f'Rz M~!OWA~? - 1ITHE' MICHIGaAN DAILY -:,... T _._. G. HI. Wild Coumpany The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Westing, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G.11I. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street Get S% Good Sweater vest and you won't indisithose cold winds that are be ginning to make tem selve felt already. We carry the famous Sald ing make in two seights and several color eoteli nations the prices ae $4.50 to $6.00 AT Sheehall & Co. Student Bookstores i SPALDING The Lareest MYanufactrers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Oicial lllplesuts o Track and Fied Sports Unitorms tor alSport. Spaldin'. Handoosey Illustrated Catalogue o all sports contains n- oseous sggstions. Send oe it. -It's ree. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Cleago. Si Lass, fas ~ranciso. Mineapoilis. hever, Itffal. Syracuse, Plecs- burg,.Fllatdetpi, Bostn, Cincinnati. ait- scre,"Wshitota, ansas City, Clevetand, New Oreans.IDetrait Mntra, Canada. Masaging Edifor PAtsI,'SCo~r NIBowI-. Boainess Manager-C. F. WINSTEAD,. rDITOS News........ .... ..A. F Rithie Athletics. 'i.. illiam 'F. Gradoph Sparting... .Clarence . Cdridge Exchange...... .,JohO Watmtbold Musaic at Draaa..Ros -D .i Welh Wotmcn's Editor . .. Loisc Va Voorhis FarconoIAL TA'V J. W. 'McCandless Elmer C. Adams John F. Wave Robert H. Clancy NIGT ttI' tt't5 Itiratn S. Cody George H. Hobart C'Iauncey Bocher B. G.s R. Williams urceaceuS L. C. eid Lee A White Rayntoad Visseler M. B. McHugh A. L. Hainline Robert Montier Lowecll J, Carr lDonaldiL.IKinney J. If Prescott BUSINESS STAFF JotistFEsWrz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MCHttGA DILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : - p. In., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones a ot'crcit AsDAss Soi'.510551 5N1 .1 reins to writesa csnttt iiton te word ofs a man, tt Whio iyt cinitthelschct. :4t)1stfsintdu Iondan d dtefenstiiec. yet iti,,scs sles theli cis thatua spetaker ciIt the ometttarin siratoni schtool is cragged otaothetsculiriy whiiclisl reservet fsc thetstthat smtashi ot. is th, tptwerc of cteitaocyhatsork, ierto te htictsheart. tt-sca iastt'esork cequtircs'otecricica attentitnkand itseakrdeervsts' Thes tremits starettieirpsti of.\thet tissisitisisiltcshutsa.lmclitr pretasition,'atof thewrs sets s'xRheins hild55' i hlae iistias cititsg..ctteill s cidesto talatecand detie' ;lit s quotaon til s-qitcc:Isislear, an sorleiabe.sS isrittniherestistel ite recogni.'t.mtits'asvey sealtect. "A isn nojuthee stiexi tu ite scubsieor iipi li m' in'. Iattadtu insots i tstai spa tricit'stur n ,, Uiontiers tstete tiabl toicon.eitsrNasNoeinrpe''lta .tii seulreth sesis: 1aknrnotheretowot:i isgrcriticny ort.WI iegal to sitsd thetsacrs toliNcshille.u"siottrIisseni- cenrits'.etorsissecithlithettha- ivcosruteioni tittil'M. Raeitscehild himitself returtns. ts gietus a fll authr- itatitie sttiet:i W\ith theutper lassma,' wihoise letter appttearesd eserdar sic elleve sn ex 1 i i i i i i t 1 J I c i t 1 t t x i t c lanitittis this rsti te sture whencue the' trottble stsrtel. Adi if the wrs wet's'itsstlcl fiTt~tlt' may itpu sty pis- tke t th etstblerlirmstofiauisaologiy. Barritigsll qutestioss' thue justmiee r injuticee of the atllegediniuttationthue oceesioisissfI ittutternce ould censisit tic-sp'teaker, of sitsukntoliettcs acii a crutdecess sthich se asc'loishita telaise Oi atuy=etlege itani. I 1aisatinsvites himselitto usth husae iof afrinsitatd tre itleittir ttisslsstatufriendl.lie lis' ctisiitisilit bresech titno tle of a- smult atntattery essssetsttb ut ofi suae nastissallaset intittiate litss,swhih sosle stdiviola itste -f te feeligof 1isi- isal trustiwhchieltdtut ociety tosgether. In etonntectiontith thelt'attvetsoitisi a letter frnomsC' . I,.A. w ichiethlstcoei ts strt des. The' sandsta sknst etes aslttittellsttnesfsr whisieh there is a pretty general '.ma ttat. Bt that sitssiitttsirititlr i siistits Ifrsmisc- attittttiist. 'his gist cif the setes is itt the settee, T hec "'lmetietingwsatfor te fsotbaltesis '~t'am, he co lisintitat Ci tit legitimteitos' walts's isieltrstedclanut tati te Unstiionws rtseta little it Nlw sietlayingtheiticque stin sethtier the Union i tostchsle'.ithener ktrssst hrotiedingth sat itus.ewhtisjlsti-sl tition is tice foritetateenthaens mitteec whichi srrsngedl i il lasnsy itte -ier ofi the c'mmiitteeiie uhtmtthe irtissi tssi Stintpoittivieness ought ts li:a foundattttioni isislest sceure. si mtter of factt, these mstinisg sre cndutedes sinder the asices cii ue Michtsiga Uionsititself. is iitiotipot' stle thatsie ishlst eslls.'a te etisg kowts the purpoetsftiit le it ntssa.silea'.' thinskasble thatste nionIisskndets ishether itsTIrisgisig 'ilittinue 's sutislge ofi stitteit'.stuSol liiior ske oisifotbtiall enthiatttss";'sir silshtser Ipaly for this atnsipsicly-lfor tesake otismtetititg elss' Perhasthtieres sit mitake i allowsinsty doubsttlletpurstets its ts gfal. Bitt it is ciidilsssss ts tellteisiter if ceremtosiess ihit iwas oittlhisiprgramit. Wheltetrthe I uton is rushsie tot muctht i iinseral, tstisthe utrywtotu tiitettsiittnsIttbi s suise buoreweiesgts ins ts lay-t. Doutlesthitescommontstaly astdl bystndesresite ttesr squaliidto t ihse shs' lditers besrhasrd agasitst the' isheel. liiuIt stth sis mch a isu.tggesie esrisosiietssiosns. The situtionsisoiift.i Uioissws'.fully s ritiecl oithlirnighI iif the msts'.meeititg asiwssstuatuoftti' athleticiteests, Ater yersnof atiet I-and slrgelrunntitcied-labtior bli ew ls mri.n, sleen inthlacmovemetcon sise-' itig lhmidi, eei bruigsi to pa'.s for whicihs shtslowestisia'ditmetaestthadifeir- sect lyt hopedi, stt'cntthis'te wre i- istclinsedl isiswork. The lclbhouse hal seectsIbrouighttncer t cmpleiion. 'he' tickets ail eenti lltntt'sl. What wsa toi tic lusts'boitist i?Ws is'.i cs aco- wiens tso ceei the stiatter seret ? 'ias' t rathler tishe tie exeedinicgl ipir-' itstnefrmicnstgitanappteslto1sthue matss esi sssdents ihs isetitusit nowts sssto act.' Fromtinowu' itn iti scesof tat gresat u'nterprise tics ntnsholutcinsgbut its gettingig cecscers. Untless the etirolli rnent is ltarge,--Compjrising a gessdncati This is dtce Lineof the year do jotrity of use studients.-aill the wotrk saci think ofi ptlanintg iii usepas trwill erdush isco. a The cining- crest sad long bueen trusted Swveate rs, aboist.'Wht scoauld el emuorseimpislitie thaun to seep silent schessit hid ast s Foot Balls -arived-? Athersnatter, ThteatuitudIs si and statiatens totsandth11c Uniosuitpticses consively tut ciiistuntof es tlact u Gy mnasium tionio eomnaini ot ntecrary' it wuldtitsecmtshtt thispr in- s p le ciples if theis'institutionneeteso lie cast its te forensof si catechismc. ishieheauch stiasi wiouthitbticcompselled to msizne. I.' I. \ i eucccctuire Ilsisu utch for yetars se have sold manuiy'uotls itesetissue niiotulsarnced ste susperstition ltsste Uitsnista sri- ltce sest snakes icc Sweaters, rat(, enterpuriuse;tuut is is uoiie uitrcc Gymnasium sucpplies, Foot sincg samong sismayiofits kinduin thue lalls antI Sportinsg Goods. tuniversity. Its vrd nanie tilspirosu' rbd osus lvrboyist. hisaiver real sensie itishuto bieriolie',sou an a y siule, tie iwhole CUiversity, a prices are right. thinse;iof which eastuentcis iamucost- poniesnitpact. Isshustlldhue cspokeni ofias mu patrioitic citizeuspetassofciihisnive FottBlls$1.00to$ 0 ascii Andswsointo ou dvessaet . thise ot al t '50 Untited Statsuis t ryisng ttus adtuouulmiaksel itslfi suusccess,.'"awiuldi suthue hltisfosr W h airauistr, iccspirit tutu itsessee' ?Wsue thus not. use tos he csctimonusius. Btius Un'civersidtytBookstore somue ofist'e senttiicientseny prsfessesd bsy tupper eltacs n mst st sriks'eery _________________________ thiinkinuguservss sitrtssmtuuly illiontutu - tsiucreul mandI uiit isk TH5551 NK'tER ONC iser "suN1RE." It is score stisfactuory ht wriecomus- muniscataion'.slthan ho 'try tilts" for THEt DILtY-- Ott,'"blossomscntocssprist" e'sier tustd gwint.scirons fii ts' nisytyriumtph SO RF'WAtID-'To linduer sif open'i-faced Elgiss ieatchs flleud cast'. twe'nty-thuree jewcels:locomtoiv e ott ti. lRstsestrutsi 324 Jeffcesnstreet. 35 -36 Portrait framnes at Fosters. tf Tao dollars insures you agaisnst all loss by fire. Geo. J. Halter & Co.. Real Estate and Insurasce, 216i South Maltn street. tf =Mansdolinc and guitar players still issue delight its lookinig over slav Gihsout. Washi- hurnt, Marlin ansr Vega isses sit Roots. Old hintumesntsss tahensonaexchauge.andth eaisy paymnenis arranged. sf "si t se booeks for ret at Fosters. tf LO(ST-Purnse containsing $12 its sills. Fussier retun tso.132 ?'laa'tstiiSt., sandu recessvereswardt. 34-3; Ne vannuvals its Clesuset omu-slirts-I Auln,te Clothsier, Main Si. 31-36 1 A snice suite a5tf615 Church Si. ,sery neasoniablhe: steamisheat: Fisnc iithrtduom. 3=t-35 If yoss uare lieutsatisfiedt tiths aoui luoarduinsg placec. isy'hss'fohmrttsts. 6st Churchs St. 'Thes'shIave'smufIws vaceailt se .3 H and ha m mcered jew elry at Foster's. C, [. DARIN[[[ Law Medical Dental Books New and Second~hand Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. E. B3ARTHELL. Tel 761. 326 S. Slate St. ChafIin [dishes a rg iss tre'pitdis ithsit 'ssecialecuanmeldfoodutdish scud tu' inmprovedt lap.st Te she - eamus.'m$6.00. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler 1 NDE OTHEORS ~R~R i f SINWIN6 CLASS No student can afford to neglectdthe cultureoside of his education. To sing, or at least to be able no 'mu appreciate good music, is a very desirable accomp- lishment and in well worth bae effork of every University man. Classes in sight and en- semble tinging have been organized at the Unoiver- oity School of Music, under the direction of Fred Killeen, especially designed for University studensit, Special stress will be laid on the sing- hog of "Michigan" songs. Evening class Mondays at 7 o'clock. Day classes Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock and S ocock. Tuition $5.00 per semester C. A. SINK *be !5tubents' lecture E1ssociation Season 1907-1905 Premier Lecture Course of the -West SOUSA'S BAND Emil G. Hirschl, D. D.,LL.D. John Temple Graves Dr. Wnc. J. Daw.uucs (Loudons) Dr. Brander Matthews Lelandl T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read John Graham Brooks Oratorical Contest Opetn Number See " Prospectus" for Dates and E~xplanation of Open Number Tickets for Entire Course - - Tickets Reserved for Entire Course $2.00 .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. IMichigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. I i NJ" 121 Wsh~non!F. RANDALL, THE PHO TO GRAPH ER Phone 598