T'lftMICH!IGAN rDAILY FAIRLIE WORKS -ON flieandI ie vdobt tlooy j ik ora-cwi, Sit that "i"ivn of this naure wi l e mat- ac1[ CA D N WtOSIT TO ioniibPmaxde iv isbhalf. AS said, Conklin's Self -Filling or nmore ecrphasis will he laid on ridding B A L Michigan Professor Describes the the legcislattre of formaity-ils andTb Coeg 00T DdFountain Pen Work of State Constitutional me oie tamndicipaivorpor iii Convention. The convention met for the first time ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON T A--- 1ast 0 vi t xwiii proibally remain in I[Af. Jon l.Faritxwho i is ii. i.(sesion unil ilatei j imiaxics though i TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS 15 for-25 cenmts cllonsituincvstxiniichractizeiavs myi- xteiiiteSold in Ann Arbor by History of each man on cr h oe tatti bodyi xii iix xixci iin efuioxxin' C'otneiivg oni te rcenext triip of a C0 1H'S OB O SOE QUARRY'Sa mlxx xi ine tbuoftll'brxieht biodty anxd teGO5 ARST OBOK TRE helii iii.xxiii onistiitionaiil cxvicx foxtball teamiiitoIx ,x'ixgii.Pl., lie Coi-..A D . xciii -elii;i.bodyil~f xmenithani o ur cxi iUniiio u ix'ivit saxs '''liertnier- leis tci lx oti('i thani alflxii lthe de - '-sitsll bandi(f I ixixuli versi x'ity is tite of gaits are lxxxi cci.xanvii oti ot he xivothers the liti ci lxoiii thailaic xie." are libusinessi.xmen-i.Caxchi manivhahicomxixa Money 1.Loaned to the conxvnionlii ith is ownxxi mii Xides he \ew ixcife, axxiiwxweexil}-clxi- .7 i~~~~f i i xiithe n,,ii convstitutxivn 'iv xxht xto x li iih cxxicxivati civYo'k'uiv ixer- O Watches, Diamoxnd. Lt ots oxxks, 'i lxxi nd xxx tit x oxuxxgitvtox lveiiouxxiv site xxi l viexpblisedc xfver Xxx'. I. or ttere persnsat popieriy. andiai quetionii of iiliviii ximprac i l x - be___________ Watches and Jewelry repaire'd. xc 'iilieshidl tc(Ixiixxx vlthe or iibefoxxvitx Calisilexas xx guardxv'x i i liv xatme uof .. ow ~ri~ Bargains In Watches & Diamondos xii h iicilelxxiii ixixi iivxi-l i." Offica at resdenae 3itE. Lierty 5t "lux i xiiill(,vnewC ncxixixstit i xxii- - }' . Ann Ar sr. x notxi xxidiffer xxi f xii bix lv. '01'I) - oiiidxxy forenoonxx.Oct. 28. t Houst 8tW n1:3 a. i.. I ivoxxi:30 ivxtd toii p.eoxcreiiihxxie." addedi lie ixrofesso . L uf -NI.pit. coericvHill andxi Oxford, ' ii ALL mamNacs ovsrnesvia . "'omx nwi.' eax,'lx xill w'ithoutx doxxii ibe.aroxs. frxxxivPhin Oxitnti iDetax house. y JOSEPlH . W~ATTS xix 'iici'l. lbutx i lei nti ets Owner ~.~ lx xvcaxxll btin xsamvii.atxAluxmni roomx,4 lhoixig thliy'wouldxxiiget xliroughx Tiii. ( xiscit Ifalxi, uponxxuxingih atisxsfxc- xxiicrxxx'xxijni nurevxxxvplxxier t hiihec_-- xxx xxx xcix i. Tis xx wil to xxxay' xw ii Pyography goodo ah Foter's. i t 1, ofi cyxcixilelgislxationxvthaxt is om ' -- - The new fall line of college goods is nose complete with the Banneriixixiandc xPillowxcsx vxec ftxiviley~sdom hxnxthe s\'teixare themet.i choicest and mot varied new things ever shown. Rguc. R, CONLtN Banners an Pi11o'~' 1\11119ox'thviechaniogs spoke, f i I lsiilBros"..311iMaynardSt if & FRGR, draw your particular attemntionm to teir suplerh display xxxhosed "I iiixti adReferendui"x --" - - ---- --- of new designs in Manhattan Shirts. nthi sI icacx'1 xii xxiimboiedit he "" ii ' "r'i xxxi ' s kai. rlxv ts o t' better Ai' t 0L xni i ii'iclioiuion Tisin all m ixade).i Menxxthe. ChixhixxvMin St Men's New Fall Gloves of all leading makes hxxilixjxxxilxili fcixciiit,, .1 via inn t lixh 34-36 Men's New Fall Neckwear Mn's Ness Fall Underwear DARLINGi & MAILEAU~X a artly i mix xxblutxbeciausxe it apper;c " --""""' 224.226 s. Stain S. o xthe litubl li tha. viii oplexx doi. xi l If youxantxxxxthie est fonitain pen in ekonrh interescx initheircstaexxi- thiie viygis io Cshing's 336 Soih A tull variety of new styles of these world-famous hats to ci.. he imeii. i con vnion .xxixxxvec- Sate street. f select from: Stetson. Carlton, lHowards. mow, ix'' iito l w st aker, i il i ll(,i i Colleg.e ii tasha Iac thaniiithtie elictioni of Men's Fall Caps, prices fronti 5oc tip. Steins nitciii. 2t o -lcxtorixxixivi'aiR euile, C oulin .Fiegel. IIALLER'S JEW[LR1Y STORE, 216 S Main Si. 1'ixxix d . JohnxtJ. ('xxrxxxvxwas x ati 1 l lect'ed'x'xsi denix vt. Thisis i ® rrcx.-v ofice. o great power, xxiiui.' ix' WE H1AVE FOR SALE 1 resientiappointi theii' xvariiscmmxiit- MOORE'S NON - SEAI(ADL[ i'i- f xihexxix xiiiRight herelx ltxch vc ifC K'S TE~A R O OM [OUNTAIN PENS '1 1 t xitr f lxpurpose. Ifixvc'vc ir. alxie vitobaccos, klept fine Wlhich aeeon'l ey :t1."i'elox al i xx veryxxi iscr heet in .electinig xoxirxxmotox lot cstdents o Fn s Cusn t'tumtoxx tens wad ix'GIa'ry tein Iii i nh . x x ithcx xixxxxxixmg' mxeiitoxxcxxxv- ' oeandweviii nxv ite yo to F r P l e t C i i anyoldltsay Noikiini{onox oi I i x orm('11 yovx urxng vs Nixvrta o i te x' xxvi . xixxvi r xitev xv h xkew w rec e tly smkcliihe witius.i Sp"ialiiat S r C . li i 1r E ienixtixi.Corneiandxcsnitn owgix HutonSedBros.,t will seed yiiilioxetivxapprxlxxt if n sI It) lo aeta im jO't eamneoit sexy xx the tcxxv. ''xi i could ciring becorex e housxiive xaxvi3 . 31aSState St Ea1s.t test Pirnay ix-x'xii xxxxxitvfxieixx Prices Most Reasonable. MACK & CO. 121' S lxx ccxi Ai ivii f. p IN t il. 'li i ll pri ev ilt. xlh v fxxx'xic' V .iofiM . the , xiilc xxi x i.ictg x i caei xx rd eer a i g be Sho an p Roms i om t c ofitsbein a ONEY LOA ED O Hthu Ciaeaxxiixaodtx'iadiCollateral anevar- Barber Shop and Bath Ron u xirliiitixixcxxi iiivi lxbutis t its iMON[Y [OAN[Dtad ~otaexi~c~r xiiiith T canxnotiay,"i addedi Profe' sorfccsxxcit)' t ssestsireiy cnfidntial EvorytiirsgFirst-lasa104 Fourth Avemue, op ieeort lousxe eHus ito1301o5'io8t. L '~tSo r h iy Iihc i citctii xiii h Two doors south sf City YMCA'W. J. LOURIM .1 R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. I i.i c lxiv chate )eedonsidercxxble vrse are nade from'y 1 made of leater the best of leather ta svsoie and in the fact'y tainvsoid rCoies of ihe besi /*ex a are water proof. tRD hee makers in ~ The Red Co- Sthe country. The duva Oxfrdai S ES name isooerade SH ES doa xodcid- mark and eveyimangadc- pair of shoes so________________________ ed hit. marked is guaranteed to give satsfactory cear and we are here to make Ask oetem cven ifyo dont want to buy. $4.0 and $5.0a pair. god.WA nRf.the iCO. Sitathe. SreliWAGNEW ft .CO. State Street Sit I iltS5gm of ttelig white shoe The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry 444 South State St reet THOMAS ROWE, Prop. G aFI t dy L r!Y p 326aN. Fith Ae. T e O i n z d P po eNew Phsnee 457t Bell Phone 45-L Ins~reb a steady. soft glow. of theFour G spels sCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY J Ciasses Saturday. 10 A. M. an Easy on the eyes. A SPECIAL LECTURE By G. P. COLER 750 P. M. rioderat. in price. Sunday, November 1 3 -_ Asembtly selsck Cheaper than oil or electricity. From 12 to I PM. WAi KING LOO ' Chinese Chp-Suey Restaurant Ot the bst from the largest asaoztmont. _____--'---Chinese Facy Dishes Ameran Lumuche of All Bile Chair Courses and Lectures are free ldes ad getemen. Cinoese and Japamnese tri--ra. r STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. iUp Stils.onirdr S. Bston Bros, 34 S Stae St. WilSoon Open MICHIGAN U1NION CAFE Watch For It