.Th h*i,:c man o 4, VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDA\Y. \OVE bluER 2, 1(107. PREXY ONTHE UNION Departmental Deans Also Ex- press Opinions. TIieattitude of Pre sAn gell an(1 the vaiousudens' of (deartientstetoadthe ichiegan 1Uni011 ish'Jowniibythe follow- in, opinion-,(lobtaiedt for Tilo !I ii.Y yeterdy. Pesiiet Angells statemenet1 s oaken from his o ert t( the Board of Regents. Presitent Aigel:"The ogaiaionlil if(le stdntkn ownitas. the\Mihigai Uniion will proe toI le an eet of titte I imporane in the life of teUniversit, if the epecations of itsprmoters rt int aiyeonsiterablediegree ralied. Its aimtis to establi st asort isf heaqiutates at oite. tIwiheite studets masre sort in their leisure ho((((s and( there eat- irate aqien~liitace wsitt 1ach1 otherC. lTey hae sow I), ols l let tlaee hre tiermiyiet in fri--ndy seci-al itterore. ltrge nuitmber f our studentC~ls and (ilsom of the iteiber- f tie faulitils 11a1( bet-ettaefully onsiderig theprbe of faigit m(((1hod1 (f facilitatig till intercou~rse (1f (ourCilotig me(wih1(1l tther. Thiroleeffort hase'lialltiCreslted int the pu(rhase0 f te residoc f (the fate Judge Coolle Is,te 1hon110oftill studetlas aiaumoerteot('1, it 015511 endt ed, aidvaIln~tgs soldlibl11 vergeat. \We 1have iiine goolittle t fueni-sh failiie- file our1Cs-udlel'lilt- ntine well (do w1(1(1 lll'weIcan1111, il Couage the stiiet illestablilisilg Oliiisls ((tiler faovlabtll ogi tioni ls ill (lihe of(Ithe ithigalnlinionlil. blil Itt lumit allottendrn.' te evc eel gtan byililc-oming fthe till o h suets wal(it e rri'coityribullonIfor therftitig else propi r draingtile sir oI teoitttileyhue.'tahds-(~ ireI DeilandReedt:1h"(ilt'klullithh titifift-inionis dogio, iimI oline siwte." Uieriynes cta antiele-s Idr((ill teelillelseo- gtheeligdithdus ooe (- P (111he Cli gril' a ons. ITheUi illheofttlryin gin Cl elimiadtiiteide ht r e ri~ili's io e'l tt flnaetlvsltopoded.lTei dealitof1 gl 1 tlte l ootise meotle ig Io(edlli fo(tlr fIueliidiiithfslal old lits all oi l i lakeissre o btelfelightfliiil litteeil way aitellinsilldliiti ie saill eo wiedtou tiinthelitotli i body will e-ii ftteliyhetohstate thelniee. It sui liue whinkhe aselyineel e soleom tmembegs.ltiorefur, tilei aceaited nith (lie luiensty"mmmty ThesUin Vanlnot Iealoedtol t tkecareof tselbtigan ltii adhl lforgctfl t i Is ryiiato.eet eanIHetchins:it 1 thrikthfereee rnti'ideut nefit (toeerivudromee geterofdtteihoughit lthey .an1becmA. tette(tr cq ieie.tItl Cisolrigthe- row ircles, but thte [anion shsotuldlhe, its is intendled,tiiicht nore eompr(ehen- tive, I think it wrill accomptl(lishl its dmr eel bringig faetilty anid sttdes ito cliiser tuch. ITie tis tnd methods of (lie Unioiii are good, so far as I know, abiiot tem, iiii I thiink they are beig esaretell otin tie right nay." IDclan Seldotterseek :-'A residlene of (t utwntsy years permfits a1 ecompari- soni Of theunieesityatmiosphiere (pCe- valilinig litfile ail titer the organia- ti on ifth le Miehigani Unioun. Nitotig iihe results alreadyI obtiaiinedl, iis not to )e tdispiutedl that the Uniioii isti p~ower ieir mrl01( teato i tident aetividies (and( aCt ofgnunI uied'litluigait spirit. It willitnot iiily drawso'stideitts of all lt-atliet itotucosCi issoiittioii andu .raepermanetnteret st in te nelfare' iaiietiionifor 'ileir aliiasnetesr. With 1ea111r ill ariit (se. fA(Celizati o f this 11111 iiohmigh lt go s liiig tiltStowaird 111 ol 5lii i is)m f t the Cperltxing irii- tills f iverllllsity lifet is flit-examile~s t111 uch(distused quesCtioni(of honaor ini iii 'l iehigau Chiii liimiengowillurfit. 1apoeof it eoirdially antI expert to supporit 1ini tii'i' (waiy 1Ican." THE ULTIMATE IDEAL Iwo Prevalent Attitudes Towatrd the Union. lii i I l-u ii' a~s if i'N-5 1 wiil1 in cu cr1«11 :,.- -()I 3SII i v tbe i- 1' t4' ill - th C'e - 1 I 'lii fl ti' l Y, - I - 1 ' i ll ill'',t 31 317 (f r (III ;1'(it Sl IIt ((lil si \Tii lt-- ill li; 1' ( )[ii'I\ ;'I I one ti THE MICHIGAN UNION'S HISTORY. ''hhhe'ncehils tha '(hi i ii I iii sprung'" is thei'qhiltin that (11111 naturally to the lip of theii liii ii li 1C(lEi tOt- a i-hidl. Ihis oInc-an tere-d t'e U ie~il rt s1( .ali ittlt lWthi a a t ld a ]i l\' D11- st eo ht -(lll-iOoi I Cln vei I on tille; arti ''g1 el l i lp cT ks sietiis in theit'llive i ty th d I ])ieit recosizedof tthfi~,i eilili i ii Iill ttht if eraof il'lliz tilts was11 11 iake-i'toischecik its apprch.ileli h til- ng ya -rand cii o iuaiiitlu'i- of 1 cuprscil :m~lq et xI~s ll te fal ii efor silhei'iscni gI l: t 'ttf r'x l tr I 'till '(lltat iIl-lllI I ii-c' S ii is li pi i ) a c; Ills- sbyl h t C11ii, W),lEa ')~ i o i lt Ii l ie o)tnti tc, ('1 ici w sC iltC5of nloioth ii 1110 nn - 1 I t l I- l t ..1 1tJ cI II iit C -,le il thielst Ill - A View Not of Today, But of t ti sfroit il 1~1 soceise -h.)elrn;l l( r 1 icst~ ~ the Future. reesgnizig e v Itrs detriet ii lIrIii iheI lit t~is, I i) eltl 1. lk, greal iht-a eulirar sriceeof the iuies hr t'ta i' L'iiiisst-ilntilot nist ini those ptty- -tio i ht h i-ii-l I-oud aitautages of wicihi eittmon zto2o h Ictgl 'in 'lt1 rept-.l uahs tiat orgizgtio thi le sole fall ofs1904twasitils sut Iiii li rl:_ igta2 I--thie141cfroto 8ito' Is rt. 11). alld 12 to 1 1). 77'1.