'ess I HL Xe1 # bAiI ____ 3 :4r.A .....r..s,. . _... .... ..,.. .,. K.v..,..... ,.. COLEGESTYLES \scrxill oii find siteie at its top-most p n th se ,-rentoivesrsities, to he sure. Thie colleg e oiitii knows fashion as the ssa1lboe knows tse fartihest corner of the j closet. oivge Clothes" is a phrase which falls , ir fsi riii scores of- tongnes. Manye tI r isitu them -us nighty few province \Vvite you tiioi "size" ox otp---oui juidgsienit xiil o the rest. iiti-miiiasndh Winter wxoolens ready in time ccslesveaeseanid "ciassiest" coloring-. Perfe in1():1 'j vcs---tiai's ours. Merc-hant ! ?ct tailoring at PP, NSA' ''Y flu lPlC SVELR LiC1H1lIGN (Coniinnted from preceding page.) busi swe sad 0aliaicigame. AlieIiaxiiig dipsdofMiuchisgain, isecare nosiccni- itiemi itiai e isvxiilie aisle isoiicaiCor- iell ussit." tbsmiivv- Mclix-West c int:ii x Bothi Luell Jiiige tasgfsiv d cii iiyself liuhtte forwvard passciioiswhichiAlas- goffinisraniifor toucdown,wisxlegal. I siill thuskthai ise score shouildihave been a:ie." Fita cpies if Ihis iiiirt iiiigs iD mii Oil vale atii I vivic~e todisay fromni m ioi i o'clck orlieastiCsisilg. R civcsd fus e trns, oiinifcIse Elgimi. IntasJ. C. D. 720 1?. Catiherine. 48-50 HNRY (Q CO. TAILORS T M n High' Class HATTERS T C Popular Prices Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Oxur $3 Boot Directly North of Law Buiildiirg 709-711 NORTH VNIVERSITY AVENUE THE PICKWICK Billiard and Bow ling Parlor lis-cry thin' of the best and the best for you. Fine line iii Pipes. Cigars, Tobaccos and Candies. (Get 'the habit. Fosiirteeno swling tickets for $1.00. S. Rottetisteii Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. TWO DOLL AKSi (o t usinss- i si s l sai sailire Tailors issx o5f cssly four te iisc-sue 4(6-48 1 'Ilii i idri mis cls-a sssss d n isig sit G~ransger'svsitsFriisiy5sfternsooni.Missv. r5 ;, at3:30)O'clckes , 3 user 101iii1of iris weeks.it 118 E, Lberty Si. J. KARL MALCOLM. Prop.I J~~J j ~ r5rt5ls 5- . 1)i. 1is isv. Lssssusv si J3N S Alis ,sus -islsIse' Ei u -54 ajstic Theatre LcIted on1MAyn~ard street, opposite the School of Music, is ,s nearing completion and when completed will be on }Ith ost attractive play houses in. the state. The ox°s ---met will present to the patrons of the theatre AA,NCEDLVAUDEVILLE a od i s h desire to have only first-class attractions. The =bokin contract for the year has been given to [ aw& nlnger which should inspire confidence in the ;e ra1pubic.This space has been contracted for by th aaeent for the year and it is our desire to notify sh u cfrom time to time as to the advancement of tw soNire * 119 E. LIBERTY ST. ur nnAs Arbor's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre . f ,New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- Cs~siii55502 mday and Saturday. P erformance,2 to 10 p.. JOE GILLARD, Prop. S TRONG HIGH SCHOOL HALL Sunda Evening, November 17 SiihsivCt"Teisttnes iii whirls we Live." Y PRO! IPT COLLECTIONS AND f c i QIKRTNS Ct ~~dLMdIAU11EUGENE SMITH TH TUDEZNTS' 1LAUVN DR YM AN Aget WITTE'KS' LAVNDKY Sa.glinaw, Mich. OFICofI Ea 11Lst Williamn Street. lHome Phone, 72 Black LAWTBOOKS 36t%. year Dictionaries 36th year anQuiz Books l;n Aeon Arbor Legal Miscellany Ann Arbor CALLAGXHAN CA CO. CHICAGO AnansA-boar Branneh. State Street. Opposite Law Bldg11. Portrait frames at Foster's. tfI Dollars in cash on any a-Suit or Overcoat purchased at $1.5, $18, $20 starting to-day and good until week ending SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ith.- FRED W. GROSS Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor huh\L; Hf-ihICKEN St'Pl?:lS. Speccisalhatsentsionviissii uu uo priv-ate partie a1u uhie Cliftons Ihouse, Whiitmiorc husks'. Li csuer tusaihncsg,.yachtinig. -ssuutng, isv-boatisngisi nsus pp ilier partieis. Spriuug cicks-siahisayvsresdIwihemnor- deuedat -nssimssv orsi orli'spim-hal mari-. lii-andush Jis,um >lhms Brke, Prorietvi-ors, cort Ceebrssted Lartini LMandolis amid Gtrs re an best for msisical clus. Schmsszherle & Smii, Irs S. Alaisn Si. eci Sec ouir comnsilete line of Lilcigan ims, fosu andshoiuvecnirs. Hailer's Jmrsv-Store, 2s6 S. Maiii street. cod Alllhte bohms ofr renti sitFoxier'-. tf us ordrs hi- seiurei sumcs 0in ihic h. I. P4Uz& Cuo-sstuent dvrctorx y srst7-8, al' ussicissors-anizaois ishichs loxemmmii alhre-auy - soux sixsnaeri ssim sl c dtoscnd lisis xl chficers-.addshss, e..,ito C' T I hsmmscvv-fords. 733i htoohxhyiiAs-c., De- Simmer mfp see save nmade Watech Re- paisfinsg cns of our strongest features. 1hliic's jewelciy Stors-, 2s6 S. Main stset. cod Alarimicocks wiarranted for cise year, $ic.ooiflrs eweli-cry Stcre, a216 S., LMa. in res.Lcd 1?R1 TITc --TyhPrilLRhrrt~c= hjhvcism carsxaciiiall kinsiccof print- in lowsset pricci. Special price gis-en fuse iict orders. Lilchigan cmiiifeate- miy statioery a specialty. Hteaduar- ie- for typewsritinsg. Jciliffe & Kitz- miml~e, over Co-op, rod { ,Leim-hus and mii bans iniithxvesorrct Aiebciigaicolorshorv ueisle sum Lhivv ~cs-- ei's. 3 . Staite Si. ml Hands hanimered jewvetry at Froster's. Two sdollars insures you against all lois by fire. Geo. J. Hailer +& Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, V6f Sooth Mlain _street. tf We rcommendciilIaspicinaH avaisscis cigasrs. Thus-varemadi sciaiysixfoe us andin ii umimois buxs.v -c tmc ch.ni BIILLIARDS, DOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 12D S. Stata - 311 Mayaed MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Northa Univeraity Ave. j0. A. MOE. ,I I Web's For High Grade Candies te Cseamruiit Iscs, Pans-les, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid I-as-ors for all Occasions. Fancy Napskins and Doilies Sasited NutCasi,s Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 s. Mait% St. AN LRROW CLUPECO SHRUNK COLLAR Quarter Sizes, isc each, z for 25e. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., Makers of Ctuett au3 Monarch Shirts. a -210 Carriage and Baggage Fo5crhtyiousapiris andI frassparties. see s- ioicicis$1.50, after 52e'cloesk $2.00. Fso- tack Tressk tisoreroem door, the pricewilillie 25 Cent,, Ifcearriestso sur testsup-stairs, slie price will be 50 Cents. ti-mer re rers-ed to colilect casht isis-carriae-andsiblggage service. WvALKER'SI.IVsRtY - 5OsBINSON & CO. iv. H. STARKI WATTLES'tLIViERY. I ELECTRICITY Suapplied to College Meui amsd Women for All PuirposeswPN WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. Z00 Ma%.st Wsshuz~gtot% Street FOR DAILY ADVEIRTISING RAIES KEEP YOVR DATES Adduress. Essissess Mssngi,'r \o5 S 5Bycasrrisiga esupy ofsteMICHIGOAN 'russ Euiildissv . IA~i)XIlttOIin iiyosr psociet. Spate for risene- ______ oransda, calendlar-.specialiees. University Calesdar intis Ic505pitt lut .ist vlen away Subuscriptions talsen is-ir .m us i sj iti sir ts students at the Univesity Y. SM. C. A. MCAs smotty sirter. Milian hall1. $500 REWARD For Name of One Dissatisfied Customer! $50,000 Worth Bankrupt .Jewlery! LOOT l-3,uuo Silver and Heavy Plate Gold Watches. tichly engraved. Ladies asnd Gentlemen's sizes, fine time keepers, at - - . LOT 2-2,000 Heavy Plate Gold Watches, heautifully $ esugraved, excellent time keepers, at _ 4 LOT 3-2,000 Extra Heavy Plate Gold Watches, Ladies and Gentlemen's, finely engraved, a re- markable bargain, at - - . Diamond Risngs, $5 $10, $15, very small Stones but geti nine diamnonds. All goods delivered by mail po.st-paid, and your, money hapk. if you are not delighted. Buy your Christ-- mas Gifts Now. A Chain free with first 5,ooo orders. - C. E. MARSHALL 384 Washington Blvd., Chiesgo STDI-°RENSCUIR,39East HuraStreet