.r. .. 'V , - U U~iR~rniu iTHE MICHI,'AN DAILY. yy j gt left f64 tt y gyp t W . ...- ..... .i ; t-. "> _.... . . y owl P-0 Zi U. II.If fluU U ll 1Wll The Lrgest Stok in the City of Exclusive Styles N WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Efverything required for Sis overcoas, 1anes \ estings.ad 'Ihouserto t and of hg lass fabrics and special stytes Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpanly 311 South State Street BOOKS Save half your money and buy Secondhand Books at 'Cbe ztuocnt6' I6oohtore University Text-Books for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for, En- gineering Students.. We carry ail the best nmakes recommended by the professors Our prices always fle lowest. Ibcotcal Vooie, tatiooep anO itut~nfaSu 1ppies SNIIAN'S LA[R FOUNTAIN PN The Best $1.00 Pen in the World SHIEEHAN & CO. SATE SiTEET SPALDIN'S OFICIAL. FOOTBALL tGUD -- Contini the New Rles - - With full page ersatioey pitres. lticieitbiiy ater temp.'Te laret loot- bal l d ieer utitiste. Puliifl aiinii uti uica oris, pictures fiiu'cn,euiipiiyu'ls. Price o. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yrk, (ticaga St. Lui is. nVwsus ine apoins penver, lstlei. Syrcse.iits burg Phildelps.iaist~ni.Cintinnisea . ti- susre. . S ed yur usameiiid net a fre' copy or the SlimngisalliiianiiWiter Spents Cataiogue, cninistg pictures eud pies i ali the new sesoneeisethetieg;Boobs. Ifnsi' sss lteiisgei' K-;C . i-tt 'ii. Niiis ........... X:. F. Rithie Atlilctics..., V ,. illime F. traslslpls Sptiniii.......Caen cc~. Eliriige Ioelisigs'.: .. . jhn \Vusetolsl Musiii.anstdIDrauma... .Riy I. Welli Xisiiis'i's dior.lToise ViiiViorhis BUSINES STAFF- john F. Wre . IHarry Hill Carl H. Adam 'I'll RSI).V SFI'T'FMsl RIFz6,1907 I'iiiiuiiiiceeni tit tiiiiisewstics Well would sinte relde foi teirir t' adccasmedu foii iiiiiy theiiniaiiie of a cogrtltion. Jt is tie;ethere wouiilitl i he ioavaitagin iaving nc a sliaimiilesssitreti of mteaiiing,.tiigt tbe sled ai tlay ouse. The fasi gowt 'of 11111Here in lstiltutis hisisalreaiy the sirile f this ui'llcieviemetti is that iitiles is aiiioppolrtuniityitillse .5'15i'i ii ic' te ttirs iill le t id the cilifehousieiies.king ivits'mlial wilii lit',iaeittiie.Ithisette ii ii o ieihand ly' collges iicitslioclioni: a11111111te itei ly the 5small1 icollgs wthere alsudiieits tiectitiiti cqait- stood iiitdiiger iof ioming 11111of cu- leestiltiiiiciil in the 111ugli abeieto Nr i ali tendur'ihie:111b1tuiciirosy 'mheio iptlty.or toipralielan iy ot the1' genitlei irs f illhe Ii1111111 ibeig i malilasls eeduain.sititl'neow thi' ist by ills,iprscticl stags'elourtel'wihereuiie lioy te godildii-fashionedt kitiit of cultiureihliiidasiig. XW'e cnot er illsclistoospompisif thetesudrost loalyotenivesityth pents th- i toin the11 il ittti ssoieitio. ' 1'i 11ssoiatonis 1111w atout $6,oo in idetiolintoi ithe etensivetiteesvee meniitstit arie being ae i ery Fietl A geeatwotel is beig:dote and ini order tocomeisteythe tians that swil gi15eXlMichiganitoseeofiitte 61t10Atatiletic filsith e eiientty, a largisamointif voe uste x exeedi. Ferry Fild i~s eniito thIlsstueitt bod, aedit ibe hiiiiis she 'stuideiin uty tsuporttee tios polssiblie. Ill"shelsophmoeve is e eeetegletitg sonils' cllet oppotiuniiities. 'Ple shudIiieitmet esstetitg freshieini at1 tee isintg taits,siian detthee little'exame ocf AnnitiArbort'giiiitlfel- k siti ' h1is teuisiTave addedl no lit- le to,fIts lorious ecotul which they 'class if io hus ee dlsig for itself slting lhs pst luwo eings. Apreoiet menber of the eingeer- ing facutieso sadlt10hieeewagered ier o' oneithlat tes lecture plttorm in Uni- vesitsy iHlll wiltlnot htild "Big Bill Taf hen ettioenis eeenext Feruary.' Vte tinktetb itte is rie for that pros- puetive peesientil cnidtfeate to supply his owtnli"platforte." Whalit is tie ext reaitin beteseen titt $9,4,oe0 eiitrt ite uandilthree prosmisinug ret seiool sars, swhen their gvsitples sree ettilly diviergent from the U'niiieesity ofiitChsigo s aai txs? SF.VFd.\L, CHIANGESIOCCU~R IN MlFICtf'Xl.FACLTY Man'stu tewiifasses iill le seet iniithe seicatel facilts this fttl oshile sm of te lest kiiiwtointsteuctorsehaive left for inis fields Dlv J. 1.\MC tUtrieh, swho lis leen sioftsst f astomiuly for the paist tell icses itscceeeptedl the echair of ateoty at the f itsersit f Tuoronto, Iis alma'. maiter. Dr. G. SStreter, o te Jots Hopstknssmtetitlshul, sill take thu' chai sieormutery teltby lDr. Me~urrieb. Ir ets r isiiisi eitisiute of Coluiebia and has betesnia iststor tue Johns Hopis sforsei'titee. swhere le gaineel muihiillssie fri'imiorligilal researh. lDr. C. ID. Campis. of the Untiisersit of Pnstisitiss. iwill tete pasce of lDr. arret ass liticeal tieofessir of neros disase.D.Bartiutehalis tk'uthite ill o eros idiseasess. saejui r ifessor in tesrputtis aniil sitcisss ieuies. Dri. ID. Ms. Cowie wiltte clinicaltprofessore of pediatris andut tr. .ju. Randtallassisantutpro- fessuiw'of tphysics. 'Te'istructtos sre r. H. XW. Stiles.usassilliy; lDr. 1.TP. IBillitgs,n- stetris ; IDl. M,1. CCusmautn, oto-lryt- ology anislDt. I. N. Fist, eanltial s'iemtistt'. tGtill.S' PARTY' TONIGHIT AT NFXiII"RRY HALL, Thr its'he usgirls' lpart' this rvcn- inig at RSocck iue Newblerry Hilul. At simprompt enetertainmseent foloweul by refeeshmisiiiss te eesitg's programt. Recepttionss fromesfitur to six, Thus- dasy sft enooss.fr tiree is ets cot- mnig Oct. 3' wiltiethels in New- berey all for tll girls. Refresbtents isill te seedes. 'The associatit o sus' ness'geeral see- retave this year lto ill tes'vacaniy ausel by tere signattssioof MissCGerrude tDavisonst. Miss AXnnsaiB. Smith, re- ceetltyvof ]lelusnditStanfordiv llerrsity, is tosw l t' genierual serear. .Miss David- soit tias asepttedsa ps sitionu as trelig sisteisi seeretrsit the . XW. C. A. due Ca'luiforeni'a, Arizoinat eund Nevada. This're'gtuar metings of the assiea- to will behte'l iiilhe' Balfrimi 5 tm 6 pin us-evey Tuey. It i nesw fall Sphin $,oo hats are in aputawiti you retointtg. Crrect styles. Feed W. Gross eorer Liery and Fourth avsetnie. ced 1-6 I i I i I I I r I musi0c anb 'rfma Mr. Llewelyn L. Renwikk bad of the organ department of the University Scheool of Music swill give an organ re- cital it St. Thomas church Thursday eveing, Sept. 23. PIANO Axe VOCAt RECITA. A recital will e given by Mrs. George I. Reiad, pianis, and Mr. Earle G. Killeet, baritone, Friday evening, Sept. 27, in Frieze Memorial Hll. olls perfortmers are members of the faculty of the Uiersity School of Misic. Mrs. Rheead is an excelletnt pianist. She has stisdiedl withl the best teachers it this country ead abrod atdlis in former apernces lien received etthisiastic- ally. M\r. Killeetn lis a fexible, welt coterotlldoice, which hr ses artistic- ally. I le lis appeared maty imes with success. The progratm follows; Preludse atd Fugue, A neimor. Bach Mrs. Read.. Das Sanidchen........... Rittgetliagen D')as Veilcheti ................... Mozart Hlark., ark the Lark...... Schubert Verbtiigetthtit ..........With Mr. Kileen. ltercettse ...........Chopin Nightesgate ...........List stuufsehs'utg ............... Scutmtnnu Mrs. Rhead. Frolosguer (Pagliacci) ....... Leoncavallo Mr. Killeen. Etde. C sharp ..............Mc~oweel Mrs. Rhead. Ramtsey Town ........... ........ Mauta The Bhotsy I Love. ...... XWeaterly Cotul I Forget ..... ...........Asrnot Pirates-Song..................-Glert. Mr. Kileen. PROFESSORS KELSEY ANT) WENLEtY OUT OF TOWN Prof. Fr.atcis X. Kelsey left for Phliladelpia, Pa., Ttuesday, at te re- iest of hr. Jos. X. Cohran, sereary of lbseIoard of Educationt of the lPrs- byteriani church, to tmak tplea before thatodbty ii behalf of reigiots edtca- tfionini state universities. lHe will re- trnuFridlay. Frouf. Wernley, upon the special in- tationt sf the fauslty of Torotto utiver- sity, is attetiding, astheu representative of MXichigan,. the insallaidn of the nes president of leuntisersity, IDr. Falotner. Prof. XWenley left this mrting and swill be huchSutnday ight. Alartmtchcks warranted for one year, $1.00. Hller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main strent. od Kolege Clothes for Kollege Men- $ie to $2.o. Allen the Clothier, Mir street. 1-6 For Laboratory Sppfie, buy where your professors do. Goodyear's Drug Strc. I-t2 The man who ktowsvsbuiys clohes of Gross.ecorner Liberia ansI Fourth ae a-ue, cod -6 . IH. Lith, Alarmu Clocks, $.o. 25 EasiXWashington. t FBooks Why pay luli prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We allow 20 per cent discount on Drafting Supplies. t0 per cent discount on Draftin Instruments. 10 per cent discount on Univer- sity TextBooks. We bougn a large stck of Second-hand Law Books and will ell at underprices Writing Paper by the Pound. 20c 25c 35c Wahr's Special Fountain Pen, $1.00. Every one is guaranteed Mate our stiles yur headurtes Waher's Book Stores Secnd-hand boks bought std std C. E. BARIN[L[ Law Medical Dental Books New and Second-hand Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. GET STARTED RIGHT And becurome cuaitd Nwth thu only fbrstclass JEWELRY STORE Everyhing in College Pins, Fobs Jewelry Etc We originated them all WM. ARNOLD >0 Aain SI. _ - .__.. -1 ;li It's only s.. Short Step C~h ePlace where Y.. Materials o Qualiyj Sold,.: Irv fact, Everythiffu for- the St~.adext., S'~appliies of all kin~ds. U. OfJM. Co-wop Store Cho Store with the 131uas Fron~t Ubhe '. univevsf tX Zchoot of (Mlusic - PIANO + S INGING VIOLIN ORGAN ELOCUTION AND DRAMATtC ART PUBLIC SCHOOL METHODS PIANO AND ORGAN BRNING Call at the office, Maynard Street, for full information .4 Cbe !5tubents' lecture 1ssociation Season 1907-908 Premier Lecture Course of the VWest SOUSA'S BAND Emil J. Hirsch, D. D., TLD. John Temple Graves Dr. Win. J. Dawson (London) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (Ind.), Oratorical Conotest John Graham Brooks Open Numh&e See "Prospectus' for dates and, explanation of Open Nuttber S. L. A. Officee Main Corridore University Hall. Treasurer's Hourn, 41to6 daily, Saturday excepted. ~tcIhets for Entire course, X- 2.00 Secure your Seson Tickets from student canvmnsers or'at S. L. A. Office. _ii ! i iL. _.. _.-~ - 121 Wasington : RAJATDAJIL, THE PHO TO GR 41'tER Phone 598~