The McignDal ANN ARBOR, MICHI(:c\N.SU NDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1907.NO36 VOL. XVIII. NO. 36. MICHIGAN TEAM TRIUMPHS-, OVER SPEEDY COMMODORES AT NASHVILLE C f j i i i i 'Michigans 1)all at bhe center of the field. ",Octy" Graham Kicks Two Field Goals; Neither Eleven I~ogas. negtite 4 urds5 ad ILoell Crosses Opponents' Line: Wolverines on Vanderbilt's add 2 iioe lammndtput out of One-Yard Line at Close of Game; Score 8 to 0. ter 3J-art le. Blatke ptnts to Was- mud i \t ictigciiic,15-arttlie. Han-; By W. F. Onnntph. Stuff Coriespoodent. ni excellent couditioin. Tme i-tis talkenm rettrns tiepunt. tlaecutis back to Ncshile, Tenni. No. 2.-Sttcc il. ct for te \\mmtieriitr it once, wile'tit Mihigai's It ws Ocv Gahamstrghtioe.i(t C ms usedttetrivitege tne 0 ,tt it liiti. Itaandtt Gaitii igiitaim. \tgmfnmiaikes 25 yarmscrotitilCapt.c I oite of the greatest griiiioinbiatt Tesky wias. clear aniit brigit fat the cii ituuhits the le for 31 i-vr twitessedin ltDtixielandi,. tii sturd m e. m Fllowtintg sierali toutsof ytds. I tiniiti iptntsteantii Vader-. \Voleie rigtt guarcitwicescuii tihe itiecintg rai, irtich et ctthe grdin h i iitt iittfubtstoglsrtps ott the bll. igsiiove r acotwcneeni te psi-. for in lbad cnditliiote sin pecpdcoit iii mis I smaihse. center for 4 yards;, lftj iei. goacls, scirig eight tipo -int it an fron ti trclous ini te mrniig asi t. tcktliiior/7iyitsitnd iii ds t.ocpening ini tringing victory tii titchtigaiiiViidier- sdaatlvt c.ige coit dcinesshtic espt fottii 3 iiire tlaciig the alt tiltt sas htidtittiesstr.. IThc Ciiomio- titpeared. \A.trmmig itiort i ndiicosecithe icCiniiioiiitiis' S-yrdline. Bol Bares. tcytuontierfult teeice iat t iiiicthegriiron- (tic 8,00opeoticatteittcc Blake agsinithut. Rioters yell "'lde kept ter gocat iitc-iniiitate. Ga i ins dthtic-gamiice tithelres im tcrw i \eruthe, tVa td! iiiigtcis.fcis to gai bthitlteesitwere made mtciaiiiIiicit it iiii ag idinciitsin ixie- i nic ccii i tt, uiickIiictt asit fails tr straight, tud-fcashimiedt fiiottiitt t lanii Nat vilt i-ts otal itt . tt ciii tlowniticeiistatcssait Vadterbilt fioscrwardps sloma sediiiii ndi5iii t iiit Atit2ii5 \ttct muat . ic-cuttritted cittoogcis the pigkin.Blke ipuns fratm be onci witli gooditeffect. te ld. cigre ectd -ttw t ithuerincheers iiiit lix. oiiiigumlinhe to Vcsititiiloni "Germn"it-Schuica nis iiar iiatdiawayiIftrtu te iii tcnt I cs ocwre fit tiiiti i hlt -ya0 d utihe tic star f tcegcamie. I hi i t a tyisIlotted( I a w oinutiies .later lit te Vn- Rhciischilucids-.ftic2 ards. ich- tic nas ini eierypli. tckiing uniniric derbilii situ at. tleovmumionottir tigiuntciaizcdut yards .fr ffsime play. flossmu... fclltig ontic hall ini fiiiiblesC ccuumucmctmuc--.wii-. rcuumtmuii. Btlat R chie ii ~. ctitysaes3yrs adi Miagoffln mutt opnng it-mue tumes in telinehum r teais iwenic-ti ici i .i-tthrogha .-apystg~a atit itstoigii in iimtammo titptts. Van- bichilgacntgains. Ptltedt cginsim rcce. dritti imimitue- iaiid Itiotgcs drots on Stoti. W1icsI uc qustioabyigiiat m..1s sszec-gre struckgvetle, hilt ini\Vandetrit s is-art le. ha-n qul n teiieitone mmcc ic tiii-. ttuti- umuit t \cntiimmtcteimts hinrwarditpass I Wba-unduucrcaiult ciiimuwithliceit Stonii - kis tlckdcbitmiiRhtcisctildctreccves the iucgmetic hiandeadiin sp ite f t-thslipery FOistiHal. chit. Rhtcin-chidt Iaits to gi. Gra- tecitutilci tiputs iciin tt -.s. stiylI. Cmli.:\Ia.gccttwomimttscts and ce liainicciidropts bicictforiplac kickBlilt Capc l.\cgaftiu ini -censatcionc u m came- dcii ciumurtgcoact.te icnd utfcorinug Mitch goe ovrcrotmii -yardcinit eut Scoe tbhrcuughith ltotmng gcins. IDtglaigic- amc- bictilcct i8, Vacndurbilt a startdct ciright mhalf,. mum Alt -ri ic-.-rus- otonucmhickst-.fmttfoutVndtierbilt, muttl \hmu ccii kicks o ff icc Hammosnd who c-ut tlaedthimtetulctulthe ligaucuse-. tthetis-luttgoes omc ut: tmmbounds. Ic- kicsticiiiurns putmItin t u tueu-ocuie field. mt-re fiit riuttnigmtmes (cr tie caupmiic, mtacimi o bb cstimuwho mliiinus backectic Craimg i trown byi it c tty fumeoss of Lo olot wctaedti"Gerimanuy"Ilrough the A ichi-'s2-arc it. hutictigan tc- 3 ytint.V nduteriltadanes-uu beatll out Connodoitmrs' ineuc fcr gcuii-. nery- mmcr itemldutacforwrd cpcatis..oultheIlium tnt -ftutwusrciipass-.amiiges ist downct. tihe ut-s-.gisvu-tmthehai.cIt. it hic-laiitcplay. t1 m-ti-.smblock-ed. Vanderbithltt g\t aneit gst m hroughni hhtb for p twom miutues f tplay tise pairmmworkedmte mall ,tMiccchigan's .i-tccutlue, V-s.ars.imi-. hmmgihnds miiieutstplay tie mbl fraomi utuucrhits 3 cardmtihem- litkml-ctlkesmouitimc- \Mic higanispen- A lerdice ges-. ic toruu uglas. tothim isttt yard ofm ittie cuts ct goalcon mum idct .ymuch. Motoni maket.s yurdsn cmnecilmt tis sturt ick. utt M- uccessumve lihuctkshuutt timmii as lummcllle ccndthmnCcaig tke-.te iluctml, limtcii- goffi gstuci.heum-lmutt Mit \ichignus 2- mlcprisig tuhicWolvesrcitesoithtu ch-ttnotmigaimi Iobcultahuemki csitcit l romcut-ard ftutu-. M ofigtsc--.ocnduVuumIbtgnt huwn-iIu tthat ctilytwcs-itthavemust elimtplacemumummbutthis italliis Iroumtglt backci itBl-.- for ios-incs. Ll mutakes a their ini manothus-u-thirty seconds- inimit -play cc. trit -si cplay. tke caguin res ymuttndmittabittice adt m ore iutrtuc-ctntd ianmn ocuusmuu utpunutedt the fcar-f-aum- du frccac an C il. amnut ututts. Cap.mlk'sCcudtii .tmctt faistoIngain. Miake adauuismisponmstmmuibleto itccgnumihatRumtimeur dtmmmns-.the usntuurccnmiVandtuuet-c it mutimn unuut tsto Vanb eiit-rlt 0-yard mxcint fr theucvictorny.Gits. 4; ccintutuConmtuttodtocre. t-fir- tutu \icmhmmitn ugesu-.alliiontmfumble. For Vnttuderbilt, Camupbelt-tBobitch kettcm-ut-caicc..bmmmiit tics thu gundtu. AlNicec-stt-iketuymds troughi thet aund Custent-tarrcu. (Cos- ttmishnec -MakI ints tom b smuucftumi nutVcntder- tuti iteiiiHtmmond p ii amu-vr heicgoat pecilly itqucrterback uch -uu.i tty n tsrnciltlts ;;4. hbatitiuiicarrtie it t toutu tmmsttmc.Vndmebittpuntsitfrain uig ttackin uuts. iimutvee, inithu fist te albckt utfthue ictd. 2 --mcd itlhue mobb asutuuu, iwhutreurts tumlt he mactde sev-ra-ncstcslt fumbites-.. Douughs mkes 5garstrt.. iicgrinthie tb-mit ars-tntt -mMihiga's .30yard blusht fVanduerb-t'is gwins were ucmdit-ddsmli. ocigim tutufhrst downitt-til-lhutch tutu Ni m aktuuies 5yrs o traigul throuughtlecitaIccke andt arouudthe11c-clend. smashesufor.8cu rd mtsimbut .Nttgtintiis butck 33 smuuutictkeii1cm Custeu iWIo Theb koututtodotres htwots uchacies -. t op c~ped.I 3 -mtt echill cts bitchonmutt ignlsm forI. ht fair-catchc tutu aiterbits scoeuomttgoials frommptlacmentmuult ucip own i t-carmmcin.c Catmptututl uumakes S.25-arduitine.ucVndritutmua tckes 7 yads hime.Captu la hcke- fcied. t cccl cummumt i H uaummd. Michiugant troughi t hem line. Mrton tcircles Hatu- Mbichigan'stfirtshscre iumedi-tyitc-h mmmis compelu-limit it-mie ticut. 'Wbs-umutumfor tutu ftmmucit Ccmtpbce llls Enmbs lowencit fmbuluedt punt hy Custdt momt roylu- ucuut s tckleud ittti h i s cu yrts uain. Michiganu holtot Vanuderblt's 15-ycurud lue, Rmu yusccr -m- c-,.. biuciganic hucl mmiihcr ass-ut35- tie uc t play. kCampblls-again itUtambs cosverig the tutl. Thec-Couumumodoreus mamdclinemu. ii amuuuc utls. Cstenutor.uirds. -CctoCist kugoes roudtumRo- heldt autdlGrahamtu dropptit ckhito thei dictuus-.this balii msttRumntue fallstutu ney onciiacqutturterbaicuk runutfot- 25 yads.- 2-sarch lue std ihut beuautul ftu fotmct.iihMticignstualt mniitie CuomumdoresCraig is trownt by Shulztafor o-yard sent thehtal squaumrly etweciin -yarmmi lium. Lhatchits ceter (ccr 2hus.. Bit-. trows Blake fr hos of STesecoutdtfheld goalccamcuue aftrtaticartsttl e ne rbciittitt ldsuuh. rcahamuu 5-crts omuttemputcedutriu ick pcay. Blake exchatuge f pututsresultinginidiitchdrioicts bacck Ic thec 2-ycardinlue teor kick ickmls mutt cut bouttds. iutc tits called gan'tsatvtaumg mud a 20-yamttrd tuugiain y rmmiiicuemen-ti. is cefort is success- tit the htlt itt Micigans huosessiot lagoffiu. Coslu tutuml t untttt fil. Scorehuictiguuus4, Vcanderbilt oimitnhermmcvii35-yamrd tit. Scre, Mch- Diougas rcoesvere mi Vtnrilu ut'; 35- Caitc. hBlake ikick cff to Wasutnd. igait i$.Vndeiulht o trd lue. Lotell tandi Docuglcs ittI lit Duga i cts througuhi1-Iassloek, right Sucnnd Hatt. mbchnworkeud the batulito the 5-yard taitckl, or2yad autmtoind Ipunts. AlNeriecteehkics mff ts Cosens who is lue where the Connnodtesuh he-.lcd tfr bbcm utuutu intmg-. down 1terututnerotttckledsb - CctyotutuVanteerbilts 35 doawusAnothe fumbltue iby Costentavgccc itchmuitt is 2-ard lmuhihe. bVandterbil yardt lue.tBlakte tumts inti of bounds bMichigaun the buall afterin-ciihedag cut makuies 2 arccudms aroiu mi ncuuon, ibatonsuithuhligantts so-ytcdtlue bichigats limts out Vandeutrit'sis-yatrdh itu, goffinutackce hutBlake cidrps bacck for moffsieoncMiiaigutis pcay petaized5 Rhcainschildhgettiigthe oval. 'Vander-cpliceu liskt li it nftilsfttha thutiittt ya trds. 1I ntcmuuuu un htts to Bo lolke itt agaitiheis. Grhathe kicitntug pttnit Vaderlmt ft ubtte-.mttrecovses n-tutuis lid ut citbiy harttackle. hBlake frotutthe25pyard lhe. ]lotdai-t hum bacutthe-blmitSculzimaitt itcmoe-handuuutcu- ptntsto IWcaintundiitfromuthi 45-yard betweeti the tposts fort tilesecu-cnchic-hutkle. Vndeii uts hattltututerowt 40 lue. Wbbtusuuuuuhfumbuhles ut recovers goalsarchln.u lae htCctuntus to bWasmunttout Michiigcnui-yarud le. tHammtond Duritug msost uof the second alftcuttieuhuomismcwuned mittMicigan's 35-yardt mutkes 30 y-rs tutufakeItput Aler- teams playedl ach tihler to at standustil, lue. Dohuglshi tileclenhe fir 2 yards. dice sutashes lue for p yarus and oell utowards teclcose of the htalf tie Commiltimuuuucuulomss s1inyatssuon a fake crtpeas. Aileruhle tries straight buck, mnedores weaketeu nd uteer bichigtan'c put. Hammondti ],ruttsttto Bs ots Blake mtaig firsi tuson. Alerdice makes a fierce attacks andutouly tte timaekeeper's whist t.cuteditt'Rumnetuy out Vander- half yard.t1oct's forward-past touches signal saved their goatlue. blulls 40o-crd hune Vandetrilit tries a grounud. Bll is reurted to Mhichigat's TheNWoveriecatite dual of thum-gcuno-sturthuck hthuhakuitilgets the all. . (Continued on xPage Two.) YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL SCORES. Nes. Michigan. 8; Vanderbilt, o. Chicago. tg; Mitntesota t2. Paot. Ptenntsyvania, u18; Lafayette, o Harvard, f6; Brownu, 5. Cortnell, u8;Nb. U. P, y Princeiton, u16;tCarlisle, o. figh Shools. Ann Arbor, 6;u Muskegon, o. Sagitnaw, 20; Bettons Harbor, o .V'GUGIN'S CONQUERERS WiILL RECEIVE OVATION TONIGHIT NWith red fire, torches atd Romntn catudles. hundreds of studentt will greet the victorious Michigatn squad whet it arrives at 7:27 tonight oser thte Annu Arbor rairoatd. It is planted o lue the roadt from the staionswithul red ire, torches, and oler illumitaiot, andt tront present indications it looks a-. if alt AtutuArbor sould e there. After making p lte udeficit of the scrtubs fututu front the collection tkeut up its University Ball yesterday, mu ta- atce of over twenty dollars isas left, andthIhis wilt be csd ini buying fireorks for tonight's celebraioti These wterc arranged for last evening andtecouiteeiuhrewl e t tyteoaru- ratuge other details and to decier whether or tot a boufire nill heuimlt No speechaes will be hearth front nen- hers of thur team, as the players hae stated uttuder no conditionusswoutldu lucy respotnd to uch requests. Neiter ino they wish any kinud of cotuveyance. H-ones-r, it is hopedut hat alt willitturut out mu gie thin squtad a rousig isel- comei, ant cheer for thur cotquirers of D~anuNIc~ungin's plucky ggregatiou. Pistols andu blank cartridges willh be hut eorcer b-MANY ILANDAS WIIL PIAYTNMICHIGAN bMUSIC Atm least three ands with assist thu Mihuiigati rooters ct liarPentsylsania gaime Besiees the BUiversiy had, Orchuarud Lake andi Sagiutasw-have prmmi- isedtohlp furtishinuusic Te Annt Arbor board of comuterec are lprepamring to erect ti large "Wel- come" arch out Maimi streel atd to hacve thur publc buuidings andutorslies udraited withu te colors of the dwo shools TO thur present uatie over -4,500 seats lace ibeeta sold for the big gaue. These h iaee enu sold ts people ordering by muai aned the tckets will be seut ot netuemSaturdayThey nitt be glvensou1 itn ther orer itt whlicithIey lane bett applied foratd it will he cm.ecase of first ere, lirst served WOIEN WiILL, PRESENT TiHE SCHICOtL FOR SCANDAL" Antsuuertainnent ini the naure of a play nas the decisiotu rached at the bWoman's League meeting yesterday morning in harbour Gymuasiun.Th name of the piece o be given is "The School for Scanala" It wilt e pt out some tine in Jatnuary untder the aus- pices of the Leagu and will e directed by Mrs Hoffmnat It is planued to give the play tswo nights in order to accon- modate the crowd that is expected A comsmittee was appointed, of which Mice Butts was made chairman, to complete the plans of arrangrmnt A part oh thur proceeds of his entertainmtett is tc be invested in ome substantial gift ot the Michigan Union cuthouse A report was given by Mist Butts who was the League's delegate to te convettion of Federation of Womn'et Cltths held at Flint Miss Butts gave a rief review of the work done at thc conventiot. She alto gave an outline of the work that the various cluts are doing troughout the state. Miss Catherine Douglass was appoint- ed historian of the League. Slur is to ;keep !) record of all the work accom- plished by the League and alto ho writ( imp the past history of the organization CAFE TO BE OPEN FOR PENNSY GAME Michigan Union Eating Rooms Almost Ready for Use-Caterer Knuth Formierly Managed Sans Souci Park. 'Fle MichiganUn uiout Cafe will e open mash readcy (cr busiutess inu timte for the Penunsy fgtmtuic A3force eof seventeetn tuet s tnmdccvhacrdt at work onu thur Cooey propterty, mndh htmnager KRutnhmpromies tcc havethingslut shipetu hIe mth sac 131. Origitually thurotetnttg of thur ktUion's nest homeatucscs sheued for tet Saturda~y, butt tucw there is stilt so mtuuchctic ie dn haut tct it ti-lhae to e deferredutilt te lc oineug- Tuesday or bedeutusday For le Saturudaytoinchte bg game cle tmntatgeuet: tisumkitg special arnaige- oct..Dtinnierciiilhe sensed tabltde Icile instecadl f a a crtemine usua.'That uccutulsus muity asetemctsevs c places ct icable mt ity sueilc-ay nuat iekt usill he tutu mut sclethie moidle of next 'Thlce cuaciy fthe 'Union dining romc sill ntutubcctutbhe txeto the ut- slost.h et' ormalcc ap taiy softhe room cilie cabouut secenty~-five cr suie hum- mred, butfocccstecicl occasionms like this exn ttra tl s-ilite hueithii atudusemuade inc ctter room suo thtct ctlea-tIoeun tt- direi nd ithseventy-ive tersonus wilt find diaces. ah table wcil set cleight. Stu- denitsewaiters amicoee ichm plotuyed. Thelintius-tanmcmithuselhia cantdsilver- cs-crt, firnthut-utdig rcummuthave tready beeni bought. 'lie siver--of thin "R. Wallamce"tuincke,-tim e ss emitthe tar- ithis n titcicthlie lhcuse. Four tou- sand picesioinchinauutfrcuetemtuporary use ace alsom there;lucidtlie chnauthlat wilt he isect regctulalyishencccbeig manu- factutredt ct ticeupotteies especially for tile CUion.t t is t hecr thurUuiversity colrs-one lue caind two yellow ands crouniuthe edgescutig ue Union monouccgramu, huik." J. C Ruuth is suprintlending the f work f gettig11ccUtnious ready for buusiness. Ve is ai gradhuate afthlie Uni- versity cufI mHland, case of '89, adadasa eets itthlie restaurtin andu uhohte us- ness aroadutand ini this cudntry ever slice tile graducation.t I act his ex- pteriencee inithis lhne begans cvrusearlier, for tlehister raun a hotel us Holland. Last year bItr nRucutiwsan tuager of Sanus Soni pant. Ciclag,nwher from fso u tie thouscianed people were fed catty. hicfore thaucte hthabeut itsthe restauurmant buusitess induependenley in Salt Francisco, sehiter e had uoved tfromutNess-YTrk The earhqeuake and fire wied his restuurant amd $38,00 oft rthe usatucuatu forced itu to start over. 'ht'ste n-liuhe caie to Chicago and -took the manmagemuent of Saus Souci tupark huIncerIthatc ie tmy b on the spot 1to seec that thisnugs go right, Mur Knuth intl iis faniy wiltlucie ther apart- nacuils intiecluubouse 'Fle rear rooms inche siesconditfloocr havue bieutreserved for tlise. "Ott yes, the chu itcslthe ruuonou regu- flanrupto-a-te plais" said the general hmnager, pointig to har big refrigera- laior, udis-drers, ami tchmlier"uti-o-date" utings ii thur kitcnt"Te cina and silveerwatre I selected amysef, adc they're thu estcclthere is No cet has been hired yet, but teeth get mne this week- probably by Tuesday" BLEACHERS COLLAPSE. (Sifieal mco Dalyt At teegrams received by THE Dmsmk ate last night says that the large side in bleaacersamithe Ciucago-Mimneota -gamne collutpsed yesterday atudnuany pen- pie were ujutret, 'This ganie was played --Out Northrop Field iun Minneapolis,