THZ MICHIGAN DAILYf------- 1F IT'S FROMI CAU(INS' IT'S 6000 UNIVERSITY NOTICES 0urBeS r nd Tooth Brshesll Ifresli girls report att olcat lar- Hard Water Soap, loc To t Brshe gemnis u for physical eaxnina- Every brush that we sell tiloit Common soaps dont lather at 25cto -10 is warranted 1ll New York menimetit teir new Are those men, both young and old, well with city water, not to shed. cliibhiouis at te crtier if State aid Sanitol olier,$Friday, Set 7''. itet ~ who dress well on reasonable ex- liihaesfr Varsity bn eta p ' lakethe anitl otake$.7theom _anitolrift nigt atC,.nsey.tIeman.strctriwhalsyRbidglBattTatls7.rtpense,, ayetoucdemandninstrictly FscwhatLeder use ll he repaatins. 'I'l(- rosmmn in French Litera- No other cotton towel is as Ask itsiteCr. iirse 23, swil inet ii Rooirod. p ss alIhesa et 6 t3Sti-lc Ta orn Regste Stein-B- toaloch Tailoringrgaizeth So that yot friends ran work. 'This cii re is itpei to graduate Wash Rags, 5c and loc. fiod you--and get a calen- sildcts and t oer~rttlites by seaoegvstehg rd arc garci lirriissiont. Jiiii. ft.Efnger. ln ie hm hg rd arc FRENCII. in exclusive patterns, fit and the best 13 3 ALK INS, Druggist. lelitrsiitire2.Frtliie- style of the day. These men we 324 Suth State Street. a tr, gkcn by Professor Iheel, miay le satisfy. changed. Stdets wising Is take this comsc ill pleter itiet ioi Ttursdlty t 11 i.,inRrr~ is Tppn hlins LINDENSCHMITI, APFEL & CO. laitinetoi-ise. 'flit ots stuiiedi this The Ureat Neckwear House. year pwill le Atfreid te lMuissttandtiti c- lori IItg. 23 If tNT.-- ito sitsite llock frm egneig libilig;newl fr nishedthrou h ut t atrhet iblay0 luegi isiwithlitit s st litsg, W bbs For High; Grade Ca nd ie s ir erou walhenddcl dw tr i tb : rie ti reati lts . hI 6i A MS MNCurhsre Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punchs, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. RENTA lrge nostin ist Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies mo enloeieiiies; rvesethiing ew.Sate Nut Caaes. 210i S. Thlatr. Rates reasonab~le.i 3- --- ---Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. The aj t~c 'Flu- Th lit s -tlet lamp for the least n n ini the, iiarl. Niel lat~ted The M aj stic Th atre Pefectini stdentilamps, whlite saie, $275 acht li. IPerin, $2.25. Fall line o riilatiis. immesh lades twicks antittEilT FO Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, oil t est quiality lit ltil litwest rines.- is fast nearing completion and when completed will be rait & °,..120 Southillz2-ut8t. one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The.-_ _ Good enough for anybody. management will resent to the patrons of the theatre soft tash atoseialty at :the sudniets' p-utndlet iniStthiv iiersity, sitcort Over five thousand useful articles at cut prices A V N E VA D VLEtier otf Curch.if Why pay more than things are worth? AD A CD V U E IL0 .. tuzit AharuClok,. 225 :Crne Main and -7 A.GY 5.c and 10c Store. and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. past \Vt1sliingtiti. t Wasigo.Hm upySoe The booking contract for the year has been given to Jerielr-y antilwateairing, teat le- Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the ntig ie. Kch 1 , . liery. t-6 ;- general public. This space has been contracted for by , ;i~lg, lhistoloigy, latreiolitgy-pth .Anflf Arbor the management for the year and it is our desire to notify ,lgclndisetgisrunsat OW E the public from time to time as to the advancement of Coodd iars ettigitsritiGti OWNES Liveries... the theatre. ..\TL1 T PERA Shi~l SSt's- Il .1u erry- Widow,"'"The Girl Ques mean right gloves - Walker's Livery tiitn " lowtner lf the Ra-celt "iil so buy Flvnes and save ,cdtie Countter,"'"Miss Ihook o trouble. Robison $Z Co. 119 E. LIBERTY ST. llttl,"TiciThea-lk if NwXYork" W. H. Stark 1'Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving andtl othrs. at Root's. i eldti IlIlPicture Theatre. -.-_ -____________________ NEW SEA .S1-ELL FRONT Younigs liats (none bettr tdoil n_______________________________ Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. um. JOE GILLARD, Prop. tle byyAlle, te Cloitier laim strset --' T e6rcesr ifr angmied cadeny orchestra an e bookedlitenunmberopais.7hsrhs FR;~ l i Start right -bhit and now stands seeinl to none in its partcuarlineof work. The very latest music lttiftll's hoe-Iltit istiwil alsiys for dncig. "Pit's sit-tenitttyoutilts alwayps' Call at (Granger's Academy Office to book Orchestra or Academy \Iiii tiee. I-6 lerntestytill irsirins TheWM. BOLLES " TA DA D M a fur gamle. Oni tatiles ine Ialhie imttke. Cshiions fast S l-iln e otr slitsw, anti sils to st.t htstot egrosS l-Fline LAW BOOKS I327.sit 0 No ink under cap when you are ready to 36th year Dictiosnasria 36th yea write. In. Quiz Hooka iS'm No buttons or humps. Air A-a. ~glMaolasy A~mA-b. No Ink dropper to lose. CALLA HAN ~ CO.No leaking. CHICAGO A21CANTA3 THREE AArA.bor Hraa. State55.Stret. Oppoite La.w'1H1d9. fJ(y~JAliohily isconleed for wo yero agiost deferhs Gule ShnkhterteSeCoU. ________ CUTrecffr Mkrf(l neieindiionnrnhnit j MICHIGAN PENNANT PHOTO NETS U. of M. C'p * Dcrste your room with one. In the center of every net there i a Michlga ______________________ o-p * Pnrnart Isa in I The netting is made of the Highesitrade of Ssa-ohoud MO'S SHOPRS SDRGSTR T Twine tOahft,100;5xanft., g O tther nets without pennants, .'te and tc. MESBARBER SHSOBRSP DU TOE . * All newu entpotpaid Pennants of all colleges made to order. 75NrhUiest v.J:i ul I.aS. LINGUIST, OELI, OHI. BOX 14705 N .Orh ALW AY . ; IE IN .A T LE MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING'