f RX MIC?1!OAP zVALY 13T"E MICH-IGAN DAILY. 0G H. Wild Compally The Lrgest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles ill WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything reuired for Suit', Overcoats, Fancy Vesting, and Trouserings, and .of high class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. IH. Wild Companiy 31 South State Street Run A Michigan Flag Up onl your house top the day Michigan plays Pennsy. We are offer- ing the best valie in the town in a cansvas bound bras eyleted flag 3x6s in sie for $2.50 We have but few of them so youd eter come early AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. ( 4 , SPALDI NG ____t &BROS.? The Largest MVanufaturers to the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Uolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Ismpemests tr Track ad Field Sprts Uiormsssfor all Sports. Spaldig's Hadsoely Ilustraied Catalogue of all sports cntas nu- aeros ssggstios Sot tor it.-It's toee. A. O. SPALDINO & BROS. New Feot, Cicag, 5. Lois Sa Fesnisess. Minneapois. Denver, Bufab. Syracuse. Pitta burg, Phiadelpihia, floson,. Cicinati, talt- more, Wahngton, , nsas City, Cleveland, New Orleas, t)etroit. Mtreal, Canada. Managng-Edifor-PAUL, SCOc owe is Business Managr-C. E. WINSEter. s News ................. A. F. Ritchie Athletics....- William F. Gradoph Sporting..... Clarence E. Eldridge Exchange .........IJohn Wambodt Music and Dram...,.Roy D. Welch Women's Editor... . Louise Van Voorhi, EITOIAL STAK J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Aans John F. Wr Robert F. Clancy D avii FStve'nsson NIGHT EnemaRS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chaumcey Bocher B. G. R. Williams RrgrIsu L. C. Reid Lee A White Raynmond Visscher M. B. McHugh A. L. Hemailine Robert Mountsier Lowelt J. Carr Doald L. Kine J. 1. Prescott BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wur Carl H. Adam Harld1sP. Could Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Pres Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: i-a P.in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones ThseiinofTE5 'sllt~ll is nIt isan adveitisinsheet,' e sps'i1a' ite what 51 Somei ' redesma av us' poseils It is Iilt honestiefrt r esent i ii. itsasboaiwa what e regrd sithi mot slnifcan mo e ii sitinthe iy oay-tl 'otisetbearin stisslttii \\ at is s Ils aplcizaePlsesYo ofre ittretdit\fC, msetsslersits ue' 'as aswssereds1yes- ersa byyProf.fatss,liacial Secre- lacy sof theUnions. "'The Michiga Osios," said Prof. LBtes. "is the ouser of a homite, which, tog~etheir wsihste groundsss ad house tsuipmesnt, is svslsedet.al iot less thai thirt sbssyssthoad olrs. 'The property sa ssiurchasedl oe $8,000s'.$s1,00iOfO swichi s a'.tsi tss i ts' ashsthe sacs tbe ing _sessses Iby 'asimortgg.Sisces te pusrhsess'of Iis ptoprstyl oaditisssand rpis t thess'otitisoilf $tsso hssr beensimadse. $3400 oswich hrs italss'as leen taid.The 5ost f letss'isstiigs solts lttss ve' tensplaed'1ill t' hosso far i'.s pittsmiatetl ' $,os. re'''ntly '.tttitts'tby lI Oh'Kssstl, tse bl l stNis gso d'ila 1smtelitasiis serel anywhstierie.ill sts scfo slabout onet-tid5 lethasnte' illssag pri'. Thes'itcihensi ssd iing-room haIvlies seens''mst .1tor ougihly equippexd switt a is to giing te best high-cltss service possible. To acc'omplsisshsthis, 4000 pieces of, china have e- srderes inisaddiions to a cr- rt'esonditg .'amosunt of siversw'are and tablels linesi. "Mr.RKntthwill1 matoe a specialty of Sluniches tat willtbe ia rve'latiot it qtal- iyantipricer. tte fresuettere'of luncht ''"Tsotiliasrdltablss'havsebes i- tosllstd'sni if thesdemands is sfficinti one r itisstmorcc siltle added after Chsristms. I is expectedl that tese iris featusre'siltle self-suppossrig "Isaddsitison ts te foregoig te club- hisos'still lui'rovide 'eading i'ooms11, ia isritisig relitis lougitgrcoimu,anditsni :'oa laser swhere sall cssinecedl witt the U'ive sr'isiss y set itta'sintformal suitand ecmetittisler ctlaite. ".tBehisndlte clsslslotie, teniis corsr tosse lbeen tbuilt for tir usesitfimemibiers of the Uioisn. "'l'ii.sss mlely- euippiedrs clbsetsss is tprctcaltl' gieniI tisisho se iig the Unonno.Te cshttpail for theCs' Is ~ ~ Co-y rospery soswa ose itsof cntibitu- tions by lumnstsiis isdthstirproceds o Ifi loigossio'inss itterlsiiiisets. This slin pt inits'r'tpais cames'frmsi 'ssiiarsure. , ''Thes'trese'n tetit teioisiii u thle sigthbosrthoodst of sixteni toussad' fusar s o ffsst ttis there is sur ;aosxthousand dosllsotars, sbscrie by slni dusis ssring last smmeris . I esti m tile risees' of st tir Countty Fair sud it \istige'sisto Its euplto10fouir stousldidollars.IOn[-i'esttstthe clsss Is' tc rsen ccitolleg' yrr if nt wiet osustuhtts ts sesededit iveits'thistsait'? "IIIsreminisiss g s etstttsssslike oiss'wse roauhe estesss.for ligt, Iet, inor sriles'andssla sdszen th ser items unale itosbeforeseens. 'fos miet tes etirrenteps'5eth leUnionstimust1rely' s'iiticlesupon t sth e imbershitp sus. .At les't fiftees' eds mssssemb tsers its siser toi coesi t evtileris ext Junie. "Its 'iotparisoniswills siller cltts the ciag ofug' tt$a.g0 i. xcediigy los. Sim- tlateadvatassoges an prisieges cousld nlit ite seueirsitheorlietnarby' city' cisb fo' e's soa isis'snt-Orve dosllrs Osyerr, to say n iothing' ofoa hevy isitiaiona fee. At Haorard 1anustseeral tthes' cslleges tte U'ioins shes art- ashes to the titiot fees oand cotetedl fromi all lik'.'. KNOCKER (OR BOOS'TR. (Cuntinsued lfoi Page Oe.t is work'.sitdshes sill soilstoibsosr- ridldeni by petty jeaossies. The matni who tell'. yous he is lpatritieadsuptblic stiritedrlbslt tat Itewilt st .spt it crtaintwsr thy smovemiett tecasse suts minosilie des not ike is ivov'edlii it, nosy too'decivinlg timsef, btt ie is not seeivinig anoneis else. I oler words, Mtichigan sinit is slhe stirit of advaser tndrorss, the sirit of gel together oust worktogters'thestiriut of taim play'in ll 1hat i uwortt whtie for the- commonsssssintr't. It is this'sptutothte' "ostessr;" nstlth ie knockser.'. Mrn sreciinsttanllt'aoskig iswha the Uisn'. issht i.sansisfor, swhati it is gosiei ing t entostudt sl-llife, uere is'hetsew ssu thouseris tl es, sani siimilsir qustion.tssswhrtichit st tthe presig eest for ' niece inforiatin. No enerprise cams flourisho sithtouttadvertising. Ill otighilt tobe the insofte sens mist beiese uinle futire of teCUnio, o tilik;Cinion, breathe Ciniont, talstUnion, and :act Union till every San in te University knowsijust whot it sesis, and till each counts it a disgrace to re- mai."mot-union"io' t may be perfectly possitbhe to rtis a smtal univiersity' ctiub on the Cooley property, aid cll it tte UitnCl, butt it wilttot te te Uion tilt it enibsiaces all buet a iegligible or- centtage of tir stedent-boody. 'fle larger tthe numbster of isen aailitg tesetves of its priviilege, te greater the worsk it with e able to' io il chaigitg conditios amtoig is. T herse itiy tbe siso e ettio agree tatt thisI Unisotiis a godsthting adansus it- portantit ting stit whoiscniniot sec thast it is proi baby te importtmthIingsofi the tsar 1107-t908. Mcii iho haire an- sassedi the situatioti realie Itat the rs- totarkatble growths of the Utiersity- at bruigt isIo a poiit of unwosieliess whetesit is talimost oisthe poist sit fail- sing tossees, socisslly seaking otits otn ititeigtht. Ottsiers cniisee'til misiuschmore cetarly' tt tha e c'lssstr seves. 'sWhat sppeassIo its is theonus- crete fact thost this studset-bod~sy'wichl. bountoii igeter by comsmin interests at it is, shouitd tbror large famitiy' is its thts deloratb e citofthe amilos' itthis lit wsoisasnwho livedi inte h. Res' 'il'ingthiis tie ot a creininitees, is it ot us isscongruous atidldisiiriissg fact thot seemsest walk ue campssss witut knoinemg in cerun ihe imost iis- bat soresf way ive or test percetsit the tons whose lives so sealy'touI our owni? Suich acqaintaises s isse doshusmaiage Io orms is.a aittler sit haophaard and accident, tbasdt suitos-i tact a the tunicelboardimngbouuse, or, it torehiss'.bee careful nt to elect Isis nmiscellanoiieuisly, inO lio same casromis. Inine slrasies sut of tein, t oi'iittwho miost mieedlelcht othe ndstbwshose pr sontalities wosul be most perfety' sp- tleisintary, nvr meet. It is nt teaosy suider str system t fsrmlasingi'friendu- shipibs. 'Teses setwo thigs te UnionsClist willstrive deiniitely' to dot,-by frequte s Stsuts for tieir bneitto rissng th ssue ini tesamue dhriartmeonit togethesr issors- thani bas lhitberto beeniipossil, suit sliestto encusragcelshe csomm igigot suns ot alttdeparmnits its geieralbuer- sugs. It is bioun~d to succedl uswehesoe sail. becaiuse isainy' isetfette uesstot these tinsg, andulwill rsort t is ut issuer iIthe sspe of imporoemet.sslowI genrit-ol thuat success siltle, bhsws'r.' deens on howc gnesraly ll this-sit'eu sit this Uniersity' realie thir optpor- tsuiy anidlimake aste to tke avsantsage sfit. iTheu pressing ineh is for snit- versity meni to relienthin golnusopour- tiunity'osithslitnets cubthot isehn ts gt il on t atoilotte. Selfishiniidssual it- terest ougtcerthainlyty'iosdicate stc idtioms. Putbic spirit, if i exists, ought ts oipeii their eyy to it as a chantou do soimehig for the Univiersit of whicheyblrswsiltle forver Iprudi otsi thichs sill ispro io he ben ias gross trinig-Pointini it history. This io the time oh the year to think of Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies For years se have sold tlheelt makesii Sseaers, Gymiaseilutstpplies, Foot Balls at d Sportitng Gods. Everybsody kn-ioss our prices are right. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's University Booksktore C. L BARIN[LL Law Medical Dental Books New and Secondhand Largest Stock in Michigan Text= Books Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Stae S. Chafing_ Dishes A lim u ree int i ,'h wii, .peii namele foiushisndu the iiipro-lmpsiTh i iIt '..tuvahls$6.00. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler i Pyrographty goods at Foster's. Portrait framies at Foster's. if tf URtERD'I'Y OF IIGAN AND ll~FRTERIITY 1fO~HS MAD OlF GOVERNMENTPFORMULEE _....... Uadski" On Monday eveing November it, 51noppor- tunity will be given the Anti Arbor public to hear one of the greatest prima donnas on the concert. platfortm. By getting a; s e a son Choral Union' Ticket s u ch stars a s Gadski, Schumann - H e itnk, Ed. Johnson, Rider-Kelsey, etc., can be heard at the rate of 30 cents each. Season tickets - - $3.00 Single concert - - 1.00, Ube !Btubents' ~lecture Association Season 1907-19OS THIRD NU~IBER [ION. JOHN BARRETT Direcitortof theintteenatioal B iureauof e icaulsn iepublike 'Wed. Evertismi. Nov. 13, 1907, at 8:15 Vmsvratty Healt Tickets for Entire Course - - - $2.00 Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - .50 Single Admission Tickets- - - .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hoursr 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. Ranidall Studio. Randall 1.& Pack, Props. Phone 598