COLILE GE STYLES UIEST OIE , ENR co. Where will you find sty le at its top muost TAILORSHigh Class pitch? In the great universities, to be sure. 5' Merioivdese Feshman gymn classes will begin I'lon' 'VRNISHERSMecais The college youth knows fashion as the bdy o.H T E SPplrPie small bykostefrhs corner of te I !Tere will be a meeting of the lDeo- jam closet. l craie club in Nichols' falal at 7 p m., Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot 'ColegeClohes"is plrasewhih fllsSturday, Nov. . trippingelyfomtes of tongnaes.hchManysltportant mneting of old members of Directly North of Law Balding9 tripingl fro scoes f togues May sicat lithub this afternoon s oclnck 709-711 NORTH UNIVERLSITY AVENUE tailors claim them-mighty few produce Roonm C. University all. Clark Pres___________________________________ them. 'T'ryouts for mandolins ant gigttrs for Weivt out 'ie tsu orthe Ciiersity M~attdolita club oilt be THE PI'CKWICK Wugeinvtewilyo the"sreis p or ed iht at7 o'clock it Utiesty Blir n B w ig P ro Autumn and Wintert woolens ready in ' lMeeting of Nw' York ctb totight 't0' the freshest weaves and "classiest'' colorings. Perfect tailoring at ctbhose. 83 Southt State street All tew euetbers are expectet to 1e pestEverything of the hst and the best fot Non inte line moderate prices-that's ours. e. askns of Pipes, Cigars, Tobaccos and Cndue. (Get the habt. Alt gradtat stttdetts arc requested Fourteen btwling' tickets for $111) to meet tis afterntton at 5:i0o'clock Tiosin Room I11, University Hall. Mctct ellePnon S. Ro0ttensateir MecatFalr ecmPes. of Grad. Classelhn17. 707 N. University Ave. f Attihorzed lettre on Christian Sci- ece, Friday, Nov. t, 8 p .n., at News- ______________________________________________ herry all, Iy Etwartt A Kimbatl 118 E. Lbrty St. J. KARL MALCOLM Prop. C.&Dt., of Cicago, 111. Admiissioufree..r vo oto JUST RECEJI'EDl A NEW LINE AMU5EMENTS FRED W, GROSS Liberty St., Cor. Fourth Ave. Asne Arbor The Maesic har Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of. Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only, first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. MEN 119 E. LIBERTY ST. Thea-to ffl Asn Arbor's Poneer Moving Picture Theatre Theatoriu dacd5Tursday,.hus NewShow satuesday,.hus Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. mi. JOE GILLARD, Prop. MICHIGAN DAILY LINERS BRING RESULTS "HALLOWEEN" WXill soonItbe eeand it will tpair o0w~ L. A. WEBB'S Punmpkin favttrstuck Horners Pies,'Mtehaieatl1Ghtosts, Witches and -\toethtsttteappiopitate napkins, doyl to. 109 s-oxxth Street AUjRAN IA j Carriage and Baggage toretachi 'outiletto utd tt'otiiparties, the prieil e t'$2.00. trieuiwit e 25Cens. Ifearedi to or feomiup-tis t eplit' e,'wilt be as Ceats. tI 'rs art'rte i toi-t-e et 'ash fortet'ttrieatt ait t ;' so ce CLUPECO SHRUNK titutist)y &(0. QUARTER SIZE COLLAR Wt. It. S 1'tAUK THEY GtVE BEST SECE.2tOR r 5C. lWA'tTTLE-TK5t'E ti'. I LECTRICITY Suspplied to Collegie Men a~nd Women for All P~srposes-'B? WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 W8..shiuigton Street FR.CE FOR DAILY AWVRTISING RATlS tonttheICHItGAN IIANDBOOK( given AddiresiBusittess Mtatiner No. S studensts by te University Yi. iTt. C. A. wcitheprs iuln fossil over fifty pages of intformatlin abot: er's tuttit the university. (Oe tunded anitforty-sinx___ pages aod New Map.N Call at McMILLAN HlALL ad ask fsr a suttseriptions taiken by tailt.eee;^ deaft tr HANDBOOK. mtmeey itrder. For Daily Advertising Rates.aa. Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Buildir Sgubsrelptlons takeuby mail-check, draft or money order. PROMIPT COLLECTIONS Air Sjtefa~ * 10n QICKRETURNS. ~etSaisfctonEUGENE MT THENLS TUVD ENTS' LAUNDRY MA ! Agent WITTERS' LAVNDRY Sagin11aw, Mich. OFFeICE 611 East William Street. Hoe Phane, 72 Bla LAW BOOKS 38th ydear Diotforsartee 36tis year Ins Quiz Booke LIn Anna Arbor Legal Miseeliay AnstiT Arbor CALLAGHAN ft COa CHICAGO Anns Arbor 8raaseh. State Street. Opposite Law Bldg. 1g FLAT-CLASP GARTEIRS Ek hvlo ng been the standatrd 25 cent garer. The pateitted flat clasp seitra prevents chafing, binding and catching in the clothing. The Brighton Trae ar Flat Clasp Garter is as fiat aa your hand. Worn by men who appre- clate comfort and neatness. Mode of pore silk elastic webbing. All metal parts of brass-heavity nickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dealers or by mail prepaid. For men who prefer a cord garter, we have perfected LOCK-GRIP BRIGHTON GARTERS * While they are quickly and easily detached, yet they have the firmest grip of all cord garters. The flexile robber diamond gripa with a boll dog tenacity. No wear or tear of the socks. Can't sprin loose or become accidentally detached. Made of _____ ____ _____ ____ finest quality webbingtall metal parts heavily nickel plated ' *+i brass. 25c and 50c a pair, all dealers or by mull, prepaid. mo.. MOE'S BARBER SH P PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market St., Phladelphia. 7K JW e Uasletty Ave. Makevs of Pioneer Suspendme. O. A. MOL --- STUDIOmmmRENTSCI1R, 319 Last Huron Street'