THX, MICMiIGAN DAILY NIEWS OP TIHE MEDMICS. F4IN' h:CHICKsEN SLIPPER Sam Burchield's 1V-,1:!-s Ico" commenced on thle Special attention given to j~Fi e iailori nou ie1 1 tst nitlbehind the medical Lake. We catercto dancing, ya I rc ovakn thc river. skating, ite-Iboating, and supperTr d I Trade I --Spring Chick'en alaways servedl wi A. m etnofthe Physics Colloquium dcrcd at rcgular meals or for wil oxiiccurv inest Monday, antl the rega- .tparties. NMr antl 'dcx. Jas. F. ~an lariimceting of this 3Hospital Clinical so- Proprietors. Ill X'edicsac PRINTING--I'YPErWRITIN R .Fall and Winter Furnishings for prive hitmore ctig pites. Men and Boys Spalding Sweaters .G. l1 o 15flirts Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield 'T -~ 10 6 iX O* EAST HURON ST. lDo youN 7- l") worth 1 . for$1. Call at ouc: ctxce at x' i particulars o iie Sne xi' Company's great interoduactory offr, the greatest offer -IIsY^ c .is tit toilet prepar'itions. Ten articles for the r4 SR.OWN'S DR.VG STORE 1I:.ELibacty St. ALARMI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50) $1.75 All the best miales cadfn]-att isa i .iiii MICIIAN PINS AND FO011 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCHI REPAIRIN(i A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector far the Ann, Arbor Railrvad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN Sr. Branch: 304 S.Stair Si. The Reason W11hy I 'tii cato Ispingy; a upl- peise. with my annal 1fall sali of Pipes . i cninc ' a thit I arry the lamstan mast CanpltelineaofWps Tobacc.anirlsuan IirYteti in tlb C ite. Watch the Window Re E. JOLLY'S1 30lls Mobh tall Sire MRS. IJ. U.TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER HairtGoods, Hlairdressingc, Shsamipooinig Manicuring, Face Massace a Specialty. 322 S. Stale S.llUp Stairs) Belt Phone 359 Owi onilyinfirmaI~ry if tie country which lia noi ienc. All of the wlrncisa done byi theilteaccling liirce. assisted by! Tefillmiiaivoficers lhavebeeini c- dc iill' liihe.JuioriicResearchl society Cccseve,,for thiccnsuinigyecarl:Presi- Cc ii, 1Cc. lii Ciian;CCIIe-preiden~t, Mrl . ialiCll: secetaii--treasurcr. 1Mc. Rolh- Ii CCChonor s51cmiic hicli for tlelast I C te cicrs ills tirowniICeach freshmancl clssin aivtrmil is ieing disculssedt liorgth irs eafenicci Clainstwill prob1- tb cornsillforiIfic al tetlcment with- iitnetCci C a cl. IEleclion cards anid all kinds of print- ing at lowest prices. Special price given for ticktet orders. Michigan andI~ frater- ity statioinery a speccialty. Hleadqular- ters for lypen clilll. Jlliffe & Kite- mviller, over C~o-op. eod WXeair YoxlCC's iatis (nonlc e leter ICIadCe). :Alen, tlihe Clthiecc.Matin St. 34-36 Alarmo clockxs warranltedl for one year, r$o Cl. IlallcI s .Jewevlrc Store, 216 S. Mainl streetceod Cauntlet Civecs. XWaCgnier. & CII., Stale Si. 31-34 Hand hammiered jewelry at F"oster's, If yoiu wanit the best foantain pen in the city, gio to Cashings, 336 South State street. tf Underwear in piece and union soils Hats Caps Suit Cases Fancy Vests Men's Jewlery ........ .. .......... . ......... Gloves Ties Belts Hose Pajamas Night Robes Flannel Shirts Umbrellas - ti 'CIty i \Icdic'i society Is arraniigng tiC 3rceion itiniithi e et 1f55 iii 1Cotlli ir gyaniiiasi. An op- iv ixill he i vlenfoir the lmemblerx fiCrst'er cl~iSS to viet lie fcc- CCCI tipercla'nismeni~. Portrait framiex at f'oster's tf t to examle Iset by llicitigait. Eachlois tcs suite C- Care Iuiliii h losptials de- C IC siciti' csliil l fisaility, Clii -11Ivioi vii Ithe i'overfoitwxsiof the C i ss in thCliniciplit staig's. The n"\\ daxrk lioia for lie X-rah lrne it hs e iefihted tillaCliiIs t ')oi estr~ its kind il tile coutvrylilt- .lily?,' 1' i - ii- ,iiit 'ceqiiinog the xcr- C .c- of l CC three'met. I is in scharge iof C' 'cciinonC ,. iAici. The gox era - -Il Ci I ccilirep C tici thesc Iaiiiiriiliri-C Ct i1e.,\ n"1\,I hoispitl tbciblielmt ii C . rt1, tc Co raIto.vii if i, vlueis CCi i lsewi. uion or t -o i c' Chits. 'Xiii'i. lie Cilt ier,I intce if5s;8 ie have made Wafch Re- Cx r l it on of stir strongest featares. [ lal, iiijewlry Store, 2t6 S. Main street. Icod C CCC '1ll, Cli \Xigiicc& Co.,.State Si. 'Ciii if t e i . ug wihitce xliiie. ;z 3. Ii )o Gro hol' "'e;? I hii tie blest ali' 4 , iiioomiin thC le state.l'rs' them.l C -still CBro., i3i t iMaynard St. if Twocoillars insares yoa against all loss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Co., Real Estate anidlInisurance, 2I6 Sooth Mlaiiistreet, tf latniililaiidCCCIguitr lali~yrs IWill lake (elighi it oiiiinig iovr thibison, ZWash- iurin, N-lartiti CCIII Vega lieslat Root's. cas paftil'iiic i c i i Itrnge. If Pyrographiy gooidx at Foster's. tf See our compltiete line of Mbichigan pins, foibsxavidi souvenirs. btaller's sretiy Store, ?111S. Main street. end Guitars Cite liestI ior musical cdubs. SchCacttcclc & 5111.ijCcito ,Xtaiii St. end IOul irc sc ill he open Sun- dailes- tis year, fcor sale of tohaiilcesos. caiiiies aiidlStin- S tay iplersi. XXtitter Rheins- c i(illncharge. Husxton Bros., 0,1CC 11,2 S. State St. STAEBLE.R & WUERTH 211 S. MAIN ST. Walk=over Shoes Mere and Womren Special Styles for College Wear This season we are showing an uintsually large assortmsent of Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Com- plee Line of Fall and WTinter Oxfords. We are showing some especially new styles in Brown Cordov-an, Blucher cut, - three soles to heel, trid a hieav'y brass eyelet and large cuff reinforciug the top. Also a large assortmieiit of black and tan leather in celebrated French Calf Skins, in Btuttoni, Bliccter, plain Lace and Strap and Buckle effects. If not acquainted with our label ask your friend how they wea~r. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50 WALK -OVER SHOE CO. 115soUTH-IMAIN ST. Hart, Schaiftner & Marx I T ALL WOOL CLOTHING The Clothier, TflE FARMERS AND MEUCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURfON STRIEETS Capital, $5oo00, Surplus and Profits, $65,001 Coneal Banking Business. 3 pee ent pail as Time and Savincs D~eposits. Safety De- pasit Boxes to root at $200and upwsardS R. Kzuer, Pros. W. C. STEVENSs, Vic-PieS F. H. BELOSR. Cash. n. A. WILLIAMsiAsst5 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock. $50,000. Surplus, $200,000i~ Resources, $,200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Orrncuns: Chas. E. Hiscach, Fees. ; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pros.: N. J. Felts. Cshlier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth 3no. V1. Sheehan. W~m. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vauchan Jul. H. Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jns. Ktoch Prof. H. S. Carhart Hensry W. Dolsa Christian Martin Dan it. Zimieiransi FIRST NATIONAL BANKI Ge ANN AuBOR, MICHi. F. 0. KINNE, 1aAtctIhlii .01LE El Pros. 'iice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashiii. Capital, $100,0h00. Surpius sail Proifits, 51:)0.000. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Suit, Overcoat or Cravenette We are showing the. right style at the right time See ousr Hats and Spalding Sweaters WADHAMS (Q CO. tS-EE The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Dlisigns 10 UOfM. PILLOWS SAND3 BANNERS j ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnuishings. in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Brie-a-Brac. Fashion Store 121.123 S. Main St. _.,- German American Savings Bank 0 .Mri FUNERAL Yo Commerclal ann4 Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 9$: patent Leather Belts mlade with veel- Hot Lunch 8av~n~s vtathc Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 macvaes.iabasIo et asAtTnback 5 .Stt CornMa.s~ radLlbrty I ' pieceecfthe dresscaood's hen sendingcordee.j CoS.nMal ta CrdLbry teas AMBULANCE ON CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. Will Soon Open- MICHIGAN UNION: CAFE Watch For It