THE MICH~IGAN DAILY Sam Burclificld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiel T 106 &X Co, EAST HURON 'ST.I I I 1J The best 1 FOUNTAIN PEN. IiRP"S'1-SOPI'l WAR C OE NJ P, R11.Y ON 'The stopoores coralletd a few of thte Sit t nen again fast eight despite the understanding that there was to be no more-.-trouttbte. until after the rutstt ott "Blurtk Friday." tine FDetroii ttdentmtootl aciter tllress frttmttthe itigrockstl atlt ward wstuttrttetldottntbyotwottyoung womttnt t'lotttt e tvtttedto ttlove,;ecterislt attt obtet.Sevsetal.otters werre caught in Ihetoilsthatd went throtutghlthelvtretiouts tedint y ti .55 ns ttt tsttuns tte l s ths ittg POtssItSOttt 1DST VS J. eel f Iliniss tthetttitest tn;ito colege o oiei s tt tttrtl in ICliubiand te or ill its na tu esshaveeiattfntvel tlt-ig thel tdeits ott isyear. t tsrssg'ssos tt Mchiga, and ir.sRtoerfordoof ittude ttttsSteftercssfll tainigtemt illevey w y, nd ffi its'physitctitttettis v;oka tel-sthsstttt emursed sins ste orat itio ntstsi; slsii a testattotfI S.l'its'o ;t(Jutadtt ashols. ssood st 7' Vic() io a'impriti Asessanetltieret, ts ttwtill hei.en, to temest. he Irtt giitsite illtto cl'hrs eme su-9 , st'igdis elstt tesiexperimieits ttI rceiettietionto;feeert lit oss' 2!tt bo.thlhoasdyae d m'steseialsstea 3ent Rhespsosile canvaissers swishsinsg tt sell Choa UtslInioni stta n l ay Festival tickets ilese tatke tapp~liatioto sthe SchoottI tf Iusir. llrittg referettces siginrtd by sotttS respottsilble tersot. 'Ir3y N-Itettlig & Schmsidlt fosr esslery ansd sttttjlies itt getneea at srdware, t 205 Sottft!lsaitnstreet. 4-5 LOlSTI-A lbrotwntt ller trttttk with intiaisls Ils'ss 10loll onetttO33. Ihe- wattrt. tf L OS'l'-Copy sofDoss Qusixote, lane hook siwst i t e ittdittg. F5indtrtlea'llSse ntttify Cosdy, 702 SothitUn ite rsits'se Phottntt'63. tf tLiST-$sn till. Fittder pleasse tester at Ihis officetiand reee rewartd. l-5 FORIRIf (N'--A very dlesirstile stite of rttottssati 3351ltacktrdt, with lmd ertt LO1'-Stratight stertt pilte, itt frot: of1 lotsbilidittgIFriday, 50151. 20. Re- ternto 32:1 E.ILibteerty. estatrs. SWiest yttttare tototlate fIrseaskfsti sret; teesthfsstfromS to 1t5i :,30. 4-5 See outr etotptteo itt0 of 9ileig'ts. pinstltobsttttd sttuvettirs. II lier's JeweelreS .1tee, 2t6 S. -lasinstreeti co 'let Kretit's I ttts'lo -ts aIt'estttndies. (6t5 l si )'lisossstreet. S11 .\VNlIli IttCeite pnsitter555s Isy at HultststtnLBt's'.,3152 SouthsSitte. 3-i tsOR11 ltN'T'-A finestutite' of roosts fist lsadies. It Stttirt't S 33t1:i. Libtetty. '.9ANOS ''l0 RIFN'T at Schet'trieĀ° & Sons. All msttsicalstuppilies. Ness lo- tai i,1o S. -list sreet, tf Ifyeisarset'lottklittgfor good'ot arst atett $3.50 pe~sr wek, try 'II IF-I0RTiN, 615~ Churchlstsreet..1-0 I SNIIS FOR. lI NT1' A!tttttber 5o1 chtticeett' pi5a55nos Si Root's 'M1si Ilus ittoniteaseytettlsc.Fre.tua titng. tf SS's'pay yoto i otlite dowtowntfor tE llrttg 'slitS','.1-12 'sltt'tttclocksswarrntt''dttt'fitosts'e yte'tt, $t (Oo. I issler's Jewery Sttre, 216s S. ' -As New Yorkers know it--is enmbodied in. ... .. Co llege Brand Clothes College mtet, and othter youngnmen, and yottngish old mten, fitnd in College Brattd thse clothes wvhich are beoyottd the ability of inie tailosrs ot of ten to tesigts. Extrenme in ctt, yet genteel-ready to put ott-and mioderately priced. A Fazll Liri Hats. Caps arid wrrrw.w i Aw f 'y f^t.i: Y'+ ::. ", ...."..:r ..ww +ti"M.avw........ . LR c7 .Ii. /W, f/l-y. A+K/LLOLILLQ ('JC.yi"/N. oc .++N Vaa+a C +'Y " r" " "'/3.(:brraa +l+e. {{ ,e Mri+Yeuu&" w N: 4 L - e gf I rurnishings, ! Children's Clothirng I~ TOP NOTCH OF STYLE I FOR ONE DOLLAR at Brown's Drug Store 120 F. Ltherty St. ALARFICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allth t b, est mas acisd futlys-mant Se MICHIUOAN PINS AND FORlS 25c up lto"'00O FINE WATCH REPAIRINGi A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector tar the Ann Arbor Railroad J. ,. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN .ST. B'rancho 304S. State'St. IStaebler (& Wuerth. Walk--Over Shoes Merv and Womven Special Styles .for College Wear Tliis seasott we are showing an unnsually large assortttent osf Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Com- plete L.ine of Fall and Winter Oxfords. We are showing some especially new styles in Brown Cordlovan, Bltcher cttt, thtree soles to heel, aitd a heavy brass eyelet and large cuff reinforcing the toll. .Also a large assortmsent of black aind tan leather in celebrated French Calf - Skinis, in Button, Blucher, plain Lace and Strut) and Buckle effects. If not acquainted with our label ask yotir fredhwthey wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50 WALK -OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. Hart, Schiaffner & Marxi- J" A LL WOOL C L 0 TH I N G k ' WHAT'.S THAI?. PIPE THE,- PIPES Tobtat oo.tms, fhitg Sttts St1.t1Tan'tss si t I JOLLY'S' 'i'te test stsuent itit forst'hie lt'st 30StSoth Stats'St re tt monesty it thsi tstrkest.Nicktel ltte't ______________________ e t tstudenst esss sss~, whittte shadte, '_________ $2.7; otei 5 lt ;d.t. ii>is . $?0 '.3 ,1' i l rin If yo's at ttIte bett'tfoutntatitt tSSitt oftttiampsC1iistshdets,sswksskindtthe ite, ''i.gosisto ssilsing's, .-.3(sSothtl '1VlS. J. R. 'ROJANOWSKI tii ae est tt tttity sttttlb itsricvittess. tstfestreet. ti Itt'it & Co.,s tsil.2o souisth in 1Sttt - FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER 1 FOR IZENT-ibarge outse sttitble Hlair Goods, Haidressing, Shampooing 'for-atfrStrsnityil or sosrority. See If. J. Manicuring, Face MessageSetSpecialty. iottwerstti tnth epr ir tt ien- littes, Lstwsrenc'tt , ot'i rns.esttt Attttstnd S22 SState St.l('p Statis)Bell Phone 359 tWing3A&tsttlt, t ;1 5 la. 176 tttrthstreets. 5T-6 BANKS TIME FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN. AND HURON STREES { Capital, $50,00, Surplus and Profits, $65a60c General Bankisg-Biness. 3 per test paidl au Tine and Sasins Deposits. Safety I{)n' lost Boxes to reas at $2.00 and upewards R. KEMPF, Pees. W.. C. STEssEss. Vic-Pre. F. It. RELSttut Cash.' H. A. WaILLIAMtS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Baik'! Capital stock, $50,000. Surplus, $200s000 Resources, $2,200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OrFICES:u Chsas. E. Hiscoch, Pes.;s W. jt. Hlarriman, Vice Pres.: M . 3. ktzs.csshlgr' STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS : W. J. Booth . Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H5. Wade S. F. Mitts John Haarer tno. Koch Prof. H.S. Carha iHenry W. ouglas Christian Mactin Dan F5. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANKD' Or ANNs ARiBOR, MICH. Ei. 0. KINNE, iAIIS~ON SDIILhP Pes. Vito-Pits. S. W. CLARK{SON. Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Siirpluis aid Profhts, 01,0,010. Opening of FALL CLOTHING } ~at Wadhamsa(Q Co. The newest fall styles fresh from the makers. Also HATS, CAPS and FURNISHINGS. 'aAlways the right thuiig et the right time." WADHAMS (Q CO. See Show Wtn dow Fa ,shion Store 121-123 S. Main Sta i SEE- The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigus ti vae f mao P-ILLOWS AND B A,"',NN ER S ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brat. German American Savings Bank 0.FUNaril IECTR.LYouaa00.cE lit e Comrmercsi a .n4 Office 2011 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent [eather Belits madewith sel Hot s Lns thAenPonc14vt tb1kt Raigstes once 302 .thAePon31 match your shirt itr blouse, 35e. Send us A 'atea 338 S. Statg Car. ein nd L eirtStrets ABULANE ORCALL piece of the dress goods whcn sending. orde, es C. ltaedLkatyst', a ABLlOEOlCL TBE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. A t I 1 Will- soon Open-- MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It