CTAS C TOAY4 TIN tr al irthc supreTwtcot.h) t O r n e t r i i u V iutt£o h urra c fteesTen full size a io [V~itecst. I, With toasands of other packages of I sig Snio ltdmiithrIouglout the wordl ten aith youtheart aidtsol ail axiously awaitt I coupons cut from Yo lat la lyig yuat ic:e Are those men, both young and old, old :lctliitai. Youi iltl havete rest who dress well on reasonable ex- - Fhors hesolye$1.00 magazines, kindly 0n V opeii youich i~ivrthintt ipense, yet demand strictly what -A itn.°olFaceCrem 25 -coe t oii ireaize that noignorter xiill yu 5a I Tooth.Pastan - 25 ' iar tIhe. ld crod sittothat ganduel1u1 Sn, iudodC 2d ask for delivering ~~;I i la.ial ut t Stein-Bloch Tailoring, Sr T Sinieic d . 25c hrough uwii anfir l e t i lhrtf ht San Fl~ieEe~oP 2 th ou h se itiiiiig i iuit l fullaks'1>lee; Etic In nrtil prien $2.70 _________________ ii uhi ie otIe lciitiig alone gives them, high grade fabrics r ccc iu=t o ,t o G tu d e i ciit 1 ,bitt. hope that tat i an till le, letter if roctccudcct t i Ii eteeartnthaniiiI ~ ill\Xtfurnolet liian, fr in exclusive patterns, fit and the best ii iie i e aet c chlin fitrXteia, fr yotr 13. 3. ALaNntDrugis. tico l iet i style of _the .day. These men we E. E CA KIN , .D uggst.satisfy. 324 Suth State Stet. Ifoceltacitnemtentsc licthe gtme'tre comptilt ce Th te gcion ofanr. Xl C r tol c citheilt ac.Ifte'tit tN t A1e~artb f' hit ec ,ene tvty i1 l LINDENSCHMITT, AFEL & CO. l~woficilsWil h i prviusl at-The Great Neckwear House. MUSEMENTSd 1hc clissca:c fthe c hm i onhi ccif ith ti cut t ill ligiti Iritptly t i 'lckadtill lie temificatetdt 1:4 to allow ithe rit tento ttget ithi- o ccl cl t 1 ii it l lyaci fI l t udents f li management____will__present___to__the__-patrons___of__the__theatre__ itlleast til"at t litltheitcela n, re r ain a KE -TI', FORan 1c tr1L.~ onto teios atrctveplygouesinthhsat.thetcil t tv icl1tWly pttWasttregtttn. H omae SortlySo e and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been iven to UIEST OIE e bs Frlg rd a de Kaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the gceneral public. This space has been contracted for by lreecclaIietic atiiyeiaci 2:i20ito- the management for the year and it is our desire to notify i.'titi S ftuents' clbicll c a c [(team Fruit feencheus.t ihrelst ozten Lituid the public from time to time as to the advancement of cbland m~ietctttat NCil Hl tiluiI S uu IuiCicfatl Oecusc Si aekicidDile i the theatre. hi: .harp ci ttt ute hoi uniform utl intis t [gar i, l uig ratk. i s chlet. I let. _______________________________________----- -----is:;~- Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main~ St. - _- 119 E. LIBERTY ST.