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November 15, 1907 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-11-15

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A 16 A 9 13 N IA iLV

WXhere will you find stylte at its topmost TAILOR.S Tr~ / High Class
pitch? tn the great universities, to he sure. i dtiti i oostfitisFRNISHERS Merchandise
The college youth knows fashion as the - tall itonight at B:r.itng insite HATTEWS l71~ i Popular Prices
smatt boys knowvs the farthest corner of the echo. Ficher,1 ade. a
fil' ' ------ Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot
jam closet.
Stdlentts deiig to selt iager n
"College Clothes"'is a phrase which falls bdgeto=_ Stuay tioit epot to Directly North of Law Btidixag
trippingly froim scores of tongues. Mauy (hief o Police thus aftereosot tilten 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENVE
tailors claimi thiem-mighty few produce g, at City btilditg.ad secure itrijt-
We invit' yoti to size''us tip--your Sll)t'l 'S3)IC) i~TF, H THE PICKWICK
jutdgiment will do the rest. ~4StSite \i t i
vi 'roiv~elNv.r3 90. Billiard and Bowling Parlor
AtitiiaindtWiiter woolens ready in 1etc nMr 0IA, o.MrWll S n
the freshest weaves and ''classiest'' coloring. Perfect tailoring at r liitt Jtti't 'ith otii botsdi befi st tne ie
moderate prices-that's ours... iFe ler\i j;Ali p l Itn" l ~et, oit.C ias. btrees tndtCitties. Get thitabt
Ntin D ,o ls'tit N It t loit 'nittF uren o li3 tc et Ir 1.0
MecatP Tilr It Hjrbtitit tlytili 11 HtiobtNi ell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave.
SASA ti.aubili It Anit wGl int ' -iittht M is-
S~Izt i I Simsonit l S arli liii y
1118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. Mr. h lPSi t ir 'I' IV 0 D 0 /®L L AQI
~~~ ih5, W lh SUt Jihni 'irSSiii.SrtJohni As avertised otte of itise Cutponts will le received same ai Two
A M U S M E NS 11SIttals ii Nichls. Dtollrs ilicatb on ani
Iar__Ra_________r______________s Suit Or Overcoat
Sfr Chasi1. .prhasedlat $17, i18 S0 strtingtod n ay aid gcoituntil week
oittn hilet SMr Chai.. enditg S A.TURDEAY NOVEMSBtER i16th.
The I M 2 hO UI1(]IFf it;. icttttiarc ir i.( aI'.SIFRED IW.GR S
\\Liberty St., Chr. Fsarth Ave. Ann Arbor
WillI hei'aiiittiiglt
Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, - - -- i ---
is fast nearing completion and when completed will be t11del ' t lre p "" oHgh}ontie. titi't ifrgt. nI k'c. Fr High Glade o rln
one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The --UU---__--____----__ aU diUIs
management will present to the patrons of the theatre rit-ttl-hns titib'le'-s iiii t he ii co trrec
ell', .2S Stt' Si. lfire tremt iut t oteIi is. I ch S lihrt.ii FroziniiqIutid
ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE - - - Item. liiiorltI sei iion an Npilt i san li" iti
VIMP 'll etC SN' SCPlIttS. Nt' I s.
and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. -t ti hu li tC1 t' WebsCooltsaeUsupse.19-.Mi t
The booking contract for the year has been given to Itt.1etthle Cliftouou stte, WSihitor -
Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the lalti.. 'i. ciateir to idanucing', yacilttig
general public. This space has been contracted for by ,p i ik'i hicelti ilii', tt+'ctil tit ie r
he management for the year and it is our desire to notify de. rci lti.regiltruimc'dS-ottflripenial
the public from time to time as to the advancement of i.,teiC-.MAr. tai AMr. JIs.-Pttttie Carriage and Baggage
the theatre. .',For'. I"'.l .S ''i tim' ouli, andt roiut mie t teitst
Celerateil Martn i-Mandiolm tiins' i'ma'tndI irit $2.tie0u0.ttii, u
ditiars arc ico Ite' mttis ni hitas ~ K ""pite-iil iih'25 Cents. Ici e to t
Selutti lc rle & oS a i n St . ot i trlfrot pt I e ir. the pmee ilt be
I19 g'..LIBERTY ST. __ _ ANsCeai..
An ro' ine oigPtciure Theare See o o p e te ne of Mctie B O Wfo alni i .nd atltagae erviiet.
vhE'ragTesl.11u A. Ab 1s)i14 Morsitttet ic gaa1reeeneen,te reit'soe toa-
NwShows each TedyTus "COLLR" AtriIlIE
IULW LII1Nw day andStuesday, Thr . Cue edsovchcHa-ns Cvc piH N EO.
Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. - - -l- ___________________
lireto grdo wllar S tainsure yo ptlgan tal
S I lsos byfire. Gee. Jhe Haler & Cell
METHODISTCHURCH &acinasret 200losctwWshing ton Stree
Preidnt meica Is'intof ooIiiericein amer ietewelryiiattF'tte'. r erRI R DIY A v[R foN6 r A l KEErP O UR DATE
tresoiemollmarisANIinsurese youil! i legaianetsumualut
ATlstt i re.hei o .r . is ttitH its i&io,rmia aeule 5~-u.Ieemi t'-
MIHDS HRHRalEathittt i I lte and Itil-tmi!suranctemutllt2i16 gsouuuth.lsenHT awaERCO
MinIs i te s ihh s i o~ " Oul',lt esitnleut. 2 0 E ust, ltultias iani zSa trl.Uieeti .M c e
SundaIEveingf1 NovQeCKbeTrNS. Al Ptor trifrrauetat oste uif$50R W D
AgentsWuTERS' LAUDRY Saginw, MichhichLOTai- not SilernandH alenGodacheensUiest
_ lIiEtsilfEastiwelliaadSreee,.etclameoPCa e, 7wiBlanktilittakenubt'mail. Aleck, draft orttchsyueengravedthLadieseaiidyGentlemen's.stie
- ittroe..is cC -

36th. year Dictiontaries 36th yea
in Quiz Books ins
Arn Arbor Legal Miscellany Ansts Arbor
Anna3Lr Arbor Brarseb., State 'Street, Opposite Law 331d¢.

itt -ou to smt e i t fi ust .
'12 S. Stata - 311 Maynard
705 North Universiy Ave.
0. A. MOE.

LO'T 2-2,00o Heavy Plate Gold Watchies, beaustifully
enrvd xeln iekees t - -$LOT 3-2,000 Extra Heavy Plate Gold Watches,
Ladies and Gentlemen'svffinely engraved, a re-
markahle brgain. at - - - - $
Diamond Rings, $5 $10, $15, very small Stones hut gen-
nine dianmonds. All goods delivered by nmail post-paid, and
your money back if -youu are not delighted. Buy -our Christ-
mas Gifis Now. A Chain free with first 5,000 orders.
Ca. Ea MARSHALL 384 Washington Blvd., Chicago





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