heMichigan Dail o. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. No. 40. LE R, SUB HALF, 0UIT&?'HE ELEYRN Cause for Action Is Not Known- Yost Leaves for Philadelphia- Paulty Seat Sale Today, At least one of Coach Yost's plans was given a staggering blow when Lehr, the Escanaba lad who has been playing sub left half, quit the squad and turned in his suit. It had been the intention of the coach to make use of two con- plete sets of backs in the clash with thee Quakers, and it appeared to be almost a certainty that Lehr would win his "M" in that game. The exact cause for his quitting the team is not known as the practice was secret, but it is hinted that his action came after an exchange of words with the coach. What effect the loss of Lehr will have on the plans for the meeting with Penn is of course unknown, but at any rate dissension in the ranks of the eleven on the eve of the season's last and most important game can hardly be considered reasont for much jollification. For the first time since the return from Nashville the varsity was given a real scrimmage with the scrubs. Evens at that, most of the regulars were kept out of tlse clash. Schulz was not out for practice at all, as he has classes on Thursday afternoon; and Embs, Reins- child, Rumney, Hammond and Captain Magoffin were kept ot Ithe sidelines watching the remainder of the varsity aided by the understudies execute the plays which are expected to kill Penn's hopes. Although the entire time is beitg given to the perfection of thle offense, Coach Yost decided to test the defensive power of the team yesterday afternoon, and accordingly the scrubs were given the'-ball on the varsity's one-yard line. M nine attempts to gain the scrubs found thenmselves hearer their own goal thans at the beginnitg, but on the tenth at- tempt the scrub quarterback succeeded in drawitg it the varsity end and cir- eltg the bunch for a touchdown. How- ever, if Penn averages a gain of but onee yardto ten plays, here will be little faults found with the Michigan defense. Signal practice was fast and snappy. The loafing which has been characteris- tic of the varsity's play was missing, and the new plays were run off with speed and precision. Miller and Whitmire were given an opportunity to shine at halfback in the scrimmage, buts sthe signal practice Allerdice and Douglas divided right half, while Captaiss Ma- goffin was it his old place at left half. Loell was at fullback throughout th e practice. Two days have elapsed since a change bas bee made is the Casey- mbs combnation, and it begins to look as if the team will go ito the Penn game without any further changes. Cutting short the practice, Coach Yost hurried to the Michigan Central station yesterday afternoon and took a fast train for Philadelphia. He will watch the Quakers this afternoon in their final workout in preparation fo he Penn State game, and tomorrow will be a guest at the game itself. While he does not expect that the State team will give Penn an exceptionally hard game, the coach is satisfied that Penn will he forced to show enough of her hand to give him plenty of material to work upon next week. Pennsylvania looks good to wits from Penn State tomorrow by about 16 to o The prediction is not made from a re- view of comparative scores, because the "dope" gives the game to Penn State without a struggle by a score of from 48 to 60 to o. Of course the reasoning is absur but it is given for what it is worth. Penn State won from Cornell, 8 to 6 Cornell beat Princeton, 6 to 5. w - - Princetots beat the Indians. 16l to o. The Carlisle Indians won from Penn, 26 to 6. But as has been tersely remarked on several occasions since reformed foot- ball became fashionable, trying to dope out results on comparative scores will soon land a man in the "batty" ward. Here's hoping Penn wins by a fairly comfortable score ! The seat sale for the Penn game con- tinued all day yesterday without muchs decrease in interest, although before night there were two or three times when the ticket sellers were given a breathing spell for the first time since Tuesday morning. By night, however, more than 17,000 seats had been sold, and about 5,ooo remain to be passed out. Mail orders are still coming in rapidly, and Director Baird predicted last night that the entire lot of seats would be sold out before the day of the gamee arrives. Today's sale will be for the exclusive benefit of the ladies of the university and faculty. There are still several hundred of the reduced price tickets left and these will be placed at the disposal of the faculty members and ladies today. There is a general misunderstanding to the effect that one person can today se- ctre seats for a party of friends, in order that the party can secure seats together. However, as this would be unfair to the next persons in the line. the association will permit each person to purchase but one 5o cent seat, and that upon identification. During the absence of Coach Yost it the east. Director Fitzpatrick and Mur- ray Wendell will have charge of the coaching. Mr. Fitzpatrick will give the men a light scrimmage this afternoon; and tomorrow in the final Varsity-Re- serve game, rooters will hve the last opportunity until the Penn game to see the team i action. v \ bes of thee Athletic association will be admittedl supon presentation of their membership tickets. To others the regular price, 25 cents, will be charged. ROTE'lS PRACTICE YELLS FOR PENN "We will se glad to have our Pennsyl- vania friends wth us as guests and op- ponents," said Prof. Effinger in address- ing the mass meeting last evening. "It is about time that the east came west to get a view, but only a distant one. of that uncrossed goal line." Hte also urged the advisability of util- izing the tremendous power developed in such meetings for other purposes than the generation of football enthusiasm. "These meetings," he said, "concen- trate student activity and wonderful po- tentiality which could be used for the support of the band or the adoption of honorable examinations. The mass meeting could be used to back any big movement which the students should get behind." After "The Yellow and the Blue" had been rendered by the Glee club, Belt i Clancy introduced the king of the root- ters, the Hon. James Murfin, of Detroit. lHe fully sustained his brilliant reputa- - tion as as orator, roused the rooters to r the highest pitch, and did his full share to "keep on tap the fatpotss Michigan spriit, second to none." He declared Ithat the mass meetngs are the greatest things that Michigan has ever produced r and hailed Michigan as the pioneer uam- versity, the pioneer in football, in clean football, and in mass meetings. 'The mandate of a senior girl found - many supporters and all attempts to start the time-honored "Ypsi" yell died an early death. 'The bad "came early and stayed late," and its many selections were fully appreciated by all. "Spider" Coe lead the rooting and in addition delivered an illustrated lecture on 'the new meth- . ods of yelling to be used in the Penn game. NOTED ECONOMIST on sae:t once at the box office it FACULTY MEN TALK UnvriyHall from 4 to 6 o'clock each day. Reports from ticket-sellers, espe- LEOTRES TOGT cially those who have not yet made their ON HONOR SYSTM first report, will be received from S to 6 o'clock each day in the Alumni Rooms John Graham Brooks Will Talk by some member of the committee. Nearl All Fa to enSociait' h "The Union membership ticktes are y vor Adoption Pro- on e Socialists Challenge also going well. All but a fraction of vided Students Favor it and to Modern Society.' tshose purchasing banquet tickets are also Will Live Up to Its Provisions. "-joining the Union, and after the clb- "The Socialist's Challenge to Modern house is opened so that the men can see The communication in regard to the Society" will be the subject of the lec- its advantages, we may expect to see honor system as it now exists in the ture to be given by John Graham Brooks them to go rapidly." medical department, which recently ap- this evening, as the second number on peared in Te DAILY, and the subse- the Students' Lecture Association course.q c h t -PROF. FUL'TON GIVES quets sit scasssosss, have been the occa- Mr. Brooks is a noted lecturer on econo-P -stionfo' i- mic astscooyadasittsigorSUCCESSFUL RECITAL siss of a great dea of agitation for in- mis and sociology and an investigator Sronducing it in thoe other departments. present he holds the presidencies of the Profesor Robert I. Fulton, dean of M senade universal if at all practicable- Natiossal Cotsumsers' Leagtse stod the sloe Selsool sat Oratory at Oholo WVesleyass samshe m soie mersaift all patcbe-... American Social Science Association. University, gave a successful recital last asog them son en bers ofthefa- Although graduated from the Har- evening before a large audience of st-u- ver eYesteray the followg opnons vard Divinity School is t187, at the age dests ad tonspeople. r. Flt rof. He y M. Bates "If the ma- of 29 he gave up miniserisl work and caie here at the invitation of Professor trstf te M. s "Ihe ma w-et t Gestotty wser li 'ttshed T. C. Truebood, withs whoost le hisis1,oity of sle mess sincerely wished to went to Germany, where he studiedi T bawtel snor system introducedin the universities of Berlin, Freiburg, andl collaborated in the writing of text-books Jests for three years. Ressring to the used in many schools and colleges ts lac departesit, and would follow Ueda Sttheeeasoetassin toth rtUnited States he became an instructor throughout the country. it nce I th old fvo i at Harvard and later a lecturer its the Mr. Fulton's program was composed ifldece on t ode good for University of Chicago. of miscellaneous recitations and read- itoul hi c tend ts eselp a sense .of in . Hs vrsailiy ws dsplyed i tor twhici it is essential that the suc- For twor years lie was an expert i gs. his eratiit as islyed in cessfl lawyer possess. Furthermoreit the departm ent of ftabor at W ashing- the variety of his selections.s It humor'wititirr.ievr p e n s rtr so sorest patosncro iaect ad dam hi i- t~ottlt relieve the instructor of a most tn, making the report of 1893 upon pathos, egro ialect, ad ra is disagreeable task. There will be cheat Workingmen's Insurance in Germany- terpretation was equally effective. this dgraewas heree willehe cseat "The Social Unrest," his most in- personal magnetism held his audience hng a snysvsr, srether there is an portant work, deals with labor and so- throughout the evening. soi think it fair to cheat a prfessor cialistic movements. It is the result of and in honor bound to help another. eighteen years of personal investigation DEUTSCHER VEREIN Under the honor system most students and contact with all sorts and cond- HAS SELECTED A PLAY would feel themselves honor bound to tions of men, in many countries. In remain silent" order to obtain material for his lectures The Deutscher Verein will produce Prof. Jahn R. Effinger: "My per- and writings Mr. Brooks has been pres- Gotthold Epram Lessing's "Minna von sonal plan of carrying o examinations ent wherever important labor troubles Barnhelm" shortly before spring vaca- is to put students on their honor and and strikes have occurred. tion this year. The committee in charge to assume that they are dealing honestly Mr. Brooks does not abuse the rich this year feel that they have fully met with Ins, until .I have reason to believe man, but approves of the concentration the standard, and have selected a play the contrar. Oi the basis of such an of wealth and despises the would-be of great merit. understandng I have often left my roon "trust-killer." At the same time he is Those who have the play in charge while an examination was in progre- keenly alive to the evils and angers are: B. R. Eggeman, Miss Florence I can see that objection may be urgl which necessarily accompany the early Baker and Prof. J. A. C. Hidner. Ar- to the honor system as now in vogue in stages of such a movement toward com- rangements are already under way for the medical eparment. The Studen bimatios. His argument is for the or- a trip to Toledo, Detroit, Saginaw and Council. which is the proper body to ganization of labor because capital has Grand Rapids during the spring vaca- take up the matter, should make a thor become so highly organized and strength- tion. Some of these cities were visited ogh investigation of the sentiments of cited io the field of its operations. last year by the Verein with great ssuc- the students and communicate with The Sociology club has arranged a cess. every university in the country which reception which will be given after the Prof. J. Diertele has been chosen ashsth sst, n rdrtaseai reepios ehihsstil b gessaferth Po.lJ heteessbencosn as lithess system, in order to acee'tain lecture. in Newberry Hall to all those director and coach. She is now at work what plan is followed in each and with who wish to meet I-r. Brooks. making selections for the cast, which what success it meets. Something shtold this year will not consist of more than surely be done to lessen the tendency to BANQUET TICKETS seven or eight persons. Each one is to dishonesty. Cheating and the necessity -RE SELLING WELL be given individual attention, and the for watching students during examina- parts will be assigned according to per- tions are surely ost of place in univer- More than a majority of the seating sonal fitness. Prof. Dieterle will hold sites." capacity of Waterman Gymnasium al- these tryouts Monday and Wednesday Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne: "My ready disposed of, is the record of the at four, and Tuesday, Thursday and practice in conducting examinations has ticket-sellers' committee up to Thursday Friday at three, until the cast is select- been to assume that an honor systent afternoon. At that, but two-thirds of ed. The Steiger edition of Minna von exists. I have never watched the class, tlis men handling tickets had reported Barnhelm is to be used. because have felt that the large ma- and those having the sale in charge say Most of the cast which produced "Der jority of the students would not cheat that this indicates a much larger sale Bibliothekar" last year with so much if left to themselves. I am in favor of than is shown in the figures. The fresh- success is again available, while there the honor system in so far as it applies man classes have hardly been touched is also an abundance of new material. to each individual, but do not think that as yet. largely- because of their lack of There will porbably be a second play, asking te students to spy upon each acquantance wth each other atd their a light comedy of some sort, which will other is advisable." delay in organizing their cosmnittees. be produced by entirely new material Prof. E. C. Goddard: "The present The fresh laws appointed their commit- sonie time in March. This will serve as system is working well in the law des tee yesterday. lii all other classes the a basis for the selection of casts in the partment. We have now no honor sys- committees are working well. The fac- future and may become a permanent em, but no spying system either. The ulty of the various departments are now feature of the Verein work. honor system is not likely to be intro- being reached by the ticket-sellers and - - dCd until there seems to be-a healthy are purchasing almost to a man in many FRENCH CONVERSATION CLUB student sentiment in favor of it. At cases. Next will come the alumni. A RENTS PERMANENT QUARTERS (Continued on Page Two.) nuiber of these have already sent in -- mail orders, and the demand front them A French Conversation club, separate HIAVE YOUR STUNT READY will increase as the date of the banquet from the Cercle Dramatique Frascais, and the Pennsylvania game approaches. has been organized among the univer- The Banquet Finanoce commonittee gave sity men isterested in Fremocl. The out the following statement yesterday: club has rented comfortable quarters on Tryouts for the "Michigenda" cast "The sale so far has been all that we the first floor at 224 South Thayer street will le held today instead of Saturday, could ask for, and more. While the and here only French is spoken. Cur- as was formerly announced. The com- tickets have always been sold out at renot books, periodicals and magazines ittee will meet candidates between 4 every preceding banquet, in no other are kept on file and the walls are deco- and 6 p. m. in Room C, University Hall, year has the early sale been so encour- rated with French pictures and posters. or at 7 p. m. in the School of Music. aging. As it approaches, the interest in There are at present 22 members in Each candidate should be prepared to it will grow to still greater heights, and the club. Dues have been fixed at 50 sing some light song, for which he may, a scramble for seats next week would cents a month. The room is provided if hoe choose, bring a friend to play his snot be surprising. with French club stationery for use of accompaniment. Those who do not base "For the benefit of those who have the members. The secretary and treas- their hopes of success on their, voice not yet been reached by those handling urer of the-new club is Stoddard S. should be ready to display their talent tickets, a number of tickets will be put More. along other lines.