THE, MacH!A t flAltA
Where will you find style at its top-mostTAL R HgCls
pitch? In the great universities, to be sure. __Kasas City club meeting at 4:30 to- FURNISHERS n fl Mrchndse
The college youth knows fashion as the (ay t the Phi Kappa Sigma house. HATTERS To1U i1en1 Popular Prices
small boy knows the farthest corner of the klanodlin clti wilt meet at Phi Kappa
jam~Ps clse.u sess at 3 p. il. today. Bring old Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See O-ur-$5 BSoot
"College Clothes" is a phrase which falls partcc ltno i5i omc Drcl ot fLwBz~i~
trippingly from scores of tongues. Many tnivesitsy Halt, 'Monday at 4 o'clock 769-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE
tailors claim them-mighty few produce Rymian tres
themi. Tic class in Evolution anid Chris-
WeI niy Gle ~o. 'M.,Bartlett imstric- T E PC W C
We iiivite you to size''is up -your tor, wiccet as isa at McMilan hall TH-IC WC
Autumn and winter woolens ready in No mnie o cent tickets for the Penn ~~i ~ a o ~ w ig r ro
the resest eavs an ''lassest' coorigs.Perfect tailoring at grainiltle soli after 12 o'clock noon,
thefrshet eavs nd"clssest clorng.o' Novi. Fifty cent tickets Everything of the best and the best for you. Fine line
moderate pries-that's ours. teniiemmining wiltte sold at $2.0. of Pipes, Cigaro. Tobacco and Candies. Get the habit
Athiltic Associatioi. Fourteen bowling tiketo for $011,
meins fChristan Assiciaioo wilt old S. 1R.ottensteri
Merchant! Tailors metings aiy rons 4:30 to 5 o'clock. Bell Phone 176. 707 N. Uiest Ave.
t Tic wok of the association all over the
isirl iltbc considerei.
'in Catholic Students: Your atten
118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLMT, Prop. tion isceatleitoiiia sdancing paty to e jT W ®b D O L L A I Q
givemi iuicer the auspices of thec CatholicVY - --
Studecisc clubof the University Sti- As advertised one of these Coipois will be received same as Two r
las Nsr.6, ii :0 t. O m Batioir Dollars in cash on any
y'iiiiasiiiii. Tickets arc iow oii sae
U S E Mii cainie secreitfrisemsers of Suit or Ov ercoat
A MV L ..J i~ 1 1 Z1 teciimmitec-:Misss Mary Lynch, purchased at $i, $i8, $20 stariiig to-day and good until week
CtieM~nl adHlnC ending SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th.
_______________________________________________________________ IRyanMsisrs. F. J. Ardie, George J.
Sln n ndWlla R.Walsh. also FRE D W . G ROSS
friii Messrs. Dugan, Fite, taisgender- Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. Annx Arbor
it (nd 'Dea.. Arhe, Pes
lhc M jcstic lhcatrc ioiii'lrruiiterofAilthm at
red rondte esalbar Mcks W ebb's Fr High Grade Ca d e
'leaiRoioin last evening to celebrate the ohanvrayo h oit.Bt a d e
Located on Maynard stet opposite the Sho of Music, fomralacieebrsptcptd
is fast nearing completion and when completed will be ii tiecijoiyailie affair which narkei tce Crea, Fruit tes, Pines ShebetsIFreen Liquid
oneof hemos atrativ pay ouss n te sat. Te he cloise of a half century of uiinter- Favors for all Occasions. Nancs Napkins and Doilies .salted
on o te os ttaciv pa huss nrhsiat.liemtid existeince. resiieit PG Fatl- Nu(so.
management will present to the patrons of the theatre tler spoikeciof'the society's liiig aidsu
cssfiit histiry. A. J. CadruoisaiiiH
ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE J. Kelly alsi asweret toasts C 1 Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main~ St.
\Jriiiarit tracefully tperforatied the
iutiies f iiistmaisster.
and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions.,___________
The booking contract for the year has been given to irueIIN
Klaw & Erlanger which shotld inspire confidence in the ''Tile clubii the ame y sshmcli the Carriage and Baggage
Ilinois cli u s formierlyhkon, has
general public. This space has been contracted for by mccii resim ed mh,estickcr bunchaid o ahcnpat n rmpris
willbe ued y thm inthefutue. T eieor 1(.'om-tmck$1.50 terSsI"sok
the management for the year and it is our desire to notify -milheuctt tem i l~ftr h $200.
Illni is te iildest stame clubimbcmtec Ciiifor eichuTiunikmCi ito remimdune, the
the public from time to time as to the advancement of versty. ARCADE piciill bt io 25 Cents. if csrried to
the theatre. Nor ro C psnirs, tie rie witt b
ADVERTI~SED)LETTERS-i Divesar reqird tocoletcast
toe cueriage and bagage service.
Ann Arisr, Mic., Nov 6 907 CO LLAR. RBNO O
Akims Mr T, Barry Mr Rollo Bts ' CNT AH 2FOR26 EsNnTedsWHAE'KtE
eler William. Cok Mr Byron, Corbiin LOEIE Ptsra .,na RseRSa nitsrs, ____________________
____________________________________________Mr Jolin. Fischer Mr R M Gilert Mmc- _______ --_____________________--___________
119 E. LIBERTY ST. Carl Gurvn iMr- .r, Harmrs Miss Elies-
l flAnn Arbor's Pineer Muing Picture Theafre eth, IHargrave risneMr Mt t 'iims.B1mrrsoii E Miss l IT
NewShws ac Tusdy, hr-tacy I",-Bcirv-Miss MHIs',Houstoni
NewShow Satuesday, Thurs- rChas K.1Hiward Mr Go F KenniyL E C T K I I Y
day and Saturday. MachinecCii, Morris iMiss Ea F Mrty Siple oCleeMn~.~
CotinuouPerformance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARID, Prop. Mr Frank, Moeley Mrs ima M, Mc Womle forcAllegerpMesan
Miller Ross, SroeMr lDonald Stell
nagemn Mr Karl, Smith Mr Clark D WASHTENAW LIGH & OWE CO
Fo al d etsn ae..Scold M.r Frank, 'fruba Mr R K, Wiley L~U
NolrDaillAdve.tii0ig Ratt.Wanshington Street
Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Drops: Adamss Mr P M, Dye Mr A
G,. loifmagle Herr, Leper C F McKay
Subsrciptions takenby mail--check, draft or money order. i 11, Stuart It F, Sheck Chauncy. FOR DAILY AVRISING RAES KEEP YOUR DATES
Firegm: eisl M JhnGerg, Address ausiness Maager N. iY carrying a eay oathCle MICtOHAN
Leipse Mr George. Vernier Jr Jeans A. - prssBilinANBtOOKd i your pcke. Space fr em-
Ret. D. L. O.: Andierson Mrs Wi, - sads. caeda, specii events, University
~ , ~ * ~ O PROiPT COLLECTIONS AND Plamt Anzonmette. -- Calendar intlis 150 age bak. Given away
lilt L'd~VI~i~t ~ ('QUICK RETURNS. H. G. Prettyman, P. M0. Subsriptins takes by mail, check, druid ircttstudents at the Universty Y. M. C. A. M.
~jIL ~dLIS dLL1Ui1 EU ENE SMITH Do you howl? We have the best ae ue. o li
T HE S TUVDE N TS' LAUVN D RY MA N leys and rooum in the stai. Trydem$5 0R W D
Agient WITTERS' LAUNDRY Saginaw, Mic. lsion Bros., 31 Maynard St if$5 0 EW R
O~ili 01 at ilim tee.ilai hoe 7 Bak nudless asortmenut of neckwear, haes- 50,000 Worth Bankrupt Jewery!
ery and gloves. Allen, the clothier, --_"
Maui t. 40 LOTI-3000 Silver and Heavy Plate Gold Watches.
___________fine__tily eerave. ades aid Gentlemen's sizes,
Hadhammered jewelry at Fooftetieeeeerrt's..
IIA W O O KnIo you smoke? Our lead- LOT 2-2,000 Heavy Plate Gold Watches, beautifully $
er: are Epenela andlero, engraved, excellent time kepers, at q)
56thyea Ditioisris th es. - sc sad oc cigars. Try one. LOT 3-2,000 Extra Heavy Plate Gold Watches,
l~e ar I ie.By he ox, Ladies and Gentemens, :fiely engraved, a i-
Has QtxzSBookes las $'andu--$4., delivered. markable brai. at - -
Anas Arbor Legal Miscellany Aa-" Arbor_ Huson Bros., Diamond Rings, $ $o,,, vr ml tnshtgen
7 32 S. State St. nine diamonds. All goods delivered y mail post-paid, and
CALLAIGHAN Ea. CO. your money ack if youts e not delighted. Buy your Christ
CH><cAGO MOE'S BARBER SHOP uas Gifts Now. A Chain ften with first ,ooo orders.
Aann Arbor Braebc, state Street. opposite LawSe lal. 75 Norh UnieftiYAve. ±C. 'a MARS8HAJ4' 384 Washington Blvd., Chicago
.... . A MOE
i ,
STUlDIO--RENTSCULER, 319 East IHuron Street