THE MICHMAN VI&MV Special Offer Ten full size In usng Snitol packages of I Sf~~ coupons cut from For Only $1.00 knl Tiisthe Assotmaent. magazines, knl 5Seetol Tooth Powder. 25a Sanitol Face Cram. .25c Sanitol Teeth Peste . 25c k Sanitol Toilet Powder . Sc a o vrn Sanitol Liquid Antiseptic ..c ak frdlvrn Seintol Bath Powder. 25c Sanitol Tooth Brush .35c Sanitol Shaving Cre e. 25(: Saitlvce-EPode . throgh us. Sanitol Facte Powder.31t oug Regular retail pie. .$2.70 If you.will calatmoute day 'e wilil tell seu no vil yourjieselfoftheiSaitlComan'sueat'o fteus ua l price of fOl. FE 1E, CAL K INS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMU5EiMENTAQ. Th Mjetic Tear Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence-in the.- general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. U e+ " &A 4Ww1 f " 11 4 " M i " " " t w . + . , . UNIVERSITY NOTICES Bland M et i RootmsC . C.H., at 6:45 tonight. The soplt eigneers will play the par- mics at 4:15 today. Regular Thursday evenig meeting tonight at MceMillan hal. Carl Smith, teatter. All np-tnters iof the Gee club report i 7 ocloek totightt in "room C, Uni- versity all. Gleason. 'Thle fresh and sopt laws will play the second hal of their postpones game at 4 -55-todtay. All ttiecs not. Gallup Mteetitng of te sopt egineers before the'ms mit teetitg at 7 oclttck in room '04. etghlering butilitig. tLitthium. ,ssse studnt ttl sirng to remoe ot- ditilinis int Latfinscaatteteiton Friday, Ntis 8 t 4 ItItt. ittRootmtDItof te Alt fellows hiatig tickets ith te "I" (ttaitkest otthck) cotte to the Co-op store as sott as possile antI ae Jack L oel or Shaeffer.T 'ell eeryody else. Vey inporant Itoe AttntArotlBranchisofte Aso- ciatiotn f Cllegiate Alune twill old the scndlmeeting of te year at the hitisiofti li . al iker, t127 Wahttenaw veitti. t 3 ot'clck Satrdy, Nov. 9. Prouf. Reibeic isillatieakc ott ".(Geser- tio ofiittNatiotal tecoistrution." lIN SY St&T SALEI GOE S ON WIII RUST- (tontinued team Pg One. -'theiniti 'are ftrciotus on11Waikitg boso's chopsipaley, suit otetasoutit1to:30 whlen the steets are raller quiet they havre teakedl arositti for a "fee.' IOIt this pasrtictilar ight, Yost drcppedh its shout to s'cck, took ai set in a citmter siut f the wasan egan te twai. Abot sliestite te "Gertaty"tn tttieiiie"aliesditon thesc eneh'atdimae s ieelihe for a ise rorm. Yost watace theImtun~seent itsiletces'unttil Gerge draggesd its sittthesteaainsui teys. Thletn le waslked. in otteti. "(e- manssys" ijaw dpedsinl lstoitiahieit, anid ttRheinie" Ilooked lie a ishipe 'ki. -I's a little sfter Ibei tite, reitared thsoach. It's ime ftr littlehos to i le home. Puill sutil!" Nio reply sas imae. "hetinie' go Isis i ails1dhikdslfor le sdoor tutu -Germanyti" followsedsusil. Thetn Yost ecllei over a sstet, twhi happettedtoIt sroll i. atd theItwo tde mtolishiesdtheslies. 'Yost, him vely smart itan, kioss lots,' smtiiled George, as the veeral coac is raptpearedt in the ight. LO.S'T-Ciral brooci with pedatt. tear State S. Retrn tot 423 F,. Was- ingtont. 39-40 Iand hammered jewelry at Poter's. I orider to seure places in the R. L. Ptolk: & Co. ttdeite directory for 1907-8, all stdeit organiziations which have not alreadly donesos, are requested to send iss of officers, address, et., to C. T." IHungerford, 753 Brooklyn Ave., De- troit. eod If you want the best fountain pen in the city, go. to Cushing's, 336 South State street. tf Gymt suits aid shoes. Wagner & Co., State St. Sign of the lig whie sle. 37-4 Portrait frames at oster's. tf Tswo dollars insures you against all toss by fire. Geo. . Haller & CO.. Real state and Insurance, 26 South Main street. tf "Good canies, always ftresti" It would surprise vyiu to kitow how our candy Isianess is increasing. Look our ine over next time you huy. Huston Brow., - 312 S. State St. MOE'S B ARBRI SHOP 7X45 North v~utrty Ave. 0 A. MOL I E 1 , 4 , . we O,.ur Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, who dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what .~i s Stein-Bloch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best style of the day. These men we satisfy. LINDENSCUMITI, APFEL & CO. The Great Neckwear House. LIKE CUT, FOR.7 -r- Good enough for anybody. Over five thotasat 11uef1larticles at cttprices. Whsy pay more than thinigs are worth? Csrner Main and HO , ,P c and t0c Store. Washington. i1H7A.S Home Supply Store. Webb's FrlgiGaeCandies tsce (leam, frit tees, Punctico, Sheietes, F'roz'en Liquid F aors foer ill Occaslionsti'ani Nap~kins and Deities Saillt Nut C(des Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 s. Maitx St. The eleissmIs% dmenoeln9 ge o ow opes.m e.t GxRANG ER'S Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.00 O'clock. Office, Res- idence and Academy on Maynard Street.______ -.A hea Ufl mAnn Arbsr's Pioneer Moving' Picture Theatre New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. M. JOE GILLARD,, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Buildir Subsrcipt ions takenby mail-check, draft or money order. i ng Satl*S~fac1*0flPROIIPT COLLECTIONS AND. Gct UICKRETURNS. Get S tisfationEUGENE SMITH THE STUVD E NTS' LAUNDRYMA N Agent WITTERS' LAVNDRY Smsaifiaw, M~eb. OIS CE 6t11 East William Street. lame, Phone, 72 Black i . f i 3 i The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Sell-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or hum~ps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Absoltely qttatitateil fist ietwo iyeatiqaitist d/er/a. U. of M. Co-op. DAWSON BROSa'S DRUG STORE o , f- RegFlatrClaspadarters Fa /apGiesfor solid comfort. The inowest shades 3 and designs-of one piece, pure- silk we..llmea parts heavy nickel. OLAT ALL plated brass, cannot rust. 2,5c. a pair, CLS .SILK all' dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.e, CIP718 Market Street Philadelphia uaiers orPioner- uustende LAW BOOKS 6th year Dletloriarlee 36th year In oQuts Rooks. lee Aran Arbor Legal Minelany Ansn Arbor CH ICAGO Aren AirborBramols. Stat. 'Street, Opposlte Law Blad. - r 1 l" _ i ,: __.- -' ,.., ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WAR B, THE TAIOR THE BEST OF EVMERY THING IN TAILORING