fil MCftt6AW OAVLI I 12~ !nl _ _ 0. IH. Wild Companly The La rgest Stok in the City of Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS1 For Getlemen's Wear l'verything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy 'Vetings, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and specia1 etyle. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. IH. Wild Compally 311 South Stae Street Some New Banniers For your Room would perhaps brighten it ip a bit and add to its attractiveness. We have an. exceptionally large stock emtbracing, the ban ners of the letding Col leges it the country and the prices are reasonalte as you'll find anywhere ranging front 35C to $5.00 AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores eiu r A. G. _ (~~SPALDII G _ M~' & BROS oY, The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base' Bal, Foot Bal, IGof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Oticial Impemenst for Trakad Field Sport, Uitrmfotr altSorts. Spadig's Haidsomey Itlastratrd Catalgearoa all sports cotaissno. *ersarraugsaetins. Sediorit.-It'afre. A. . SPALDING & BROS. New York. Ohcago. St. Laus, Sa Francisco, Mineapils, i>eavee. fufao.Syracuse, 'its- br, Piladehiia, IBostn. Cincinati, Bolt- tir, Was'tiliiuo, Kasas City, Clevelad, New Orleans, Detroit. Mnteeal aaa. 1 i r J 7 t 7 3 i i s THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing ditor-PAUL. SCOT Mowoes Bitsin Manager-C. E. WIvoTCA. rcORs Nes......-..... A.F.Rithie Athletics......., illiamt F. Gradolph Sportitng......Clarence E. Eldrige Exchange.....I. John'Woanolu' Music anditiDraa.....Roy D. Welch NN'omen's Editor. .': J'tise Van Vooris EDIORoIAL STAV' J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams John F. Wre Roet H. Clancy NITlit CITOS FlritS. Cody George H. Hoart Chauncey Boucer B. G. R. Williunms David1 1'. Stees~ o tiRtPORR L. C. Reid Lee A White Raymond Viscer M..B. MHgh A. L.. Hainline Roert Morisioer L~oweltJ. Carr Donahd I,. Kinney J. I. Prescott BUSINESS STAP Johtn . Wur Carl H. Adam H arold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. on, 7-8 p. i., daily, except Suttday. Both phones, 96" tVRlllIAY N(IVE'sf BljIiS.107 \Ilsn 'tltau aitsids idtiilfetrs ntt t ispress thsmi-tin i isrlk taic nicof\W'its thieaapipilesto be a Ifacul ty n wromthsi iesudenteodet ias cometoitrteonizre ,astie of its fis stu 'asbtitnsg siceec il al thtat le saystheit iis stillioec notahe. The1 reak fPofessr Ijfigee at the itass meieting 1lastight caly fall udrtiis desciptitn.ittyi.blthotiiugi sugstiotts tlit iare pottet in tir~i 1power 'fotr tgood. 'le Possiilities itf tse 'irlss_-\ietsiig'' se stiey uttnsat- le-llo. hilite it is its dangsers in thei si pii da t tmes cpss olt i ti th eigultedi a sssembilieic,.yettose ages, t's iic stpto ciisiideir wh'y anuit whtr sie so'ari'. atitlsiit is s'uefroissiii t Its'esvry mtchtimst lsinise. As a tunivrsit itiiilie teare is et cx- trmteiyitunorgainizeid. W' tre noit ,'et yetstotlittlesdeeloed nt swlecniit idotis aise in asismosec orlIss ichtoat state it is 'itftentapiltoibehrsittmesshatitrae adil-cnsidered. Nuts'the tmassmeet in sitsnuoecasionsal facttesoil foe the tin' ittttwi sle tr for ay'tuiversiy spiit, titghi easly ts jstify its ittjectioni inttissoittepublic sstemi. iiOf ttourse ito Isuichtastssemblytcan atins' outioifltes ' tiwitulihayst't araige forti tisnd las' pliat. Sti lotng s eerythitng toss not tontuoIthtti Enttly f couirse pubtli ,stiop inincouldl ino te fsrntetl by swhole- i tJ ti (. I" l c Y T r t 'c cf i 1 1 1 3 l stle t situtcttmetings,tntrestiotili it te, lit te pubttlic mnidttcouldt te giecomuche footd forte flecion, ntl mutcluabtltie suiggestiton. Finatlin i this is in eer- tigelse, tll inititdsepndsilitithe wayI ini is iict the menchsotomtake tilt the uni- veresity bottty take te assembstlies; if ina senibltte, we'll-aancd, tactihle say, lieu objecit woslse half accom- plisdbutIittif it the spirt iof the rah- ruh" tilitie, they'woulstd Ie foretooned t faurtesblip'tesvey unforunate col- di itin iictiiiheysosuighstt remdy. At anyyrae, the -sggestini of last ight is wothtinkiliint btiiit.anti its tmakee shouttldtiavttinste geatittdc for t. Te monemesnct stggset iiestr- itties 1) ilytoiilit'v'e.uootes git ottto the hieltinetwteek sindslrosttifin te stascu teseves thei supsiprtr of eeylocytl Nlic- igac antsit. O1 ste the Pennsy rettles hase throniigesd te blacers ittiFrttklit Fieitdito lieiutbse off n tr 5o0. As a ressusti thet'patriotism ndaiilutck of the Quiakeers is sing cextolledto Sthlbsskies lip estrti sries. A Pritcetntsadt st Wisconusit. i, is the tile fite the bad Itl lettd aiIschstof ettotes otito te peactices lbeforet'critictit gaies. bMich- igan, sillth eegeatstlticiptrestige, hoiatt the lhatmnusttalosisshesef tt lit outdoneitcby)te rivali. 'Micitgat has had asi higher epeeutation fetetrite ah- litteiispisithalihstsPesn. ie Wo- verinlesshisslt herishs eepyidea tat ksepis teminsite foefront. Coise- qtueiietynet swek ithe erootes soldtt iuntt'llFerryii ies' lii eil sass. IDespite theIfat tat it ws ass nttncer" ssthtit chilsreeii twou l e admtitted ts thes'im'ass mstinlg ltst eeninugenoutgt escaetideithe vigilasne of tie satcr ts maiskeIU'itisersity'al re-ehlith til feerocitus hosttlsif"lut" itermientglel sitillspsases of hatntd-lapingandtuthlst sttminlg' of feet. 1.. C. Hl, WINS ALEllTIC. HlONORtS AT' OXFORDt) MEET'' tLtawr'en ' C. 1hutll, ishts tolsiste Rhtodses schlarship tiOfxfoid uer- sit Isoerte sats isf M\icigan,.wonsa triplse victosy sitsNit. itinte fresh- iuet's soties. lie madtte three fists, sitsi hihjm ihgfeet 3 iches, te so- put sit.11 feet aincts, tanditt'e qssr- tee-mileunt' stii j2 -secititis. IHull geaduiatcsd iT906 fonts te lit- eraeysdsertet ofthe liii erustiy, tutd st st'he tiele sonlte scolarhtip vtas a jutnisse aw. tie was presideit sof the Athlt'ic Asscittioni, aitel sas pessinttit int litafftairs f te ,Miciganioniiti. Ii \Mll,TI)N CGi1t'lORA'TO(RS '11 (CfIllPF'l'GS\TURDtlAY Prl'eimitinarits ii the I Hamiiltosn fra- torical Contest swiilie eisoldiin Roomtt B. of tie lsw-bulintg, sexi Stuttray ight. OIf te tireeit sisecehes stbmitteds, the rfoloswinsg si;sere ajiugei higiest in rthought ttndi eciompositiotn: W. . Clark. StepentDwtsney, S. A. ,ouard, D. R 'hripilsetie,.Y. H. Reyolds, W~. R. r Nhlsit atid W. l. Latndmnan. Te win- ee io tie cotest Ibetweitthese mtest still rresent -Michigtan at te Haiiiltoin Ctst hedt tt Cicgo ssmtimlie in J1anutary. t L , T t E 1 1 i 1 FACLTY 'MEN TALKj (N HONOR SYSTEMi1 (tnuiaed from Paget One.) preentl sttudents dolott seemito 1ble willingtgo50uint hemselvstin si positioni whiere thteytire bsountd to spy upontiri classmates." Prof. P1M. P. Tiley :'I am licartils' in las-or. of the hnonor systemt as it is in itut ins'y alma mater, tine University of Virginia. There it nastbeien 15sue- cessfsul operationi ever sinceste founding of the nuniversity in 1826. ists ii5ck more satisfactory t studenlts to feel thait thcy are treatesi honorably rthltethni as ssgspects. It should, howevecr, bte stat- et thast t1tie tonor systemnt etittmruchi mnore easily itiroduced aind suiccessfully mtainttainin t a smaller schtool thatutini a uivieresiyshe sire sof Michigait.'There tee ieree a great disversity ouf elemuents. For this retisoit, I thisnksthtat the ititia- tive ints tmattel' sho~uld icoesu'fesom tte studsentis-' i This is the time of the year to think of Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies .For years we have .so~d . the bnest mnakes in Sweateris, Gymnasium supplies, Foot Halls at~d Sportling Goods. Everybody knows our prices are right.. I 11 i 1 t 7 7 : Il n (lbnztc ant' Mrama Pies. Gets. B. Rhecad tutudsMr. Saisnutel P. Lockwsoodu opented last night's Fase- ttis euncert switht a tewstosnatat byan Italiant one lRossi. 'Tke teundesncy to- ward the spectascihultin e soniata cotum- pels itlerestiand attention if s ot decper aippreciatiotn.'hius "spectaculasr" is tine ressul sf the cominsationi of sweepiung meisloudies tutu contrastedi harmnsiuies. "Color" is thur sordi often loosely ap~-* plied. It idicates varyinig rythums. cost- trasts eof tmpeo std shading, shiftitug of lie register inichs'iiiithuc mselody is takens, andt miorest sriking, 11111 chordis anthcli- mnax. Attention wsat rani to these things by Rotsosi, ibut to litle else, at least in tine first muivemnt. Th thesc sserectofloiud hto he staple. Blotches of colorsdhonithmsake a painting. The treatmlent tile sonsata received ws cithirely ssatisfacntory. PMn. L.ockwsuood's toses' susuen'dtichclearasitun teunssmble. tpinghue anudi Prs. Rheadharec epl- ionuilly- synmpathietic. PMes. Rhesus "Aulfschttg" wsl ratsheistooIfast. She coldti lumsake till of it clesar at the temtpo takens. Pushill thse "hisrt "Nightiungahe," sa trick piec, eevmnole caesoeouti clear tash decisie. The needless ansd udifficult trill asthue endu wsavuaed in stuckhsi wilyas io less's 550 questionlastoha Prs. Rhiead's techunicail proficiency. kTe sdaring octaso of te Plar*ioeli Etutde sersedi to exercise fu~rthetr a biiliasni auss comupetent teehi- Piss Leila Farliinsasig aii ants fromu "Carmeni" stuidh.Mr. Hlatsnd a settinsg us ;MathtlestArnuold's "'Tristram tunds Iseulht." PMr. tHoswlansdlimpresscs his sudliesnse consitnully swithinisuin sstinctiv'e drainatis'aind isutesise econceptions. Ptiss iarliun asud Pin. Holossdh s an sg thurce dhirst at thin close osf tile. concet. Theicseconids \'\ouitas's Leaguse groiut soill estertaisi btoa te a idasunciing'party tfront 4 tobip. tt. its Barbiouir Gyrnuna- isituin,usder thec tirectionus of _Puss Sophie Stroluiteyt r. 'i t Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's University Hookotore. Michigan Pennants, Pillow Tops and Banners The best unaterial, best workmnanship, best tde- sigiss and Best Money Value If you don't believe it, just go ho the trouble to tnv estigate. After you have clone this yon will buy at just one place and that's at Lyftdon's 19NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zportino 0006. 121 BAST LIBERTY STREETj GhafinqDishes A huagseIluree hisS disit with spueciat entamueled fond disk ed thiitipsutti hu la ii'eh st Stsvshus' $6.00. W.M. ARNOLD, Jewler I 1 IDUY7 nT.uQJ~~ L~ ~1JA5 EACHIF N~WRW O CW~ aD EWW WD i pEWG a D pI RIE ON CLUB PUR- TFHE U o OFU[goJCDciFP SWOE.~ r ... Gadski On Mtonday evening Novemnber ii, an oppor- tunity will be given the Ann Arbor public to hear one of the greatest prima donnas on the concert platform. By getting a s ea s on Choral Union Ticket s u ch stars a s Gadski, Schumann- H e ink, Ed. Johnson, Rider-Kelsey, etc., can be heard- at the rate of 30 cents each. Season tickets - $3.00 Single concert - - 1.00 i_ Cbe !Btuaents' 9lecture 1ssociation Season 1907-1908 SECOND NUM'BER MR. JOHN GRAHAM BROOKS President American Social Science Asocoiation Frida y Evenlzj, Nov. 8, 1907, 8:15 P. M.- VVr-sl~ty "06.1 Tickets for Entire Course - - Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - Single Admission Tickets - - - $2.00 .50 .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hours, 410to6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. ........... 121 WashIngton F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598