The MiL Vr.. XVIII. AN-N \Rll()R. 51 l'I 1IliA , t, i1-I' 5A ,-,\c NEW CHEMISTRY BUILDING VOTED Board of Regents Decides to Be- gin Work Soon--Money Not Yet Appropriated. -X new emteistry building il the ne Itttire i assured by actin taken by the Bloardl of Reget at last Frida'simee- tug. It was then tdecitet to goah d with plans firsthte poipsediilbuilig The architect hus not yet been coeni-. Wito this will le or low-e will hi ettoset, is gtn ion. Ile will, lhow-- ever, e selecteilatd authtlorizellto e- ,it work intiia fenw teks It was rettored yesterday that $350, otoo ail teene approtriateed for the beile- inte. The rutmtor is witot fotndiatiotn A edefitite stinthis nt yet beetse asid'. lTisdelitail, it is touetgt, eil e delayeduil ttuarchitetuiralestittcte f the applroimaitteametitettecessary t bined stc ieed ifice is isdemeatded In thelinivtierite neds, lisve betttmtde Whenthee builitgis eceettletee, i addeitioneto tle regular -chetitr classic laboraoyore-iket-- iieletrotlerapeui tis elysitihitr, ateiletiteia eiliestil lx, asiged-Istae nter,- tiereiee lee tote 5stion t e lm-edi-icl laortorie s 'Te sitt f tee-builitg thas etueyet beenctenet. Several of lergetan mtany f the facuity, litwtever,-carc kowete tiofaev-etcgreuniteliiithe- teigtteerteeeed o te-ptetetidetal bultdhig eeldtpsycot logical hhteleci rie, 'e tins rite ters, ligether wlihe ti'ahlele ithil is eetiee e teiemhaelonbgee-itBgeti scoally regarded s campus eye - e Their dletructiontoeiv ele ltoia lew atndllarge- chemtisre- lbuilietgitill ii lbtlive-i s-elit--iwithleneraitt claim. I VN INCLlBHOUSE- htROW'S 1100 tLI,51I TH 111StI lN's tidtihti ethitiictiiovtertesntitls-li (of potsesinig a ,tititiicicluthouste, apptear, is juis1tickiltititigt e e liei by a dlisirs e ttel perfetlyet hm Almtosti a cenistnt sreameofstuent flows ineand-etee ttf elthe Uiontutu hltlluste' antI althettughle tscra~tis renot ise cmnpleted, Ie etheon esits of opinioniee thaIte realizatioetceeds-il the epcte- tiot. speially is tistle ntrgrdini the (]flietg rotoi. Ne-isplns for ts'eccomttutatitln ieof fe-ttttetv isitoir-haiebeen Is art cranedgs -eand it tiill ntitte etoissibleltoenrai laedies a editneeer ec icltitiuptoinigetsst this-v Per their ciueeietcc Mrt- Kuthil list gratedtleute teof etrcpialr',-,i111)(11 fitest days. poe thesethys a - iee- coutrse icebele It liteeditteer itill ee serie-e, t cost sevently-fi-es-ints. jeciltaIbl- d' litl nheoleets itill lee sr-d Sti- [lays fromttI2t 3, aneett siltcistei ft- ceIts, 'fleedititg romweill clso te oeliitfet laneleets oeelaseawndeelall''thertiti- versily- organiatieots. Air, Kuutitletiill alsoecotteutt aetilusides-caeritgbusieess Whichiwilt ntelemitetoelte e-stettt botdy. A listed ititter eel regelcr boarders tiill le acctmnmoeatedl at the cletbhoutse atestecial et-ek rtes. Cared tabletten eteteeeroesttherpees- f frtittre, as wselI as rgs, dratperies, hacll carpets aeteel Ier deceeratines, ate leeen ordered, het seeunttexectede deay atIreventedee their arrival By the first of ext tmoth the special cita ordered for the cletbe eil1le ready for us. .Michigan Ution stationery till soote le provided for the use of all members. It will bear te appropriate insignia of the orgatnizatioen. irN gCA EaTEn BUOecg eTANSGItVIN. Progress this year itt the practice cortr cf the lair department has beeno rater slow and it is not probable that aty of lhen cases will he triedl on their tuerits beefore the Thtanksgivitig holidays. To- tmorrow is motion day in the court. DAIlY STAFF1' 55Lf1I, IN" IN I, \lON (IA'tlOL'SI Tlee 5 eclateuieotnlubihtoiuse-oen its ceiee ot uiviersite-tcl eent thitlecinitg islentheI ianiaems et o Tt'te Sheieee s ItDstsyitill glvee ae dit- itt- te to ilmersi ofiites sta.l iti- ltS eo te ee ardeel coetro el entaeellt- eeeut rere--ettiiuts CeI t e ll e te ClirsClit ee a ofte iigaitering-s orccivieritv eees-tere .Pof cl, ceailriteai Cft e teeti-ed f cotrtl.gil itl ee-e tes- usitster aedte Cllilig irepne;w ACritic s it pint--ulProf . T'lma 'le lttublshe oeNt tee tlie-et-ank G.. Katie Sugetio;to ee('iles' A. 1". itltiie - The- ailys, etlcy--Ptti etSut T ile\ 'fileeDi~lyandte Li- tieenite trt W e ley DIII, SINS 1IltiI 11,11,' A -l P~Ili F IN ANNI-;I, lRU'S 'lo eew i-s-ecerds fler te ut-s Cuene ry c-leb's eaeenseal handeicapce wtcters- c. illist-celbyeGaleA.e S Sti ltte-i leys tetet Ili ee otoly t ieerel etIN set -etleseesecoendti-teerecrdetime- othe wsent, made by 1-lyd I II lastyea- rti-ee won flst feeboh im- at J. S. See, sth ceeteteitit[tC haltee l leistecel secuetl Irt eiee n eteel t u- real, wth tilhlesaetestllitce inse hiiiIird. Ba lee-, hainge-it n elf tmtnite ts ehandieapecaeille'seon Cit- p'l'acceleit iii eawrdede, bet .hull's etainaelteti tet eseedelueett fou.tee isthist Ctime'illithe hso~ ffl ar teenrb th foritimet e l plce. ses tmitettels 'aend ii}tnttitc - etee Dll settee I( ran ithe rae is el eet foemee intee , iee- t e t i' l -le e icsit nig t ti tlcu s f rti te e-tC eel )[1ell t ill le ititiooe lii-tee-aigo i av leo t e 5\\,IIliC , i isCo.(i roCe Cn se A lere ii-tuilistof metee nd u fori tiesrun, nit ofsC the onn ni ,ndcaii ttitiSe me 5iCititt t ater ial e iiex -ete e to \iii is lCl e a o do ouCatl o ccu tC tuuCrap IC ('a h: ._ D l sra c) ie:C tie eteet thee'Timte 2C'2,I J. S See Ii eeeteeCe h ndC et l t , t-seeond Roer Tal teetete handticpjtil hed leeeialsateC eet(oeedllet teenut IIN "5P1ALACHIIANS 5i5Sl"t lie,. IlT'omas I1. 55 ill eseccr tie o e AmiericanFoe eeylasoiatitiwillde lier i-' ilecture' inilee "Appaetacia e tenys Ceii, St eltstet esN-i20 ~cwl spektlinthle eesphtil teibo 1 or letu e re tetets ,, o'c teetteeer.eeliti comeslee iherI tsteeasieso h it-rstytclub-ti isectureiis ar o tyferet lpriteserattiefte frs reere.I e as ieee of iii' lre t--l the -tethandeinete til Iitillicit sttes-onetthis mtisin, adinllI plce' lihssbeeettiel1 receiveed. t LUATNI 'TO C(lOSFE GRAM, ATI' ilt.NltER (SOF ' ILEl'IC IlOARDl Thee greaducate membeier of the Ipredie cess Bnared of ControlofAthlietics iili met, as fermuerlyt announeticed,te'apteteee- ed by- theeAthletic assciation. lie wisll le chosenct hy the directers sf the Alumitne asessociation. Te earlier anntitteetete n-was lite to aisteingraphler's erreer in: copyitig thee resolutiotes passed lee the regents. ALGY AND PEEKOOS. Il E R nion Production to Have n M uich L ocal Color--Pictures an Ideal College ILife. a1iii e ie o hcc i- C; I o c1i C°i ." ' l i "M is- 1IX1 l 1,1l, 11CC, lilt21; lt C t 1 1 :iit C ii ~ ie )tt 5 fCite -l: tif-+i-' ,1' k".ptllCvCC e t tliie h e cai Chi an halfofth ,CCC wi" CC ' CC C - ~ll I of ll ' iwinill big h s I)iviiII' -& in IN ii o- fCr b-C. r,- Cil Cc l iii( tC 1 ili : i t - E < ethIi Cts us I ie- Ci1 CCl hed ' Can Ctt l i e121" i _I "C, tolll' l a, ti o ils 11it wl 11cci e C(f h pa \ tinteast ithiis is ci uCthats listo e itst liel iihe csa) he i lee 11opctth t(', (Cci tt y II chesseplects li')It-it' cuts inct in e. ()nt-l lee'lu-I hyi i M (c iiCl It iinlfe turci-eltiearCs tduaIce Nie. 49, -TIME RIPE FOR NATIONAL DRAMA "Commercial Interests and Ex- otic Ideals have Delayed Pro- gress," Says MacKaye. NotisineeClue time elfSopocles ics threbena etelroppotuniitty i t e- 'Iccue hetetioal rauthan lcumthee preset ). ie"s itrnc iJacKayc ii thee n heuetcofevis whi Ihlee'deelveired 5,-er-elin at-Ccselbegel hall heehi~r'e l hic utmec 1s rpecfor ii etll hji utictia lccr aa to come m c sci' "it ceusht ' i t-hut of i> lr~ula intl CC-en hue See A crc, the out- ti_, w l of urte' ioa l e culia ites teet etch tutu-an on i hilthi til apeaucl tee 'l~ci~,'.saidC M r SI uusee, si' '1 cl - :a it lacitie thi leu facu -l -luat e-n 'ru-c -C ci cues cutd e ts hIdt oo long Ccl tc-' I-e'et eceu tutueIsi.,Grante i} c hi peel, s ethic hsitscud acultshe ct bru ipadtt ci' ccs bu t technr u IS cauetill eender e cii i c inCittc- X i , A wican sClf-ChnilC iehs not' C, t e tied i cite' C \' ni- C n 55 - wh t e Ii oh-Ccu t '-t', ic-i ci t <° r~ tee £ -ci i itddrma i ricicle. comerialee Suiteapii- r, es, ' ie th sth e -hitic i ii'ioiou 1 ii. o ' id nPaisa lou erf l- , - C I lr ut i cltsri Ihci C ilttut u - ' hcnf r t i t n i - C n.e PlueilnoCt et co sd hit, nC i1 s il t wici s Cnoti l in e ice_ C S allt i s ccTh e n cci i le' hs cee ct - Tl isccis -t 'etil nhui IC lii do It it Ic cl C oi ci- u s , I-_, . e m s c al w e 11 e ill S( 'tINlY 1,5oNlardemnd' ''t heiccriatedc. 'hI-ll bgaltsi s C Cl)i-AI lC, e t c 't the nlI e res rc i - end ris, .- (Iritt-s le lin st gie Mli, Ii ii c e ehrt years lii'ecuuo - ). ?]cue 5 1 - eu-s-euaeandum de rnh te ari--lcuu si col fees t u l scetut, ofslighem ii- c c, is litle 't widchee'i e ofs a !tete- 'cc he 'i i Eeeiia s et lul ime i l tte r si plae dhe hwi ll outsa girst ice mi a itacesri titei beIlull, nicsv ani il- cngindhisltms linu-tipurasdlo - t a iee l ittFor c ielears h e i olrl pntm- us ,ouihasteeni-compseeditodissian atil te sfoo'tbalI seaso'ntowint o n C i c 1 te stits adthe itaciess aiplatee. " lie i ll plas e euuitecesandluon ceacgo rsd C1I faclute s isetaeet enagleet ittay etai'nuue it roomstuin clugill Hle-l. ewandthu- e Ch o c c - sion uand eaeu sctthhelcipro et- .x w i 'hbe su itt ive e t s isens sses-lr , - i I c tuit ' eeuuulu'' i ie ttu it s htinutih, IL. I4' b-,.ures spocke ice Iri-ilye aiClue-cheese eelthoee' cu-tiug ini Cw' e lie it:eisis cci the 'ilt'il-cit tetiioi, it-i ueuessil g uponuu eutesh C It-titime-irt'yite 10 h-it c uturl i tutu cenutdh itieu Ih1ud dckefo chtt.