r T ME ihidMYcwx 1ATLY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The *Goods Sam Burch~field &TC0 EAST HURON ST. Do youv ~t$. 70 for $1.007 Call at our tore ant lean te particulars of the Sanito1. Chemical Company's great int;"oductory offer, tho greatest offer easer made In :olet preparations. Ten articles for the price of 4 SROWN'S DILVO STORE 120OE.Liberty St. ALARfICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the hest.makes and fullynguaranteed. MICHIGtAN PINS AND FO1SS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inapectortor the Ann Arbor Railroad J. L.. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Btranch: 304 S. State St. The Reason Wyl SOIT E I.,,GINEER TEAM 'QUAIlFIES FOR. FINALS The soph engineer eleven lby lefeatinlg tile pilarmlics yesterday by a score isf 16 1to 5, won a place as one of tile contest- allts ino tbe chanmpionshlip unterclass game. Thse second salt of tile fresh-senior lass gamesewhichl sas placed'uder a pro- test, resu~ltedIill a 0 1o 0 tie. Thle lllarllics ease their opponents an awful scare wihen Fox picked up tile bal oil a fumbIIle and~ crossed the enlgineers' golal. The half enldedl 5 to o: Thse bridge-buildlers securled thse hall on the kick-off and carriesd thse 115a1downIthle hield for a touchdlownithou11011o0nce los- inlgIlls hall. ilagitsobn scored the first touchdl~owlout n111o11 goal was kicked. Score, 5 toI 5. The phllarmics5' defense weakenled coal- silieralled ws sithlinlthree mlinutes till i0 11151 shoved Magitsollo throulgh for a secoodc score. The goal ssas kicked. Score, I11Ito 5. We\ ager woentI oser for tile last toulchI- down11 after lhe engineers lull carried the hall for 6o yardls. Thle lineup: '10olEng. (16). Pharmlics (5). Whelan....L. E ..... Fox lol'garI. I,... . T. ...lann~ow I l idey. I.11,. (G...Alswardl ekec ............ C...........SmoithI Ravillons... R. G .C .. Gerrow L,egg........... R. T. ..Van Shrite liellalmy.. R. E. .....Ray L~inthliclll. Q. B......Peck 1P01111.......L. IH. ....Frame _dagilson...R. H. i....Egart SWeager......F. B.B....Hammod lollellclO ns-Fox, Magitsohn a, Wea- gee. Referee--Eldridge. FUolire-- Goods~. IlIsad linlesmlall-Sctlee. Timec -1 hls--15 minu~ltes. Tlwfes1h1 II l flled51a1prote1 st againstl 11,rullilng(If lInterclalss' .lalnater Gal- lpbfore starting thellf(1pol~stpon~led from Jluesdal os Thullrsdays. Then thIley 11a11e11the 0501-niorstoa 0o1to 0 tie ill lbs closell Illesday 11on account of dalrkness iis 1 a1ter1 thle fre-Ihmlenl 1had Imadle ( toichd 1111 l ths-Iseot d Ills- . 'Managsler11 .a1. 1brillianltly lhan anyl othler of Ills inter- . . . . . . . . . sisbing-, lheld oe center ou--f Birdl. ....R. 'I. .. Barnes Alleer,.ou.....R . ..Id F \IaelcblaiI 1)111101..... .QI. II. 111111Bene I-lagar.L... . , 4B. .. 'Vite Lyon........ R. 1.I ..... Shlaiw Schneider....F. B. 11... 01oo Rets ree - joyce. Umpire -- Arntz. LoinesoaI-Galllup. COMMUNICATION IS ADVERSE, -TO NEW SONGS ANt.) YELLS -Editsor of 1111 iIC so 1),,\1,Y Althoulgh 11t1is(a goodl thineg 10 aroulse estllIsiasnnd 01111x1ess5 th1115by seit- ing college sonlgs 0111 yells. does it really pay 01111 s1011111it Ibesdonl? Whlenl se lIos to Ills 11111oldest col- leges1in111tho Kst.,lnamlely IHarvarsd 1115 Yale, we 51111 11101 thoy are still yelling thle "Rahl, Rahl.IRah, H-arvarsd,"01111thle Iteekekekex koa oahxl, fl op,. (I lp, psaraloull slVale, Yale, Yale," etc. Thley are not chlangin~g their yells es-cry year a15 1t sem~sMichliganl is trying t11o111. We have twollgoodl yells.Ills"L..o(f ." and ous rl "locom~otive." 'Why 1111 keep thlem an(d slick 1by ltemt? Remlem~- ocr sse lose alumni111 11151yellesd Illsse yells years ago and1 hen1 heylelll 1C 1turn hey d1on11t51a111 to1f11n11a1lot(If new yells Ithat thley can' 111 in.(1 i higan, it is said, las 1no1tradlitionls;Imaybes it' s0, now(11is ltle hest h lme111 es1alilsh thleml. Olened 11 lore and this is ill regards Io 111111 Ge le, Ge la, 1Ge Oa 111 la" yell, andothllers If this Idescription.I f a "prey"sclhool shloull startt Isgive suchl a thling it w1511111 Ialsaled "freshl"1511 lughed lat. 'Vhy Ithen shlould \iIebgoI1 P1ROF.I ENRY C. ADAMlS BACK T10 1NIVIS~ITY ON VISIT 111s illtheUilersiy, who11or101eIllslst Sear111has bell illWashlingtonl a1s headl -tatistician forle l Itestatle Commlerce Commlinsslion, ((cri1vel inilAnn IArbsoryes- tselay foe a shosrt visit. Last nigihtlhe I, 5111 Is Dell-ot1(1 reminnil1111Satur- (lay. Din~eg his staly isn Ann Arblor, leot. Adiamls will hs- a1 elest(at 1111 I~m 011'f tProf. RKnowhlton. We -are shoinslvg a large asortmlent o~f overcotsalca ven1111 ttes1151at01$15,;1a1( $>o. AllIn, the clothier, 'Hainl S1 40- Tile party- swho 1t11k ra~incoat (a111 glovs, ~from rTlltle's lncsh 10011mVWed- nessday is knson111nd hsewill sve rous- hls Iys' retulrnling, sllis. Ito Manldolin 01111guitar players will take dlelightinIl looking orer tile Gibsonl, Washo- 1 1111, Mactill 0111 Vega lin~es at Root's. Ols inistrumlentis takenl 011excihange, (1111 easy- paymIlents arranlged. tf Und~erwseaIr ill all gradles fo~r mnl. We aee showeing (a grea~t leader ill ulnion suits aIt $i.oo. All.Illsheclothier, Slain St. Fall and Winter Furnishings fo:- Men and Boys Spalding Sweaters Shirts Underwear in piece and unionsusils Hats Caps Suit Cases Fancy Vests Men's Jewlery :;,. ..r- " : : ... _ - t a Gloves Ties Belts Hose Pajamas Night Rohes Flannel Shirts Umbhrellas STAEBLER & WUERTH 211 S. MAIN ST. -WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SHOES Wie havse thleml, sad tile kin~d espec illy nmade for such wear. Heavy double soles to hleel, throulghly viscolized with rawhide middle sole ahsolntely water ighSilli Tan, Brown and Black Leathers. Dress Ponmps Thes largest anld finest assortment11 ever shaown in Alnn Arb~or. Conme and try on1 a pair that swill fit your hleel;. Csmplete line of Walking Ties, Price $4.00. I 1am1goento11spinig a smto ( t0 05111dexcepit ing 50 onputs altcd for- prise, withc my ancncal fall soate of Pipes, is10oeCnveinceey5110 , yard paillsses. Caplt. \Vhite (and1Tiosson that I earryythe l arciest acidr must ecoupletelineiciof l'ipes, s'a(Cecdlforle 1freshmtient. Wute m~adec Tobacceo. igas anicg.O~arette's 11111 brilliant 1run15andtusitItroes t011a1 in thc Cite.syco utn nenbfr i h Watch ihe Wtdow so"ves. ITe score still stanlds .5 to 5 Li"" E. JOLLY-9'S aid11thes sitner swill be cdeterminiied icy 308lSouathcStati "reeli e il (sjudlges ofthie Conliest.T'elieupisn I-as as5 followls, ____- '-off 1,1ws. 'to h.aws. SIRS. JI R. TROJANOWSKI h aiss ....I.. F.Iit....lissell FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER JIdSac II ... L 1. 'I...... Riley Hair Goads.,IHardresiag, Shampooit 11n11g..I. . Pteo Manicuriag, Face Massage a Specialty. S'Feller.... C.l.....iodsoll 322 S. State St. I(rp Stairs) Belt Phone 359 si ayI s..... ...(. G ....Piepher IWalk.-Over Shoe Co. LARGEST QUICK REPAIR SHOP IN CITY.j Hart, Schaffiler & Marx ALL WOOL CLOTHING Th Cltier a. THE A ARMERS AND MIECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STRSEETS tapitai, $50,000, Surpil and Profita, $66,000 Gonorai Banhing Boniness. S pec c-eat puid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safe .y lDe- pusit Boxes to cent at $2.00 ad aupwards R. KEMPcF, Pros. W. CD. STEeNSeo. Vice-Pren F.B. Bunsen. Cash. H. A. IOLLIASO Anna The Ann Arbor Savings Bank J(} Oapitai stoek, $505,000. Sacrplas, $200n,c00 Resouces, $2,t00,000 A Genaral Banking Busiaess Transacted OFcICESc Chas. Et. Biseuck, Pcen.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pron. M . J. Fritz.Casnhier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS : WI. S ooth Jn. V. Sheehan Win. Arnoid Dr. V.0C. Vaughan Js. B. Wade E. P. Mill John Baarer Jno. Kuch Pealf. B. S. Carhart Htenry W. Douglas Christian Mactin Dan F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK I Or Ass ARBORt, MICHa. E. D.51KINNE, HARRISON SOCTT.11. Pros. V'ice-Pres. S. W.'CLARKSON, Cashcier. tapitai, $100,000. 'Surplus and Prufits,.iotu NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Suit, Overcoat or Cravenette We are showing the right style at the right time See ousr Hats arid Spalding Sweaters WAD HAMS (Q CO. SEE IThe Palais Royal 209 E5. Liberty St. F~or the Latest Disigns in V. Of M. PILLO ,WS AND BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Iiidiani Goods Everything in Bic-a-Brac. F'ea.shiozn Store 121-a123 S. Mains St. German American Savings Bank0.M Matl FUEA Commot roate..l ad Office 209S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Ptn ethrBlsmade with veel- H ot L u nich S insResidence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 match your oirt ur hlouse, 85e. Send 0111 At Tsttle'a, 338 5. State piece of the dress gccods when sanding urder. Car. Main a ad Liberty Stareets, AMBULANCE O1! CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS.-_. . SWill Soon, Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It