DO I'RLNCI- VERBS BOTHER? Irious,'and the tuknown. Their songs
su. ~ ~ ~ llUN THE BASQUE TONGUE and poetry' issue sfontanously from D I K 0N
POSTAL CARD Ochogarriganamendl" Nyourhueary aternon at o'clock LIKE A CAMEL
daik evening would you recognize it at Hg.Th ee will tell of omtrof ". To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it In ally
OFonce as 'nexpletive, in the Basque Hg .Tim rp" ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its ow
togeivtd O A Probialy not. But i h rvr aFac. l r nie.The Colee tank like a cmel slaking its thirst. That's all there
[001 DA[ Standard is to it!i No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it
Azplcuesngaray~os a r o yaresberecol- M. MAibLtciNAsiV "ssIN xcsv YOaK.. ayhr-n ie
TEAM la~~~Ire'iIas" ee added, it is possible that 'Professor. Lois; 7vadli, swho will (^ SEF Pa
You saoulutbe morne umystifed hats eer lecture hee oiiFel. 20 tusnder the ais- CONKLIN SJ FILLING' i
adwudfail to realize hat the geo- pices of the Cerle rainatiqie Fran- k
15 for 25 cer~ts tesanwsisiting you a pleasaint even- tais, arrisesd in. Nesv YortkMoniday. He "H E IHTEC~CN-ILR
isoyoeahnnocad isg is' a idisiiguishieudhstorian, uand pes- can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Yo
Puofessor Hciat's .lecture, "Au Pays ident of the Society of IHisorical Re could fill it sith whie kid gloves on without danger of
j / p ! Bis~Oque ,ssien in Tappan Hall lecture sartlh.IHis "Foucle"non bish itsoln.Bidstscveecishepeddwrig
Q(sRY ooThurday afterinoo, graphically crowsn of lteFLreiscs Acadtemys. qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.
Corer Ste St. sandN UnisisAct. itescsibed tselassguage,. customs, aid Laigdaeshnl h oki.I or osntre
tditionss of slit'people liviisg isthe 'Y'. as.C. A. uI.xs iANNUALt sNUIs'
M __________________pays H'sques." A snumber of ansedotes Plais are ibeisgaut for tie eesesnth The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bdd., Toledo, Ohio
V- is 'i~~ws todtois ilustrate various phases of assnssal isiarpci of the Stidsslis'Y. ".-
peassanst lif. C. A.. to le heisd i i M ia al h
M ~oney Loaned "Ast a little coussry house where I first Satursday in DOeesmsier. Negoia-
sas soppiing," said Professor Beist1ins are pedidng to secure a cerains
osrathes, pesmnaudlawpert s, Iattemptsetoiiidescribe the modernsprosiset'isisto act asltostmssaster.=- fs
er sherpeesesiaespety ilossmotive andsslesiway trais. ie sub-1-owarud Brklslsl is chairssass of list
Watches and Jewelry repaired.N®
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds fet ssss ewioisesvhout to n'y earer and socialcs'iiiiewitsaclturrsg-
Office at resideete tat . Likerty 5St riis s. - f ul'trwsie as _______________
Ace Arbone. L
Housrs: te 11:tsa. im., itto se0and750o isielifef. i'Fiere was uspause whses I LAseCLASS STS tiRoCTIeAL 5WORK.
9 . M. ifiishesiseaiig t lastiiiola sdy Ass opportunsiy for seisgftheIraeir w
ALbosess minsi , lt"'ii o speak :cal sise of its swork is givenslthelss ii '
JOEH .WTT 'ell, I ell you frinsds, fist devil ills ansdlNotes i is t se ldeartet.s
____________________________________ Oleri'sleeps. His spresensce is cotinually 'f istclaiscrectslycoiimpetied list studey
.iosisusi. Alias te gentlemnaitells uss if liii'cse of Linion Trsus Cmpiuay
THELATSTiEAT'R l e so-Iissnot lire isoesitracdict ss. Piesis Nationss alsan, wisiearses
TH AETLAHR oitn sithorses asse iues swere 'created iniOerit heet yeass agi. 'Teiase
1 s'blt1eiseit fr thut work, ansd alt lsi tisasreopesei m lthelast few' isotss The new fall line of college goods is now complete wth the
W ai tci ' ® ::outir, ,S.smsoke, andilfire-horses is nstusd a chiange f veisse takentohii sis choicest and most varied snew things ver shown. REuL, CONLINi
ama.'ls t Lord, the Holy Vie-cotsyi. Thus te ssdensisrcitoushear & FI ROEL draw your particular atteition to teir superb display
with Foot Ballatms in 'il, nd all lteSaiiits seserve aid pro- list suit, whichithe sy stieinii Iil thus of new designs in Manhattan Shirts.
coltegs colois. 'ci us!''," eiouom, tritdincortoe.
Price 25 centsfllits'ioftsiissessue - Men's New Fall (cloves of all leading makes
itiriiisii:III srereeto seessee plaes i i s t iR.I,.
AT"shuosseetsholsss uyest le that cross Poll & Ci. sitess irslectosry foe 1907-8, Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
DARLING & MALLEAUX ills thseshoildl if ithis house, be thou all studsessi ogansizaitionsswhlichs sos-cnot-
tt.t .SaeS. iecss' utws sosiei sy pro already idsise so, sre reqesesd to scd A lull variety of new styles of these world-famous hats to
agstsieso tiusoeIfrisissthy msossths!lLet lists iii oiesrs, adutess, eci., iso C. '.
Cotentssilsiiesy lr hoGd lssefoi,73Hokys . e select from: Stetson. Calton, Howards.
Co lge lait is oyVeis, Aimseonlteseirs."o Men's Fall Caps, prices front 5c up.
Steins isi iwkn .e is teti See our complete lise of Michigan ~ . F e e
as man caite xieily itwardssi. Alie Jeswery Sore, ai6 S. Main stree. od 1 K e tild l
DIALLR'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S Mat glacinge furtiely aibout, 1st cwssieed
in sepuschltount ises: PRINTING-TYPEWRITING. ________________________________________
H s "Fush! She is dead.'____
C5eas to lsusdie t"'tio?' 5 asksed,swosderinigswheher Election cards anse alt kinsds of 'pint
Ciee t~acy os ilss umsau lut lisey duiugseeg a lowest prices. Special price given t
r leisSil Iil fle,- fuseticket orders. Micigiansandfirtee-
MOOR'S NON - EAI(&BL[ Aii sill'wISlit diedi thisnorsisg,' uiy stationery a specialty1-Headuar -oB o x*e b o 1o
'FOUNTAIN PEN1va'siteiisns'e.'Aid,' le added, it ses foe typewriting. Jolife & Kite e iz- i~
'The Best Fotintains Pens i ,s5 liird to expinu.Vie very frst iller, oer Co-op. cod
Ever made at Aisy Price. thfi1 saw this morning whens I ganited The new, most attractive and cleverest game of the day
Fr sate by sills flteindsosw sas-a woman! ?yrographsy goods at Fosers t in two sizes
East University Pharmacy sginst ue.'" . - -_ ___
iiSssesyAuuu Insuiususug upi.Peufssoe Bziat See our complete line of Michigan $1.25 s.xhd $2.25
Besslusoes16 doiesi '5uaet Bliac sitt "They aet apeopile svey old anupns, fobs and souvenirs Haltera MACK ft CO Mlt St.
______________________________ et acillilk, iirofiiundly' religious isisJeswelry Stre, as6 S. Mass steet, cod
.ifsnrlsusti spesitioius. A race-of s1hp--- --
abr V..f M.fihers dingiisoliers, and anda- All late sos foe renitat oster's. ieytheiifiuna eery n l
Shp ndBthRofideuiAopen anunitrsingers areewecomue. -Two dollars -insures you against all MON[Y [OAN [14,1.C lsxs etii adc'sserlec
_pepewoehroiulagaeloss by fire. Geo. J. Haller & Co., Oius' lissr s Sil.I stof to 15.
stopssills1st sris ouis suugsage10 FsrthAccnue; oppossi'urt hose.,
E'n'rythho irite ty alne in teesig eusoms ispireche in- Real Estate and Insurance, 216 South Twods so auths of City Y. M. C,' A. W. J. LOV RIM_
J . TROJANOWSKI, Prop. i cetaroeiuisell by cle strange, ue oy- Main sree.f ________________________________________
Elephants Breath is the new shade-It is nearly a brown
but different-Ask to see this color and the many new shades
of brown we are showing.
WAGNER & CO.' Importing Tailors. State Street.
Rowe's Laundry
The Ann Arbor Bible Chiairs 'THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Ga Std L mp
" 44Sot Sat tretag . ithAv.New Phone 457 Beii Phone 45-L Irnsxure a steady, soft glow.
The Credibility, of the Gospels
A special lecttire by G. P. COLFRx SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY S
Sunday Nov. 10, 12 to 1'W south State Street
____Classes, 10 A. M. asd Easy on the eyes.
7:30 P. M. Moderate in price.
The Religious Education of the Assembly so'ciuth. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Child '-______
A series of lectures by G. P. COLER . wAI KING LOO
Tuesdays, 7:10 P. M. beginning Nov. 5 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Get h bet from the larget asortmosat.
Chinese Fancy Dishes, Ameiesau Lumhe of
All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are free. Students sitkind. Es-sythtnoglist-tass for t e A 1' r o $ o
and others are cordially invited, Ch dies ageaneeni-sh.
Up Stairs, one dor S. Hutons rs.. 314. Sate St.