 75c per tot cards. We do Statiottery Stampling, Wedding An- nounctletmetts andi Moto- gramt Work. G e t o utt estiates. WAHRWS Bookstores stily tr'it Slit sl 'it Michigan Pennants, Pillow lops and Banners 'Te hst mtetrial, bet"t sworkmnshipIF'le st de- signs and Best Monley Value I yv ot blieive-it, jtust go to the trutbles to intS-stigate. - A fter youiihase sonettehis you w sill hbuy at lst oS place and thsat's at Lyndon 's 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVI. EBAILEY & EDMUNDS !Bportino (BooN0 121 EAStr LIBERTY STREET Chafing Dishes ,k lires treeitis with uf Iis,- iiiprosfii f s .i liiiGh; - -o5t vasuei$6.00. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler Ifsexactipowsmutois hichliiis11ilit -it istat heitecssoostball se-is ifs- -silissiof smuchis cisnjiectiff n vr umn- ftatitiphii5sfsss-oficlass sactiv ifs geel m fisonction May -ha sits- iju petitlsnen i--st. Iisesuit behutidosi lNC slitoi lil the Relu nss thet i 1f nelti t '1 s'hitrlt-s fo taill its.fsilted -sppri- i-si df isi i i iii is its''ersiofiiltl Isis s, iis ' cily t x ie ths-sithuttisi-.smt or's i ham fthsils''htithi stsudets iiohsh'iiieer is-1 s st ill's- r esa i. C greati mussy sills-i isisi' nfluential. sit nlyf atis eIlii fli s-tudsislyfs tIis it. Mu list- heii svere knowuns useiii ush I ii ssss htl isIfisthlits ustail nthu of c11 lsass mtitis 1sf grantingt byaieiceusu-us s-ith the- Ieets, fbesnmu Is -es-sut- asonab5 ile iso sitguets-astu pricaisyhi-i iinuomtei conts-srisl. 'he5-ti-i layifs-i-wsiill nstfcurehs th-elii- lii I erl isundttter.sstnding ltintes. iiuit sipsof cla s'stball hiais-t ts-lisps M .adecill thegabs d eflu e wairrd-s il - a-re srs- scalslys Iliminatsiei-i. osf tli, s-i-icent51ffcitn of sts-elBosasuof liihis sfi hsly tleiinthelii- sss~ iregenttsuwfilch'haieisppeare inf ussaide class--esahisre -lut- clss s situdoestill pa 511 l~ethlisi s1t ffstumet ndex-nesitatsuch -faisacr5iifice if htseill planatinf ecesar.ierg.5 Iii-'5 t wsstatIsiedilahstI iear115t5ousso Is89 shift e ustsis-crateduahsi"uiesir anys-iumeratih ss-reion tl i studeticit. -.11 Imdfrtergulastion osf atleticifYNet -use fistoflitnitnumers aso harmfl full I-, itsthis Cnitesi fiiNlihigian." suts s-fsw? Cassins-ignsisatenstoi This hoard wa iltsfatisttils-sitsitictnine 55 itsilni tma ai 4is -.genterally 1r- fus itve luf s simsalliihe cihousen f rosh indfith51t51thie uits"iden'tiified"iswitIf the' Cnvsuity Senaii ts, tush lust-ihsesuetains sis I the mn-mst 55515l sit s f itreosof tAtus hlestic ss-al to thtclss Al-usls class suitelsts- suiMh tveot if nnelitntuu- fhadfsi a sil natir wichi-ibltoitgist t hers> thussfum sthtsfaculty. f Ash-ed gett uss a stsuuhir sf goodsfllowussash no arumstua to shfou-Assist rautfotltityI gales-numes ras- itotuose whwerlists re- sis. CIAll tii'ti 155pertfining 1'toi-imttuasly i-t I. 'heenautstasinedhws athseicstswer stoflwitushut in ilthrs-sa freersmiin tg of clssmautes'-. csssf55 i'S. iio of tu iiiiuhissoardsujeci (atdsheits-'- Iis yeatas likn fuc(lus 5510 fieIisumels itsehost fpertinfent Iilausett to usuch is scssntesstatsfmmn esasuhi clas siand all rigtlsiatin si11.5 Senaite eeaf 5tetf air 5 of llstrici t-ius ies-sabut ts Iht- whl fitil isis. 'IThemeini itsg if tis-.hosulsillfair. .CAferiali.i, fifh e 5oniilio~ suit reusfiirein tsinus t. snumeurasi isfti susnipotfaitathesir titus ifse-iBoard o f Reagents-.hssnvcer stit- wetuist nisa-i-,iiihssentirtesucHitif teraind athughts if costintg thusto usise-at hesirisibmutiont' Have st-u suthrityssiof thilsshd. fBy itieirs-recntI slushsiriltsli hudwfsssftd an instituion i Portrait frames~ at f'oster's. tf - \ H SEALS [MADEOF GOWERNM N ORUA ThfZE fMUTjJE~ DN QUR'EE wir llsic Every day one hears people say "If I were in college again, I would do umore in the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- ting about mousle so as to appreciate good m u s i c wvhen I hear it" Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for suclt study. Courses in all branchtes of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Mlayinard Street Che Ztubcnts' lecture Association Facts and Fictions Concerning the Jews tBY EMIL C. HIRSCH, D.D., L.L.D. Friday Even1j, Nov. 22, 1907, at 8:13 University Hall Tickets for Entire Course - - - $2.00 Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - .50 Single Adnission Tickets - - - .50 #i 121 Washington Ef. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598