17HS MICHIGAN DAILY _____________________ COLLEGE STYLES I Where will you find style at its top-most pitch? In the great universities, to he sure.f The college youth knows fashiou as the small boy knows the farthest corner of the jam closet. "College Clothes" is a phrase which fallsj trippingly fronm scores of tongues. Manys- tailors claim them -mighty few protduce them. We invite von to ''size"' us up---your judgmient will tdo the rest. Autumn and Winter woolens ready in the freshest weaves and "classiest'' colorings. Perfect tailoring at m:)derate prices-that's ours. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Band it ff1 meet in Mc~illan hall to- night at 7 :30. Fischer. Mianolin practice tonmorrowe tight at Sot inl t nirersity Ihaft. 1ieiigesda tryouts tthis afternoon, 4 to 6, Roomt IC, Unitversity Hl. Metetinig of Ort orical ibtardtotnigt a7 (tctoclt. "''it 24.indey, Pres. Glee ctltitreheaersail at tic School of ultslic at 8 p. it. toitght. tsx cry mitt Soph eitginee-r fitotbll practice.corner Iprtanit nie-ti'of ill the Itatttqtet Commitiittee- toingttat 7:30 intthle Untiton 'The Unitversity Y. M -. C. A it-ill tutu is -ttann talfall bitsitess mtt-ling at Mc- Miillant tall.,'Thtursdtayeteiin.6t:45 to' 7:3it Sieiei-ol tters if impolnrtanmce- Nvill lbe discus steid. Johntt1. Cioiley. Fot riiiibs ini te IMichigani aet S. Stite Si. if Aill hhlatoioos for ccent at ttoster's. tf li-irder toseetit Ito> initilie It. L.. I"o'tk & Co. stidti-itiirectory- fete1907-8, -ll stridti iotrganizaltiins wthihtha-ctot alreadittoe-so, are requtesteid to scnd lists -if oficees.,tidiress, etc.. to (C. 'I. llnci 'cit.75.3 Broiuiklytt Avi., tDe- Sincu 8,tet h i av-c itade WtchteiRe- /steeuiti itte of otir strongest features. II tller's Ji-tilry Store, 2i6 S. Main -tre. iCotd Alttrtit clocks wsarranited for onte year, yino. I Iaile's Jetwelry Store, aid S. 'lainitstreet. -cod HNRY Q Co. TAILORS C High Class FUVRNISIHERS { erchandise HATTERS )IM h~I Popular Prices Latest Styles--Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot Directly North of Law Bisildin~g 709-r711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE PICKWICK Billiard and Bowling Parlor Eiverything of the best and the lust for you. Fne line of Pipes. Cigars. Tobaccos and C'tndites. Itet the ttabit. Ftorteen bowling tfikets for $ ~t S. RKotternsteirx Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. T WO0 DOLLARS As advertised one of these Coupotis wilt he received sante as Two Dollars in cash on any Suit or Overcoat purchased at $14, $18, 30 2 starting to-dlay aind gotd instil week ending SATURD)AY, NONVEMBE R 16ttl. FREiD We GROSS Liberty St., cor. IFoortha Ave. Ann Arbor Webb's For High Grade fdo te(Creanm,Fri it les, Puntchtis, lihirbets, 1 itici aIJ(ui Favots for all Ottcasitons.tVatei Napkttits aitdlDoilie sS"ltedt NettC(ases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Mains St. 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOL M, Prop. AM1J5EMENTS Thc Majcsic lhcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one o the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. 119 E. LIBERTY ST. i'iiii iflhi~ll'11 Ann Arbor's Piner Mtsing Pitur-nTieat-n IIIU(LL iUIIII New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 P. M. JOE GILLARD, Prop. for Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subrciptions takenby mail-check, draft or money order. PROIPT COLLECTIONS AND Gct stisfationEUGENE ESMITH THE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent WITTEMS' LAUNDRY S.inaw, Mich. OFiICE oI Eat William Street. Home Phone, 72 Black LAW BOOKS 36th pear- Dictionaries 36th yea' lin Qu~iz Books 1nn Ann Arbor Lea Miscellany Anna.Anbe- CALLAGHAN (t CO. CHICAGO Annn ArborerB.ameh State Stn-et. Oppoite Law 1514ยข. Portrait framest at Foster's. tttINTING--TYPEVII'ING. tfI Blectioto caretsane alt kinds of print- lug -itlhitsct prices. Special price gis-en fi'e tic-bet orders. Michilgan amid fester- ntl stationtery a specialty. Hteadquar- ters fir it-petwritig. Jolliffe & Kite- mtiltler, tiset Co-op. cotd Py-rographty goods at Fosters. tf See eeur complete line of Michigan pitts, fitbs aind soitsenirs. Halter's Jetuclii- Store. 216 S. Main street. end Ft NB CI I I(KBN SL PPVRS. Speceial attenitionm giveo to pruvte perties it the Cliftomi House., Whitmore Fakse. 'W'icaeter to edtancing. yacinmg. skatinug, ice-hoatitng, andsiustpper parties. Spritig ehickeni always sers-edth letnor- ittriot at regular meals or for special titties. Mir. andMilNrs. Jas. E. Burke, 'roptrietors. cod ffST-1' irtilofiirimiaess spectacles, at titstitfie-Siuttday moriimg. ,ibieral re-ird 1if retutrnteto iDtaily office.. 43-4 D3o ets botch? We lisve the best at- let-s atmdtrotomatin the state. Try them. thtistota Bros.. 3t m Mayitard St. if Ofur test sellers are Espen- n o ella,.ittle Minster, andl Pat Bmrail, -c cigars, Ehero, Prtesidar, atid La Saramita, toe cigars ; Nestor, Milo, Ph. M3'iorris, Pali Malt, Murad," 5o antI 7Mogttlcigarettes. Arcadia, Goldema Sceptre, Tuxedo,, and Dutrhta tobaccos. Anad "Taylor-Made' chocolates. Walter Rheinschild, job- bing, agent. Htiston Bros., 3T2 South State street. 9 MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. ANARJkOw COLLAR Quarteerie 5 ea,2for ame CLET EBD !C. Carriage and Baggage Fo echcuiltonditurtmuti istit's, etitre i.tuiu-tttei$.5, after 12 o'v1iiu-i. Fo iac irmktueo fomorttitthle prc it-e25 Cents. If earrieil io tuefromtuti tl-staics, tie peter will lies 50 Cents. Drvs;arcerituiretoittollect '-ash fo ivrt~ adh.- seselmiec Sxzpplied to College Meri amnd Womrren for All PrposesWW WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 East Washirgtort Street FUR DAILY ADVE~RTISINGlRATES KEEP YOVR DATES Aduireti Busiess tan~agerSNo. 5H ity carryitngarutopy ittftte ICiIGAN Pess uuBulicing N 1) BOOK ini titr mpoc. Sptace for mem.- orandta, esletdasep-cial events, Uiversity Caleindar itt this tilt page heolk.Given away Sabfneiptlens tatien by matll. cheek., dtieortu to stadento at the Univereoity Y. M. C. A. Mc- oney order. Mill.. Hall. $500 REWARD For Name of One Dissatisfied Customer! $50,000 WorthBankruptJewlery! ___ l LOT 1-3,000 Silver and Heavy Plate Gold Watches. richly, engraved. Ladies and Gentlenmen's sizes, fine tilne keepers, at - - - - 'Is, LOT 2-2,000 Heavy Plate Gold Watches, heautifully engraved, excellent time keepers, at - '_-'47 Ladies-2and0EtaleensyfinlyteGradWare-, LOT.i3-2,000etaenHieavlatnaeGodWache,- markable bargain, at 5 Dianmond Rings, $5, $10, $15, very small Stones but gen- uine diamonds. All goods delivered by umail post-paid, and your money back if you are not delighted. Buy your Christ- mas Gifts Now. A Chain free with first 5,ooo orders. S C. E. MARSHALL- 384 Washington Blvd., Chicago A STUDIO--RENTSCULER, 319 East Huron Street