THE MIC?!1GA? 15 AILY Sam Burchlcild's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclified Co106 & C.EAST HURON ST. Do you a-, 7 for $ r Call at ou 'a~or-, sos' h.-'t particulars 001the Saice .' o'. 'c Companys great nt l=3.y i#o, h reat s tec'. o ooo in iilt pot araions. BROWN'S DR.VG STORY; 120 E. Lberaty St. ALARMI CLOCIKS~ $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 I All tiehe st maes aid ful, uar o nooa MICHIGAN PINS ANI) FO3S 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the An Arbor Riflioad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN S. Branch: 304 S, State St. The Reason Why of Pps nt V Tooeo Carsa iaet, Watch the Window R. E. JOLLY'S '(l oh SaeSre MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hairtjioods, Hairdresing, Shmpoig Manicuring, Face Massage spcilty. 322 S. State St. ('P Stalst Bel Phone 391 _BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK5 MAIN AND HUR~ON STREETS Capital, $o,oo, Srpius and Profits, $65,01 General Backlog Business, 3 peeet pidt o Time and Savings Deosits. Safety De- posst Boxs to rt at $2.00 and upwaeds It. KmpF, Prs. W. 1. SEeVtNS, Vhe-tes' P. H.RBaLER, Cash. H. A. WiLoss Ass The Ann Arbor Savings Bank' Capital sk, $50,000. Surpus, $;20,00 Resources, 2,200,000 A General Banking Business Tranacte 'Oreneo: Chas. E. ilcoel,-teesW-1) Hariman, Vice Prs.: M.t Frie ashlr STATE SAVINGS BANK; W. . Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wm. Arnod Dr. V. C. Vaughan Ja. H. Wade E.. M..Sils John Baner Jno. Koeh Prof. H. S. Cahart tHer W. Dogas Christian Marin tinn P./Zimerma FIRST NATIONAL "BANK Oe AssABOR, MICH. P. I). KINNE, HARRiISON S011Li. Pres. Ve-Pes. S. W. CLARKSOIN, Csir capital, $00,000. Srplus ast i lofts. t 10)00 VVi11,1, tidGiJN 'l'\Y (Cotiet~ad feromsrace One.) woual.1 tot he adis.ale to let the var- solo rest for ill' oxweris hefare(lie ltig -acwihutacotntest of any kiltid, sa .10001 Saonortia the tittal Vaorsitsy-Reserv-e : ftile sea'iso ill lie pttlled atf. Mciii) ars.ofte athletic atsoaciatiaon will beo aditted to this. gamtetipoti the tat'-. scttona ho hate of their memther- bu trin; theoreslof tts'e week ottlda haolf tof ial patlooltofor the iEgttl ga " I~ l varsity' = ''.oo' a1 1b'e itorkiiog itt sc- '1'0 .00 , s ,Ind iwith 00h000' pilot of Satir- ho' tlt- stud11enlos will1 hare noi chanceo t o liii the tat wichit til1 'repre's scm tliem illto iis'reatest gattit'ofthe 00a-- ' ha ()ll b ' l igiterseter ioalbtottle. AC0-dnl. '.101 tte ha'. suiggoested that it000,01 le go d 0'0 0011iideao to 11(1111anit ta- '0) 10'0111.' clebrt'iont on1 tile tfter'tiniot f the loas' (100a00tire. It is liklyhtiat a lih-igoiol (prac1tice' soll be citecithtll 'lamthe ay efore the .11110 iatolCoachl '1ost 0100lo-ft'eindruced op~enith(le gatle' othe' I ls ea' tintllt' oif tile 55'ort'I . Tl 00'slonl was0to havI' a'. many o'det o iotl could' 00 get fint1(1ooheaffair to march1 to tle a'ltictofIildi, ledif tossi- lo ythe lb oarseity) 10011, 00n11 tlenelto go lt1-0 1shotl 1workoooutillpaciclintg it a1 toolloog ottoal(orepoot'oioto'o foot ll- rca t) o f.1 the. lhorde' blat w1ill o 1 hiooo e) 1100b o o'the foliow1iot a y00. ,ice 1of ' 101think .o£to.? 0 oach'iiYosot a :I:c last night. lin ab ut. he sai. (01000llt 1wer1- '0'. a(t s ia l o f t.;tricky foot- 00 00 11111-Co er t Ill en 1o1the 1 1Ii 1110'eadthe 1ame 11m. So \w'I- CtoolltO't o ll'.0 traogftt0011 U(1 0011005 Mchga ltamastto ey0' I( ~o 1001ag. T e arnied0 ''. thy1 rc0lo g hfcorwaordlto "1'l1 to 1 1 10011at ('to k a e ,(ll'III 0 y abo t itme . te' 1.1 oi1k l Martof (to'e Vnotderboilt Arli oll 00(1111r, s otsmanlike clilti- 100nof11w0 00 wen e aidi- 0I]. 1 lo 5 0011 si0 11 too10 1m11chi foor t'h y' lay d olo oi l loi l t ihe tay lromla nd hey-bea usfairly. 0f ' h00- ied ntrered w1ith (lhe ), C1 o the lasbittt'ottr 110yslayeod "J ii00 lobltevthatlothIley'coould11ha11 00td a o ' tochow10 ,10 itll'(thol'.' da's' _0 0' IC IT (l ltys heidl maogniihcently. hal0 1w t al wa i l ta ger 011111 it 0us heo oremembe 'roed lt-it ite both ws Cl 01s 111111tim 1'.as talld. It: ws'.0111" l... It is.01101to oilig to l tlc --i'essof hoot Vondo'.ltootoplaoyoeo Moicligan- lie Vo olt Ctn' super.l~o'ioroity oilpraotiically v'ery''stage'oflthoe tiolod by the soot'.'. DIo11 ' i to'.hegame ichigat carried tite IItn totns11i10mthanttw~iri' a'.far is odto''Vandioilt. .II the fi rst hIth '.'Coottttiooro" adl- '111ed11theoolil o ion ottns 9'7011ar1s, to I.tyars forthletN' lo eritto'.'.lbtt intt he 1 cit Iaf0Vonodotbibt gaine0d ottly 41 to (intis w01an1111\lio'ligat adoai8i2 'ord toocr oot: lkitog a toobal of0 380 yard1s. ool'1Voaoder'biltandool2114 Sot' Iiciagandoldw . ino 1p01lt''gboo' holl IloomoiotiI tolad Ale (h et fBob Blaoke. The tool' ot loooooelb'hehl r;timhes !Wrioo" th'e0g1010e1fora01toolodisitnce aS o0 Ya'1011, 'an oloro ~eotf t2 yarod'.. (lake mute 3 ie o 72 oorois. iin irer- 'eof 3l Yad,; Toe(toll otas'.pl~lotito (01.1y0onat kicik- .Oh fortingoe's. lTreo''(f t''.e'timets it as' Itoed 5('ms lyooke. 'rie 1111h was by0' ito1(11 oaotofort'40tyarois. In rigig'th ohil baoon.'111kieks. Iicha l had oi too e.((to' tolof it, tetuintg ' 0100(11g '.35'YrodIto I3gofoor Vandooer- ilt. Fancy Vests Men's Jewlery Flannel Shirts Umblrellas b'e'arus' ootey h01001 loe to'.e ( i t .01111 111111t lt'e ftlnllle.n al ~ 0 ingto '.0e10(1 1 t lgh anM n ' '.o ha0rd01(0to01s tohimttoh(at he (bings (tim- self otp. hW'e'are Norose hattered thait oe ill'.fter heooCa' game, bitt it is f 1roott ' difetlreasoon, lTis time wsac:: boattered.louser'',seandlto)a((liiimle Ity Spalding Sweaters (Clovtes ":lit ll hto'a'1great teamo. 0 wouild- SirsTies n t ooe surpiseditf itire.'thte best int Underwear Belts 1(1100110111y.1Thoyoare.'hig, mioghtty lig, isplece sod unosuiits an lhykow o wotolt o iplayn. lTte'are Hs oO ftll y wou e111 oll i. I ittlind (liey'are Hats 1)0 f It'. e(rooflo 1'. tolthey soere better Caps Pajamas than ve wee, h 01.' ,fooughtth((ent (satd. Suit Cases Nighit Rohes STAEBLER &WUERTII 211 Sn MAIN ST. WATER-PROOF COLLEGE SHOES XWe have them, and the kind especially mtatde for such wear. Heavy douhle soles to heel, thrnughly viscolized with rawhide middle sole absolutely water light in TIan, Browan and Black Leathers. . Dress Pon-ips The largest atid finest Eahta a >nlietelhorse ltties,' assotmetnt ever shotwnt in 1 (cg o o t t o OF .35 y'lods'.atnd 1AtnniArblor. C oame atnd try \,iteloogoo tietroeo( e looeo'ttto kicso.on0)1a00hair that soillfit your 'too. cn w o otm. Va oderbilt heels. C Joiuplete lute of 'oo'd oone'.' 00101 ooo'.'.'o it. Vneblhedilcloigoito for doawnts Walking Ties, Price $4.00. n1 1110 oco ns. Vandl\itoerbillwsinot'. oo '.4 .iekot llilo n! W O v Shoe Co. Grntan rlci thle NsllTe n-01LARUEST QUICK REPAIR SHOUP IN CITY. )00' P lot o ae. l leo s i "As a -enr 0011u e o t orless' visit- 1g '.o~oolo'. ' ust l oly ota'rroiv it tliu 'arri of 111tooloi10looolbut Pet'a oiled atT..S l f. U e tap. ll to t'.istreo'of to'e(Red 01110ndI S challffner & Marx __________ gl ' loot'.uc to 1" .1 -lotiu ley F0ield tuIit''.!'hos '.pr00111t10er00 IlclALL W~OL U T Z 110ci '.'rry 'Co h l't orire atod jasssed e ''enesee, whuoamtie C L 0 IN GThe Clothier. ) NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR S'uit-, Overcoat or We are showing the right style at the right time See our Hats and Spalding Sweaters WADHAMS Q CO. S-EE The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigns in V. of Ma PILLOWS AND BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods everything isi Bric-a-Brac. F~i.shion Stor.e 121-123 Sa Main St. tierman American Savings Bank 0 Y ~atl FUNERAL ,a e Comct.1l.nd 0ce 2011 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Ptn ethrBlsmade with aol-Ho Savlasiteldenee 302 S. t Ave. Phone 31 eialholometnt a akt mathhy1 urski 10or lou'.e, 25e. Send as