THE MICMIQAW TDAILY ___________ _________ Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiel & C.Cooa EAST HURON ST. wItl0 v'o '^r t iakrs Ofthe arc ii't if , hit grer..sG otiel ti t -ilt)13r n BR.OWN'S DRVG STORE, 120O0, Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Althebesti ii es and fully ial',1i iso I MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann' AtrboriRailroad J. L. 'CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch :3046S.StateSt. Ihe Redson Wy I am grois ospit; asup- pis, itih y ut 0 tllusl of Pipes, is 10olllllvitiy u. tiat I carr ey la 10 ttand most corylotelinhe 0.1 Pips. Toba o o satltlr s an inats in the C lty. Watch the Window 1L. E.JOLLY' S 30S Soutli Stab te tt MRS. ..It. IIOJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hatirocods, H-aidressin~g, Shampooinge Manicuring, Face Masaga ecialty. 322 S. State St. (P'p Stales) Belt Phone 359 DR,, ANGELL ATTENDS, COLLEGECONFERENCE Michigan's Head is *Oiven'Ova- tion by Presidents of Other State Institutions. President James 14. Angell has_ re- tuirnedlfr001 the college presidents' colt- fereoce helil al the Uiniversity of Iowa. Il Itwas highly pleased with his recep- tion all hoat'institutionl. .ecause of the success lthat he has achieved in llinsg up for the slate of Alichigan anoo for the whole West a univiersity 111t' raoks among tlhe first educatlionall int~ituttions of of America, the foiion Dr. Angell held at the coo- fereoce soas 00 important one. The D~aily losasa11illi its columns that he record of Dr. Angell as president of univerrsities forl forty-ome yealrs, aod thirty-six oil these at Michigao, is to he envsied. Altlohe convsocationa helodits honor of lt twlve scissiting presidents of the lstate uiversities of the middlle ores) An ;reogll commeotedon t the rapid coo -ress of lossa aond isuniviersity. f-e lrettto hat the University elf Iowla iioololreach thetlen thou~sandl marh in Iltelolllloct, if it grows ioo the next losnt y-tlelrs as it hals in thse asl twenty. 'fle iiumbler of stoioenots has ioncreased isol andooe-hailftites whallt it was' -...'ohei Preidett Ange-ll last sisited Iloere, Tiistoo le acoted foi tr,' saidl PresiodentlAongell, "by the increase it lte 11 tuliri)of lighschioools, fomot sviiit oir unive-sr sitiei-a orass'their stooieiots, loll 1, th lin creasedl prospierity of te peli- 1 e"I letoingrattlatedthte sta~te upion toi priiiores it hlo adtoin ildutcational -d oiniiuistrial lists. 'flitaudllritorimin ichitthse coitsoca- tion0 wslhelid 1as15decorlated switht bait- -:rs aindl petnanlts of the odifferetttii Oersits reprein-tied. As cacti presideitl otfio-orolndto adodress thoe stiodenots, l- iwas greetedlwstll the yell of his 1 i tros - WlieiiPresidleitt Willianm 0. ibollopsoin of ~Oio Stale University Omi ficouiward, lie rtttliedlto l.t e lliby Cwsio" iiof iis uiveirsity. Ciilo~t I't tLUMN cAts-ot. Collegiate. Aliiimiae of Ants Arhor rie e terdlay at tile homse of Mrs. \Vller It 1127 Waslittsaw Ave. The oms isntlerestinig featiore of ltst meeting i as thei readling of a repoirt *of all the irk donie io the organtizations sinsce it ivs a 11foundedollit1902. This repsort was ii liiith Natioil Coniferentce of Col- 1(-it 'Alum111nac held at Bostotn last e.Atr t hiobusitess meetintg, Pro- -,s-ar Reece gait a shtort talks ott"Aoi i-nF~a oil Nationl Reconistrutctiots." TtIE COMElDY CLUBI SELE'CTS A PLAY (Contined it-am Page 0ne.) eacht oielseft tie theatre foeelitng that lite tad seen telies) play of :the season" Jamens O'Donsnell Bennett, -vho has takeis such aii active interest in the dratoaic productisots of Iis alnma Ma- ter1 says : "'The .Recruititng .Officer' wottlol lea capital ploy fotr te Comedy Prof. Strauss, ,N-ho is plreparinsgais editioit of Earquhlar, is, with the assist- ance, of a committee- comnposced of dele- gaites fromiithteComiedy Club :and ltst it su~itle for piracticlal stage purposes, while at the samett inetoe is retaintitng the origisal text 1asoearly as piossibale. "Thle Recrtuitintg Offter" has fountd cet- thuisiastic admitirrs tot ottly ainioitg the Comteidy Cltubiand11Proscenim msembtlers, bitt is alsoi helartily sanctiootedl by manliy of thle faculty. rI Dissolution of Partners I STAEBLE~R & WUERTH Will di; stIse par hip Sake rtnership, and to raise cash imtmediately, the retmainittgpartner J. FRED WUERTHI offers his $35,000 stock of nv clotig antI toot's fttrttishings at a GREAT REDUCTION 20 cenits ott a dlollar Soils as low as $3.50. Vests0 Ties, Shirts, Caps, Top Coals and everything to wear bt shoes. Delta Kfapota Epsilon.-...- 5 Phi Kappao Psi......5 Zeta Psi- - --.......4 STsxisI LI INt' Pct. .833 .833 .667 .vv J Alphai Delta P'i.....- 3 .0 ;Sigili Phi. ......3 3 .0 Psi upsilon.-.... t.. 1 t 68 Chsi Psi.- -... .. .. ..i1 5 16 Ntxt gameilt:Montday, Nov. iiis t. itt oettw eeoiSigomailPhi andil)etti 'T'hetaI Pi. 'flu, evenintg at thi-ekConglregaltlioial rciircho tecs' Pattoni uill "is's-the first ofa series oil iset'alksss ot"Strikinsg Sceeits friomo lie [Lil ilef teApostle Pau11l."'ThesetaIlkis ssill deal isithi 110111 v-orlil.;ansd ssill lot ofspeial illsrest tostudents. Every- cabi aisolcarriage lbrandblnew. IPhonoietoo trainiior party. Baggage transfer. Wattles' Livery, 114 North Staitt street. -.41-43 WAE-PROOF COLLEGE SHOES We have then, attd the kitid especially maode for stich wear. Heavy double soles to heel, throttgltly viscolized1 with rawhide middle sole absolutely wvater- tight in Tait, Browvntatttl Back Leathers. Portrait franmes at Poster's. tf Dress Pomps Thte largest atid fittest assortmenit ever shtowns in Anti Arbior. Come and try otn t fair that ivill fit your hteels. Caitiplete lute of Walking Ties, Price $4.00. Mhoanstolins and guitar players still lake (:eliglt in lookittg ovtr ltst Gihson, Washt- I 'rit, Mtartin attd Vega ites at Rsot's. tild instrumoito takenon15exchangv, aitd tasy' paymntlsarranged." If FtOR- RENTl-Very- large roomt, witht Cast;,wst an0101siiiutssioiiiss, ini imiiierns Loost. '$325tier wletekfor tthretier- soils; $2:7 .tier sweelp for swo personts. .6-i FIlilSt. ;42-43 llhats' t)reluesirlu fur daniets aindhats- guets. L. 1). Bales1 Slgr.. Bell phlone. All1 late hooks for rent at Poster's. If IWalks-over %hoe Co. LARGEST QUICK REPAIR SHOP IN CITY. Mart, Schiaffner & Marx ALL WOOLJR CLOT ING The Clothier, Two dollars insures you against alll 'lE11A CUt1 INN will he opets Motnday loss hy fir e. ,eo. J. Huller & Co., evenin1g itter lilt Choral Uinion totn- Real Estate and Inaurance, 216i South ce-t. 4t-420 AMumnstreet. 'tf BANKS THE FIARMERS AND MEICHANICS BIANKI MAIN AND HIURON STREETS tapttal, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,00 GeceratlOcBann'Buiness- 3 per test pail 011 Time and SavicngsiDetosits. Safety lDe- s-asia Hoses to rect at $100 andt upw at-Os R.IKItasi res.-acVt . OSTE ES.V ice- Pets P. H. BELScc. Cash. H. A. WiIAMS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Captal atuek, $50,000. Saurplus, $200,0001 Rtesourceas, 102,100,000 A General Banking Busineac Teansacted OrFInCRS:Chcs.-E.Hi scochIPees.; Vt.1t. Haricac, Vice Pt-as.:uMfit. FrPitz.lashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan N~m. Arcotd Dr. V. C. Vaughan T as. H. Wade E. F. Millsj John HMacret- Jno. Koeh Etruf. H. S. Oat-hat Henry Wt. Douglas Chrtstian Mattin ODa P. Zimmcerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ov ANNARBOoR, MICI. i. ti. KtNNE, HtARISON Shit LE, Pt-es. SVite-Pres :'. i2LAHKSON, Cashiiir. tapitat, 0000,000. Sat-plus and Profits s,t10,00 Gierman American Savings Bank COr. Me+.:ar d Libearty Streest NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR uu01t, Overcoator -Cravenette We are showing the right style at the right time Sege our Hats and Spalding Sweaters -WADHAMS CO. FE'sh*1n2 Store 121-123 S. Main St. i i SE-E The Palais Royal 209 E. Ltberty St. Por te Latest Duisigns in V, of M. AND Banners of Other Colleges iCozy Corner Fun~ishings iJapanese and Indian Goods Everythting in Brie-a-Brat. I-i -11 I!Maiu FUNERAL - -Ys Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent [eather Belts made withl-l otL n i sidence 102 S. 5th Ave. Phone 3t4 match your- shied or blous-a, 35c. Stnd us a At T %xttle's, 338 5. Stat. ptaeofuthe dross toods when seodingut-de..__________________ AMBUL.A1YC 011GALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. II _. . ,:. .. . , Will Soon Open - MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It