T Ichigan Daily Vor.. XVIII. \2N \lB R, NIIC'i11MAN, I'Rii)AY. >'i)VElI i,'ER 13.1907. 10. 46'. TEAMS FINISH WORK FRCRUCIAL CONTET Ti Varsity. Lineup Is Still Uncertain-Coach T'orrey Holds Secret " Practice at Mt. Clemens-Pennsy Team and Rooters Will Arrive in Ann Arbor Saturday Morning. i~~xtixti~~itli',! Niixx. N x. 14 It I:x N I :. 1'1.Dx It II G1'i. i I ikeitdi' Mih .,Noti I tlxi t eas a'i ii ttlex 1 1 t xis ,celxil, h 11111 ui lnt i cli ide tut nd in idetlxily a iish xxxi ] toi a lit ue oeia il -uk r lirxinutx fxii' tic iiiiiii xx Ixxi tilt ti itii ofixin gaxii fo cn tt, 1t07 offix'xiiaxl li urI'll'l ens itt uth xinia hard' woxi ou xii'ii iii p Penb0110r ,lil ol l xiii tii'x for the 'i'itixx ga xxxWi to ii the it, i Ifr i on xxxi xx lin ill(, gnztiiael ofi txixxxxxi tiix iii pitit xxii is tlitxi be elia' t Mic hia i sxiixx t he li mp rtn xxxxx x ilI i xx jith tiwo itili tiiiid wasi spen ,inx/ siiig ci ngtpwnxa11lg tfc iil tl xx i i s ig xhxxlxx' o t h r e a n bxx x 'le and Xiu dlxx prmiiitl ini lxx aixiillixxii Illsiiiix"' iitxii whoitxx'x, oi tiheu carxi xxix c ii lI 'ii l lc~ e t~t ti. the hunch looke onxi~i i illeuu l ii ll,, n it, l rn irr ' 'xr i Ii ll]. iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl liilxi iix u'txfiuui x (l'aiiy i ra i a(ii tll iii l i xxiio ix' iii of lit" cuoni lii itifs "rlilx xi ii Pa.,hii ia inxfor is shaiei f ta lc luxgx}i i lIi lha 1r1a t .11 r li lily' ~ ix i ' All- Amri can l ei' l cve bu tx lxw l;< ii hr \iciiiii' ~o xdxxl'i 'txxxil 1I Jitix x, iil Bul ,INf I xiiiu xxs toxi the oa il o i t he i l c. lciit ili ;xii itch xx 11 :'x'lxx ,iiia fo iiiVi Wileiiit cosrais a e'osu in Itexix' wiit ia tiiiii Itxxi tlil lixxxixt t lixtaxx'ixnt f t a i desiex to check the xiiiix xi'iiiil lila" xar \xiixil 11,. lxixr lii lix rty'al ixixigixi ha xxii rte.ita Cxixl 'ixixi itofxxi lxxg 1x aft: xxxi nut iil~ ixi 'hteifii nx lila lii alixi iiie a'xix Alxxx gal piy sid t eoxxt the a pc Iieonn n lxx'c ;,u.Idca li ciiixx' Null I ar Tr xi' iirxiixxtrong tia' rgixiuax . li til 1 1 1 xii l'tgprxlii lxx;'xlaxa'i1'i'ilxi C xI, i X\ xiic up E'xxx for tilt hlxx xi xi i ixxi x iii il l xii lxi 1Ii' )I,,[ li ' xxxI~a Ixxxx w nil a Sth i xxy I xfietamiixi is no it i, 'ilt ,hie Quaker Cxflit iixigx iiiti I~ai txiii(tm e toa i i d i lx finlx lii i ~ i x lat h ,iti 100ii xixchita gtiit lit x lxi x xi iitxxx' i'i lxxx t xtyax mxii t xiam n g o i 'Ixiii tix d o' th .tactaxx'c1 . ,c Rta'pegxx ith t x exxeio ixxxxxx fi xlii it xxx n o fi ~lyL clp C a lcit g tib s u d tiins.rect in xii lf x i ii iiicre figh l ouii oflll the re tnr it h wtilld almt c etxxx l y o rix xxi) I~u ll" :i~rig dilc N. prbaltn it lxixer.il tilli to lx iiilc xIiin lxxx l e c ix xi l i Regardin the quartrbac tihte ixia pttc i I aclx andiix atkxiiinsixi Unxion ]Iiaiquet twxicet/ li e xxix wasi ickxxid II I x h Ia in the last: sale all day' ait Itx/rs aid ti// ftx', acrilitli ith- thiei i sixrx'b',l. Xx'x'xrrda- (if erxoonx at the boti oftficex x U11 iiliaitxtla .111xi'a-ilx a sxxxns/fv Mall. (Coinxued on Page Three.) -IOtN CIXixJ'iiUSfii'SIS i NOW\' OPiIN T) N'iilitx/S xx 'orth fxirs ii melx thrownitixpexn 'xto x'x'm- ;ro es f xg a nd' urioxli s lxxi elxxip xxxix xxxtiei lx ls i d roomsiixxixaof thex xx lxxi thixy saw.i The i i ng roomi slxii ci i, a iiiii7 lx .ixinen ix'dxgle ig i-r ill' provedia strong tein' ixixijlil and xxxt may i t doi 11 tolia sxtx'xingiixdinner-ix Sxia. liiixl''ll bx nquetxxixx at' present nox attimpitiatla form'aii opIingxil p such ctrill x theii l nearx i'futurei. Ilicgv Ni'imeiti xx ROOTERS PREPARE FOR PENN GAME Final Mass Meeting will be Held Tonight-W. Wedemeyer and George P Codd to Speak lIh at lm S m eini ofl i ll,,i year trllhe hed iaier th a sicesxxxxof lthe tt 1 cll} iw ro tilatlxe . n ix c it l -lxxiillhe i xi aexilcask 111the a w e<, lix lxxixhere- \V', W.ix cdi ml.n ol, 'w rg C~c r . iCod . xlili x xx(i )eitii xi is l ii l 11111 .,11 lve o s or. :iv a i liii tnliliootxiri' lxxilxx xxi i ii Iiiriputat ion as i t xiiiiix and ill han k o xxc rts x'and xlli' end'erxx ia l xx li ixlliiiiiixl lbc, idc a ixilililan diet h signg hle BarryICix; i Ill a~i~. n 'ddng th xiii ng li ixix xlix ig iiibra 1d1of'cllege' ix irit .t xi o1 h cx'xf heixret xgau xlthey ae linot thuias lxxii ll hxxx sc lillasy'h \\am nilXiheirootingi beins onX )Merr fieldx.N'.' p 'Iii X lhix xiii x l il Thornburgxi 'lxx ilx pc Iia Clii ii xxi xxiiitig ioptyitx '.rebxi '.xi xxfixnxxxx., 'il i rstxaixuncxhxof runeuuxrs xiii ix'xx lx'x' xixxi gyixixxxi txi3 :30 xxxii %\-i' lxx' Ixflixix xx iii itherx 'xixxix 'xxa tliiity-xs'xixxli lint lix o xiii xiiA lxiavx xixirtixd. ''i' xxxxxxirx'7 l'.iii tii outxii \X'xxlit'IxIa\ i t xuxt' fixi' xixxxxt 'a xilx'. tllfiaxx' Ilxxxxri lix lxxxiisxxiii xx ii itl~ MAMMOTH 1 BAN E cxx''xig ax ttal i stanc11o11 furxand one-alf till ii 'xi'.r ix txxxkx's up in strength and xiei-xIxStudents and Alumni will be Athletxicx xssocxiaxtionxx wilii e lx ri Guests of Union at Fourth An- xixe cupsxtltxe.\xx nnrix offi xxxiii nual Dinner. 'xxrstxsec ind iand ithird p lacsoiith uhutve nolix tiiyxie t bougiht yourx' lxi 'xIid those xiiI xx' x' finishing xi's'xand second xfr lquxiticaket tiuere i iii iltpporxtunity place to xJiniini thlxxxfx'xsx. X few a cesixxx' 1,11" xi haicaps ilillilil xxiiarei as xxx i are lxxit. I; n I w ad oehl ints f 1. ire 1 ).'Elixl xxi two iminutex'. The i foxiurth annual hnqet of thxe 'halia Xinis . D -ahtht .W.i aem ngtnsul. Au ns Ilxii cr C.xxxx XI i ll xine ii xlutxi J.XXS. xx XX xixxxndxxheir ':;net i ll be atixx. li- Sei K . 'ora xxA.I,.'i tchell,'DJ . blxxxin'xfuilxx'gxxx xlxfrcxtxenw xhet axtslof West 11. A.x:illrx;xcrath,'F A'tx'eland ev y xxiilxbe gladxi ofiit. xxAbeti liiA. "goodxly arxr'xy ofi lspeakxerxx wiiilxxbexoil is 111xi xxxx lokd fr ad o i th espcia l ill-xx unders tndig quixe asx cl'lttixtiy as idly, andi i as liin ii xxthe i 111 l1pxink o cx a d p li'e. Xlilx is xtia inest'a ndaxt dii u l exx will x i vexii.' us lxfir Xlicii xix thenlx ari ' whttinlxg thir x' ittxix- th('cI"1. 'mvaland1ea 11wit 1th ir ii aliililix I lixilix xi xxiii iii i lg lii xi x xxi xixtx x tirt secondsxii hadi caplx 'lxx1111 will ush xhe U ti'g effo xts Iavex Ilii.ima''xio leaders ''halrdii' liate er m e lxi lixre'ach ' xxxxiryxxi'stud xen ctilte ix versg ityx hunch axx xlxxlx proislglnw lxxxa ro lxi todaixi.xtl'hese wixfilIi e o i l lx(ii !aix year whenx liix y i. I lthe crolsxxiin''a'd'a'x'.eii haix oftice xii tni aiitialxxi x-ii xxx iplaxx. lbrixg thexin guxestx txh exiiblanuet. lThesex A.xAV.l1i.d ililix will be c lerx xxte xess ill 1 lie xadmxittx'diolithtll gx'ne'r'l xon i xxii"H iid irector iii.ip till xii xxtw 11ilx'nq et ik'ts. Lix esia 1w i xe wlx- aslef xxiandstatx. 'l'ctrpix es fma come i thegallery. t'~. xix'student < thi andi lxx xfor xi i'it 1'h'i no ic ac iilibe 1)1-( ''x- xi lxx b lithex'omit teeiii' tolxi xxivxrisex'thi 'xxiii by iDireto ita xt'rxiX lxii x i'ickixndxixin xx lxxx .ini'e 'xl ii re r t'rn ale 1ard a a1'eil f h lxxiub xii lix Sxix'ltta gxxxxox lxi x'x' xx~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hl fiiolrii'iiitxi lx 1 x u ,Saurday%,gameax. ffr l f i y t- 1 e. ,t . DIxXXI X a\NIl}i1)XiiiIC'iI.XI'X I'k~ry Nhc~ay, draatis andpoet wxil ix spclk in arahxt xix Ilxxxi i gx li IHall oil I'le Drma f Dlnocaey"'Xli- o til t, lIx' ni''lxii ixpaix i xi wiih stic- ccxlllde iw xy as o" ii nr lxx i xx Xix is l ax x' xi ill IN/ a xx wxansxxii rnxiinlxxiii iiiiiiii in 10 n hli spInxiii aixi arsxii Itaii ix anda (If(- atii hei [ l li xxi aoxxLiigx lxi~h ielt ofthislastrear, Nv ix'w lxished ill l1o11' lxxiii rex'u'nedx to xxiN Yoi.ixxl xl xxlo auh hr ila by a coloiiv of artiss at Coi sh. . I ii.In l(03xxi plxi hIdi thelxxix xxxi 0 "Tle Catebuy ilgims,"i and111 iuixi lii. th xxliian lx. ia xx lix llweiiii I oixlii x The prese liltar iiax tlila ulicaionliiu o lil a a lichx xxi ix t iii.role i if i xiiih l. thelasiierJixix a 1leadeiii" is atxh hnd iiunceNiMStitgotxxn'.iscixxxxigc cuitix ciaxted.'' ittiti 'f tie ateSx. veniPlily 'l uri Moi, n g meyclx.ie cl xx'. ixtltit t 1111d " 'lV C~ix IIllxxttiitx'1lx0xi Theiidlx r; i ofuxixriiullx ymnaisi. il thris. lnt iy xxflxtix lxiir'all ho atte'xnd wxi ix il l xhe ipen t xxpectatorsxxx 7:43, lxii s i thx a q e llil i t i l ii'' servaxx. T iket -fornthe galx'r' xny xxii eliobtalxinedxlat s iwl' li vexxxx cnts. k xii. xi umucihx asx i xx'xsx lxxst x ixu. 'The tuxuxux~ltrxanxck is to lxxxhiddeniiby uxxmase y xoxiii ixxand b uuntiixg. lRedlxxaid bxlue xtreaxmersx Ixilbe hxuug acrossx lxx s g' irdrs, ini honorx'xof iPennsxlvaiax. 'Txxo ,vwaedovrth Mchgaxuildxingx- ati cxxx. foth ixe-onth alcaxira ixiixx wxii libehuntilxhuki X-Mitciixsxxt Ixuixu 1F liane.IOpite th~xisia t' e l ic lixi- c he archsxa utder theudirectionux of I. hlxxxi Iischerliii play"xxixn mx'ax-ti xxithuxsem xxxblii.g.n xte anutcthey xxiii 11 lxx x in 'the gal'xxy'. 'As xus ia xxonly lxxo y ( tablullillxeares'rvd. xOne if these othexr liii thixtutsixal xcluis. Ii lxxi hairmanXixCtad x lessdxix'xxxthixt'ill bau etixxut ixk'ts still otitxiandi xuxxxrcxtxxu- i xxi lxxx sioldixi turne'dxi ii in pidifun >- lxtclxxxxi 4 xxxii It x'xcxock toxixy it lxxx 1- iuxuinixixoom. Thlis is impetxaxivexthxxx theicomxuxititeexmaxy kixownexactliy howxx maniuy tickxetxslre xoldi. 7r /U'n/ill Banit tct tickets ztx//I /xcbxii sale/xal/ dayxiatL/'xt/r's antd xa/llith i/Is 'xixxx~ft' cxxxf/~1/tj ;safternoon fat h l xofce m