?UE )(ICR!C6AW At Ly Before and after the gatme buy G ilbets and L owneys Chocolates, QUARRY'S Carner -ta - a:t t dN. sr.At St Money Loaned On Watcties, Diamaon ds, LawaBooksa or other personal proprty. Watches ad Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watchea & Diamonds Office at resiteace 331 Ei. Liberty Si Ann Arbsar. Hours: t11:30a. m.,Ito 1:30iand 7 t 5 p.. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHE-R Watch JFob weih Feaot[tali lis-hats in P'rice 25 cnts DARLING & MIALLEAUX 224-226 . Sate St. fCollege S tems 11ALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Maiin St. Ciea -ato Hiit Clean aso Fi MOORE'S NON - [[AIABLE FOUNTAIN P[N The Beat Fountaaina Pens Eiver mar at Any Price. East University Pharmacy Sl.utivrsity Atess-. Bel i5ihoarOiie 41 Ho e iliac s74.E ilie- V. ofM. Barber Shop aild Bath Roomfs' Earythas First-nleaas Largest Shn~rnia Ihe City J R. TROJANOWS1(I, Prop. "INDUSTRY DOES NOT HEED LAW" Prof. Henry C. Adams Discusses Work of Interstate Commerce Commission. "Wthatcver sadjustmecnt is madte of our prsentaitirlno-rtationsinmatinterstate commterce rllteins, niutiatbic made iii xiew oflste fact that the iinausitry of trialspoertationailssdetvetepedt witlhout rr- f~ltoisastate laws . The greatness iii scmmcerce pays iii regacditolithe politictat jsarisaticti liii sf the resptiveatest." Satich is the opitniuonagivea ly Prof. li er C. Adtaiis wlieqoestioned ini rgaildItosathe iworla:iof the tnterstate (ioltia r Csaoiaaion. :This dtoessillt mean, tossever, that* tie fedleral guovernmoetmsta teccssaeil rsaiiie elutsiecontrolt over railwaya' ut s tter initerstate cortporationts. The trasltemista s imuichsa protitemcitt petiti- cat sciee at of itidustrial retluiremnt. lcfsseconestceaditig tht thec federal gee- caiseitssoouad asasumce full jureisdtictiona woldt le twelltoiiiask wahat other lioi l t istsible., \Vic, faor extamiplt,' says Ml r. Aamats, cnfiinga thelieltustrattiotottcrailways. Ald stlthe Interstate Comtttmerce Cota- issotnlaecetth ~e staite comtimissions tic ..,envies farte te iinreatigsationt of fealerat te-,tiscis of Isocsilrather thanagenteral iiest,ssa anby mectic tf teils ecin- sita5 Isachu sstlishtedlexert a coni- as it;ilusence tuponittheomasicner tan hIcsls-tateln tttttilsstts admatiisiter the sass (siltconerredl specnithetmtb11-state vs'?'t'his is tierety asu tggestiont,laut at poal liia idelet it paresenats is cute that la ll act pla ceiltad ina comptarisonicwith widtesal osia yet fturthear etccntratioan pltclaspower itstie.lihansaof thy cealsgovernmtaent. It is interestsing rtdnssof Michtigatn tto retirtier gat aso11methinag if this satassregardi- s wthlsflavorlay thatamoutats jurist arid -s.chtirtisat fth le. Interstate Corn- erca Ciassisisoi, Judgtae Ciotay. ..'tshrsea a asks 51g55 thereasellstdlill ,t lsissgtsssaaonventtionttof sisate estit )asst ssriststio ittrs anal tnitny af tha -,,smlberastantiresetlexptresseat views i hsarmonyts with lie caose suggestin. lheir criticismaosatfedalitconrtrotas lits s ltl nregarntois itaing from thea ats thse-ri-a-sntil- deriveat fromthitsti I sinsaa,latsut atssothattiha- ragardedat lasts94 ssboly of men itasattieqoal to thre Is.mais tsatsouldtae Ia-dae upon it. 111,11;yicaels aristeaatat they tile tap rpdythsat asne btort-tfstyinisotatld s uablatslaianstdle theti. Ita avery soritliits tsey swoutalli e aswampti- e wtt r a stasdttlesa-at tttercsswtotld tot Its -luc beittIea-tsaif suchta atriblasa 1-iercrxl'stedt. --til t nthe sitser tandta, twhentw-srta- talinsun~isn Nvithahl~c ocsat state catiti- a isos nthoseilic-aesstatresalty na- - *sssl imprtsriance- iasotld esttb-efora- tthe nationral econmmissions atndt all local casea couldt te deviated taythe tocal athtorities. Thsus mtatter ssaould he htandsledl withi motre despatch anal the local conmmissiotts coutd look apter the -msatler much maore elosety than could a distant federal body. "This asmtild not only distribate the pea-er maore evenly, but it would place the federal goaverinmeut in the position -oaf an overseer withaout transferring the fundtiamenstal powsers n0ow in possession of the states. This plan is more of a frst steandaai ought to lei edu, at least, b efore citylucre rasdical measure is tsrtoposedl. If foundru ffstlicienat, anal it is genterally btelievedtat it would he, thenl no further acien woutld he necessary ; taut if riot, it wouatlldthenc be necessary tsa lake upt the tlat of complete fetderal Pref. Adlamts' vsit to Aim Arbcor is store of tascial thant a business trip. It asill tie shatrt, as Isis duaties ini ccti- sectionrawatts the iterstate commnaissiont are sirdurous arid pressinig. Bittlie still has a great interest itt Michigan affairs, aadwe saain terviewved his first qutestion seas conacerning the progress andalcon- dlitioin oasi Tets: AIY. tlis itaterest int the Michigan Untion's parogress awas very evident. Stieaking iii this lie saidl; I aria rot ale to keep closely it touch swithaateUnioin'spro- gress tad it watt ta the greatest satis- faciotoattmte to see hoss well atid how far the platnt las progressed. It as cery gratifyitig to see the hope crystal- iced itato t elubhatoutse, eten if tetapor- ary, astd a-ithlirthe aded ipulse givent isa studeuts by thishomei it ought to be bsst a short times-atntil thev long toped fair perant qartters iaitt Iecsssured. T[u sat it seemns tis M~ichrigana Union statsta-ill tilt that tig gap in thte social tife of the Unive-sty anal it will give tach studtent atn opporttatity to maeet htis feltos that coualdlntite1 effected lby ay othaer plait. It is gaoinag to bte cit ost the greatest beneafits to thy Utniver- sity socisat tife anda I think it a-ill fill a at tat weta avae face a long time tdc- ! 'oreal." TFltIiela l ?tssvtta of NatlaastHIis- torysat Chticagos protited $430c,000 Iby a tacitlsaot v-aenes-t t lisa- ay judge- Cast- Sing. 'uThe taoney as piaidlay tilte t Iasalt Field tathlea trustees of the tasstna trier ito thedaste af tiltse-ill, va lickacottaiated s aaequest afi$tt,oeat~ooo isw alias tttitutioni. Suit taIsIbrotaghatlay tla trustsees stgainsat the exectors if ltce aill isa deterineita- hthler alas-lbequest tssitendd ttolasbesexclutsiv-e of thte aastatat peviouisly dontedv. Judtge Ciit- Silly adecietheIls-it in favtor saf the astsetitt on ato tatttictty af wsitnesses a : ltestconveraationts'awita thyeaticedent ms hiatt tere haelIdtto ind icate liltiteant Two dollars insures you against all lass by fire, Gee. 3. Haller & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 206 South :Main street. tf 0 } I i Conklin's Self -Fillin Sta Fountain Pen ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOO[M STORES ..AND.. SHEEHAN & COMPANY The new fall line of college gia+ods is tiow complete with thte choicest and most varied new things ever shown. RECCE.I, CONLINo & Ftttnttt. draw yonr particular attention to their superb display of new designs in Manhattan Shirts. Men's New Fall (loves of all leading makes Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear A Itull variety of new styles c-f these world-fartit- asluts tso select from: Stetson. Carlton, Hlowards. Men's Fall Caps, prices f rotmsoe oip. Reule, Conlin (S& IFie el. .r i I At MACK'S The new, most attractive and oleverest game of the alair tn taco siues4 $1.25 aad $2.25 MACK ta Co. Main S#. _ ami~aa~se a~aaa~r~ (lit Watthtis Iii tatouuds, let ehiy, usat ills ~I~~h~FW UEIIIIUE 11h Ciassa ss atte anod CatheteralSessur IVIUI~LI UF1I~LL us liness strictly confidenial. 104 ;Fmarth Avenue; opposite c ourt taue Two dour.sash of C~ity Y. M.C.A. W. J. LOVRIM s/v5 (s slao-u us autIs u~fa Mad ofblac Evrybdy is talking about our Shrewsbury oil F,52 ~rchc calf, viscalized double sole tnBuhr. It is leather lined, viscolized, rawhide at-ton aithi rawhide between soles and runnuing full lengthu of shoe, n king it damp proof. btenduble soles. Prie $.50. No rubbers required to keep out the water, Has areslonyaoustrad flange heel. No. i 19 oxfored ina both black and tana lkgs heaI., are fully garanteech by us to is made uip thae same as thue shoe described above, gie atsfctrywer 9igasEatglist-abisfaastteyawear. WAGNER. ft CO. State Street WAGNER. to CO. State Street Sig ofthebigwhie soe.Signu of telig slewhite alta. The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROW, Prop. Gas Study Lamrrps -444 South State Street 326 N. Fltir Ave. Why the Jews Rejected Jesxs a Study of New Phone VAt Bell Phone 45-L Insur a steady, soft glow. the First Twelve Chapters of John's Gospel. SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY , A special lecture by G. P. CocLitsM600soth state street SudyNov. 24, 12 to 1 Classes Satwrday, 10 A. M. .d Easy on the eyes. Sunday H.foderat. in price. The eli~iozs ductio ofth.Assembly 9 ocock. Cheaper than oil or electricity. ChildJ WAI KING LOO A series of lectures by G. P. COLTER Chinese Cho-Suey Restaurant 06tTusa,710PM.p4 the bet fromt, fe larget asortmont. Tuesays 7:0 P M.Chinese Faney Dishes, American Lunches of All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are free. Students alii ind. Everything first-chassr fr Ae ~l1A bo a o and others are cordially invited. ainan gentlemen. jp tfl1J r oCo Y ~Chinese and Japanese Bri-a-rac. Up Stai, at dor S. Hans Oros~ 3145 State St Will ,.Soon Open. MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It,