Sam Burchfidk's Fine Tailoring Deliver ~Sam Brc fiA & Co. EAST IURO0N ST. IZOET Lil ty i ALARMI CLOCk $1.00 1)I.50 $1.75 MIC'11.i AN PIN'S AM ) F161. 25Oc 1tp1 P' $3.0 'INE WATlCI141.1 PIIIINO A SPIALTY.1 ( «latoh lnspeo'1e'1h the 6~n , .' ti 6, hilrasO J. L. C:H\ A AN 2116 S. 1616 S"'. The Reao o Iy it1 , 1 (IC\' Watch the Window0 M1RS. J. R. R10' :u1SW FASHIONABLE I Al_ AF ER ,. 1 lairoods, Hairdr'essing',, Shlaoo 16 manuicuring, FACE Ba.=age a1 6p l Y° t 3'22 S. State St.(t 1' 6ti Beit PB 6 3611 MEl FARMERS AND lIEt.1A61 BliANK MAIN AND HUtRON 61111121 capital, $5o,011o, surplus anl Profits, $6,00(1 (Jeueea Rlanking 111 u,"ri III,66 id ',11111 111 Time and Sain, fl,6 .:tr Do651 p0s11 Boxes to rent l t(6. 1,6 al I 06 (1 IR. Kuster, Pres. W,6 1. 616'1 +n, 6lr,-Pee, 6 F.0i. BELSER. Cashif.I. . 66111 100 AS61 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank capital stock, V,0000. Surplus1, 00,0 00 Resoueces, *2.:10,00 A G~eneral Banking Businessa 1enacted OrlEeioo Chas. 1R. 111so66 Pe.; .1 B'. Harerimlan, Vice Pres.: 'Al J. 1, 66.1' 61111 STATE SAVINGS BANK W.1J. Booth Jno. V 1T 611 WTI. Arnold lDr. V. al)661111 Tas. H5. Wade 1E. 6'. 611 John liaarer J.i«( 1 t'co.I..Carhlart 110 il 6>r'. P 1,160 Chritian Martin 11oil' .1 611111611 rII FIRST NATIONAL BANK kkyT+Or ANN Anoioll, Tet. l1101101,f16610,00). ta11611116I 1 '11166 .1.11,116. Gierman American Svinj s Hall Cownrmerca.1 ds j 'Cot'. M0.,11%or an Li e ry S trtu THE MYIA~ V dONR.OF FERRY neher1 ,11 s1 116. 011011111'a1116 41111. 111 methods.16 1 DurinIl i, i'. 6i1 e 1 of(1 over FIE hD IS D A -flyyear1s i ll Ett 1, 1he was1'.6engalgedl Dexter M. Ferry, Sr., Veteran .g 1 61 n1an 116511601 161114 16>1 eialy cea Michigan Seed Man, Dies Sud- 1to 1111 UCIIIy III UCLIUIL. 1)6616 '. 1Ferry, wh11666death oc- l-1116111-,1116. ill 161111$' es61) ts,. 11heImost The Universit'6y15Of1 .iclligall1'111as6111166 111be exceediig15 gratefull to1 Me. Ferry. 6111.- 11116111t o11thelargest(and 111116 .Ir)rlgll eq6u1 ipped11athleti116'f1elds66i1n t11 131 n1)11 at a. cost. of $80o,000. Since I1111r1 improvemen116166s fo'r 116hefeld, III t al O 1 ilo sutra w6as6explendled 111111the6i1posi116161ckgate erectedI ..t the main 6111601161. Mr. Ferry also l .,y1clb111 Shoco o the116 lnlling fond'.. ')f1t1e1Memoril buildlinlg 11011illthe', c(6 e 111161 of1 11e 611111111. Ills interest6 11 ~t f tfellowlslhip 1k11own11a11 111 W 11111 il' fr1m111 61061116s $oo a year1. I r1 1"6el'r has gien $lo a yearg 1116easi h t t1("11116.men1Compoing the1)'v6r1s116 ('111ii i11 1 61161de1ra1y 11111ex61161 1 1' 1611116111. Iaybeealedupnrt Alc. bccli the man (61101 (rIf 1116 1(11witwhc oudohews 6 f~e1, 1(11lac o I'll li d 11 t I I 6cr 'cil 111time '. 11'1511 161' A 1 rl: cr lea 1s1a1sn .,Detr$10 1c(l h11 fat1 r as 1he 1.a lof. his E 6 111 111 11 1,0 \"had bto ister'6seil _ iJ :2'il Ililolg yea611" ('(, 1 ' 11611 1 s Al Nw ose, 11t111 6 I ttel lie 1 116 1161 1 fo11661111 lyea111 ( 1 161 1 '1 6 l stcr,11Mich.,O t106 '111111. 11erlls 11111111 7. '1'. the'- .1 m'ss 1irs1carne1t11(11 Roes-ll 0 1' c661tAr(of. 1(1 111,111s11seed I i 'I ifthat5tinge; tho ugh'iell- 1 il 11111en11to1 etroit6w' e !1 616(101111 11-6 1116of'M.111 ar-e I 61At 1a611 (hgin f 161 .111161111' associa-1 tion 111111116 11 66611t1e166661161(66ollo1wig reslutonsof 1$ 111(11 lwreob ,,f I 11166).i1 appeci ti ll' [liof II "'1wha 161). h ill h s' doe fo h11 ic~s Nhrese, by tlb' 11111611of De1ter6-\J. Ferry, o'6s1' t1e i1't of liN 111 il 'ii the t-ileti fasociaold 111 the1st'dent1161 steaid'fielt 11111611i1lk16 1(16 111su'pp6r111, beII it 6611 Rescled, b the oard f dirctors Y Dissolution of Partnership Sl S'1'A,oogERx & WUERTH i i 011 11610Ve lpartnlership, and to raise cas11 irunediately, the remlaining partner J. FRED WUERTHI offers his $35,000 stock of 110w61oIthlinlg amen'1s16furnishings at a1 GREAT REDUCTION 20 centSson a dollar Shits as low as $3.50. Vests, Ties, Shirts, Ceps, T1010Cots anld everything to wear hot shloes. dfiedchlicen 111 Pa 6 (l te t1 :li11.."A1ra1111 en116 for t 1w,1cook('((ill organ tono1111 iv c 11(1, I1of 'aiters 11ra1ti1all115c611115te(1 1111 (11(6111g16 1( 11(1 4(1i 1611, im 1111111)11 wll chck thir Ft1 1111h11161'1s 6611 1(6 'oi lii d 81(111 IOM0 tl M1, I-Il a t" ida 11it o'cokuor imwso tcUin1 Il111 11'1 . oii WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SIO I Sd W~e 11a60themll, alnd the kinld especally 1made110forsu6161ch 1 Heavy double soles to heel, throughly viscolized w6111 1,166 Id mtiddle sole absolutely water tighlt ill Tarp, Brovu 1 nh Ilock1 Leathers. Dress Ponis 1111' 1214e61,11and11111661t assortmet ever 6 s6 61111' III Annt Arbor, .16161(15 On a pail that will P-'011 heels. 1..'p(11111606 11 1 Walking Ties, Price $4.01). S\\'bl.\''1145. '61:i1 aogocr A 6'Co., :8att'Si. Gullars a066b11666 o166 Schtaeberie & Son, 1to S' 6i1l 1 ii 1(1.10. .21an Walk-wOver Shoe Co. H-and bammerced 1666611y at Sost161 5 LAK1t flin.1~l t KKPI"' 1 HOP51IN C16 .ITIY. 661 61166'(61(.11 1 'enc ce n liii li .1w aili col 'cIII. 16111 6'1l6, for $..-25-U/[nUI_',.L1U1 Fuldl Dress Siuits See our complete16 1111 of 71161114011 properly tailored $37.50 to $45.00Th Cltir 11ins, fobs and61so0venir6.Hllier'sTh ltir jewet1y Store, 216 5. ±Main11street eod 14111till ress Coats and Vests to Renta ''i, " NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR ~iit, Oercoat or Cravenette We are showing the right style at the right time See ou~r Hats and Spalding Sweaters WADHA (S CO. Elashion store 121-123 S. Main St. 0. I!. MrtinFUNERAL. DRECTOR.' Offbce 251)B. 4th Ave. Phone 918. PaetLahrBlsioodcetc- Hot Lunch Residence 352 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 match youir shiolewt 1101, . emIt' 11s n At Tattle's. 338 S. Stat. I ileee of 011.1 dress goods It 111 (l illglll',order' AMBULANCE 0ON CALL I THE RELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. S-E-E The Palais Royal 209.E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disign16 11 AND ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Funlishings in Japanese anIntdian Goods Everythling in Blric-a-Brac. Wil, Son OenMICHIGAN UNION CAFE, Watch For It