TH XMIH16AtV AIL CO LLE GE ,STYLES Where will you find style at its top-most pitch? In the great universities, to be sure. .. The college youth knows fashion as the small boy knows the farthest corner of the jam closet. "College Clothes" is a phrase which fallsj trippingly from scores of tongues. Many! tailors claim them-mighty few produce them. We invite you to "size" us up-your judgment will do the rest. Autumn and Winter woolens ready in the freshest weaves and "classiest" colorings. Perfect tailoring at moderate prices-that's ours. Merchant r4 Tailors 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM. Prop. AMUSEMENT S The Majestic Theatre Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. " 119 E. LIBERTY ST. AnnArbor's Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre Thoa oriu New Shows each. Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subst'ciptions takenby mail-check, draft or money order. S S g ~fa ne PROCIPT COLLECTIONS AND Gct QUICK RETURNS. G S s t EUGENE SMITH TINE STVDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent WITTERS' LAVNDRY Saginaw, Mich. OPFICE 611 East WiftincnStreet. Home Phone, 72 Black LAW BOOKS Sith year Diotionarles 36th year In Quiz Books In An Arbor Legal Miecellany Ann Arbor CALLAGHAN Tf CO. CHICAGO Ara Arbor Brauseb. State Stree.t. Oppsoete Law SBld. UNIVERSITY NOTICES The soph engineers will give a smoker in Nickels hall tonight at 8 o'clock. Soph engineer football practice, South Ferry Field, 4 p. m. Remington, Mgr Full rehearsal of Mandolin club to- night in University Hall at 7:15. Bring all old parts. All fellows having tickets in the "M" (marked on back) come to the Co-op store as soon as possible and see Jack Loell or Shaeffer. Tell everybody else. Very important. s sGHAN siEAss AT UNITARIAN CHURCH. Prof. V. C. Vaughan, dean of the Medical School, will speak on "The Re- Igious Views of a Scentist," in the Uni- tarian church on Sunday, Nov. to, at 7:30 P. in. All students in the Univer- sity are cordially invited. INTERCOLLEGIATE NOTES. Syracuse has issued a call for candi- dates for the varsity and freshman has- ketball teams. The Minnesota Daily places itself in the first ranks of reform by using the "Rooseveltian'stel"ing in all its articles. 'he Columbia varsity debate commit- tee has been chosen, and trials for the team will be held early in December. Yale university now has thelargest Y. M. C. A. membership of any Ameri- can collegi. There arc )on members at NenwIHaen. Wednesday's issue of the Ilarvard Crimson contains an editorial showing the great deiciencies of the lemenway gymnasium, and appealing for a new s"ruct" n. The University of Indiana has recent- 1v installed a course in newspaper train- ing wh i promises to he popular. Two newspaper men of Bloomington have been engaged as instructors. LOST-On State street yesterday soosmall got watch engravei with owiinrsnmms, fohi atachei. Please cave with Mrs. Sum er, corner State and \Nforoe. 40 LOST--Alpha Phi pin, between soror- ity house and Barbour gym, last night. Finder please return to Alpha Phi house. Do you bowl? We have the best al- levs and room in the state. Trv them. Huston Bros., 311 Mavyiard St. tf Winter underwear-union suits from $i. o to $0oo. Wagner & Co., State St. Sigii of le big wite shoe. 37-4t All late books for rent at Foster's. tf Endless assortment of neckwear, hos- ery and gloves. Allen, the clothier, Main St. 40-42 LOST-Coral brooch with pendant, near State St. Return to 423 E. Wash- ington. 39-40 Hand hammered jewelry at Foster's. If you want the best fountain pen in the city, go to Cushing's, 336 South State street. tf Gym suits and shoes. Wagner & Co. State St. Sign of the big white shoe. 37-4 Portrait frames at Foster's. tf Two dollars insures you against all loss by fire. Geo. J. Haler & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 216 South Main street. tf Students are always wel- come at our store. Use telephones, read papers, or meet your .friends. Huston Bros., 6 312 S. State St. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 7" No AR MOHywars 8I Priestley's Cravenettes JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE FRED W. GROSS Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor Webb's ForHigh Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Malh St. Carriage and Baggage For each Co ple to and from parties. the price willie $2.00. For each Trun k to or from door, the price will te 25 Cents. I careied to o teni-sais,- the tute wilt he ADDISON 50 Cent. Divei rs are required to collect cash efor carriaie and baggageservice. ARROWwAKER's LIVERY !4 SIZE COLLAR WHNSoN '. Made of Clupeco Shrunk Fabrics WvATTLEm LIVERY. Ise each; a2tr 2 ELECTRICITY Supplied to College Men and Women for All PurposesW9 WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 Washlingtolm Street MOR DAILY ADVERTISING RATES KEEP YOUR DATES Address- Busness Manager No. By carrying a copy o the MICHIGAN Press Building HANDBOOKiniyour pocket. Space for mes- oranda, calendar, special events, (niversity Calendar in this 150 page book. Given away Subscriptions taken by mail, check. draft or to students at the University Y. M. C. A. Mc- maosey rder. Millan falal. $500 REWARD For Name of One Dissatisfied Customer! $50,000 Worth Bankrupt Jewlery! LOT 1-3,ooo Silver and Heavy Plate Gold Watches. richly engraved. Ladies and Gentlemen's sizes, fine time keepers, at - - - LOT 2-2,000 Heavy Plate Gold Watches, beautifully engraved, excellent time keepers, at - - 7 LOT 3-2,000 Extra Heavy Plate Gold Watches, Ladies and Gentlemen's, finely engraved, a re- markable bargain, at - - - - Diamond Rings, $5. $o, $15, very small Stones but gen- uine diamonds. All goods delivered by mail post-paid, and your money back if you are not delighted. Buy your Christ- mas Gifts Now. A Chain free with first 5,ooo orders. C. E. MARSHALL 384 Washington Blvd., Chicago FVRNISHERS HATTERS ToYA' Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot DIrectly North of Law Bulldlszg 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVEN1VE THE PICKWICK Billiard and Bowling Parlor Everything of the best and the best for yen. :Fine line of Pips hCigars. Tobaccos and Candies. Get the habit. Fourteen bowling tickets for $1.00, HENRY (-LCO. S. 3. Rotte telrn 707 N. University Ave. High Class Merchandise Popular Prices Bell Phone 176. t '' j 319, East Huron Street