I~~t i A~~tO aiiilWrwi,. 6wk^r1s4i r .a F..Qi....-., , ^-i+.-.--:", :..°,....:. -'a :w ....fi e a. .-, .;. - ....__..... _ ... _ _.. _,._...._ _. ..^_,_...________ . _.__. .__.__,. _. _._.. _ _ . _. _ _ _ e.___,. __ ... .. .."....... -.:..w. - a..... , 1 Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiekl &( EAST HURON ST. Worh0 i t l' f or 1,3 3 Call a' ou:, wordantt k-rn the particulars of the Sanitofl Chet risal Ci-nipany's great introdsuct ory S ,thaegreatest ott'er case: wt tilet p epa:.ticlns. Ten articlas for s'aiwe , BROWN'S DRUG STORE 120 E. Lbety St. ALARMI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 x111 thi t ii ie- ani fl t}-(- MICHIGAN PINS AND) FOE3S 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRINGi A SPECIALTY. Watch, Inspector tor the Ann Arbor Railiroad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Bransch. 304S. StaerSt. The Reason Why I nitP t)Ila t it in- a p prc i it t ii tiltal alisat, o it pets, is toConi i 5 hit I earri ow lv et.o an most csisniltt li ne ofs i pe ts, Tobaco.( :Is and .itm-eile intinSe C its. Watch the window R .. Er JOLLY'S it8Ssouth Stateit Sree MRS. I .1.ITROJANOWSKI I iFiR CR CIAI.CO )ITI ST tContinued from P-age One,) H-owevere, this rtinor could he seither veriltedtnor teied, as Coach Yost and Ctano'Magotttn si-retbotth reticent concerning foothall swten approachied an the subject. At that, there is lttle ilosbi that hoth of the giant tinemten n-ittltte ini the'cotitbat with ttte easterners and thtta they wtitt hostihbe tighting at the final caltt oit itte. Stutstctt tthoing tichcto in Sections B of tttc liftsy-CcitSctiottis cn ome- tIto 20 itnttusisetire cequiested hytceAthltetic assiciattiot to -caiiiit Directsr Bairti's tiffictttodyantd thtte ttheir tictkets ex- cthaingett.'Theitchatnitge ilit n etery case te atsvantage-outs ltoiithothdsers(if tilt ticket-, as tthe seas the tty siit re- ceiveilttlibemuticihneairer tir cetier if the ftstlt. The reason for te request WiltlIs-e etplaintestst tiesoftiee. After a test tiays tif comiptaraitive ttsiet iti tie itway itfithe seaiS satebtitinetss iteganito limovet5 mtiteriskly- again yes- erdaty.-and tuictheticpresent raite es-cry- thinig iitteisoldtsout heftie-ltoiorrow. Nearty silt itt the seats in tir sitde lecesiare goue., tbut a arenmher oft se asts asiu eatis ini the situ bleactt- (T-s ar ti l tu titsilit. Thes uncertaintiyin rgairditsotietite- tilt \ticsispit isitt preenttmorrowi, as Welis itee-tssof itheconitionusof Schtolzss-Rseisiltdihiavetihsita tn Isnc tici icautise \uicttigstitibachers to titvs-slowtly ini plankting dtowssthtteir iisoesii o-nit te.Wolvteriies' ttaites if tvititttsg. Yste-rttay fSite firtst time sit- nn-sts onesyits egani s tto peate in stitttttiitttas ttu his wss- dueSit iargeltoi 1 til-I liitf sa sst tiat suols s-f)ois-cwrc ce- ccied ss any oitt htSeraterniticfestiiot tir clatters aitheiiQiuakter scthoot. tn ( isfisttforseIts- mntlyicbustishsn t ii weresinfurmesit-ihiat tereitt lisng itsld s wre- to tsItreeuwihisichtig ivrig theshostri tn, they showed - t'i coidi eceisnthirtleamii by ordter- tiiigte oey iptass-dat itis-prevaiting ( it-. Xi\ttat.s5seeralusts sire-lait is-sitsn roottse-r'secialis isteIncii Xutt AibusriSturdaciy -motisinsiig tatdwith is ill sdostless coess an -iios-eiftows of i-ite-n umtney. If cisiliseite lissby thttitus iteensiestor-stin tie Michigatn Iii sitslit-i sinstisitey tilttgot begging, ht it iishlysse liekilthatslMichigani viilit- efisred-stoisgive-1sttierthanitihtree -i- itsny tseis-Sile oithlii-othter I stni it is sit unlssiks-ly-thailtiche stmoe irohtts-esinnstudntittts will force ie isdds tuto tosee--hicht, con- - 'tierinig tie re-stilt itt mist years garne ;-itt tlthesarks of tile lPtnniteaimtiagainist N-sitsStats-e tus, s s is o oe ltistnlogical. this goasie tday- --ltat sesseesltAie Arbhoersuit Saginsaw tutu sthols. ctirtiiigil - visitoso imXtst ssieat tis tiisiim isbegredas raret priilege They s-ttw iethrechamptiionshttip situ tests ililsts sissistil ote i sliis-i schosol chiampionsii shi lisftelossetr siu- tutu. osie far the ciss campishtip ot thet Uivtersity, assetlutst imp~ortautsilts fur Sheintssesectissnal citamnpiosip. Todtays soireisegissptrstmptly sit 2 :301 si-tn thue lisoiticisigin-cssaciss esitns ill claishsforscholasstmstic suptremacitis PRNNSY lROOTR~ S Wild. 11" 'TIif'Rii'S fiNFERRY FIEtLD TiPiel)asis Pensisyt-svasins i tn hasen carring oisissitrs-snusts 5camtpaignito1sget pithy the isteamilliis invs-asionss sf Xsuus Arbtor tand itiin srcsitissue masssstis "The mthtigasi tril llltitti is so buisily steesitiedt sll diysis seistsyitmat- iiig fiis in aratn--ietistis. A s ars-slt sit thsiirsefforts liie railrsoadisissiags-nts liss iossentied ts isIxts-emiats-fotts lst tips inclinigsll this-s- ets -is fronsds this titm-elffis-sighgises-esistitlteiparty returnis, at $3r.I. t is hopstss-iaitt-st nissbseis ittsitdetitisiiimseths liiipt is sicrter tsoceethetem- - -vlla Jutifyisle-hliexp iense oithelip.st "Thessurly siseniely separate tsits te-sieto itbli-psr sosallyconicts ed l biIy tile athletie-ssociatisi -sits t is purllyi -inusidsergrsssduatesffsisr. riseaitstit- tht tripisitiseit-veer it isisut, sits tridayipandshretliiiarv'a 1 p. its. isisSundatsy. "F tius ipresenistll icts stisi t stithe111- listo situdentits tainthIis jturn1y5 silt be-evensIatugseirltist wsi-is-s it h opiestst fist. Stiltsc-iit iio s- srescosingilto ts- comitt iill igreat issumbies, siit itsisy sitsnecessairy toeprovis-eitsssslotiuss itns fist a slitsislariger suitsbit-sthanthyst ( i I s-siot cti-s i ttll ilsic'ritlradi l tlts fo. h rcntrtuofstheits amstoss its oslid tntslim hassIduceds testis gos s wh-oi timd nso t touisssht i tsoing bs-s t fore." Watschs fosetle. S sitiie r igrams W~ill Ibe-sut toniights. GoiiiitotCuhisng:it-si l o \ts aV sit: sit sitndy fSite iigist-. 461-i8 3a00 Osfiialstci 1i s g penn-nissisis-slrs-ssst si, ssol i11 Itours tdysurs:il ; i estilt -i it issmi- Since i18;8sic hoseae Haaic tchfetRe- pairiig oure5sf our sirotnget features, Hlter's Jewielry Stosre, 216t S. Main street. C oil Dissolution of Partnership Sale S-iAtgrBI-Ry & WSERRTPI will dit solve partnership, and to raise cash immediately, the remaining partner J. FRED WUERTHI ofifers his $35,000 stock of new clothing and in's futrnisliings at a GREAT REDUCTION 20 cents ont a dollar Suits as low as $3.50. Vests, Ties, Shirts, Caps, Top Coats atnd everythitig to wear lint shoes. WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SHOES WXe hav e thuemt, and the kind especially made for suchitwsaen Heasy doublle soles to heel, thronghly viscolized switli rawhide middle sole abusoluttely water tightt in Tan, Broswn attd Black Leathietrs. Dress Ponips The largest atid fittest assortmtent ever shotwn ini Attn Arbor. Goose atid try on a pair Slat isill fit your heels. Coplete litte of Walking Ties, Price $4.00. Walk-Over ShoeCo LARGEST QUICK REPAIR SHOP IN CITY. FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER X:iii Arbotr isegsufilliing u impntstics- Hair (Ooodn, IHair-dressing, Shampooingt1.-elms-setwitntessestat timetgggaric ys- Manicuring, Face Mansage a Specialty. utsa. andunoubttltedltheliimIatjority 322S. State St.t(Up . is)ilBelliPhone 359 cst thrum s-i61satteind snottier chuampioun- its- cititurt-ss class a i lts g " tGranugur-s sitrts Frisd-ys sfteron0At a3,3( o -tet sirpcrcic . Fm us el Hr t , Schaffiler & Marx ti-sts -~ - sit Fu11 Dress Suzits U totes' orcheestilefo Issnersad s -itu properly tailored $37.50 to $45.00r Iohe (Isets. ,. . t e lts, ar-t" utstr . bllilo hi phonue. - 41t Full1lDress Coits and Vests to Rent" BANKS THE FARMEfRS ANDNMECIHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURilON STREETS Capital,.$30,000, Surplun and Profits, $650000 General Banking Business. 3 pee cent palls ou5 Tints and Savings IDeposits. Safely tie-- posi1t Boxsnto rent uStix.00 and upwtards ii.. Knunre, Pros. W. O. St -Vms, Vlcim e HB BaSon, Catth. HA. IISoonAsst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50,000. Surplus, J210ft00 iResources, $21.,00,00 A General Banking Bunineus Transacted Orruceuss Chas. E. iHiscoek, Pres-sW. it !reiman, Vice; Pres.: M1 J.cFritz,Casuture STATE SAVINGS BANK NY.,J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan W0m. Arnold Or. V. Ct. Vaughan Tan. B. Wade tE. F. Mills John Baarer Jno. Koch trot, B. S. OCarhart henry W. Douugass Christian Martin Dan F.X Zimmermnn FIRST NATIONAL BANK- O~ ANN AnBOR, MtCuH. 1?. 0. KINNEg, iIABRiISO' sOu I Pros. Vice-itres. S. 5W. tLAtttttStN, (ashier. pla 5tal,S810,00.Surplus autut P i>siits. h1,>0,00i. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR uitOvercoat or Cravenette We are showing the right style at the right time See ouir Hats and Spalding. Sweaters WADHAMS Q Co. ,FI .shion Store 121.4123 S. Mali St. I SE E The Palais Royal 209E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigns in VUaof M. PILLOWS AN4D BANNERS AL so Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Inidian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brae. Gierman American Savings Bank f ~ tn FUNERALls en o j ~ .UALUDiRECTOR.Ho L n h Com vmrta.. ..a Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98 Patent Leather Belts imd itt it u S~vigs Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 at beyoruSoriiiie ~.sdi t tTat.a.555 tt iee of the dress goodis whetn seudi,, order. Conr. Mm.1t &sadAttborty Streets AMBULANCE 0i1 CALL THE BELTCRAFeT CO., BOSTON, MASS. I _ Will Soon Ope IHGNUNION CAFE -Wtcb For It