The Mkichigan Daily VOL XVO. AYNN ARBOR, MI1CHIGAN, SUNDA-NY, -NOVEMBER s7,3 1907" No. 48. PENNS.YLVANIA, TRIUMPHS OVER MWICHIGANIN GREAT CONTESTI RED AND BLUE WAVES ABOVE RIVALS BY ONE TOUCHDOWN-YOST SPRINGS MARVELOUS PLAY BUT RESULTING SCORE 1S NOT ALLOWED-MAMMOTH CROWD SAW GAME-SCHUL.Z AND SCARLETT ARE STARS. TDefeated bt not disgraced; losing Quaker goal, ad tle Michigat rooters% but triumnphing in the victory of the stood att cheeredl as a man, for titert real attd bite, icligant sas vasqtishetl felt that victory wsathleirs. Tie re-i yesterday in the greatest gridiron atte ereeIhosever, claised that tle fsrwarsli itt the history of Ferry field. Thesar- pass didi not cross te lae of scrito- gin by which Penn anexed the latrels smage ive yards fromthue center, as isI was a meager ose--otte toucdowns sep- rquiredl by tie roles, ad refuseto ti arating Michigant from a tied score- alloss'the play. ifictitg a fifteas yard1 and tite gante ended with tle Qsakrs pesaly othes Wolveries itsteatnd leading by a score of 6 to o. setditg te one sant once more into Without takisng anythittg asay frost its owsns territory. Pennsylvania its her brilliasnt victory, the Disappoistecd, snot only at te failrc one score of the gane came as te re- of te Irie play sa thse Yost package1 stilt of a flke--a play which, as ote of to tie upi te srbathetsc.Isi rthilogtt the officials of the game said night tasttey haibsectsdeirivel of at scre easily have beets made by any highs rigtfully ea reesl. licltiasas warriors school eam nth e counitry against the fssugt gamelytoi te fisissaltoug strongest college aggrcgation. A fum-sthsle kscs that at iat stage sa thte gamet bled tuatt followed by an otside kick, nthslig shsrsof a mircec cotl state swhichs was recoveresd Is a giant Qaker oniimpedting deeat. Withins tite shadosc of lieligas'stgsa posts, paved the way to te Pennt touc- 'Te greatest gameactat te scta dowts and cost Michiganth ie gatme. sects sisce te asvet of reformrssd" 'The teatt which weitrdoswn o at soile fotslal wass sitesc'set by a crowd defeat on Ferry field yesterday after- sworhy of te sprtrs.Wiest Referee tmoon at te handls of Pents sas a far tlsrpiy isew hIis wisle as te sigsa differeit aggregation than te oneost 'st start tfray, a c ricnsesrvativlyt took t Philadelphia last Novembsler. _stistatetl it soms sas asseabed This year :Michigats lost, sotsi becausescarouth ie gridirosn. sihesas seak, hsut becauses it Pettsyl- Neveretwas a Ieaess tetmsaccores eania shenmet a teatm of veterass-tase aore lyal ssport tasn were te \Wol- of- the strsogest aggregationis its the verises yesterday, ad aite Qtakers' country-atnd because what luck tere issvasio of teswest nso other rsslt, it sas to te gasneierchedi on the annser sitlests set tiesetb ask to te effete of the red and bne. Paying agnif- past imbussel wits a prfounssd respect for e~ttly frotts hstate to -swhiste, if is Lbs esootisgissproess sof its ssesteraes. doabtfal if Michigant wouldsi Iaaeibeena Erenthie edisastrostseries f plys tat formd tat bow to ay teamtsithie crst- ;at-c ttcshatttria her irs tocdtoss try -its ysterays gaue-except Pennt. ati pracicaly setted te result biefore While outplayed tosa slight extent o ihe gane was a quarer fisisecld sst straigit football, Nlficigan detmonsstrated ot qiuescstie sirit of te oes, ada a decided superorty eser er easerts.,ent at te fiatl cash of tinse le Mi- rivals as exponents of sesw faotealal ganstast, tstig te iter htumtiliatons Tie variety of attack shoswn lay ich a>f defeat, left te fil, the etire norhs igats ott the fete occasions tat prescitec sieaceraose css asasse asd, siss barel themselves had tie Qtuakrs atterly at teasds, sang "Te Yellowscadsthe ltie. sea, and ht for ast nfortunate anss Is wsa moagniicent tribteco te questiontabe decisiosste game wostit. :ichigans piit, strogr its defea that have gone to a 6 to 6 tic. itsicisry Michigats was tralihig ashe esd of l Proabslly stto store beutifulifeatre thse first half, atough at the clsse of l . - she sessiotste Woverittes ihadibeetsn playing te visitors to a standstil. Un- able to score early iss ue secoss aliaf Mlieligan susddeny siftedth ue psas of batle assa some of te latest ost meth-is ods casne intolprominence. Forwesrd I iasses its bewilerisng sucessions andtiin dazzlints variations greetedite visiissg defenase andlteihosme gardtestsmsarh- iog steasdily dotw'n te feldl toweard a1 prospecive score. The bal ad lest bronghifrnns a posiioss sech witinthta cotnfines of;Mcitgant territory o smi ftIed, a long forterdi iass o Ilammsossslh sown the sidelisse hepisng itorisg abottaas the condiiow. I 'hen- it tas that te'play ov'sae r whicha thdis i.pute aroseo, andt he play whiichs cresn thousghs unssuccessfusl acordisg tatl she ruling of ose f te officisiwsill gsa lown its history as ose of he greatest plays ever ptulletd off in a collegiate foot- ball contest, took place. The strategic soment ha d beenscihoset: Michigan tas behind, the half tas rapidly slippisng away, and qick action was needed. When the varsity lised tp at sidfield for scrimmage, the teanm presentedth ie ntost freakish formation imaginable. Schulz snapped the ball to.Wasmusd; Wasmund lotted it across to Allerdice and Allerdice shot if diagonally across the field into the waitintg arms of 1Ma- gothi. With comparatively little diffi- rfta Ilsw-tttupartokTai . ,t'ta'ttna clty the Michigan leader crossed the eleven white linet between him and he sas carsects at a fotbiali gsamesaa't lth' lock"N1"'forma ealbtarlia'raoters ass ste cihesersag sections. At a sigal fromasslte ye'iisterth'eit'lacks sass osf ltsassnaits statelist' tge bleachesudd'taaensly beaesactrantsforedti as atthghs ly a msaagiclasaschia.nt a tgigsantic''"Ml'' t- listen agaistirt ackt~grounda ofat luat fer itsslt'e sothtilechera'sat S asand- fall ofloalsupporttas'ter's warinag ste'eel sn late of Pensyalanisa.''lTey madesi asnists'e'fatesttoabc's'e'sass thesir-tesams, last sheleas'trslt'eMichaigan yellastetrs gavte sthe'.teordttothe a;a ir iinsg subijects, tse "'test. Yest, 'a Ienns'lvanaaiw"as aa'steitheleinetaaaansavaa'chscat soundt. flats'ofthssbess features of ste gamet was the'a''ooda feae'iag asastasiaa'btweell' ts' rasal rtras'. tssaci ave55c thet'haiers' yail r'eip'eatdly 'andis.e'chia 's ch'te'eed tat alas othier. Foar sts'eeniang after at bigg~at'l, ls niaghtlesabalish edla seas'recosrd. 'PTh' trail. Th'le ossly score of the game cast- not beattairibusted to the defense, as it seas te direct resolt of a fumbled kick folios-calismmedliately by a snccessfal on- side kick. hr eetote mn h as's'nsa-tsar whio participtsaed itnte seas- stat's gresatestatlie sthos stasodsouts prominntlaay abiose te thers, thtey are Schualzs tsr M\ichigant andSt c arless for' te Qusakers. 1Michaigasn's cansdidlate for All1-'susteriesas Ihonsors, iplayisngIsis last gam sas'ta coliege fosotbsall, didltmore' tant masaintainhIis reptation as. (gtuided by ass tnalalileisnsstincst itt keeping afier te sail, h s it sT5eutonas tackledihose ash felas ycsu anit as asdslatosahis great swort: moreathcaaaiantay sotherstats'thsing thsat Miacitg'ana s abstle tisay hser easternt rvlto asanstsill. .Althousgh ste fitsakes a s'et te 'iasit center, theyihadalnsacsanse ton hldahinias lietwass unsder carrymasss pasyatd at least saltsa thsitIackles stas itby lisa Michig aatm dturisng thse .aieare crediteditat Schultt. Ile was statsdilisoppsi esd It listye'r, antst is i douaistabtful sfay cet'is'lslstegamsaeisa-j clcouldsive acSchls a sclsoser race hasssisaltishtPenntsylvsansiana. At lthat, thsr asasc asocomarit~son, sandasabiy Isis sass in asstcirtday's gasase Schulztnto stassyassasssasstaniel paise fromasss'sery ctllrti 5ticwovestedite gainse, ibutiie sinashed hs lasssie'osnsite All-Amaericasn, at lic is. aseta Iis slats. ATHLETIC BOARD IS MADE RESPONSIBLE TO FACULTY The following resolutions regarding thse estabalishmssent of a new Board of Control of Athletics were passed on Fridiay-lay she Boartd of Regents: Resolved : Thsat ste Board of Regents crests a Boaard of Cotntrol of Athletics ste scsape of saitd Board to be after- starts isdefined; Rtesolvedi: Thsat it is thte scin of the Itoaartd sa Regesnts thsat the Board in Csontrosl osAtletics slash be responsible ta th tleeacing force of ste University asnd that faculty control he preserver' by matanas of a majasority representatiot, of faculty-' mesmtbers ontthie said Boardinis Corolirs of Athetics ; Resolved : Thsat ibis Board of Cost- trsh be csoposed of eight nemsbers as foallows: That thse professor of phtysi- cah trainisng ands director of W~atermans gyssasasiats rtb a taesoher; that flour fac- ashly membsers, osse eael frosmthse fol- lowing facultie-Literary, Law, )Engin- aerisag, anda Medical, Htomeetpatiie, lkcatssl, Phsarsmacy joistly, be appinted isby their respective tleans in coolusctiott swith thuetpresidesnt; that osne graduate assesasler lie appoisntesd by thse directors sa tshe athlietic association, and two aun- (lergradate sensbers he appoinited by sthe Student Atshetic tBoardt, and that tise boartd so costituted be cont'i'med by she Boaardl of Regensts; Resolvred s That this boartd Ia organs- icat Sty Decembher first next and cacti Junte:thereafter. JaNIes i-f. XVAE, Secretary. A few of the sousvenir score cards on sale at thse game yesterday are left. Copis's may bec secusred at Tise DAILY' saffice fromua usto I todlay. 'sass isis fault thastithe Penn ends, by tnailing the Wttolverinse sacks without givinagsthenm a chansce to ruts back the puants, gave thse visitors an advantage its sthe kickisng record of Ste game. More 'sthasnthsat, he stas 'Michsigant's most eon- sistent grounde gainer, getting away for several conasidlerable gainas on fake kicks, 'Bass it seas otn the tdefenssive that hr 'shsoed best, asnd that stansps yesterday as sthe clinmax as swell as thresend of Isis fooaaill career. Althoutgh defeateti for the thsird lime its successive seasonss in his biggest gaise tof the schsedule, Coach Yost looms up as thse result of yesterday's game as thur Igreatest coachs intshe country. Thr sew (Continued on Page Two.) scnessfatjoy ahdre'v'slrys'oatcharacter- t itt'eless spectaculiar ashd isrilliatt M stie at ygastss hasswstrs' aissisag ass ail nlaste woerls satSchulzt, but less cats- as meaholaysilences' broodsiedl ssaer shesfactory fromsa a 'siciigaa poittof view', htoasn, wile m satuy'as stualea at asilsathscwas asIeisgrandilexiitaiion giv-esnat cind soitude tal')satIis roomssi 'guirsg' s slass sa' yScsarlett. 'liar'Quakers' righst ende, by 'rc ytat gii' ito diswenets lsarsaencomes hits coensisitent s'ork getiisg dosessthe retd. ataGI' eist aunsd'r' punts andtinailisng thse runs- 'ulast littl' eishiersatisgas s ws t isaetssaerstiistheir tracks, was as hig factor its carriedlsa, tsar the mst hasse, by te ldalSlimsitisig te toffensive power of than grtadstelhitsefsitedsto llowisatheir joy .11ichsigsnstesc antdiIits keepitng that' Wosl- ass beingtbsak 's sisisigthie'sal tamaiireerise's isathseir territorys sduritng tej scnes to lbe' isseslissi li' this'ntarsdesgrseate'spotionasssattile gamse. At she esvents osat hs esaser tstsanfrallahrsssasisets5im ahedisplayped as remsarkable' reasiasas Ieinag ahsidsit sevt eslI I stealxsas ssersoaitth~taroughoutaa. 'Althougha he plsaces. scat'efailedl Ioa le msixes i rp itsste play, -- carryeina shIeavy role utsually, he aisways Opoe l ~asss iset s by . aa s'rla sef artse asp stailiasg atdsiIssovaerjoyed ex- sit bacssiss. iheigasa'samuch'l-tsouted'le- phre ssiona etesr left lila counitenance', fs'esewats giaens a s's teste-, sassright evetas tthfistimes sthensste Qtakers stell didlit livt's ipta its rpats1saiona. Al teelasdest ta's se(a sisses,fC'aistasins Fts~lssll, llleaies'k assitd saldrighthaste a test'isorssconcerns- fua's'e'si' osutad pot hrouis asaghs fosrssorsass'' IsarytHamismoasailart' asspross. like gainas,anl Kaittatl a assl s'easr osfag Schusaizislits playitngisslast gsame tot' briilliantas tess'srbsack', t esaslpe r-hi's ;Miasgasssal iitwatsasfttitng chose ithat feten steee'ane'.bstt ishis'etva''a heIs'le'bhro'sght tt four yeasrs of hsardlser- Qtiake'rs thre'atenedshtso ases'e, this liste sits ls aInautng Ian heldshisewnsistth ItfendassstIhld ike' a 'e'sitsale;tonissi esd uasit a lts lllhs'aeci, aniss twats Linr) 5,ett OeatiiLehir Alleriste tChaisdler Feotat'stone Kelly Thsoroborg ISiodnt Manager) Yost (Coach) Rat-e--Crtumpacker Retuseasiid SchuzMacaffix tCaptin)l mtts Casey Hamtosnd Watkins 'thirtd;Row-Mtiller Witire wastessd itimony OStlivanss Evans THlE 1907 MICHIGAN FOOTBALL SID