The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M[CHIGAN, THURSDAY, ?NOVE~MUR..R; 10 No. 3q. ------ - - -- PE K Y SE T S LE soin hor, all persons hodig tickts ronm oo o 75inclusive shonld e at GOES ON WITH RUSH sad oti mornin.At% tandr an tis thogthat swhen the stock Over 11,000 Tickets Sold Yester- of nusismbers i''nestat s o'clock is x- ,day-IlnterClass Championshiphaseteblofheaewilav Game As Curtain-Raiser.__ -- ~In ordeIr that te tisie ieore the tse- Openingiteproceedings with sa rshstsgissisisg of sheIig gasse will ot grw -utiliing twss issanings of Isevwotrd teioss, Ise Atsetic Assciations has e- snltaneosty-a lngtinsgue oh stsdenits ciedt to ilt the caspiossship gane if patiently awaited turns tos get a csnce the isterclass series as a curtain-raiser yesterday at the seat for ithe nsn"foritIe Pesns game'Te class game. game, aisd when te Athletic Assoia-in5 wichssI it is likely that onlyt 20 or 23 tan closest sp shsopsfor Ite dasy 't a iis sts Isales will te played. wilt pro- o'clock inire thsasn t000seats Isadt beeni ll itnIi iat s'clock, adais 5son as sold, assil there si-rcismire ttssiss4io stilthe, clsssschaspioshsip is seided the waitig for their turds. Wisthtsesex-tias i ih islet lst decide;te ti tersee- 'eption of the rushsisg thtstmnsredt the tisstiaspremsay sof tecunitr swil trot attempt Iss secure tplacesin the lisse ait teseiis thfiItt very beginning of the sae, teicilyis isiseu loatng with sunptrecdetedtct sot- sScre t prascticc iiitprparations for he ness andI with te igges etpIrtts game cotiiueiscvtera. Owing tis sntchrndest it lioks as if theseasttsdete slppy cnditionisioo the fel, the swoisti te conissedititshout anysitIof slitheor iswsilt isiste litgridiron. The sissaisfsction tlosstIsss soisetimies beefs vaisiy iswas shoed throg a hard sig- cts'rseteristie f the adacsedsaeibi-ist patic ee stetethe soss'field, ut fore ig gaine.noscrimmsiissage was attemiste, s Coach Direcor Fisiriladotsedt sinews-s stissdshes nitiw ih its gis ito the 3Penn saugeisesitthis yia, anis far it hs °\isu is Ii'full srenigthTh'ets prosvedl ciuinenitt'sast isfatoryies. Theien workit ye issteras- sli'i minarkedt fign o ire east hasliositheotic m l ieacserssi.555cl mi'es ii helinisept, altif.tle svarsits reservedt Isisstudsents adsuetyes-tt mo isisis n lg itothe sigia tprctice. ters-anyonesf wsomiouldesisitscre os seat isi this blocoe 'f 4,00 seats ia tst s'shsre'ari essistitle of stres tsat ar redusecdl, price of 30cenits. Thsi "is s" ligoig -teiisssstsn sits oansid Isi iVl- tin tegiss at the center f hefi l iiiscrins islusies alt ofithecti css btween 555Iii (t,ernisSii culzt drgget Yist over ;r5-rd lhne ansI te endothif leacithi- sites cetofIthe gym teiter after- it's" nonliii t i iit i f great mystery asi tn all 6,300o sesat sere exemsptedsitfroii seccciescss 'Yost extected ts hear scisme tie sate hest yesterdasy for the benefli i ito ofthe isigas'hail besisie knoswis adi she pusblic, ndt 'f these 6fi00iio tice-s trossctt suoer widil eske, ut weiei were telfor ssteits. fSectisonsJ ii iiiste o suwy Ifcriss te'cross-i, the 2 o-ouni nirth tsleacheis conaisinssigs00et s o cntrI skdunit aisiwshiserig svoic' reerveds-fi r iii eIvasitit t lyrss sit s ssi cleitsysuitrareciIt' oiiutis 'irc frisnds. le tboard o f rgnsiri- c-sor sftsr this-, ineminersf tir' tress. .'Acrssss tild t i's i'is e smsatter'?"askes Yost. in the southIbechesrs 5al5eiisitireihuble i"Well, ci sceni ct cii (Grmanasy, etons st tsresentr of he ild-tt ii nc hswao ig thes' sslupiniiiIsisthroat, 'ccr- hosnsatis-is tbeig sve 'feasis1Ic11i, itah-my gic lisks Isim gtiigtatid, asd asnu jiudgiing froistewa I ets,'si-gStir w sant, itoqitswierisg thetisisg." setlig insPhladlphtia, thesalltmnt '- "o '" ''ltiles1 Yost ''itstatss ass hcsrs os' tosslarses. hIsir lieUfintsi accor'dinsgl, asties' thestudets had t Asit poiois 'issis iwas uslft ii tic bietss allowseditotitketir icki' of t5e. 5 puIllsedis iilt issnibsoreli'. ;0 'cent sets, threswere' lt ysitis mossrning forte gsneralsale sit'sniiss" ' sr-ias lctrng te scud isilsthess the niliorders-the folowsing sieitistsns: it itafter -i scrsismige this esstirs- aesstsitf ifthe snorthi bliach-s 1 eeSireIi iellowsasidsiesr,"Iswast irs, exlnsusie of icSo t as c5'55 ontainediiYiosiallstoisge"t ii bseiese' ight lefore its SectionisJ; le essire sossitslaht 'ltcks 51 ii ire;isis dsIdon1 i t 'i esu is exceplt thesecs'stionssgis-nsto Iii hu adh toui t anyt i it iis nsihtsteits''.I's-c lie esidt bseachlers st te weticsd5 of sit hr ithit somesnofiysoisfelowsssasve tts'heistd-aitotal ,of 'usoehs i ga ighst"anlithasi t uss ghsave ithain thans i,005i5seats hniai n g i grea"sissstufttos, litst dn' Is wiasst first fesiedit htu ssembeieveit.iYouisis tetver sdis snygthig oh flinsg tsuisthe (si-i odercreet's'5 cousi ldisitlikethIsa tso Iou, s usselils?" tie devised h uisles souldibetsastisfactr,' ( "No,.sir, i-- -,'r'pli'dtthe lg tut the sassociationsiuatty sdeidedisponta inemn haplpy semne, which hasismaisie a it 1 "D. ' idot, Schulz? Ihie tectiosr ema'ininsg 'yesterdayugumsrn- " io sire. snot coii yousr life." sg were hblockedi oftsoil the uailordsinti "Wissel, I ldit thistlethat yost is, ad suduents were givecn their seats i isis I lust herrusos." alternate sectlis. Fosr examiptle the Nosiristattes that "Geruany" ars students isn line were aliusedl toicisose Cntinued on Page Four.) their seats frostsSection sI wsilll Sectioiss- - MI wnouiltic givensto hise out sto us 'tiwn l/0 . hhBE'IAt'TO'I'DLCTURE patrons 'its the sordrisswhich. their IN TA'PPAN SAlL , TODAY applicatiosadhuasrrired. Isthis isas. its, - phuuusuianthstudiensts suitwishinssg o thes'condt numert'out the Cerce st'n thte reducedt pric sectinsss wr. h'ais'satiqe lrascais series of free le- giveneqiual consiterations srs byhi'i ssussrs of te Frcth faculty Although us ,ooo sesats have beii soitwill hegvess iT'atutan ahittlecture there are sill avsaiale aiut 6,om ood ooi m isius st :00 this afternoon. Thinsb- seats, the miajorit sif shich ill soubt- jectis 'sit Pas hBasque." 'The talk lss he sol today IDirectorBaisiru illt ticgisems hg Professor eiat All isishedc' the systenm of nusmbehring muore sre invied to attendil flly explained, in order that studuets Tlhuirsdaym, Nov- 4, the talk will e swho have uot yet purchased their _tick- g-ems byi ProfI-Hugo P Thieme The vs will not haseo standsilinhe fr susjct withlle "A travers a France." hstourns t a timse. Yesterday numbssir were given out to the msen itslhue, rust- ;studienats desiring to wait on table ninug as highs mis900 Before shiv da's at time iiiganu Union Banqumet swuck _endesh all numbuhers uto b5 oo hasds heen cared for. Consequently at 8 cetport stin octinC, University Ifall, o'clock this morning tumbhecs heginning Iranctl a or Friday, Nov.. 7-8, snubh6(M will he given consitderafions, amid, frossa'4 to 6f. Previoua experience Is it is possihle to dispose of abosut ra isANaifinag' sn table is necessary. HOLDS 110111W UNION BLAIBLESS Robert Clancy Writing e1 Sut- day's Celebration akes~- sponsibility. Thy stormi of disctssion following Sunday night's clebrsfions on here tunsof she footisalteams frtmn Nash- ville, has sut et subsh.ide. Many oin- tousswere isoiced yesterday, ad the -esss takens in thirstssema in most pare toi te ufasorsihle to the semonstraion. IHtet Chick president of the Mich- igsan msUnisrpyig to a qtestion whlethses theis utost ad encoraged the celebraton, sait: Nos The Union had nouthinmgschaevr ethisdo switsorganiig- thse s chicbr usisnsof last Sunday night. uAnyianmshaslt iprssins-to thu cotrary sir' errinsis ansds' ist shout fouiation" tiaC ooliese s noss iinsed for a ig cs'lebration5suin vitorsy He says:5 "If the teamssss lithcr s nsouesgreat necessity for asisg clebration.s But if it is de- fete her shy gumvethmcu a grad welcome, ishIethisr usist isuday nightf or not" Robers I t ll. miCsasu in eimmication toi 1T s i inD ' gaiiousy- takes all re- spiiity- fs ouriorganiing the eletra- sits smithciiirects the upressions that the ivhigan sUnion hid, auything what- evses u teso itiisthc affaic.He inites "h'Ir lusIbhatms.for tiecelebration of misc Isistbsall t'ims return Sunday ight histbeen laisd at thur dor of the iictiga nuhsiosn. Please alloss' ne to stateuha tnthiv rsponsiiiity for the whole sftir lies siihsmus, I pannuedshfle affair, csollectedh he misone, ought the fire- wnsrsstund ditrbuted thens A numer of felsw studentsiswere accessories, ut Sheyt'scedh st miygrequeust Membhers of the foostbal eam a sskdtsie to act on tie eommuite thassi coslefed the money fr tic scrubssand the Afhluetic Asso- cisations reqtuessted se o ake sole charge of thy repiorts of misc anderbilt game its 'nisisersityital, as well as the wet-' come t'ousthiv fosotbaltemnson Sunday night. I sswss udetr cslor of this dele- g'ste sdauuthosriy thiat I explied the Sususlsi'night cleb'tinii idea and the deficit inthie Scruubs' 15usd to the Audi- ensce iniv ii esiy Hflal Saturday after- noon. The stuents sands faculty mem- bers whoss iere pesent gae liberally andsu ntarhsusssiyi 'f sseir msoe.'So much fr thus et-sf te case Thse post-morustems spcislists are now sut anduu 'cesting fle ton-ois agistsftie Facuult, the Student Coun- cil, the cergy std the police for not tresvntisg the ceehration, and against' 'fig .VishCsssuAsss [DAsY for aidig thiv affaireuiturialy By a strech of tie imatsginsations, fle Michigan Union was asoi dragged into tie affair None nf the zealousu reforcmsers were fhem- selves herdeinithtmuakef-place cryng~ osut against fle iiquity eoe it o- curresd,asuit'ithey hdlusiiItll and ae- q~uate notiiec thsat the event was to fran- spire. 'fle freworks were not ought untilitStu'diy nison, smithupon protest, they ight neer hasve been oughf. Onuthmiscfirs Sundtay evening of last Jiune, hiv suduentsasuetfownnpeople we- consent 'ich fle trck team from the EasternIn iteriollegite Meef. Yells, soings, es-in, the U. of M and, a huge hoire nc sear the campus, and se- eral doubleh-arreedsh totguns were used to ctonvey to the track team the pride ands gratitude of tie assembled hosts.' ft sins Sundayiand yet no protest was made Andsomafromo ftie immemorial Michigsan's athletic feanms have been welcomed houe on Sunday evening, If fhe Sie hss come fo aoish Su- dlay ceebrafins, well and good. Bt let us do tar good deed whth less hard language. RomgT CAe."' Presidlent Harris of the Student Coun- cil contribufes the followings "The mriter of the communicaion' Sgned VP, ta, i .in s. wo a that Have ignor he quetin of Sun- dy rsti iak , Why d .en'f the Student Gbli act' . Is there no authority wich~ can forefetd similar ,evets$?' Whd he Asked himself these quesions 6fore gfrint notoriety to the situation, hte woud, nodoubt, have called the altetioan of the Council t, tha case We rlalie that it is olyi witj the hxelp and, supjra of thte sttdnt, individually and as a hdy, thai exiting evils ansI mistakes can be rectif4A. It was the duty of E.,1P Unum to call the atten- ion of the Council to' what be considers a wrong state of-agits,at it is the dity of all students infotrtted in the welfare of flhe University Notoriety is oe way of acconmplishing tip ent, but a leon ipublic way is to call upon the Council, This mst nt be ostued as umeaning that puliity shopuld'tnot be giveun to existing evils, in ouar euskst, but that pub- licity should e ._fron thte'ivstigat- hng comnmitte of the udt bdy, tim Student Council, "An error that this wier, tgethec with others, has fallen inttwis shown by his uention of-the Council's assumptions of police power The Council members are not policemen, nor ae thy uemners of a court o try, police. cases, Thue Council las only asserted tht in cases affecting the fair name tnd interests of fle student body or tht1 University i will constitute itself as a court of in- quiry' It has no legal right to try cases in lieu of'the justice ourts,.-no matter boss desirable that might be, but in cases where fle welfare of the University or student body is at stake it will investi- gate and pass judgment, regardless of court decisions. The Council will investiate this mat- ter of Sunday rooting at its naeeting -,ext'Miwuay, stint if E. P. Unstn or others having ideas upon this maer will communicate with me or any othr Councilman, their views will be care- fully considered, B. HiARRIS, FIRST DEUTSCHER' VE4IN RECEPTION AT BARBOUR GYM The first 1f the series of Deutscter Verein receptions to faculty and news members will be held this eveing in Barbour gym, 'Prof. Max Winkler, head of the German department, will welcome those who have just been elected to the Yerein They are Messrs. Raps, Fri- day, Willey, Moore, Monroe. Carstens, Hebler, Marquard and Kat. There has also .been a new sophomore girls' section organized this year with twenty- three members. The elections to mem- bership this year, however, have not been closed. 'The social committee, R. Schottsteadt, chtairman,, Miss May Baker- and Miss D~eardorf, have made arrangements for a series of literary and social evenings to be held throughout the year. Each ncttgis to b devtd to a different Jade' in Germatogtand litrature T'he programs will consist of readings, music andl informal talks by faculty mnemnbers. The reception tomorrow night, being the first one of the year, is to be on a laer scale thns some of the others., There is to be music for dan- cing ad light refreshments CARL, SMITHs OKLEA DInSCSSION. Carl Smith wil lead the reguar Thursday nigh meeting of the Y M C. A. tonight. At 6:5 he will give a short talk on topics of the day. This 'will b followed by an informal dis- cussion. Seveal delegares from the Suet Association will atendtadhe General Con- veto Df.tC.,Y M. C. A. at Washing- D:Cconljtuauig from Nov. an to a6. UP- coe' 4,tes intertational and will be addreused by se'eerat prominent met, Theodore Roosevelt, William jen- niings Bryn, Amassdr Bryce, Gov- ernor etlkt. jo-niR. Mtt, and Robert E . Speer amongthew. DEFENDS POLICY IN ATHLETIC FINANCES Clarence E. Eldridge, After In- vestigation, Declares Adverse Criticism Is Unfounded. Clarnscce E.. Edridge, for 'i'n DALY, tins saanit asnsvesigationi of the recent sttsck, it a conmunication directed agansst te Athletic Association, He sets forth Iis viemws of the siuaion~ in the foloinog afice: Oswing tos the recent discussion regacdI isag the satitudehcassussuesh hbyithe Ahh ti Associatioma regarding tflsuebsnih, a suml vey of mtsc situation, acked y a lit ressirchl work. seims to e a propo Like' Mr Rheinschild, Iantsnot here graftfussthe AthleicleAsscaton, uts like im Ius asm s ssusiug he duty-as sptinug editoruofsit luthAt,s---of pre- sseinug the is'deeof thus' seaker eemnt.u It assst he admittedt that B's con- munaiuosits a rcent issue of TE DILYt wins ini large part tru-at least truss'it sosumaricas the author said, "For if so, then thins' ar a couple of thsousansd cthrs mum lhe Uiversity"-- nanmelyhyold urh the sentiments x- pressedh in the commnatication. "B" was sincere in wnhat hems-oe; of tt there is little dosu-HiIls nmaimn defense must he tuat Isvsis woefully igorant of the true conduiionu of affairs of which he attemsptedt to inite First, sands problyimo' st ismportant of all cut theehalenges i shiito make to Iis insicle is one regarding the financial conditionssofstthus'Athlecic Asociation and she hearnmg that financial condition wouulIssue ini a master ike sensing the scrubts tim Nasllehh. It is sell inown in sa vaguse sit f way'uttthe Athletic A'sssocisationthisisbesnci tssaatremendous expsense tie past ess years it complet- ing the imaprosvemsents on erry Field- the exact amuont spent is of course of little imsportne-ands there is not a studesnt inthle hiUnivrsty who will not poitsouut Fecrcr'Fiedt n.sweck from Sat- urday to-muhus frindss as hiv finest ath- chtic fiehldi America Anoter itcm of a fiancial character sihichs pays no incosiderahle part in thse fact hunthiv athletic association is 'ionthle rocks"-ass B pus it-is the disastrosus efect producedt y the Con- fernmce actioss Not only dos the su- sents get reducmeds prices for fooall ticets-wiSch for the Penns game alone will curtthSlasssociatiounore than $5,om00-1111t thcesntire fotbl~al season is F/onexamspse, it his always Sure st omauryithischage $.o for the Ohio Statc gassy This yar it was lim- possile. Ohio State brought along a crowd ofsit sudents and it would have been manifestly unfair to chage visiting students $uiwhile our own studtents were admitted for 50 centn. To dimen'minae hetweensiom State studets and their friendts would have een impossible; hsence she general reucion in price and the resuling loss to the Athletic Asso- ciation. Upoms the Yanderilt game and the Peunsagsme mush: depend Michigan's ath- letics fteflencuisieear Iithe varsity sqtuasd were twenty-one players, and the emntie pary consisting of coaches, train- ers, and mnsagers consisted of twenty- six persons who were taken to Nash vible, at ass expense of more than $,30 Mtiichigain's shae of the receipts of b gAmne were $3,40, leaving a profit to Ihe associatioin of $,10, while it would ave takenm nearly tie entie amount to ake the. scrmubs to Nashville in the same way that the varsity was taken. Does shah appear o fai-minded men that the scrubas' expenses would he hut a drop, in the bucket, as compared ho the sofat receipts of the association,"' as "B" so eloquently pust it? Concerning the claim that the scrubs could be sent wish pant of the money tContinued on Page Two.)