' ICROARDAIL'Y Sam Burchtfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifiel & Co.e EAST HURON ST. Do youw haLL ? 79 f or $ 1, ,T ' Call at o0u1'' s -r an" iLu- 1 sh particulars cthe icSant .-s Company's great ia*r.':t I i itD calis t eol~fl'sons. Teri articlesa fob' k he po isa'e, e - BROWN'S nDRUG STORE 120OE. Liberty St. AL.ARI"1CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.7 5 MICIIAN PINS ANI) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH tREPAIRINGi A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector Iao- the Ann Arbor IRailroad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN Sr. Branch: 304 S. State St. The Reason Why 01I :i oigt srnaasp Wath the Window R. E. JOLLY'S 308SouSa teSta e MRS. JI R. TROJANOWSI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSERI Hair {ooads, lHair-dressing, iShampooing Manicuring, Face Masage a Specialty, 22S. State St. (UI ta irs) Belt Phonec 151 GLOBE COMMENTS ON COLLEGE COURT Speaks of Advisabiliiy of Turn- ing Michigan's Students Ar- rested for Minor Misdemean-1 trs to Student Council. Tic Newc York Glotie givecs serious tre-aitent to the planoif ilichigau's 'StudtiliC'ouncil for dealing ssith sta- dentii oil iss, il all editorial labelled "CollegceI'olice (oustir" This is geit- erll itakenctolitindicate the typical.tatti- , neiii 'Thetrefotrethere hase aiways ben forsin isitintctiy college Ciomi iii tttisto deal with ttom ndera sicial.datatii tof the statites. 'The c