The MAichiga n Daily ANNARBOR, MNICH IIGA N .SAXTURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19907.N. x VOL. XVIII. No. 3 . TJA 1I~p~~ )01111Ier maxn asopose to16 ;- VA SIY ii ~ pIru I fo tie southerners. ur ac k- IN SOU H 1ld 0111g g 91-2 and \anderbilt's . WELCOME I 01 H lo iittd. l Vanderbilt Rm I . .. . . 1. 1F; . . . . .B a e The Team Arrives at Nashville- ftl L. T. ...Mfait Douglas Is Not Able to Play - I 1) . . .. . C ... Sherrel Schulz.......C. .....Stone Odds Favor Ilichlgan. Grala...R. G...........King Rhinhilti. If. . T. Il....asslock Bfl I. .G(;adolp, Staff ('orespeutfrt. Hammnd......1(R. E I,...B. Blake Nashville, lent., N.v.:--rlte.Mic- 'IXastttttxt.. Q. K..... Cotet gant football squad arritecd over -tet' Matoffn.1 .. 3H.... Campll Louisville & Nasihville ralway'fIonta 'lerdie.....R. I....... Craig ~ell....F. B .......ortos finittat at8 30 lti tt~rtitu. (Ifiicals Referee, Walker (Va.): A large axtc enthtusiastic cIowtd of Vanderbilt sttudents swelcottedth ~e party. umpire, Stou' (\ich ) : t]eai lixxsxxxtxxt CTe "Vanderilt rah!l " alterxnatetd tith lde(~eroFttt State). thte U. of A4. yell axtc the Looro ee Oc.', DAY'S G.\:tl WIL. BE Six auttomxobiles totok te pty tthte I' IYC)INMAN AI Duxncaxn hotse where rkf'ast twas RE ODCDI VANHL servedl..Xfte r the mxeal tle boss treoglt t ttle ilItilh takxenllcutitage. in tth'elyuomiesato eprouc 1tttted1isULitersity' all tis aftfe- Andrew Jacksontxt.forme lug mleoreod I nf1)o. lalurate arrttgetttcxts ae File, Coach 'tosts father-it- 11.the le ta t t i ~eCtlt t lttl [the doors ill be opeted al 2 o'clck enttire party is givenlthelrist tileifes of and1(1sotrtly after 2 :30, whenth ie gmte the Waltatga cltt house. Totigttthebgste]stmv en ilblahl oys are ivited to a tdantee :at e Cutxt try tub.tcrss the tsie whlihtledts directly tt Odds here fatort-Micitgaut,3 to 2.1't, Cne h ieto fteAhc S ahtvilestttdetnts fear the tavyt ie'Isiitt h Itg erlorl Ia f the 'yelltwatt tttth11eIltb tltc" Ind l ot eetdo h rsrmadhr their douxble ot of ltttek. 'Te i G ee tren'lerlea-tsxxlt txtltr itt ver1y titiontsofsIthe all till ie slxilsi tlirs still preselln t't o f tthesiestIt oft tshtfe thettballs.T h is till e elevexs eer trnedlotttheir.1111s~xti- yr asnitpilatel ly- "Sicer" C. George Irttions lll yatttl 'Re" Jextnisttnttill learl lte M\IGtxgix, forxxtrly ttte o t foot t tttl 1 er i , trlile llotbtClanlcy' will ra hatll stars atttl nttstcoahig'the t t I tItielltlllxstf h at .Vanerbit maynot ill, tit arm f tth ttttandfor tis reson ar ad satstedtht he wlldothirbe tmissonottwetf nl 't-fte stets wil Ie Vaxtderbilt hs notIbtent disr'aced a tI AxnntArbior axndlshe w till nt b Itt d Thle teaxm,. tith 111he ecption tf Cotstsx. t ClN \ROO T ERS WVILL1,SEE tllxr quarterbtackho sltse lbadl knete twil IYI AAATR no1 t.ter int e\cellentttCX I IAATIR shape. I axtnot c laixxiga Iytswistd Whenithe Pltenttnsylania tthetters ivadt(e anle~~s, charle-hr-ttxss' orte Iliet If t est on Nttt. 16,lhey xwill fitdlAn te eant is eat'll it is bee_ c rbrila tlt li'e'tollrecei e tex, gantis betelr'.'' Sudlsnt, 1ttto sletle. fraernexitis, 1and( At.big ralls, simtitx s , Itiar to the icigan tmrcantt s ass'Jtie'dlhads ill prepaai- matss mseetxxgstill Isbe hd tnigtitiouIoC th'le ent. lUtter te leat of Unxiit'erity Chapel. Evryoyhe theltBoatr I of I'Cxmmelrete. tmerhats fotbtlall eazt. ttill cll the tebusiltess sec ion inga At Vanderbilltlhisgamel-i rt'gariet lo'tits Stte tI'retill e tdecorael , thle iggetleettn tof teIsstoni ittotmte 'Y. . C. A. to Fery'Filtd. Extra Ileaches alebnees'lte'I'l itt rtle ttt'nd1(1ret tf. Petnsy twill Dxutley field int trttr t Itstccomtmotda15temnwitt theIt'y ellwtat' u tte. Somxe the large atexndaxce fx'ttxlltatsl of I f the1 lilt'rttiies and11cls hlvetheir thte Soxut. The rwtd it is epted.I-tr 1 is Lidtt, tthile uixhex', tre stil cox- willlbe the largest Ithteer wiltiesstd. i xtt.ixg te itmost efetie Idesigis a foo)tba~tll gaml:at Nasiille. TI htto eeigprvittn eeybd s I - -I LIfl VI, w ishixng'Mihigalnscecess it the I tetlst 11,1 A\NOTHEIR TRYOLUT gaxne. Colontel File is rot'inlg hatrdl tttft'- tthas cnildts o' ttt mtadolin td said: t"I sass'l t'he aasht gamlel. 1'Ii 's' btel'geerlly'know th at gitrs be at the gamteC tithx _a douiblebe .i''l'ld itt' ittltxtlein thtrs'yott. For tis shsotgxntx ta xke Ia1101 shotllsmteilneresnthe ltre wi1l e anol~ther trial to- if y'oux useCtup 'IcfZugits me1n1 Is youtit atie Ito7'clocek, in nisertiy' Iall. id te little giants." for tose n1ot1playixg last nigt. Th~e Mlichigain tetmxis in fntshall1111 J.'T. Creighst, leaer (f tx'eltxbs withx the exception tof Dou1gawha-Iaete tllowixg stteent last eet- thonugh hxc has itmproves'c oxsdrlsy itr ttI "Th es'sill xc a temp~orary' club sincee leavinlg Ann Aror, sw'lIntlgt of tenty -fotxteatrlxa permnxet0one intolltle gane. llerdice sill Its tIatedslatero f tstesnty. The laltewill be at right hal. Rai coxmmencedr l t fall sctotttosed of tncie maaxtdolis, six gi- 'xtxx xlnotx. 'The XWole'ieseixdt ta stt violis, 'cello, axdltraps. We l igh signal practice otxtDudtleysfItsldhbt stall play for te axquet and prosably were foreed toxs515topxonacco't fte t ak e a iCristmaxts axdlExster tril." heavy raixn. It it expectedl thxaItse - --- weather will favor Mihigan cosidster IfR1CORD-REAKING NUMBER ably.'lbs seater forecaslsys,"RI' UTFO l .XI,ON P'RIZE toihl n audymrig olwe y a clearing, bxt colder." IThesfittl, Tirtreett xmex hxeesbmitel oratoss houwever, will bevery leavy' axd Ite inxthelOst'rtical association prelimiary cooler weather will favor us taterxlr ly cotetst for te IHamitn prize. This as te Commodores have beexxpayixg ill is the greatest numober stteitnu the saria weather history tf te cntes, elecxi having The Vanderbilt bckfieldl is as Ixeavy btsent handed ill last year. and probsably fxser taxi ourxs 7xlxel Acsorxding to Prf. Hollister, this ga's line is muxct heavier. Vaxdidlt1111ys xo5tratioxns are of excetional merit, looks to Sone, the Coxmimotoes textIsrsxral of last yeir's experienced nen lee, to slop, Schulz. lHe is a star, bltxteavixg re-entlered thle contiest. Six of wveighsu only I70. thte tirteeix candidates will be selected .Mieigan's forssard line avterages 97 Ittecottpete itt the final coxntest, NINETEEN SCRUBS SSENT TO NASHVILLE j ILLINOIS CLUB PLANSMffl NT Ufl BUSY SOCIAL SI XSON II GANjljU Sj tCOND The Illintois club will hold its terst ONLY TO THARVARD smoker of the year in Nichols'Isall ontT i~iY I the evening of Saturday, Not'. 9. Ar- rangements for a special program andh Official FiueShwTaTol refreshments are being made by the sogre-hw ht oa cial committee. This event will initiatec Enrollment will be Over 5,209 a series of sotcial stunts being plantnetd-Gain is Substantial. hy the. clu.hi.nluding ,severalsmoes 1 Generous Support by Students, Faculty and Merchants Re- wards Reserves for Work. Nineteeni scrixbs left for Nashville via the Annxx Arboti railtad at ti1:30 yester- day' mornttig. They sill reactheir destiartn airtut 8:30 this forenoon. Greexie didl tntt appet'ir at the statioti to makie the tril. Owtinglto te delay necessary' tt the raisinlg of sufficient fidcs, io xarangemxets were made for it last sendx-iff. 'Tirty mxiutsxcbieure the departure of ihe traini there was1 a tdeficit so large that is it s ttghtlthat thee men must belef bxlehid. 1Hiseer, a itembxer of le exgiterixg facly, who decied to $32.30 andiiaxfess tiniuites later Regent eal dontectd $i4.00t. Tlhere wit still a teicitixOf $7.50. Capti. lHtumphrey in- ttded 1o reminlinittAnts Arbor, bit RobtiseClatcv, ishotihatsxsritended tile subisriptiost .pledged himself ts raiselthe xalance befo'e hx ean's re- Tho followtiing me o okxththe trip: Humphey, Emund ,Lilie, Brennan, Pxxxxtt xxxJoes KelleyC. I .Kelley, Cully, Chamoix imp xx son, tLangley, Vosburg, Wasn Besnbrooitkxti Eaxiat, C uig- ham. Robxiles.cILisiti.txnd M~aison. Stiltsritinstoxiinilxxcotering Caix cy's pldgsexxiiits receivedl x at e At- letc .asscitxlini txodax. 'STsessisancie xl the factlty axd Annx Aiborimisc hanlts was xan important fac- to xxxle stccess of te ovemen. Thotissihoisusibedsxxhxwsere:t Gardner S. Willi tixis Jxxnixs E eal, WIattles' isvry, Calkixns IDrug C'i., Fser's Art StetXWaxkersiey, CGs WIaidelic, Laxr es i xxtxtsit ti & Leitv t, Elmer Stfleti U ofiINl Co-OpxsStore, 1Hustton Brois, i l xilIO.. Moe, Iamb & Slitcir, Sshlxt seos., I. . WIillits, J. If Txtsi'ttttsssl 'tiker & Co., Fuller & Oy'Connotr Pacc, DrXxWaldron, L. U. Krueit'. uairry's Druxg Sore, J. L. Skixixer, JohnTx 'roijaxnowsski, Glen, the cilorxeoCi Roe. 1-Hery & Co., XWag- icr & Co., Wit, the tailosr, Sit .Millard, Rsxntschlr, Je Parker NE\\ FRENCh CGAME I16 POPUL-WfX 'WIT''THE GIRLS Dicboo,. tie gamieiwhichx is at preset fascinattigtParislihs reached arbour gyxxsasxxnx andtlhe girls are becoming getllyiiiterstd xxx it. The aparatus tf thit'game istluite sixtphle. I cot- sist o a ihilt Irop~e abxuttitwo yarts itt", listeesd bexten two aligt am- booti rodts aboutia fot in llengh, and a stixll objexttsf tallix r somte other light subsacesshapedt soteshat like an hour glssiTe attn of the game is to mxaes this smal l impsxlemenxt sits like a toxi ott thie lotsely sspended rope and thentti i hrowttitixe straightexing te rophe. 'Te gatme is senug played at Paris, anxd hundreds of petpe are sect there daily amuxxsing thesxxelves along the bsoulevatrts. l Ixixay' of the arks spe- cxi etuts for the gaxe avebuyseen madxue. Eniglaxtd is now taking it tp ansd it is knoxwsnxsomewhaxt its the eat-I eon part of iis coutry. It seemxs easy at first, but requires muchx skill olant the knack. It cas le played by any number of people, xandt is someixmes plxyed over tennis courts c11ixixCxx eia 'axigixoiFOR GACONS. 'There are places for foxr young men itt the cast of the Cerce Dranatique Frxxxcais. .ny tudents interested are isvited tot coaer with Prof. Beziat as. sonas possible. The enlarging of the cast this year makes necessary the addi-1 ional recruits. a special traixi 10 Cicago during te holiday vacation, and later probably a reception o Governor Deneen of Illnois. Tickets for the affair will be plltit sale today. Provision is made, however, that those ohio are not solicited may' buy tickets at the ext meetixg of the cltib or at the door of the smoker. The price of tickets io s ety-five cents FRATERNITIES DIVIDED IN BOWLING LEIAGUE At this sinthof the first week's plaly the Palladium Bowling League is equal- ly divided. The next game is Monday' Oexweix the Chi Psi antI OR.E. Fol- lowing is the standing:I W. ,. Pt. Alpha Delta Phi.,........ I t.67 Delta Kappa epsilo.. a..2 x1.67 Phi Kappa P si ....... 2 1 .667 Zeta Psi .............2 1 .67 Beta Thta Pi ............, 1 2 .331 Chi Psi ..... ............. t 2 .333 Psi Upsilon ................ 1 2 .333 Sigma Phi t......., 2 .333 PTTSBURG AUMNIfiPLAN Folk "PENNAE. Interest in the Michigan-Pennsylvania game is kern in Pittsburg. The secre- tary of the Michigan alumni association. in that city, H-omer N, Young, is sexd-i ing notices to all members of the aso- ciations that one hndredl resuerved seat' tickets have been otaixed by the asso- ciaion for the game. No concessions cats be secxred front the railroads, but it is hoped a large iuxmber nmay atedi in spis of that fue. oSUDY VENuIiNG T'AKS ATTRACT. A coarse in the evolution of Cris- tianity, givemn by G. M. Bartlett at M- Millant tall every Sunxay, is proving poptlar with the sttdents. Fifty are now enrolled. 'The letures are fe- quenxly illustrated with the stereopticon. Several interesting books 'tce also stxudied. 'Tbe class is open to all st- dens iterested. ADDuStS BaCcue ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Prof. Robert I. Fultom, of the Univer- sity of Cincinnati, will give a misellan- eons reading before the Oratorical asso- ciatioxn in Roonm G of te last building next. Thursday evening. All members will be admitted free. To others the admistion sill be twenty-five cents. CUSTOMS GOViRNtLt fORAO 'STUENS. At the opening of the college year ths campus of this University of Colorado at Boulder was placarded with the col- lege "xstoms." The following are a lets selections: All tpper clansmens speak to the new women students withoxt the formality of ams introductiom. All men saltte the professors. The freshmen get wood for the bon- fires, and ring the bell in Main after a game has been won by Colorado Always rise when singing the college hymn Upper classmen lead the rooting. Keep off the grass ! Make the leas possible noise, and tdo the least possible fussing in the library. Freshmen form at the rear of the line in all parades, HARVARD TO HtEAR BERLIN ROCMSR. Prof. Otto Pfleiderer of Berlin uni- versity will deliver a series of six le- lures at Harvard this year. His topics will be on "The German Philosophy of Religion.' 3xiichigaix still hols ee place as the lxarge st slate tuniversiy and is next to Haxrsa.11thnItumbtxier of studeits. This isacsorienitg to themaest registraion figurers s preparetd by Secestary Wade. There are 4,205 students erolled here this setnester, anincirease 'of 287 over list yeaxr, This is exclusive of summer schottl,itn swhihtootstudets wtreesen- rollesd. Aout aoo will extrethe Uni- versity axithessbeginninixg of te second semexsr. MIichiganx lily clcimxaplroxi- tmattely ,203 for theichss'lxtshyeare xfii97- xt0ts8. 't'his xdoeis noxllfai arhbexow lHar- varid's ttlexnrolxiext ofb5,q566 lxx comparing the enrsllmenxl of Mich- igxxxan xtid tarvard, it is only fair to coisider bat tall of Michigan's schools are oitixh~e same caxaptus, wh'ile the Ha- vardl Metdical Sctotl is in Boston, sev- eral milles froxmxthe uniersity proper, Rfadcliffe is eitirely separated from the rest of the mniversiy. ihiixgan hasxthle'-disinctironxof being thxe largeti universiy' outone campus. The absence of frictionx and the facility srithxswhichxsict a large nuxmber of stu- denats is handlhetd, is ax source of wonder to manyiusmaller istittions Thlerenrollxmenit : 1906of ol10 Ltrary ..... 1.... 6o 1728 Enxgineerixng............. 1x192 1324 Medical .................. 34a 36 Law .......... 744 744 Dental............. 160fx Phaxrmascxy ' 8.......... ) 94 Hltixxeopcmxiic ....fx.. 69 84 hIresex, 286-218 4504 .AXIk' SO3CIE'SIES CHtOfSE I)"B.TERS IN CONTEST TShes secondx tryout oxf this law societies oas heldilasut evenxing. lIn the Jeffr- soxiamxsociety' J.CE. IWinter, I. G. Kieller axnxi J. N. Birth son places for hr final trials. ThesstissianadtlA. H. Bexmis, J. C. IHffmxxanatd F. IL. Bates, the tmnxininxg '5xxrsday nigt, wilt cotetst toxnighti for the fixal places on this team xrepresentling this society against thec Adxepi tlietamxxof lie iteramry'depart- In tlie WIebster socity, Samx Wetrich, XW. A. Estrich, 2. I,. Buxrrougs and J. 'Titdbal sonssplaces ashinight. These men andmxxiStepelntiDlow'ney, CE. ooe, B. IB.tHaananadt A. If Meyers wi cotxest for places for thetetam which, still mice the Alphax xNix trans abouxitwo tweeks lateir 'Te contetsin x this literary depart- mentilssliial-atbehisIedhtonight in their respectiv'e society rooxts. About ten oxlen"will compaleteinxthelxsApha Nu and thirtenxitt teAdelpshi. 'The fight in boils organiatioxs will probhably be very cltise anit places in eithher society will has deservetdly wox. UNIO3N FINANCE COMMITTEE MIE''S 'SHIS AFTERNOON 'Te Banquet Finanuce Commtittee will meet in the Alumnsxi rooms this after- n00n afte the reports fromofte Yander- ilt gamae ave been receiexd. It is hopcdto x have a prsoxal report of the worek dons to dteai from every ticket- seller whbo has not yet reportetd. Each ight next week the comnmitee will be in the Alumni rooms romn 5 to 6 o'clock, It has een announcsd for the benefit of this linge ntumbe of faculty men who wish Ito attend tse banquet that they may securs their tickts either from the studeint solicitors or from the Finance commitiee at the ons given shaove.