_9 ..... _A W , ...Y..__ __ _ __ __ __ G. HL Wild Compally The Largest Stok in the Ciy of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS1 For Gentlemlen's Wear ,erything rqirsied fori'Suits, overieots, Fancy 'Vestings and Ii oueriug-. and of high cass fibiseandspiayl ~sfstyles. C"']" Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Company 311 South State Street Run A Michigan Flag Up (in your house top the day Mic higan plays Peisv. We are offer- sng the het value in the town in a caivsi hound brasis eyel'etl flag ;x6i in ize ccfo $2.50 \We hiss ut few of themsososuitdiibetter AT Siheehall & Co. Student Bookstores PSSPALDING __ & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Bal, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Ofiiiatopiemets for Track ad Fied Sort Uiorms oe ah Spots. Spadin's Hndoelney Ilsraed Caalouofohall sports cotaiahs nu- merossustc ions. Sedor it.---tsfre. A. (i. SPALDING & BROS. Ntew 'l. 'ictgo, t. 5Lotiuis SassHttssis'iei, Mi ie .ap iii.. iettie. Bufoe.syrause. Pts sirg' PhiladelitiBst on te , ,Ci iniitiii.Btalti- ife. Wasttisgse, iKasas Ciy, Cleeiani. No ste alu i DeIi-tr ioit.totreal, Caad. - THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managntg Edior-PAUL, SCOTMosstat it Busin~ess Manager-C. E. WsISsit.'D News..s......... .... ...A. F. Rhtchie Athletics ..... William F. Gradoltb Sporting . ......Clarence F. Eldridge Exchange........ . John Wanbolil ?Music atd Dranma.....Roy D. Welch Wonmen's Editor....oiise Vats Voorist EITOtA. STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams John F. Wnrc Robert 1-. Claiy David F. Steveiso Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobtrt Clhauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams REPiOiTRS L. C. Reid Lee A White Raytmond Visoeer M. B. McHugh A. L. Hainline Robert Mountier Lowvell J. Carr DonaldiL. Kisney J. H Prescott BUSINESS STAFF Johns F. Wurz Carl H. Adam IlaroldlP Goul Address: MICHIGnAN DAtLY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: -2 p. tm., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96" RItlA V. NOVEMBR t 5, 97. god forsosseete oldilf stistory' lhst is alisay- lhappensthe lst itof tficuh- igant's glory for te yetr ts)7-S sill Its rettede. ''The tannusal evetsich isfli- meant sto ityprifyltestcres tssidsenduingo tifs- bete fteulty, talmnisan. tid ste- grtdutsesill he' carfed sthrstug. Iis a timtswiest ftasiliroltfieItl a'dstungttt si's togeher. Tiers is soue goodsi- iatssetftrsnsatcig f ltelpst, o bingi:s oat ittretsre s. aswhich (ithe pre-- sritesofsthesitelders)tll eires ust wotnder; sdtoiifinde sifess= f itsdi- ti,, at sialus i l, adthansk thlit-r sias-.hinitg tenoth stodas. .\Ant -thleies fmuchlshsopeful fsreasting tof t- future. iter s fapptireestiofniasi tey tlttkssoniy t itcarktunicertinty;~ buis s'they feel their strngt sun ts thisfng. a tiand, le st-lile futurie ii- com tslaniopen gardess. wisf essy msay nter just wiehessssy les std hass th5155 15551 1 f i. lieas sithiers are tlder .Micifgnt irohes illois ue mist', ise- masy sfel lease itssthessit slithles-hontiorsessits' pas. easesweis tre stosusg it!s-i lotokhotnsh'intosteIfsture.Ad becusess sie tiesywstsiihthisprobems of t say-great esstugh,bitsilltu slale-- we till hasctlistdeaeling is-lltpisse- hesiooulstr dossbt. 'ThIe Mihigan Isissi sand tll n estionerniit n 5 lti osetstheir oil ftr tiwhilife'tsissjo it'e t-fttut swiiths. Frtisi~t isrisg sitd dosig tigs.nth lerefore snedi ltavu tie fear of the futurte. liiefusture is is- e)ts prvinste, swhluh iimsita sksPotit -etsfoun of b ithsfi, a istasareasly welltthe51-righs tsygrisng ssti'sstrognugs tsnruisit. 'T'he- coisg ysarstill see lte Unions ,)rteitftthlis'cosunvicttionfll. it w1il s iitsitifissicu- bradstios-r te ish'tlt- itii stufentbod. if thre iill al- si b afets twioi hold 'out sgist 'thisfri s wi liethe sis;ttssts-fr-sts tt.fortti t uher, ieausse thet'attitudose wi-il it duie t missdersanuigwhicih -shoslistsaseieens correctdi. fTsei- fueci stf(thfUiitill deeps-,too, v-iste yars. Istiill beomse som- thinsg real ars ist ial, smtinisg felt. situ ai ithigtale-sabot. Istillles-oic, a facs tsr itsuni sii -rit lift-, s clstsely kniuint hetwh-oslesthattoidub 'ltssiitill beto doub sithesiss esits- so'i-tstielt re- pict. ithsie filures-ofi lstoth. \We saytis st beasetl e ks-sw(it is rue iWe ioul savi stich usr. bil it so l oly bito s ts- smes's lt. lT -ie game sofsmo-er-- stlife s -gisgte swsasyi of tslitu(oitt At sthis it irhdsay slet ionluss itg riti ii fits sll t- hltrifl. A itu e it s hlit manssy hippy.ttu rsrotf ts sits fA u'S W\Vi., Ni L ONEFR S~lKD IcIN IFRONT'f s''vtS kcca 'tss is-gatteii-buts ositfrontis porces sints lsookiie,.sitiftie-ho-iti srdi.sitomsiofst liivesi-rstyisftostiits iblisif ssIThes'ausssasrs- nstlonigr t ite stlt-swid tsmousks- on ts-rntsteisp f h'ls w Isis'ltfding. Nit lngsr sill w itseisb drsis siveni sie it-alk its fronts of te dcltsil-tof ststss bitheiiinoxist itns-.fineosf 1tssideadly tied. IDean Istetlt i sststsit sannounced iyesterday itt Sierti I sf ti llsetstromthastu tes's itps bt esi clt s ss.tsstotss is sts "it hass." hitsaidssts onitsf teclssss' ''beenth irowitis1 stits assasirpoachlbyit-hes sithssrideistsrtmentsss for se-ersiy-srs, sial lieess ests tosisucsmssiiokisg ilt ts- frsosn asit s itsps iftte sbilig. I ies n'its- o we*5i'll.tt Esesi-. sit 555membie itil s-eedtithsiisslit- isy ap-psiea'sracel'of tss -5eps. Itheif''its-minuitses tf time s-it ittesnlsse'ss thestesibttitsometts-litselld stibsof igars tutu igsri1'ss. I-vist is-itdire'cailt ' seep 1ltemup s11ntt icik- r;si eesr.NowtisImlyelf imoke5 sssnituss s. lissi dosit iit151ipro-per it's- It 5s'0n s to ssthila ystuiihd bete ino lt sk oistll(c froilstes. hossst-seristo tttavo idte ssssisssto f .'an5s to tsh- c-sitsofttfeii-btuilinlg i f swill ask lte Ilsoarsdf Recgenst ilsts tve ihsee- st tiis-.rooifedl suit' andsihavsssbeschts plcditsthesi. is-hihs sisy- wil1511dutsb do.Yo Xciiintlteioytyouscr :smott her'. Ptitrigfts- sw itslinglitwitoutisa crmus. d sf itmen tsoigothe ttsstptt tand isl till if rotttof it iimposs1(ibflel tsismany oftitttei ole tudgc tsill ti1Isssexpkctedit b"LECT'S OFFCERS 'AND) 'hitsOstsrtcrdc-lubliiseletet he fcl shig fifterisatit isetig 'huesdasy aftrnotilis: ICommodoresltu'. 1,11. Jous- son; i-ommodotttlire . 'WX. Ireisi- tar: sereitry C.S. \\ilsy- treasrer. 11 S. .\hsusisst : lirritan, F. 'A. Itcowe. V M,. C. At. CHOBOSES DE'LEGATES OI) \tlTTNAI, CONINTIDIN 1_. . Rugers andsuNVs Vl.eruritl 4Vs ~ i g tiers last sight chossensAnintArbour seit resentatiivstso te nationsalY. X1.C. A. convuenisions mu'be heltd ini Washungton, C a red s D. C., Nos. 22-26. Rogers is in alum- nuis msembter of te association ansd pres- sui t atestsudenst secretary. Merriss us prsidenut of this Usisuessity 'outug'Mens Everyonte sses sonic Chsristianu associaons.Visttmg cards. Why not 'bis contonsutish,hhel sisseyftur get the best, it is as cheap years, su thu replresenlittives frontul ol lie as thme ordinar'y printed college, sity suanduindustriaul associations earths. We engrave mtid in she 'Uitedh Stoles atntu Cansauda. It plate atnd ioo cards lbs hits- its charge thes general tiulicy if st'e $1.2.If y'tssmhave your ints'ttutilttl X. X. C - - - own plate, 75c per t oO At li this- altt bu lsiine-t ssmeetingglatts cards. nighst NV.'. "Merhreittspohke tf this actiouln- tuf thus uleIlmbershtit cotmmittee'its its ef- fortss unotiso Imiuchi tctsecumre strgeum- ts We do St ationtry hits aso enrosushImess iwio' isill ite usore Stamping, Wedding Anl- thaun tutu'ely "csurudinduex:" membesurs. Its ttuitmicemuetts aid Mones.. suic ltatuderstheuteisiiyst-Itscut grainMs ork.- Ge st 0 115 financse regulautioutn thus'muntut subscribled estimnates. ter mtembtter waus- $.9,,j whsiuuhs amply justifis this-nuse-si iciy,. tiltrebyisnu meeship dtullt uu's aresussse.Tf oa sedtesofte it s- w H sisutiun itus yeiahr-suu'its' u-$7,500,cu nu greti . patr tsuscribtedhhutpeuson-outlusidettht Bookstores Uussesiity. mors-iseiis ts te udeisof tsia let1silt StateS trmist Masts Sirest of this worksshifs year. -MXtlylspartis ore plaunuedl ittnur so get ste tusen acquitedit. 'hue Dilestudyulysset usc lare, Prolstf. Bllstti's alnhasvluisten-, lii rhi Pennant roulledsevsetiyumetmbeis. IIM1 ei~s~ur lfal~ MI SEN lOftGIHOS'T'S AP'PEAR AX'l 15:\RI OURltGY-NIN kAStVXt '' 'ttua ttuoustay'ft-ellnstsat sill slightedl. TIhit sarns.youstut youasreinvitleud 'lT thu seiorsisgirus'uilsis-casssbhus. 's snari sleutswratptudula00u111thik-u-- pall, Andsalsk sist hast tiill oers' --tut Ifuce-; The huteicnl woutdit e us ite5ou1 t fplace-. Viitours'reuence andul penn~iesswitsessk. 'h'ts eent silltakespacsinesusa useek." Suit-is itthue sisusu ece''isvedh it eacsenior515girl latsThusdaty, anacss- slutdingltyhutstuights st S uo'tlsck a sit -s sitofscongensigluiotc set sit Isir- ;zeri.''eleaing sp555iriits.of thus-u-et5 usense I Barbauras XI' hIvuty Charltte- -Xusstuuats I-'Iss X''cWoodwtarud. Oranut Ilu- us uaid KIshiness I ttgls-s. Waushi tsr thus. Sunrits -ufs ogriamsit, ,Wsill his sit tonuighst. Don'ut fishitt husyo-ius'chseernsg tpen- iat lloday, s.four 5 censisast ts-sLusnon's, 7jqu N.C Uiversity. Get a ehtry--otileouuis for thusgauss a t P ushsing's, 46-7 Alairmt clocks iwarranted for one year, $t.oo. Halher's Jewelry Store, aid6 S. Maims street. sod PRINTING---TYPEWXRT ING. lectiots eaurus andIalt kinch of print- ig it lowsti pricest Speciau price givett for ticket orders. Miclhigani andu fraser- tity statiomnery a specialty. H-feaduar- ters for ty-pewsriting. Jcolliffe & Kiuz- sillieros-er Co-op. eod Pillow Tops and Banners The lest material, best worktmansthip, best d e- signss timid Best Money Value If yosu don't believe it. jutst go to the trosule tin invuestigate. A fter )on have done this i-yiu will buy at just onme place and that's at Lynvdon's 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. BAILEY & EDMUNDS ~porttng 0OOM 121ZEsr LIBERTY STREETj CbaIingDishes . ausstflues' pist dish with spsc'hut enimsee d oddisk asid thu iprovesd laomp. T'f l 'to guc-tSsallws'$6.00. WVIM. ARNOLD, Jewlear I 1tyrographsy goods at F'oster's. tft 3 D D 0 N Q FACY MORUH ZO O p a lC peat 4D o15 EACH ufflC RWTV OF ffiCHNa AND FRG^aTERWY BEALS MADE OF GOVERNMENT FORMULAS BRONZE MOUNTED ON QUARTERED OAK =EdDo SpEWG^ad pRWE ON CdNJD pNJR= CaASESn CALL AND SEE THENG VHE Uo OF Flo 0O=OP 37ORE I I 09 Flusic Every day'otne bears people say 'If I were in college again, I would do tmore ini the lute of ctml-. ture. I would earts sonme- thing about music so as to appreciate good m u s i c when I hear it.' Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the University School of Music Maynard Steete r t Ch tubcuits' ~lecture association season 1907-1908 THIRD NUn'BER HON., JOHN BARRETT irhetorneofthItrnationassl Bureiau of Amesrhean lRepublics Wed. Ivenmg, Nov. 13, 19017, at 8:15 Viahirersity UI.11 l1 Tickets for Entire Course - - Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - Single Admission Tickets- - - $2.00 .50 .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hossur,41to6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan Stale Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. 121 WashIngton ., The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598