?R~ MYeW!t~A1# SfAL? ___________________ G. HI. Wild Comfpany The Largest Stock inthie City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vesting, and Trouserings, and of high cfass fabrics and speciat styes. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 Soth State Street A Few Passe Partout Pictures comprising prists- Christy and Gibson Drawings some hand colored sketches and p ictures of the Madonnas, worth 35 to 50 cents, we arc closing out at 10 cents each. AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores S A. G. . (7rIASPALDI1NG rMC & BROS. F The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Offcial Athletic supplies Base Bal, Foot Bali, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Official lsstmrorts fr Track ad Field Sport Uniforsms for alt Sports. Spaldin'sHasdtosry Illustrated Cataloue of alt sports sutains n- mesrous sugestions. Sed for it. -It's fre. A. . SPALDING & BROS. New York, Otcao, St. Lsails, San ~ranciso, Miinteapottfeeer, Idatal. Syracse, Pits- burg,-Phttaselpkta, BIfu .Cincinnati, talti- stre, twsttnton, fnas City, Cee atd, New Orleats, Dtroit, Mtotstpa, Canada. ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mnagsng Edsfor--PA~c, iSCOTMownEn Bssiress Manager-C. E. Wsxs'v~u. News- .........'......'. A. I+. 'Ritlhi Athletics.,.,,..Wiliamt F. Gradolrph Sporting ....Clarence F. Eldridge Exchatnge........1. Johsn Wamnold Mu1vsic and Dama.....Roy D. Wels Womer's Editor. .. Louiste Van Voorhis EnITOI STAFF , J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams Johnt F. ,Wr Robert H Catcy NIGHsTrr cIrcus Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chaucey Bouchler B. G. R. Willianso Eun'efT0 L. C. Reid Lee A Wlite Raymond Visscher M. B. McHugh A. L. H-ainine Robert Motstier l~owell J. Carr tDonaldt L. Kiney J It. Prscott BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Goutld Address: MCHIGuAN DottY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Managers I-ours : -a p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones Lets atecsvry Xicliganttstatt attc :AlutArborutesaion tuday, gad ge that gloriousteaum tf otis a welcome tatu shlrb oar tt of te amie ad of th plaerto.et'orktchIas.earetriftesap potyaty ad admtifratio. s'rl1ttW cS :S) .5.Niti(t. tI~tttoatotbeeetat te tuttn of Vatttdertilt are dsetly fitrt bythteit' ti- feat. anttite ry ftcithat this Cal t~ o ointts ttf thes t tttpowefulIarg- mteott for the ttttitteacr of colet- ,attd ittercotllegiate riaris. \X'feo ts istatti .such na. rtprescntted \ aitsr iilt aistiilielignStt ysterday, cauitr- letroutghlt atigit umct ot t atd at te conlu~Oisiont..tse ltsig etitgratt- aete titntting site it inateit, whnte hight e'cellence of both taits mksthlt' defat clear ttttf certfig butit hontortwttnte suppots o'stf bothtltare tttt.sloodfrittds tafter te isat call ofth litettere it ttstle, teindttee alt t t syconidtttthattt cotlege sotrt fs afatotrtfotrtgttttttit ts ftllest 5setae ifsurteltitns aitthlth111-geat tsoutiet ttttSC sitS' 'tndIateftel tat such si rea- ctltgs. Withi t1hettssmtodoes e are gla to IIsilg- a'ttthr sttte Sutttt ttto Ntst ltttd.l sishtes ittad seeatlties te slace it asttttlly as at iits tfsosa, adttihtost' tee esticitll shetas at tre sttthere tre' atnutet' tttstttdet cttssulitir. tittts ottimortrant qesios clattorig to ' it finttrnt. There is nothitg To if Sti.vwishes to imptrcss qsitife so foircilyp ts tat its ctltimntstre allyt tWidli'tupon5 t tudSett conttriutottrs.'Their cosp" s iaways tagerly welcoe, .atd the ontly emarrassitsg qestio is t tours that f ack otf 51pacr.Neethe- fiss iwei siotd always prefer a glut of sttcht uateritdalttan bdarth of it. 'fts: DILYtt'has 110 prpotse is life if it het,' tirtst, tt tell tte nets, at scdt r'lect stttdhelto mulodi c'atmputs setnttu tttimen jan stulic opinio. It cat tityso tthis it the first istatce, if its cotstituentts are reasonably lieral will their IdaS. Somests etical thitgs sould lbe tmae It s 1brtisf antttocisel.Ss is1cotnsistintt wsitht cleareSss ttttteffectiteness Thsy teedtl ioptei'int tw it Ittapoog foitheir exisltes'e. 'Thll'shotuldt ie twrittentilegi- itlk' ititSt idte sin itt, tttonte side tsfillS'e thuier vlt s aItctmtiantyfthe brit lie I) tta I il trstecltscofi- tettets tatt pulislshoer smeiip'li-amtte if i is so tdesited. IfteinIthsttverthett ffs'tiiv'nesssofttt ttttt'i cattn silt I litdlrge on1hIllsontttalitf ts 111rit'knrthenilthereti shitiuldioitl to taule fttotrle ItttodlesIt ttcktrpsngitoi sue a witt~ll no11be1ieSits- etuileti- 1111111 heehatveI)w es ea trlyt it illn cn uitIli t titenpid5sin tgei silt iottsue Iany trIspolitbtilityilo'rloi- iospesteld I i tfttettse tcmite a hs ti oravleebtstin thettedittol col t1ut1whitherSit aresI o nt, t1il giveitfartrtmet wllwlcm iib cautshelps torouPae 5,550.5 n whchuttlelpfttulsandttit'iveilio'e-poni ttmsittisetim i etl t ctmpuiehaiot's ofs Ithos'ghtilthich1isinvalule.i eafs it wt' alrls itd ftot' losstfml yads itlh yttS. It' gati ittfttr t toich' lettist lullfis Ie eces -i stta ti otW\aitfor hiis r0,'te slahts-e Csse 11111 thetisst let 'aes'l hstal- i derbiltig's o-yr lile. Tise0tfr Vttttectbilt. Allerdice Stlersus Vadte- ilt fole to-yard floss. Bb tBlatke isfiell toe ttttgain. lie pinls o Pagodhit swho, rtits tack 4 yards ts Vanditlrtits4- yard lise. Alardice is held fsr no git. Reits- chiltd ttakes 3 yards. haimnd makes shsort kick. Vandrbtilt gets the alt ott tee ottnts 5-ant lite. Mfake pntts to XWastntst otoustback to cayto 1 Vratsdrlilt's 35-yardt lite. Retinitysakes 2 yard~s. Loell itte line ftor 3 ytrts. Ottfae ti ofetrard ass Vansdetilt rcc coe-rC stall ont her ontt4-atlue. Vanderbilt goestrotght lnttsfs r sl5 yartds. Blake punts out of b1o1unds1. ttctitgasbattll iton 1Cotmtmodoeeso-trd lise. fttke forward pass W\Xassunttslisuttntt is tackletd ftr tiloss oft t ytrds. Hattt tmtttdluts..to Catmpblel oanVerbtlt'nis 35-ctel litie. Camspbehll sigttals oeftir catch. tlke puntsi.otttof ottits etn Plifriigas's so-ytrdl ite. Iamn maittttitskes ;3 y'trdisoiltftke fortttttiott. Ott fttehusnttIt hse'gtis 12 ast..A'llertifctiad'tances batlis ytrts t Vatiterbisit's 3-stil l ite. ~ltgtinft mks2p'trs 015 a strtaight Ibttc. 'N short icIketgives the balltto0Vatderili tneir wn s2-y at'clline. Itlake pStlsI t lagodt, sshos rtitt ltttk the also yards. XMi chfgtt's stll ottt sseilr's ;0-yatrdhlitle. Rhinsiscild hits lits iot 3 s'trts. Itti-httsttakes tie distace'. fell totnI Rcinschilfti sinessi cit to gtint.Allerice resorts tsoitekfith. Vn'ttderbtilt gts tehllsit eettwnts20- yart litc. Micigattn ehls tisdlC('tn Blalke'puntts to. Wasistiisr, to rstutrts the hal 2S ytartds tsVtseislti's 3-ytrt itn..NhAi'tdicei'fails tgaiiad is hr inth Its' tisp; titse int. Vneiti is penalseii'stl1yards forhtlintg. NMicft gan's itttll ot VandblCits .2-sa'dlitt isoel astao.2 stards. Alediecftolttw w ith 3 tmorc. Ihshctschld tisrow n r alilt...of2yrs Bl secthangtd ott towis. Blakepunsit, It nN~~ustl tlitrs llhh o yaldtoViindetrisft's 45- sr ti~t'(I. imes outerV.tBlae. RhtcinshildI tftis to n . tt Ottafake formalltion lagtoii tiakes ttid gtit. Alleie make u tes s etsar tts. ndriiit hols. Grahamnditsitbaich5for ick fell 3o-s tell int.hilaketpsits tis o \agffit, ihoto tnrkscs i k ardsnt o t' Ctm- ttodnt'es'.1-yar lie. ttel laes p p'ardssa'ttirepiats Aginsslitisgivent ft' tol fir adctseitStf 8 satest...Ai- 'ofutnfails to gai onetttraeightibuc. is risen hiohitf o r tiland ct 2 parsds. NNitstehlosws wthSithe till itt Mihigan's possessotiott Vasteeits Inelitrdline inlscr, ihia Thethineupt Caseys . . . . . . .T. .. . . . . . h r i llsctiti- h i.. I.. l. ... ..l last ock itas uurl.. . i..( t ... it.. t... toste 0 ials I Refeuree -5WalktctViSrtgnia) Umie.vi Sue..(icigoln, lkadtinvtss 51,1 'Kdu (ennltSta'ite).uTie oh m~, Thiso is Sir time of th ee to think ot Sweaters, Foot Bails and Gym nasiurn supplies For pears we have sold tlhe best makes itsSweaters, (Oymnsaiuma supplies, Foot Blalls and Sportittg Goods. Everybody knouws ousr prices are right. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's Uiversity tBokstorec LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE Kodsks Cameras sand Photo Supplies >Pt~sTht itDtFLOttIt SA 5I'll tI.I\ NAPtClNT IBAILEY & EDMUNDS sporting G~ooo 121 EASE' LIBERTY STREET Chafing Dishes S Iarte-tieet tit disht ultk sue i elasx -ti foodtdis td thei rost dla p. T hoIt~t - .estlit$6.00. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler iTHSE 0 n 1TTUJEDE 0F~ JL~~ 0 pJ FOP~ SINGiINGi CLASS No student can afford to neglect the culture side of his education. To sing, or at leant to be able to appreciate good music, is a very desirable accomp- lishment and is well worth the effort of every University man. Classes in sight and en- semble tinging have been organized at the Univer- sity School of Music, under the direction of Fred Killeen, especially designed for University students. Special stress will be laid on the sing- ing of "Michigan" songs. Evening clans Mondays at 7 o'clock. Day classes Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock and 5 ocock. Tuition $5.00 per semester C. A. SINK bC e tudents' lecture 1ssociationi Season h1907-1905 SECOND NUIIBER MR. JOHN GRAHAM BROOKS President American Social Scissnce Association Frilday Eveinag, Nov. 8.,1907. 8:15 P. M. VnI'rswIty Hatt Tickets for Entire Course - - - $2.00 Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - .50 Single Admission Tickets - - .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. i r i rrr 121 Washington!E. RANDA.LL,THE PHO TO GRAPLWR Phone 598