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September 27, 1907 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1907-09-27

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Suits and Overcoats to Measure UiEST OIE E R ~ o
150 t 400 The sophomores will meet tonight to FU1 IS RNrISHERS ITOi M Cfl Merhandase
$150 tf400 ormutlate p~la for the rash HATTER.S 1 J! Popular Prices
E epec togai may nw ad frm rieds 0 tlea'still loldl<a meeting in
man Room11CC irer ity all, this afternoon
with our autumn and winter display of at t-ok. Directly North of Law Bsilding
fashionably correct woolens. ; 'W'e pledge you Fir, a regular meeting of onega Phi
th fnstfbrcs hemstephti tye te literars soiety wiltle helit at Itip. nm. 709-711 NORTHi UNIVEKSITY AVENUE
most skilled tailoring, thewidest choice and sat- Iaiii tryoti, Roitii, CUitiersity
isfaction absolute and complete or you needn 't I tall Friday, 7 o'lok. Hriniig iistri- Pick wick
take the garments. n uns. ishe, tcailer.
C. H. sociey tillglveeaiecetioti o Billiar arar a t a ln le
1.uct n faculty Sauritay at 8 p.im.,
t echurh, Divisitoniad t aiim Nitioe,9jandui)pii-i-ioi.
Th'leitrgatiiiatiton of theu rstai e ii
\o(laorNttetiantwiltake leireE- Cigars, Tobacco, Candies and Pipes.
Lg i iz a d ti4 . mi. RoomGatUiIit 1. iiDlr. Hl- Baseball Scores Received ly Innngs.
la ii eirvetoegiieeritihgltiiett- ~ Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave.
118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLIM, Prop. ;it 415tFriday aftertitton. Al teat en- _
fireers aout.\weager lres.
U SM ET P~II L ! ld JI %"~ ra I.GardierrS.foailnwtiltdeleier e
Steopeninig akticres far the igineer-,FrHg T'd
A M ing s~~~oiey ol Fritay Sept. 27, atit W b CMna
All frehtmtent of the engieeritg aiid Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid.
Th a c tc T e t e iirrar aeiartts ae reqesteti to Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies
The Maj sti Th atr ple~ical exaiminatiniis alun Salted Nt Cases.
is possible. l otuI s 2 ti 5, aii t o 9
t. I eete Fitpatrich.
Alitentis fr fall teiiis turiaiieit Webb's Chocolates are Usrpassed. 109 S. main St.
Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, tmustttregiser befire Moniay iigtt,
is fast nearing completion and when completed will be ither in lblaiik cads ftrtished at erry
one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The Fielor with \\. G. IHag, 44 EastCC
management will present to the patrons of the theatre captairitei qIi I~ E''K I
ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE CICAT EATaISITa at i sppied to College Men ssd
Coacih Stagg f the University f Womem for All P'srposes.WN
and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. Ciaegistiain lg to glvee tis foottalit
The booking contract for the year has been given to team otianaialg in tiesatae atf trip
Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the toI ii tAigele. Negotiatiens re tiiidei WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWVER CO.
atay for a Ch'trisltas gaiie with the
general public. This space has been contracted for by Univler sit iof Sotihteri California.i200OEa.at Ww.shrxgton Street
the management for the year and it is our desire to notify - -e-"-uuiestysfotal tai
the public from time to time as to the advancement of aeighslus at onie toni. T'li arsvieon
the theatre. ofiteiavaiua est tau reor. S UITS and OV ERCOA TS
Ame iis k sptaintedathi tetipataeatf rnit pbMADE 10O0ORDER
if flthlargitg mahieluiuedi sail laby 011'$18.00 to $3.00
lte Ioaataiicit i sq tlud.
YPSILANTI OPERA H-OUSE Good< teiorslit wed ilhrc FRED W. GROSS
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 trieta.eoil-it-8a Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave.
aluuie rpr'sentratvofitiv.PruieSC.,ottcruiast
The lKemtpf .Mnisie Stuio s-Ptao,'tiorstihicgo
I I. JUC l,HS i tI'RS lll. S Ivote, pae orgauen, tipsitionl. 312 S.
Diisioni strt. eoa-8
MI'iss Florence Gear Set' taerettoitlete liac. af Micligan_
psl osadsueir, alr tJeelty Store.t ih S. Maistreet. edFLAT CLASP GARTERS
Sftaih tseiaty tt the Students' T,.are wrn annually on 4000,000 legs-he most popular garter for
i d a t men's wear. The patented flat clap brings comfort-the secret is i
I inctyot tiiuUnvr it cur-oitsono-binding, non-irritating hold. It's as flat as a sheet of paper and
tirCfhlurh.Ifhld he sock as smooth as the skin. Made of pure silk elastic webbing.
______________All etalparts of heavy nickel plated brass. 25 cents a pairall dealers
APfl.IL L Iii' 3tl<ft O , iffltI. 1 I. Ltil, Aarma Cloks, $i or byo mail prepaid. For those who prefer a cord garter, we offer
Easta "t \\'a tiiugtoi=. if
Prices: $1.00 75c 50C 25c'___- LO UKGRI
Bilog, hislitogy, baactrilogy-path- B IG TN GAT R
S.\l.E AT'CUSI IING''S IDlUGLEST'ORil. toltgica atidissetig instimeits at BIHO ATR
Goodeycr' Dlrg Str. t-12 The neatest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter made. The
_______ ___rubber damondholds with a vice-lie grip that will nevrlip. Will
ntsdoacodggrrtr.Fnest.The smallest, Mhsflaersgiever
h t119 E. LIBERTY ST. iLATESTl OPERA SUCESSS- uelncrdatr
'lff~fV J'~1 Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving "'the Merry iLdo," 'The Girl Qes- nickel plaed brass. 25cand5capair,alldealersorbynsailprepaid. PcueTete in Foe fteRnh""ilPOERSSEDRC. 1 aktS. hldlha
T ea o i m NEW SEA SHELL FRONT Beid the Counter," 'Mliss Hook of Ifoorra Jon~ser senes:'
Continuous Performansce, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Hollandl" "Thae Talk of Nes ork"
tutu oters, at Roto's.f

vounug's hatt (uone eter made) on T; a~~ a kti
L A W B O O Sstle ly Alnt, thur Clothier, Malta street. A aetttte n 0 cttra'ulttnu
~~V1- 6 the Mitt lihUesaa-thetiSg Gamertmatdepend spot ints'biity
_________________ to ol the alt. rie majrortv st'Varsity tBakstols, like '
36th year DICOtloarles 36th yar' FIRStIMEN ! Start right -bhy the majrtiy of the great Lague Cachers always oae a
tin - Qui.z Books Sm "Purfilits" soeas-thten you swill always .
binAs=Arbor Le8)E Msoltlaniy Ames Arbor huM t style atdutotey ahead. ip S
Maitastret. PNI-a
" 7 ~~~The F nctT iwk
CALLAG ANO Ospnela Havana igrs are c T N S MT aatitiseoni it. +
CHCGOguarantteeal to give satisfa- Th earngement of pading antitep hllow hls tse hatt a e' artao ir y sr
Annm Arbor Brsnmo, Stat. Street OppsietoLawss. Bdf. , tion or money refunded. aevaeryillsprc rom 25ecr0 toi9. ltei tnsuglatltls toctu.''i'iBat,'er
Veg rO, C, leo, OC BAIhao 'bair-adoptdl by te geat Austetea
By liar tx, $.ooand $400 t eufor a ecs ~pe iicia, ls o used y
rmstaf the big 'acsity ad Prep Senotaa
HustaontBros, itnes. $125 ' . ."",
MIHG NPENNANTPHOTO NETS 2 t32 S5Stae StI,',iei t"-ideal5,i'eolltI
Decorate your room with oaec to the eo u icyi hr saMala i.hccs
P..a snmth(8x6ln.h The nettitug isimade of the HihesitGrade aorSexInland HOP ltp aal lwritfort Base tal ta- ,
TwIne. Sie lxi ft..fo t.,5c. U Oher acts wtito ounsans 250,50and75c MOE'S BAII" ER \., -JsP Ioe-FR lnt sn otat.Pnatso 'aolee ae oodr
I. INDQSISTOERtLlN, Oslo0 Rol 14 Noth Usvesity Ave. A. J. REACH C. 727TUSTaes.,F rsrxrur.

STUIDIO-RENTSCHLER, 319 East Huron Street

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