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September 26, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-09-26

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_ _ _ _

All Article' fore
Sach a
Soaps, Towels, Comsb,
Brushes, Tooth Powesr, Pastes,
Tooth Brushes, Shaving Brushes,
Strops, Toilet Waters, Etc.
Microscopical Lab.
'srt last obtainedat
Corner 'St lt St.ad NsUi v. Atve
Money Loaned
Ori WatchesiDiamoends, I aeiBotots
or other persoal property.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Watehes & Dismonds
Office it residence 331 F. Liberty St
Ann Arbar.
Hears: Stal:30 a.m., 1130 andi7tot
Bannlers all I Pillowvs
224.226 S. Stoic St.
Studensroomiitgaonthet' lasltside at
x antdy plae to Say their
Drugs, Toilet Articles
Stationery, Candies
and Cigars.
i~o ales io keiepeelyltin'sneetdttIin
toar line. 'eices right.
Try our Soda The Best in the City.
East University Pharmacy
i1il9 S. University Avenut'.
V. ofM.
Barber Shop aild Bath Roonis
Esrarythiseg Firas-clea
LamestShop ino Ohe Ctty

P'Calliltt turnetd te taleis andtooitek
swecet reege ilthle sttphomaores llti
iigh. ttan f eight holtd, bad freslh-
tutul attackedtl'oaet-ttor_ hutmable soptho-
mottrea'ndttloIcked i i l tlathittromitil O319
Lfierty. Thtent,ltttoath', what gallant
getitlettiithey Nor c, they Itushledlthe
laex' unttlcrthe door.
Latcr a ibuticht tf fiteenfreshmen
fttrcl at seophtnatmaedlN ewhtuff lttake
re'finetinta tire aftterticiriaitig limiiof
isi shelis. ''heinl ltevallowed htitito
dctetttli t the groiitttrstaddbegged lils
pardon f'titiitg tis shotes and sidl
thetthottthettotint tatkettffenise at
ther atin. hefreshmniare certaintly
pete e tres I ei tcctlillc
OaQidgt Cretinge aindwt iafter Itree
feheIlai io :MhcQuillanand'iuanli
lter, tthttt cesiie il Thyeratreet. Thaey
wrmtat lte doerit' iiithe lantdladlv
.It tttatigttlaticl a lucita i t cih stich
,-oodeffec thatthe s ahomo euetri-
c itlhtut thircitrey.
'hle ottecualaiCC oftilteUntiversciy ibis
sac twill eceedcu all others stnd will ap-
1-roachithtitc ,ootl Imark if it dotes nt
catachithaiit igtucc. Ilue' cnrolmct in t
aIi decpari tmen ti eccccdsthaitlof;former
)ear; th ,_rat t crasas bie ientain
cci ci aliicccin ti idepaent. I cre thiece
';re ti dte lftetstdenits othiatlast
.\it it'ittropetis fotr 1ttti 3110 lttre
'11w li trary eartmieea wil ratlyi
laelhel iet lrget icrease, cithlte'
11lis a lsetir.Th awce den\tale,
'' )il paciii tutu 1 aiii acthghie 5aC
lihtii cierii nictshoingol' thteystare
i111.1thangioltthir.2 bacilicaFor1211:
tlm ofi ithe easas1Scy Wde
'lh ilro'iaisa nelit ' ilaig nieseit
tvratIlitithe all."il
aTil 10nro letto'da't e l 3-9erry
1.0'3:11e11ineeing,1,29-letdight, t20
'tie ,;(icli hormc' -ticl ;iiioi'ellathiwc,
C2 'tiltental Iti
Tiryet'u11s e stmemadici Iadefs.R6-
Nomi'il e if ite atoomllvgrvfeasoirce
abler ai iChuch store',211. 5'3-9i
1lc'R II c\!itrt rg t lu
lPe't tie ias' 'hoes-the1111'uaill flysl
he i'n'5stelici 1iltit sylt ah e h ate-S
Mails strcot 1-6

ue ishl to annunce ttotall silldents 3
desiring stationiery, that ace are the cole
algeints of thle celelleatell troiwn, Eager Conkljn's Self -Fillind
H -ull Cut.,of T'ldoiOhioadhae 1 1 hadafn sormn ftelates TeCotg. dsinofXlcgasainryGivSadrdF u a n P n
11s a1 call antI wic'will tdo ouri'hest to '
Viesare' alto ini s poeition til furnisha
frlterntiies owii their fraterniity papie, TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS
hiaving on hanl a fulli sri hf dics of Snld in Ann Arbor by
cvcry- fraternity, excellcd Ity'nofirm in
te couttiriy. Aestdentst we solicit GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES
x'ouri raes ndi'1w11outl~lli e'gladto 10have'c
you1 ca11tll ln t511111 looik tole 'tuck ocer .AND...
fee youre self.'t'ypew'riling andine~tintg SHEEHAN &COMPANY
nlealyl' 1111 correctly dite. Jolliffe
Kilttilier, otie'eCoi-til. Bthliphlones.
\V\ NTI) 'l'wc'lv'e tillstatlers iey
bowaclin~g alle'y'to wikc ivi e ic' ursitle laily,
at Hutlon 1llet)., ;112 ,ottltState'. 3'4
Gloodtl enoir sotloisl t'santed foe hrh -' eOWtteeli
work t Appy111 i ate'esat 312 5'.lDiviion F4 READY
PO()REPNT-A'1fnc sutitc: of room~sY=
for laie'. Inqiretie 3 3t1 E.Libeteey.t
PIANOS 'i'OlRENT sit Scelalec
&Sitn. All musttical suppie~is. Ncew'Io-
catin, t110 S. 7aiin street. t
---" - -The new fali line of college goods is now complete with the
If youl arle' lhokinlg foi' gott odsoardat
$30ie ich ty'11. ~O, choicest and 030s1 varieil new things ever shown. Rg Ui,, CUNT IN
fill Curllch street. 3')9 &Frt ill i, cldrawv youlr particular attention to their superb display
-- --t-of new tdesigns in Manhattan Shirts.
PIA.NOlS 101R RliN' 1--Aitlihe if
choiieclnew pialnos at Rut's .Mlusie Men's New Fail Gloves of all leading makes
till onlac)yIite. ltree' ting. If Men's New Fall Neckwear Mon's New Fall Underwear
Sece iouri' om'letlce ta'of lli 'sttt
tils, litbs aad souventirs.1llsine'r'c A fill variety of new styles of these world-famous hats to
Jeteclr Store, 216 5. Nttinteet coedt select from': Stetson. Carlton, lilowards.
\Vc tpacou to hacomie' down ownefortieMen's Fall Caps, prices from 5oC up.
yoittlaboatolry asupp~lies. Cuitdeetat'
1db isiitor. 1-12
Nieehtanttdetal outlt anduetal wtti C ot l~nF ie el.
enin'ie'foerstleccait. J. U.\Wtts, I3
Ilst i be hrty street. 1-3

If xytutwattthe Itest foutnttaitn tell it
thec city, gi'o t C'tusint's, 336 Sothl
Stalete'Iert. tf
ITle Kempflli Attale Stuitoits-.Ptia,'tu
tite pipetrganfii, lclo itionl. 312 5'
ivtisiont cretl cod -191
t f()R RIENTI-Larerhitase suitable
forittfrterntytotiesorourity. Sec 1 J.
I trke I actece'loick, cornter Annitande
1, ourth treets. 1-6
See ourl coletl'nlue tif ihiigsan
pilsflts ail soutvenir's. IIlae's
Jewelrtoriie,216 5'S.l Manstreet. eodl
Itner oite f all hkindesat i I iceLovell's,
331 'a SateIcstreet. We d-il

For Finrest Cisinse
Served a la Cakrte
Prices Most Reasoriek bie. MACK & CO.
EY LlNE OnWatchee. isamtands, Catl Jewriry. antd all
t ithChlassCttelatiri and Colltleral Secur-
ityBuea sa.sst 'atlnidenstial.
104 tFoitr'lht n ueu oalpousite ret os e.I
'Twoiudooireuutloutht'ity V. MC. A. W. J. LOURIMj

STUDENT OUTFITTERS QL very man seeks style. Our garments at
Class Caps tract attention wherever seetn. We take plas-
tieLahoratory Suits 'WAGNER & CO. tre in showing our goods at all times.
Gymntasitum Shoes STATS STREET-SIGN OF THE BIG SHOPLW aemn xlsienvlisa ou
Hospital oatsQWehvmayecuienvlist o -"
Detatl Cots 'lar prices and will e glad to have you see
The-Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 South State Street THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Gas Stusdi ILam ps
- 2 .Ffht v.Fifteenth Annual Announcement of Bible lasses for Students New Pont15) Belt Phone 457-,IUns'x re a steady, soft glow.
The following courses are offered by U. P. Coler: SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY J
1. tntrodnction to New Testastent Study. Sundays, 12 noon beginning Sap- ltessdrsewsnaett
tember 21.Oe5udrneaagmn
2. Old Testament Hfistory. Tuesdays, 4:10 p .st, beginning Otober 1. Classes open Saturday, 10 a. m. Easy on the eyes.
3. The Life of Christ. Wednesdays, 410 p.mi., beginning October 9,ldrt npie
4. The Life and Writings of Paul. Thiursdays, 4:19 p. in., beginning Oct. t7. Assemblies, Wednesdaysfodrtinpce
5. The Religious Edutation of the Child. Tuesdays, 7:0 p. in, beginning and Saturdays, 9to1 Cheaper than oil or electricity.
October 22. _______________
6. The Beginnings of Christianity. Thtusdays, 7:10 p. in, beginning (lt. 11. wAI KING LOJ
The purpose of the Ann Arbor Bible ('hairs is to povide instruction ofCies '~
University grade in the Bibleand about the Bible fortUnivertsity students, and ChnseColp'Suey Restaurant Get the bet from the largest aeortmont.
thus to co-operate with churehes and other religious organizations of Ann Chinse Fancy Dishes, Aeeri'an Lunhes at
Arbor in promoting the religious life of the student body: and with the Uni- all inds,irerthing fist-lass fr jA n Arbor EG as C o.
varsity in promoting the eause of higher educatioun. ladies and gentleeen f 1 r ~ i .a
Cthisese and Japanse Birc-a-brac.
A Full Announcement will be furnished on application. tp Star,onesoe S. Haton Bros~, 3145S State St.
W11ill Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION C cAFE WaItd*h for It

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